Chapter 43 : Getting Hold of Blackbeard’s Body Structure
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"Hahaha, Ace, you really got beaten up badly. And Yamato, you're almost swollen like a pig's head."

On the deck of the Moby Dick, Youta, unscathed, looked at Yamato tightly bound in sea stone and Ace, covered in blood, and laughed at them without giving any face.

Ace was fine. It's not clear if Whitebeard really treated him differently or if it was because of the insufficient resistance of the sea stone, he just wore handcuffs.

But it was Yamato who, because she had been wearing sea stone handcuffs since she was a child, had an absurdly high resistance to sea stone. Ordinary sea stone handcuffs were meaningless to her, at most weakening her strength a bit.

Plus, Yamato was naturally stubborn and straightforward, without any pretence. So even if she was handcuffed with sea stone, she still looked lively, as if she could fight for 300 rounds.

So she was tied up layer by layer with sea stone chains, looking like a rice dumpling.

Seeing Youta, Ace spoke up, "What about Deuce and them? Didn't you guys escape?"

Youta answered nonchalantly, "Deuce proposed a plan for a flanking attack, but as soon as we got to the coast, we were beaten down by someone, and the plan was completely ruined. I saw the situation was bad, with the enemy outnumbering us, so I decided to surrender."

"Wow, Youta, you're really not firm," complained the caterpillar-like Yamato. "Is it so easy for you to surrender?"

Youta replied with a grin, "After all, I'm just a ship's doctor. Expecting me to be a main force is really putting me in a difficult position!"

"Yeah, it's because you're usually so strong that I subconsciously forget that you're still a doctor," Yamato remembered Youta 's position.

At this moment, Youta turned his head and looked at Whitebeard sitting on the deck. "Captain Whitebeard, can you unlock the handcuffs for my captain? I need to treat him."

Although Yamato was beaten up badly, her injuries were not severe. She had actually not done much after Ace lost. It was Ace who had been heavily injured by Whitebeard's quake fruit power.

The most terrifying aspect of Whitebeard's Gura Gura no Mi was its ability to ignore defence and cause internal as well as external injuries. Even if Whitebeard showed a bit of mercy, Ace would still be severely injured. If he weren't so resilient, he would have been sent straight to the ICU.

Sitting on the deck, Whitebeard was drinking. After hearing Youta 's words, the old man swallowed his drink and waved his hand directly.

Marco, standing next to Whitebeard, understood and threw the key to the sea stone handcuffs around his waist. Youta  caught it with one hand and said with a grin, "Indeed, the Whitebeard Pirates are generous."

This remark was not directed at Whitebeard. With Whitebeard's confidence, such a thing was naturally taken for granted. What really surprised Youta was the confidence these division commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates had in Whitebeard.

Obviously, in their eyes, as long as Whitebeard was there, even if Ace and Yamato were freed from the sea stone handcuffs, they would definitely not be able to cause any trouble.

Youta first unlocked Ace's sea stone handcuffs, then opened his mouth and swallowed Ace whole. At this moment, Ace's injuries were completely healed, at most, he hadn't replenished the lost blood and stamina.

"Such amazing healing ability!" Marco's eyes gleamed as he watched. His Phoenix fruit's self-healing ability was extremely powerful, but it only worked on himself. Youta 's ability to almost instantly heal anyone's injuries was something he understood how terrifying and important it was just by thinking about it.

Moreover... Marco almost instantly figured out what was going on and looked at Whitebeard.

But Youta acted as if nothing had happened and was busy unlocking Yamato's sea stone chains. Then, just like before, he completely healed Yamato's injuries.

After Ace and Yamato were completely healed, they didn't cause any more trouble. After all, both of them had straightforward personalities, and the Whitebeard Pirates had already treated them with utmost kindness. They wouldn't start trouble so soon.

Afterwards, Youta 's gaze turned to his real target - Blackbeard, and he grinned and asked, "What about you, brother? Do you need me to heal your injuries?"

Blackbeard, with an unchanged expression on his face, chuckled, "No need..."

"Blackbeard, why don't you give it a try?" Marco suddenly spoke up. Whitebeard, sitting on his throne, slightly pursed his lips but didn't say much more.

"Huh?" Blackbeard responded somewhat dazedly. Marco continued with a smile, "What, are you scared now?"

Hearing this, Blackbeard blushed, "It's just a Devil Fruit ability, right? What do I have to be afraid of? Fine, bring it on."

Youta 's eyes lit up, "Then here I go!"

Without waiting for Blackbeard's response, he opened his mouth wide and gulped Deuce down in one go. Because Blackbeard's body was so large, he looked somewhat grotesque when he was swallowed whole.

But it was only a moment later that Youta spat him out with a big spray. Blackbeard , with a look of amazement on his face, touched his back in surprise, "I'm completely healed! Such an amazing Devil Fruit ability!"

Youta forcefully suppressed the excitement in his heart, "This isn't just a Devil Fruit ability. My medical skills also played a big role. Combined with the Baku Baku no Mi, any kind of injury can be completely healed."

Hearing this, Marco's eyes lit up a bit more, but he didn't say anything more.

Although the members of the Black Spades Pirates were initially hostile to the Whitebeard Pirates, after being captured, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates did not abuse them.

On the contrary, for some time afterwards, Marco treated them all impartially. As long as they didn't cause trouble, they were treated as members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Although Whitebeard admired Ace and wanted him to be his son, he also had a keen understanding of Ace's young mentality. He knew that someone like Ace, rebellious and prideful, would be difficult to handle with a tough approach or constant lecturing.

Therefore, Whitebeard had always been very tolerant towards Ace and the Black Spades Pirates.