[Chapter 3] Expansion & Cargo Pods
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Steven looked up. It was no longer raining, so he could now get down to work. Come to think of it, he hadn't realized how cold he was after brutally killing that raider. He went back into his house and dried off, before putting on his now dry pants and hoodie. The place where he was living was already getting cramped, and he needed more space in order to expand his home and workshop. He still didn't have a proper place to sleep yet!

In order to get started, he needed water. He was parched, and although he had all the juicy fruit imaginable, he still needed water to drink, to clean, and to bathe in. Steven poked and prodded the ground, places that seemed muddier than usual. He found a spot and began digging the dirt up, hoping to hit a water vein. It took several hours of back-breaking, sweaty work, but Steven finally hit a water vein. After quickly lining the walls of the hole with stone bricks, he scooped out his first handful of clean, drinkable water. Well, clean until the toxic storm.

Ah, that's right, he thought. I still have a lot left to explore in those old ruins! I could simply take some materials from there!

Steven made his way back to the kitchen and armory. There were old wooden boards and chunks of steel ore lying about the place, but that didn't matter. He picked them all up, and hauled them back to his home. He went back and forth, picking up essential materials like stone, steel, and wood. Sometimes he got lucky and found some ancient texts and artifacts that he could study later.

Now he was finally ready! Using the steel and stone from the ancient ruin, he constructed some additional walls around the same size of the house he was living in. Then he simply closed off the top, and now he had double the room he once had. By breaking a hole through the wall to his room, he could now access a perfectly large and spacious room, free of cramming and other junk. The wood was used for flooring and a few shelves to hold materials and food.

Steven placed down the wood burning cook stove into his comfortable abode. Although it was a bit broken, it'll be fixed in no time. What to do now now that all the basics has been completed. Oh, what am I saying, he thought. I need a bed, I need to make stone for myself, I need a bathroom, there's still so much that I need!

After transporting all his resources to the other room, Steven set out to make a bathroom. He built another smaller room connected to his newly built workshop. After some carving, Steven placed a box with a hole and a bucket underneath. No one wanted to see that underside crap, (literally) so that was boarded up in wood. It wasn't much, but it was a functioning toilet. The waste could be used for fertilizer or be thrown into a cesspool tank that he constructed outside the base.

"What's next? Let's see... Ah! Yes, food preparation! I definitely do not want any of this food to spoil, so I need to construct some refrigeration," he said to himself.

"I remember there was this one documentary I saw on old tribal people," he said, "and they would make jars, fill them with cold mud, and put another jar for food in the mud! Thank goodness for my inner laziness!"

Steven took some clay mud and water. It was hard work, trying to shape clay noodles into a working pot. Many times the pot he was making would keel over and melt with the rest of the sludge, so Steven slowly got more and more infuriated. Eventually, he had to sit down and steam silently for his mood to lighten up. After many failed attempts, he managed to make two clay vases, one of them smaller in size.  Steven knew there was no way he could simply place it on the fire. Instead, he'd have to make a kiln, which was pretty easy, because it's just some mud bricks around a fire. 

While his pots were cooking, Steven went into the house to make some workbenches for his workshop. He first needed a stone-cutter's table so he no longer needed to scavenge for stone bricks. Next, he needed some proper tools so he could work more efficiently, such as a hammer, an axe, and a pickaxe. How would he get any basic minerals and wood without these tools? That's right, he couldn't. 

Steven was crafting a simple steel pickaxe when he heard an impact in the distance. It kind of sounded like a cargo pod crash, and if he was right, it could mean a lot of free loot. He bolted out the door to check the impact site.

After the dust cleared, Steven checked out the wreckage. There was a lot of goodies. Plasteel, steel, gold, even some uranium. These metals and ores would be really useful for some high tech equipment, only if he could make them. Whatever. He placed them in his pockets and kept searching. There was the same minerals strewn all over the grassy terrain. Was this part of a ship or really just a cargo pod full of expensive materials? It made him wonder. 

"Hey, are you forgetting about me?"

Steven, startled, glanced around him. There was no one around him except the wind and the animals, and the cargo pod did not have any people on it, of which he saw. Slowly, he lifted up the scrap metal and saw a small box. He looked at it closer, and knew exactly what it was.

"Hey look, you found me, nice to meet you."

The box, which now showed a retro face on it's screen, winked at him.

"I am an AI, a little box that was supposed to be the controller of a big ship. Sadly, the people who were shipping me off to some faraway planet realized I was a tad faulty. Just like that, I was hurled off like a piece of scrap metal. Tough times."

"Yeah, I feel like that sometimes," said Steven. "Listen here, I landed on this planet with nothing and now I was able to construct a shoddy base. What can you do to aid me?"

The AI thought for a moment. "I can plan stuff out for you to do, find the temperature in a room, make schedules, find the location of water, and notify you when something happens out here, be it cargo pods or invaders. How about that?"

"Seems good," Steven said. "We have to hurry anyways, there's a storm coming soon, and I'd hate it if my lungs got filled up with toxic smog."

"Wait. What toxic smog?"