Chapter 1: The Sun and the Moon; Part 4: A Deal with the Devil
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"Fire! Fire! Fire!" Nephilim shouted, as she fires a heavy laser gun on the charging alien beasts. Besides are her are her loyal soldiers battle tested by the a war against communist aliens. They are all equipped with energy weapons. Each shot sends a bright beam of light that seems to be swallowed by the heavy blinding rain. But the soldiers know they are hitting something.

Attached on their power armored visors are thermal optics. They can see the charging beasts despite the blinding rain all thanks to their thermal signatures. The lightning that kept hitting them didn't even bother them, their power armor protected them from the lightning. The hurricanes are more trouble though. The storm is so powerful it sends debris that is so fast it can destroy their bubble shields. Not to mention that the hurricanes are more than strong enough to lift the soldiers themselves and send them to their death. 

Nephilim was aware of this, hence she ordered her soldiers to all wear heavy power armor, Making them two and half meters tall. It gave them more strength, armor and weight but to the expense of mobility. There is also the added vulnerability that the soldiers aren't trained to use the heavy power armor. Their movements are clunky and their aim is horrible. But then again there are so many alien beasts that they don't even need to aim to kill them. 

Behind the soldiers are the starship's maintenance crew, they are attached to the starship that they are repairing thanks to their magnetic armored boot

s. Their job has become much harder due to the low visibility of the rain. 

They try their best to ignore the flashing lights behind them that is followed by the roars and growls of the alien beasts. So far Nephilim's unit has protected them well, despite having only fifty soldiers. Most of her soldiers were wounded due to the crash she had no choice but to leave them inside the starship while some of her men tend to their wounds. 

With fifty soldiers on her command she ordered them to make a circle around the damaged part of the starship, pelting the alien beasts with energy weapons. The biggest downside of energy weapons is the lack of a kinetic punch and the weapons tendency to overheat. The rain has mitigated the overheating problem the other one though is a different story.

Beams of light hits the alien beasts, though most of them gets incapacitated or killed immediately they are actually gaining ground. The lack of kinetic power didn't push these creatures, instead they simply fall down, while the next does the same, they are moving closer inch by inch. and they are getting closer.

"Switch to kinetic weapons!" Nephilim orders. the cannon on her tank destroyer then fires. Its shell travels above the horde then explodes, sending shrapnel towards the alien beasts, killing them immediately. The soldiers switch to the machine guns that are attached to their heavy power armor. It was a symphony of guns blazing to the beasts. The bullets have explosive tips. The bullets explode upon impact and the shrapnel kills a lot of the aliens. Thus the aliens were pushed back.

But soon a new problem arrives

"I'm out of ammunition! Switching to energy weapons."

"Machine gun out, switching to energy weapons."

Nephilim clicks her tongue in frustration. In front of her is a wall of corpses, with each that wall kept piling higher and higher. 'Just how many beasts live in this planet?!' she thought to herself. 

Then she hears it. It was a growl but not of that of a best but of a machine. That growl becomes louder and louder until it turns into a roar. The beasts suddenly stop appearing and she can hear the loud roar of a machine followed by the dying growls of the alien beasts.

"They stopped coming. Is that all of them?"

"Don't let your guard down soldiers."

They heard howls and screeches, followed by a mechanical roar. It didn't take long for them to see alien body parts to fly above the wall of alien beast corpses.

"That that?"

"What is it soldier?"


"What is it? What do you think that sound is?"

"I'm sorry sir-Mam its just... it sounds like a chainsaw."

"Chainsaw?" Nephilim puts her armored hand on her visor "Are there terraformers in this planet?" she asks the ship captain over the communication device that was integrated on her helmet.

"No Captain-Wait! Yes.. yes there are. Its a bankrupted company full of Volunteer workers, they been terraforming this planer for three terran years."

The roaring sounds of the machine seems to get louder and louder. The growls and screeches starts to get dimmer and dimmer.

Until finally, it all stops. The sound of the storm is the only sound left. 

Nephilim and her soldiers had their eyes glued on the mountain of corpses. 

Nephilim gulps preparing herself what she is about to see. There is no sound yet she can sense it. Something is approaching.

She can feel it through her soul as if something is enveloping her very being.

"Don't shoot" she orders her soldiers. "Unless I say so."

It was a mech, a hunch mech. Unlike the tall and proud mechs of the knights of democracy this mech stands hunch. It is full of scars and welds. On its arm is a claw and on the other arm a long and huge chainsaw. What is striking with the machine is its single eye, that has the cold hue of blue. Its like a will o wisp guiding unfortunate souls to their resting places.

And that will o wisp is appearing closer and closer to Nephilim's unit.

"Unidentified machine refrain your movement!" Nephilim shouts, he voice amplified by her helmet.

The machine stops. 

Sweat comes out of Nephilim's brow. For some reason the single machine is sending shivers to her spine. Listening to her soldiers, they are also feeling the same.

"Ahhh Hi" says the machine. Nephlim was taken aback by the voice from the machine. Usually the voice coming out of mechs are deep and robotic, this one however she can only describe as... fruity. "Are you the soldiers that we called for help? You guys are late for three years."

"Is he gay?" One soldier asks.

"Maybe. I don't know ask him."

"What a fruity accent."

"No I am not gay" the machine says as if he heard the conversation "I am not gay I am poor. Goooosh me, I am going crazy."

"What are you doing here civilian?!" Nephilim asks.

"I am terraforming this planet here you see. But then aliens attacked and they tried to penetrate our buns but we killed them all so don't worry."

"How many of you are here?"

"Not many just me. They killed my friends. I'm the only one left."


"Can I enter now? I wish to go inside."


"With your consent of course."

The soldiers looked at each other. "He does not have my consent... Keep me away from that guy he sounds bad news."

"Sure" Nephilim awkwardly answers.

"Really? Thank you sister, You are awesome."

"But don't move." Nephilim gulps in anxiety, usually a civilian in this situation would be quivering in fear while begging for asylum. But this man with a fruity voice isn't doing any of that. In fact it is the total opposite, and she is the one quivering in fear.


"My soldiers will be the one who will move you."

"Free service?"

"No, this is for security."


Nephilim looks at the soldiers wearing heavy armor. It didn't took long for her to pick an unlucky soul.

"Please captain don't make me go there." One of the soldiers wearing heavy armor pleaded to his captain. "The guy is giving me the creeps, captain, he might be hiding something."

"Soldier" Nephilim replies in a gentle and motherly tone "There is no greater sacrifice than someone else's."


"You won't be forgotten Roland. Do it for Democracy."

"You got to be kidding me Captain!"

"Go Private Roland, For Liberty!"


"Go Roland" the other soldiers started to cheer "For Freedom, Liberty and Democracy!"

"SCREW YOU ALL!" The soldier named Roland shouts back as he approaches the mechanical beast.

"If it moves an inch, Shoot it before it kills the rookie" Nephilim orders her soldiers.

"Will he even survive?"

"Don't worry Soldier no.1 he has a name."



"But Captain, I have a name."

"Calm down, soldier number 1"

"You got to be kidding me."

Roland's rifle is raised and aimed at the mech. His movement is clunky and awkward hence why his approach is slow. "DON'T MOVE CIVILIAN! I AM HERE TO ASSIST YOU!"

"I won't move, you are the one on top Mr.Soldier. Please be gentle with me." The mech replies in a rather high pitch voice that obviously belongs to a man. 

An image of a skinny homosexual was etched on Roland's mind the moment he heard that voice. Yet for some reason he can't help but be afraid of the man inside the machine. His armor is thicker, his bubble shield will protect him from any damage that the mech can do to him. His weapons can destroy the machine in a single shot. By all means it isn't him but the one inside the mech who should be afraid, yet it was Roland who is getting terrified.

With each step his heart beats faster as if it wants to leap out of his chest. With each clumsy step he felt an aura that makes him want to run away from the machine. With every step his heart was filled with dread and with each step he felt it harder to take another one.

He grits his teeth trying to ignore the fear in his hearth, he even piss his pants, luckily the power armor's are built to accommodate that, saving him from the embarrassment. But alas he has already reach his limit, he felt as if he is going to die out of fear if he takes one more step towards the machine.

"O-O-OPEN YOUR HA-HA-HATCHH! C-C-C-CIVILIAN! DA-DA-DA-THAT IS AN ORDER!" his quivering voice was actually a whisper that was only amplified by his helmet. 

"Ok but please don't shoot inside."

Roland wondered why that reply sounded so sexual and terrifying at the same time. Then the mech's hatch opens. On top of the machine's hunched back an armored door opens.

What first greeted their sensors is a pair of hands. Brown hands then finally the pilot shows himself, he has white hair, one of his eyes is red and the other one is violet. He looks at the soldiers with a grin on his face.

The soldiers flinch at the sight. Roland the sacrifice even jumped away from the man.

"Please don't hurt Mr. Soldier, I'm a delicate soul." 

"G-Get out of your machine!"

"But the hurricane and the rain. I'll get flown off  if I do that Mr. Soldier."


The strange man's grin widens "I guess playing stupid doesn't work huh." His voice and demeanor then changed "Tell me bright eyes." He looks at the soldier.

Roland gulps in fear. He felt as if the man can see his terrified face beneath his helmet. 

"What makes you think you are tougher than the common peasant?" the man starts his monologue, the dark unsettling aura around him thickens, "Before you kids came in this part of the galaxy we have been exterminating the alien beasts and fighting the damn Saurusians. You know the communists xenos that you idiots are supposed to be killing. You call yourselves protectors of humanity yet you can't even be bothered to do your simple jobs. Look at you bright eyes. You can't even hold your rifle straight. I bet you pissed your pants too."

"..." Suddenly Roland's power armor freezes. As if he himself became a still statue. Then the armor moved on a rather relaxed but standing pose, his shield bubble glowed, protecting the armor from the elements.

"Oh" the man chuckled "He fainted."

His eyes met the other soldiers. Sending shivers down their spines. The rain and the fog should hinder his visibility greatly yet he was looking at them, as if he was starring at their souls. "Isn't this the time where all of you fools are supposed to shoot."

Nephilim quickly responds to the taunt. She raises her fist, silently ordering her men to stop.

"Driver" she orders her soldiers "Get me closer to that man."

"Y-Yes captain." Her driver hesitatingly responds.

As her little tank approaches the man it slowly halted.

"Driver why did you stop?" Nephilim asks her driver with a mildly annoyed tone.

"I'm Sorry Captain" Her crew replies "I can't go any further."

"He is like twelve meters away."

"I can't captain. I'm sorry. I...I....I'm too scared to go further."

"Roland is right there."

"Believe me captain I don't know how he got there."

"You could press forward"

"I can't do that."

"Yes you can"

"Please no."

"Please Yes."

"I can't captain, I really can't. I feel as if I was going to die if I came any closer."


"Can you do it for democracy?"








"Fine" She pouts and complains underneath her helmet "I'm walking then." 

Thus Nephilim stands out of her tank, Two heads appear out of the tank, they are the heads of her driver and gunner peeking out of the tank, as if they are watching a building that is soon to crash, They know that something bad will happen but they just can't look away.

She cautiously approached the mech. Her armor own armor is equipped with a device that makes her weight more preventing here from being blown away by the wind. "I am Captain Nephilim Solaris Elizabeth of the 3010th Terran Artillery Division." She then let her helmet be folded to her armor.

An act that she quickly regrets, as the wind did not hesitate to slap her face with a gush of wind untying the hair that she just tied, which in turn covering her entire face with her red hair. "THAT WAS A BAD IDEA!" she complains as she struggles with the wind and the rain making her more miserable.

"You got to be kidding me" The man answers back as he watched the spectacle "There is a reason why I am staying inside my machine you know."


Then she did something that surprised the man. She starts climbing the six meter mech all while saying curses. "WHY IS IT BLOODY STORMY?!" she shouts as the wind and the rain washes over her face. 

The man can't see her but he can feel her presence, It was one of the skills he acquired over time. He felt as if something was wrong with the woman. 'Is she crazy or something?' he thought to himself 'Well soldiers are wage slaves after all.'

With the help of her armor magnetizing to the mech that she is climbing on she finally met the man with her own eyes. The two of them stared at each other. 

'Why isn't she getting scared of me?' the man asks himself.

'Why can I see his face?' the woman says to herself.

"What is your name survivor?" she asks the man with heterochromia.

"Lunaris 'Malas' Evangelista" he replies with a smirk "Its too long just call me Malas."

"I see" she says while the wind was blowing over her red hair-making it resemble a flame-.

"How?" Malas simply replies "Don't you want to cut your hair? it seems to be impeding your vision."

"I do, But I haven't cut it for three years."

"I can fix that" the man replies as he reach for a knife, in order not to alert the woman he gives it to her.

Nephilim stares at the knife, the handle is pointed towards her "Thanks... I guess... but No, I would rather have a professional do it for me."

"Suit yourself." Malas shrugs "Can I enter your starship captain?"

Nephilim stares at the man-this is the first time she saw someone's face, she can't even see her own when she looks at the mirror- intrigued. "Where did you come from?" she asks the man.

"I was trying to survive in this forsaken planet for years." Malas replies. "So you could say I'm a local here."

Nephilim raises an eyebrow at Malas's answer "Are you a member of the church of transcendence?" she  starred at the man, her blue eyes piercing Malas's soul.

"What?! NO!" Malas flinched "Are you one of those people?!"

"No" she decisively replies "But you have the same aura with those people... are you a protector by any chance?"

"Do I look like a knight to you?"

"No... but you have the skills of one."

Malas chuckled "That is why they call us 'chainsaw knights'. The storm would last for months onwards. I killed most of the local fauna, once the storm subsides the atmospheric pillars would change the planet's atmosphere and finally terraform this planet."

"I see... how many more waves?"

"Depends... but probably one or two after that the storm would intensify."

"I see"

"Can I go inside your starship now. I really want to get away from this planet."

"Permission granted terraformer.... by the way... where are your bosses?"

"I don't know" he shrugged "Probably away on their mansions or something." 

"I see"

"Again. How?... your hair is swishing ang tumbling all over the place."

"You are a volunteer worker am I right?"


"So your bosses have finally abandoned you?"


"Well then" she grabs his head as she stares at his eyes.

"WOAH HEY!" Malas replies "At least buy me dinner first!"

"Shut Up!" she barked back, as she stares at the man's heterochronic eyes.

Nephilim has always prided herself as someone who is a good judge of character. It is because of her skill, she can see the 'stats' of a person. She knows their competencies and weaknesses, in exchange for this power she had a flaw she can't see the faces of people. That was until today, It is the reason why she removed her helmet, even going so far to get closer to Malas. It was the first time she saw a face and she was curious, however that is not all. She also realized that the same person has the same power as her. The fact that her soldiers can't get closer to this man as he gives of an aura of dread, she too has that power but it simply gives her the aura of trustworthiness in which she used to her advantage- it is the reason why she quickly earned the trust of her soldiers despite being new. 

But what amplified her curiosity tenfold however was this man's ability. Or lack of... she needs to get closer to his face to see his stats what is more, she is struggling to do it. She hones your focus as she stares at his eyes "Let me see your soul" she mutters.

This time it was Malas's turn to be terrified. He had a hard time making friends, it took him years to develop a bond between his fellow terraformers. All because he was born with an aura that gives him an aura that makes people scarred of him. He thinks it was one of the reasons why his so called 'parents' sold him to a terraforming company. He thinks it is the reason why the wildlife hated him, despite him having great love and appreciation for wildlife, whether it be alien or not. It is also the reason why his skills went far and above, because he has to survive from wild alien beasts and fellow humans who are way too afraid of him. It is also the reason why he went far and above when it comes to burying his comrades. They were afraid of him at first and it took a lot of effort for him and his friends to open up to each other, those bonds are one of the things he treasure the most, hence why he put trees as gravestones so he would know where they were buried the next time he comes back to these planets. He really treasured the friends he had made, and each death actually broke his soul, perhaps more than any other person.

However this woman was a direct contradiction to his experience. Usually they would run away from him, look at him with fear and apprehension. But this woman did not do that, in fact she went closer, even going as far as climbing on to his machine. Not to mention her gaze, it was expressionless and cold-as if she was looking at him not as a person but as a game piece- it actually scared him more than any other alien beasts or xenos he encountered. It didn't help that his head was trapped between her hands, her armor enhanced her strength to the point where she could crush his head if he wanted to, and that knowledge terrifies him to the bone.

"Let me see your soul, open yourself to me" he hears her silent mantra and it scares him.

As for Nephilim, She was struggling to see his 'stats' she can't see his soul, they say the eyes are the window to ones soul-hence why she is starring at his eyes-and she wants to see his stats his soul. 

It took a lot of concentration until finally she sees it.

Usually a soul is like a star, it has different colors, different sizes, and different temperatures. Nephilim has seen these stars, some more impressive than others. Usually the brighter the star the stronger it is. But that is not always the case, they too need to have potential. Once she analyze a person's soul she can see their skills, their 'stats'.

This man however, does not have a star... In fact it wasn't even a star. It was a black hole, devouring everything in its surroundings. No wonder everyone fears this man, they can feel their soul literally being devoured by it. She observes the black hole, starring at the void. Analyzing the emptiness within it. Finally she can use it to base his competencies and the results made her grin.

Malas almost screamed the moment he saw the demonic grin from Nephilim. "You are a volunteer worker correct?"

"Y-Yes?" he gulps

"Good" she replies "Which means you aren't even a citizen."

"Oh no."

Her demonic grin becomes more vicious "I'm a tier 7 citizen, In the name of democracy I hereby ask you to work for me."

"Ask?" Malas gulps "Are you sure that is the proper word?"

"Fine then let me be blunt to you." she leans in, her lips near his ear. Malas heartbeat increases not out of embarrassment but out fear "You know the Federation has banned slavery by banning the word 'slavery' as if it means something. It was them pretending to do their jobs as the so called 'protectors' of humanity. I can tell that both you and I know that is stupid."

"Th-that's treason r-r-right?"

She chuckles "I know, but you and I are the only ones who heard it. So I am going to make a proposal... Be my slave Malas."


"Be my slave... for now. Once you joined the militia you will be assigned to me. I don't want to fight on the frontlines of their dammed wars. I only wanted a desk job and a place to retire. Live my life in peace... but to do that... I need to survive. Work for me and I guarantee you that you will rise. You will become a hero."

"I don't want to become a hero. I just want to live inside a house that I can call my own and work on a garden or a farm or something."

"We can arranged that. I want a desk job, you want a farm. But to do that then we need reputation... and money."

"Oh" Malas calms down a little "So you are saying I should join you so you could raise your rank and I could be a citizen with a farm."


"But I have to be your slave."

"Temporary slave... unless you wanted to stay that way."

"No thanks I would rather be a free man."

"Good so do we have a deal."

"Do I get to keep Gravekeeper?"

This time it was Nephilim who was surprised. She backed away from his ear as she proceeds to look at the man's face-too bad she can't read emotions. "Gravekeeper?" she says at the man. "Who is gravekeeper?"

"Its this machine right here" the man says as he affectionally touches the machine. "Its the name my friends gave the machine. I can't abandoned him."

"Sure you can keep it." Nephilim nonchalantly shrugs "You will have much better mechs though."

"I am not going to abandon this one." Malas decisively replies "He is too important to me."

"I'll ask a mech designer to upgrade your machine to military standards."

"That is fine with me."

"So" she grins "Do we have a deal?"

Malas looks at Nephilim's uncanny demonic smile. He sighs as he shakes the hand of the devil. "Deal".