Going back(MS)
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Right after we got our rewards, we talked to each other.

"So... Should we leave now?" I asked them while laying on the soft bed comfortably.

"Hmmm" elly mused with her eyes close as she snuggles next to me.


Emy on the other hand laying face down on the corner of the bed clearly sleeping.

Velvet simply lets out a giggle as she watch over Emy.

"How about we rest for a few hours? Its still morning outside anyways." Velvet said as she also lay on my other side.

"Yeah. I'm tired too."

With that, it's decided that we rest for a while.

I felt my eyes started to feel weary as I feel Elly hugged my right hand.

Velvet's hands awkwardly trying to touch my left hand.

I saw her getting red so I quickly held her hand which made her yelp a bit.

She looked on my face revealing a blushing cheeks.

I smiled at her with a nod saying it's fine.

Her face beamed with happiness as she quickly interlocked her finger with mine. 

I watched her smile happily with our hands now holding before I close my eyes and start drifting into sleep.

3 hours later, I slowly opened my eyes. I noticed Elly now hugging me even her leg clearly locking mine making it hard to move.

It made me chuckle before looking on my left side.

There I saw a sleeping beauty. Her hair dropped on her face. There is even a strand of hair right on her lips.

I noticed her pale skin making me caress her cheeks.

However soon I realized. My left hand still locked in place with hers as if it is the most normal thing to do.

The way she happily held my hand while sleeping makes my heart tingle.

With my right hand now free from Elly's clutches, I slowly and gently caress velvet's hair.

Her black hair feels smooth to my touch.

As my hand traveled slowly down to her cheeks and gently swaying the hair on her lips, she slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes met with mine for good while before her face started blushing again.

She quickly let go of my left hand as she pulled herself away from embarrassment.

With her hands now free, she started to cover her face as if hiding her red cheeks.

I let out a laugh as I watch her clumsily fix her disheveled face.

She pouts when she stared at me which just made her even cute.

That's when a certain red haired lady suddenly hugged velvet from behind making her surprise.

"Morning guys." Emy said while looking at me as she hug Velvet from behind.

"How long did we sleep?" I asked.

"No idea. I just woke up a bit earlier." Emy shrugs.

"I see." I gently push Elly's body on the other side before raising from the bed.

I head to the other door leading to the bathroom which we requested earlier.

I washed my face and wipe with a clean towel from my inventory before heading back to the bed in which Velvet entered the bathroom after me.

I sat on the bed as I look at my status.



Name:Eris Elk

Class: magician(primary),duality of elements(unique)

Talent: ???

Level: 45

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Endurance: 1

Mental: 1+1

Luck: 1348(+9)

Current white dice in possession:50


(My level jumped to two.)

I said to myself as I look at my status surprised from the level gained after clearing the dungeon.

I also gained 50 white dice from dungeon clear rewards which the dungeon gave us after receiving the artifacts.

(I still need more white dice to buy another one from the mystery store.)

I decided to buy another one later before starting to use the dice again for stats after seeing how good icarus series is.

(Maybe few days later. I am still tired so I guess I will have a day off tomorrow.)

While talking to myself, Emy approached my side and lean her face to my ears before whispering.


Hearing her soft voice on my ears made my body shiver.

I slowly looked at her way and saw a grinning Emy.

"W..what?" I asked stuttering.

"Tonight. Let's sleep together okay?" She asked before nibbling my right ear.


After hearing her question, i felt my back tense and my hand instinctively cover my lower part.

I gave a slow nod while blushing which made her satisfied giving the ear she bit earlier a lick before pulling herself away.


I screamed on my head from her interaction.

Emy simply giggled while watching me having inner war.

Velvet returned to the bed now wearing another set of one piece dress.

She is drying her face with a towel before flopping in the bed in-between me and Emy while casually looking on my face and Emy's as if looking what happened.

Emy simply shrugs while I look down on my knees trying to hide my embarrassed face.

Velvet tilts her head from confusion before she stuff her used towel in the inventory.

We stayed settled in the bed for few minutes until Elly finally woke up.

She runs her eyes as she slowly rose from the bed while looking at the sorounding.

"You're finally awake." I said while laughing internally.

(One of the lines I wanted to say~)

Elly smiled at me and look at Emy and Velvet before she head to the bathroom. 

When she returned, we are already preparing to head out form the dungeon.

After few minutes, we are ready so I nod at them for confirmation.

When they nod back at me I asked the dungeon.

"Let us out now. We are ready!"

-Confirmed. Congratulations for clearing this dungeon.-

The door with four glowing orbs started to crumble. Revealing a glowing light portal.

I lead the way and step on the light followed by them.

When I opened my eyes, we are now back again at the hot desert.

It is now afternoon probably around 4 in the afternoon.

We look around to confirm our situation. When we saw no enemies near us, Emy jumped around and yell


Which made us laugh at her.

"Certainly. That trial is absurd. Mentally." Velvet sighs.

I clapped my hands loud enough to gather their attention. They quickly looked at my way.

"Anyways. Now that we are free, let's return home. And let's have a day off tomorrow to rest and enjoy ourselves." I said in which they quickly agreed.

We all head back to Minard as we walk in the hot desert.

Without a care, we quickly ran towards the gate when we saw it from far away. 

Before heading to the lodging, we passed by the cafe so we decided to drop by first and have a nice meal.

Once we finished stuffing our stomach, we decided it's time to return home.

There Gerald greets us with a smile once we enter to house.

I saw Kanna also sitting with a blank face.

With a smile on my face I head upstairs and decided to sleep again despite not even dark outside just because I want to rest.

Remember that your voice matters! If you have any comments or reviews don't hesitate to let me know by commenting here or leaving a review~

Also don't forget to check out our discord! 


Have a good day everyone ~