Chapter 1: The Black Door
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Chapter 1 The Black Door


"Where to even begin?" He asks himself as he stares at a blank page. "The first chapter is the single most important chapter in every book ever written. It symbolizes life itself. Where did my story begin? The uncertainty of how it ends is what keeps a reader locked in, they need to be on their hands and knees begging to know what happens next! So why am I the one begging to know how it starts?!"

He leans back in the most comfortable and most expensive leather office chair he has ever owned as he runs his fingers through his dark red hair. "If I don't get this done by the deadline, I might as well just throw myself off a cliff, better that than my career taking the jump for me." He leans forward on his desk and throws his glasses down in frustration, cracking the right lens in the process.


"Dammit!" He closes his now blurry eyes as he lets out an aggravated sigh.  "Of course that would happen right now. Why wouldn't it?" He says disgruntledly while shaking his head. Knowing that it's no one's fault but his own, he still looks towards the heavens to scream--"WHY?! WHY ARE YOU AGAINST ME?!" Expectedly not getting an answer, at least, not in words.

"I better go grab my spare; it's going to be a long night. Ugh, who am I kidding, it's going to be a long weekend. Hell, maybe that's a good thing, slowing down time might just be exactly what I need."

He reluctantly stands to leave his office, walking past bookshelves from both sides of the room. Opening his door to a darkened hallway, he flips on the light, walks to the left towards his bedroom, and abruptly stops as he catches something ...peculiar in the corner of his eye.

"My eyesight maybe that of a goldfish without glasses, but I know damn well, there definitely isn't supposed to be a door here. I grew up in this house, passed down through generations.

I played hide and seek with my brothers and cousins, I know every nook and cranny, every hiding place, I know where every floorboard that creaks like the back of my own hand. There isn't a hallway I haven't trekked, or a single staircase I haven't stepped." As he waxes poetically in his mind, he stares at the pitch-black door, as if it was made obvious that it didn't belong.

It didn't just want to be found; it feels like it needs him to notice. Even the hinges are black. No, it's not black, black seems wrong. It's more apt to call it...darkness. It's pulling him in as if it's a black hole, not physically, more like a calling. Like it's giving him permission to enter.

"If I ignore this, I have a very strong feeling, I will never see this door again. I don't really know why I feel this way. But I know, I'm not wrong here..." The enigmatic author's mind is racing like he just got smacked in the face with inspiration and clarity.

His writer's block isn't just gone, he can't even imagine how he even had it in the first place. All he wants to do right now is run back to his office and type out his first draft until his fingers bleed, but he knows damn well that shouldn't be his top priority at the moment. No matter how pissed his publishers would be if they knew he thought that for even a second.

"I....Need ...To... Know...". He slowly takes his first step towards the door, as a familiar sound of the floor creaking makes his hair stand on end. A slight shiver with anticipation and a deep breath in, he extends his right hand towards the door, the eerie sound of gears shifting emits through the soundless hallway when the most beautiful golden door handle materializes outward with a click.

Sweat dripping off the tip of his nose, falling to the floor and taking quick shallow breaths as his heart beats faster and faster. Beating at the same pace as his ever-expanding thoughts of worry and an endless supply of "what if" scenarios running rampant in his mind. Imagination running wild, like a story that could split into multiple directions.

"Okay, okay, stop it brain! it's...just a door, right?" A deep sigh exits through his lips as he continues. "Ahh screw it, If I die, I die."

Little did he know, his dark quip that masks as bravery, would be the last thing he says in this world. His hand touches the knob, his hand clenched over it with a grip strength he has never exhibited in his brief 28 years of existence. He couldn't let go even if he wanted to.

There was no turning back. The decision was made. The vice grip of his hand turning as dark as the door itself. Traveling through his very visible veins on his right arm, as it snakes through his system.

He wants to collapse right there on the floor, but it was like an invisible energy was forcing him in place. His breathing halts, his body seizing up, failing to respond to the commands his brain was trying to convey to it with all it's might. The darkness reaching his heart as he coughs black blood out of his mouth, unbeknownst to him, his eyes were shining with a golden light.

With his left arm shaking, he musters up the strength to slam his hand against his chest, only to feel his own blackened heart in his hand. He was confused, he was angry, he was sorrowful, but the emotion that he feels most...was regret.

Regret for everything, He regretted not seeing his family more often. He regretted missing his nephew's birthday, He regretted ignoring his girlfriend's calls to NOT write his next novel. Hell, he even regretted his last meal. "PB&J... what a fucking waste."

Those were his last thoughts, as his heart explodes in his hand, and finally, his body drops to the ground with a thud, his golden eyes dimming, and snuffs out like a candle flame.


A deep, and unsettling breath synonymous with a gasp could be heard, if there was anyone around to hear it. Short, but labored breaths taken as if they were his very first in this world. He finally rights himself, as if just noticing he was on his knees for an unknown amount of time. He finally got his breathing under control as he takes a look at his surroundings.

The floor, the walls, the ceiling, white. Just white. As far as he could see, though that wasn't exactly the first thing he noticed. The fact he could see more clearly than he ever has in his entire life baffled him. Their weren't a set of glasses he has ever owned that could help him see as well as he is seeing at this very moment. The off-putting amount of white wasn't even on his mind.

It was the computer in the middle of this seemingly endless void of white that drew his attention. It was like a beacon, summoning him to have a seat. "Well, i'll be damned..." the enigmatic author shrugs with his lips turned down.  "What's the worst that could happen? I die again? ...Wait...I died, I'm dead. Is this the afterlife? Just what in the fuck is this place?"

He takes another look at his predicament, realizing there is no way in or out of this place. No doors, no windows, no other rooms, or even an inkling that this was even reality. Confusion doesn't even begin to describe the way he feels right now. The only clue he has to finding out, is placed on an oddly plain glass desk ten paces in front of him.

"I took a huge risk on that ...terrifying door, do I really want to take another? Though... it seems I really don't have a choice here. What other options do I really have?" He shuts his eyes and reluctantly makes his decision.

He casually walks towards the chair that looks very familiar to him. He should most definitely recognize it. It was his most prized possession. He wrote his very first best seller on this chair. Four grand, that was the cost of the most memorable moments of his life in recent years.

"You got to spend money, to make money as they say, if there is one thing I don't regret in life, as stupid as it sounds, it's this ridiculously comfortable chair. Ergonomically fitted to give you God-like lumbar and shoulder support. Redwood, with a dark brown leather, mid-century design that says, "I dare you to buy me, peasant!"

And this best-selling peasant did exactly that! "Ahh, well, don't mind If I do..." He takes a seat with a sigh of relief like the stress of a million working hours was lifted off his shoulders. Which didn't last very long, as the screen in front of him presented an ever-increasing confusing prompt.


"Welcome Soul-JS7K970222979, You Have Been Carefully Selected Through A Random Deification Selection System. Please Choose Your Next Adventure, Take Your Time, And Choose Wisely. Hero? Villian? God? Demon? Primordial Elven Spirit? The Choice Is Yours. Endless Possibilities Await You. You Have Been Rewarded with 20 Points, 10 Bonus Points Have Been Distributed To You For Braving The Darkness. 7 Bonus Points Have Been Added Due To The Seven Million Year Wait Time For Entry Of The Deifying Soul Space. 3 Extra Points Have Been Given As A Sincere Apology For The Wait. Extra Points Will Be Possible, Depending On Your Selections. Good Luck, Brave Soul."
Yes No

"What the---what am I even looking at? Wait, "Random Deification Selection System" I've been selected to...become a God? No, it might be referring to the ..user's potential right? Or I suppose the selections I make will determine my fate. It's asking me to confirm...I have a feeling selecting No will be a terrible decision. My Grandfather told me something on his deathbed that has stuck with me throughout my entire life,

"You never regret the things you do; you live to regret the things you don't do." Those were his last words before he died. Well, his last words were actually, "These socks make my feet itch..." But I choose not to dwell on that.

He clears his throat, attempts to push up his glasses, only to feel a little embarrassed when he realizes he isn't wearing any. Gives his head a shake, stares with concentration at the prompt in front of him. Hits Yes without any further hesitation.


Choosing To Select Yes Negates Any Possibility Of A Normal Reincarnation. You Have Chosen To Say Goodbye To The Present You, And Your Past Self. Your World Is No Longer Welcomed To You. The Life You Have Lead Up Until Now, Could Be Completely Forgotten, Broken Up Into Fragments, Feels Like A Vivid Dream, Or You Could Remember It All, It Is All Based On Your Selections Moving Forward. Reincarnation Will Still Be Possible Based On Your Selections. However, Your Old World, Will Still Be Lost To You. Do You Wish To                                                                                                     Continue?
  Yes No

"Oh?? Selecting No, seems to give me a random reincarnation. Would I really want that though? The fact that it stresses that I will "never have a normal reincarnation" scares me a bit, not going to lie. What is normal anyways? How does one even define that? I suppose they mean, ordinary, powerless.... human. This is giving me the opportunity to basically cultivate divinity, right? How could I say no to that?"

He slaps his cheeks with both hands, closes his eyes and says his final goodbyes to his old life. "No more staring at a blank page, I choose my own deadlines. I will write my own story, my new chapter, starts now."



"You Have Chosen To Defy Peace--You Have Chosen Conflict--You Have Chosen War--You Have Chosen Power--You Have Chosen To Rise!"

Body--Power--Debuff's--World--Arrival into Chosen World--World Modification--World Difficulty--

Make Your Selections With The Points You Have Obtained. The Better The Body, The Better The Power, The More They Cost. Your Chosen Difficulty Could Give You Extra Points, Or Cost You Points. You May Choose To Skip The Debuff Tab, If You Wish To Not Limit Yourself Immediately. However, All Debuff's Give Extra Points, And Some Debuffs Will Enhance Your Growth Potential Overtime. Take Your Time And Choose Wisely."


"I was just wondering why I would take any debuff's at all, but now I'm almost more curious about that tab more than any other. Extra points and extra growth potential? Where's the debuff in that description?"

I quickly confirm, and a rush of excitement and inspiration floods my mind like a crashing wave.

"Hmm I can choose any tab to start with, that makes me happy, I'm loving this system already." I let my cursor wander over the tabs for a minute as I make the decision to begin with the debuffs. "I should atleast have a look, I can skip it if nothing catches my eye anyway."

I clicked on the debuff tab, and when I say their is an endless amount of debuffs, I mean it. I keep scrolling, the page moves but the side scroller barely moves a centimeter. 

"I'm sure their is an end to the list, so calling it infinite feels wrong in some way. I'll call it infinite anyway for lack of a better term for it. But, I digress, most of these debuffs seem far too worrisome to even give them a fair chance. Like... these for example, [Physical Weakness], [Mana Deficient], [Soul Disturbance], [Pain Enhancement], [Webbed Hands and/or Feet], etc etc... All of them gifting between an extra 5-10 points each. Which could add up, and give me a chance to add more power and get me closer to divinity sooner. But at the risk of pain and deformity? No thanks." He says while shaking his head during his deliberation.

"Hell, I'm too scared to even look at the description for [Soul Disturbance]. That sounds horrifying. I will not be giving anyone a chance to mess with my soul. That just makes me want to later add a power or protections for my soul, actually, now that I think about it. Yeah, screw all that noise." The enigmatic author says with a click of his tongue.

"I wonder if I can sort them in a particular order? I would like to know what adds the most points at least, before I click out of this. Oh, you can sort by ascending or descending points, alphabetical, and even most and least selected. Let's ascend, shall we?!" As he scrolls through the list, there were a few that caught his eye immediately.

            Maximum Height--149.9 centimeters (4'11") +15 points. This Could Be Considered A "Kiss Curse". All Depends On How Many Points You Have To Start With. If You Do Not Have Enough Points To Add Any Supreme, Or Legendary Powers, This Debuff, May Not Be For You. However, You Could Choose To Add More Debuffs To Stack And Accumulate More Points. If You Do Have Enough, I Would Recommend This Debuff. It Will Add An Underestimating Effect To Your Charm. Concluding In Abundance Of Fun, And An Embarrasing End To Your Enemies!

This intrigued him, due to the fact he was already short for a man to begin with.

"Hmm...this would put me 5 inches shorter than I already am, but it does sound fun to toy with my, would be assailants. They'll be like "Look at this easy target, Johnny!" Than proceed to kick Johnny to the fucking moon or something. Ha Ha Ha, yeah, that does sound fun. Wait...why did it say, "I recommend...." who is this "I"? I mean, I assume it's a God or a Goddess, I guess...whatever, I'll think about that later."


Congratulations, +15 Points Will Be Awarded

"Alright, that puts me at 52 overall so far. I have no idea yet, on how many points each power will cost, but I feel like 52 is a lot, right? Whatever, just in case, let me at least select one more with equal or greater value. Couldn't hurt right? Of course, I'm going to ignore any mind or soul debuffs, no matter how many points it gives. If I'm going to be short, I refuse to be stupid, or soul cursed or whatever. Moving on..."

Then something he never considered would ever be on this list, caught his attention, mostly due to the amount of points it gave.

         Gender Swap--+15 Points--This Is Considered A Debuff Due To The Simple Nature Of Mortals. You All Are Who You Have Always Thought Of Yourselves To Be. You Are Very Attached To The Gender You Were Born With, And For Good Reason. Just Making The Choice To Change, Could Have Harmful Effects To Your Overall Mental Health. However, With The Right Power/World/Arrival Selections, You Could Counter This Relatively Easily. For Example, You Could Add Supreme Mental Fortitude/Resistance Abilities To Your Power Selections. Or Could Choose To Arrive In Your New World As A Reincarnation To Make The Reality Of Your Decision Easier To Handle. Or You Could Add The Past Life Erasure Debuff To Stack With This. Which Is Highly Recommended And Already Added To This Debuff If You So Choose. See Below.

Past Life Erasure +5 Points--This Will Only Effect Your Memories Of Who You Were In Your Past Life. Not Your Overall Memories Of Having a Past Life. In Other Words, You Will Remember Having A Previous Life, However, You Will Have No Idea Who You Were, Where You Lived, Or Who Your Family Was.  Depending On Which World You Choose, You May Have Moments Of Recollection Or "DeJa Vu" If You Have Had Previous Knowledge Of The World You Choose. Which Is Why This Is Only +5 Points. You Could Choose To Add Another 5 Points, If You Would Like To Erase Your Memories Completely. That Is Not Recommended If You Have A World In Mind That You Would Like To Move To.

"Holy shit, that's a heavy decision. However, it kind of coincides with my height choice, I would now be considered... I don't know, cute? I guess? And bonus...have a greater underestimation effect." He says as he nods his head, weighing his options.

"I will have to choose which world I go to wisely. As if I wasn't going to do that already, but still, passing up an extra 20 points to an inconvenience that I won't even remember sounds stupid. I will definitely have to select the Past Life Erasure debuff as well." The enigmatic author looks down with a solemn smile. "Goodbye Old Friend, you were hardly used to begin with, lets be honest, buddy."



With his eyes closed he releases a sigh with a hope of not regretting this rash decision. Before a realization hits him in the package he's about to send away.

"Ahh shit, for fuck's sake, I will not be considered a Loli! I'm going to have to put some serious thoughts to the [Body Selection] tab. I'm not going to look like a damn child for the rest of my potentially eternal existence." He says with eyes wide open, followed by a gulp.

Due To Your Selections. I Am Inclined To Re-iterate. You WILL Become Female. You Will No Longer Remember Your Life As Once The Opposite. Everything Will Change, From Your Mind, To Your Body, To Your Soul. You Have Made The Choice To Change, If And/Or When You Come Back To This Soul Space, You Will Never Be Able To Remove This Debuff, Or Change Genders Again. Your Selection Has Been Finalized. +20 Points Will Be Added To Your Overall Total. You Now Sit At 72.

His face falls completely flat, as if emotionless, before squinting his eyes, feeling like he's just been cheated.

"I feel like that should have been mentioned in the description.... whatever, spilled milk doesn't have to mean spilled tears. I won't remember anyway. Moving on...What tab should I select next? Power, or Body? I'll do the world, world difficulty, and world arrival last. Hmm..I'll go with body first, that may dictate my power choices later on." He once again moves and hovers the cursor over the body tab and clicks.

Due To Your Debuff Selections All Male Bodies Have Been Removed.

"Yeah, Yeah, figured that was going to happen." Another infinitely long list of women from all acts of fiction presented itself in front of him. From movies, anime, tv shows, comics, manga, manhwa, to fantasy novels. Again...the list seems to be endless. There are more he doesn't recognize than there are ones he does. "I suppose that's obvious though. Considering this system will be sending me to another universe of my choice, it makes sense that there would be many characters from otherworldly fiction as well." He says as he nods his head proudly at his conclusion. 

You Aren't Just Selecting A New Form, The Powers, and Abilities From Your Chosen Character Will Be Added At No Additional Cost. Choose Wisely.

"Okay, this changes everything! I will definitely have to put some serious thought into this, even before I just mindlessly scroll through." He stares at the screen in front of him, with his hands clasped under his chin. His very own thinking pose, if you will.

"'s not just the body, it's the power she possesses, will also belong to me. I have 72 points, I'm not going to be stingy here. Mainly their are 2 factors, who is the strongest? And who is the most appealing? Anyone fat and ugly is out of the question, I don't care how powerful they are. In's almost like I'm making a decision based on who I would bang, which is super weird. But then again...If you wouldn't bang you, then why would anyone else want to?!"

He shakes his head as he laughs at his own dumb thoughts. "Okay, shut up, me! Stop creepin' and make a choice!" He stops his oddly hormonal rambling and continues. "I'm assuming I only get one of these as well. Why am I even debating this, I've had a person in mind this whole time, the choice is obvious isn't it?"

He says with a mischievous smile on his face. 

You Have Selected Power Girl From DC-Earth-2. All Abilities, And Body Are Now Your Abilities, And Body. You May Choose To Slightly Modify Appearance.

You Will Still Be 149.9 Centimeters When Fully Grown. That Cannot Change.

"Oh? I can modify a bit huh? Hmm.. so hair color, skin color, eye color. I think I'll keep her skin color, but I'll change the hair to the same bright red as mine, and the eye color..... let's just randomize it. I'll trust the process; I'm sure Mr. System will come up with a badass combination."

Modification Processed. Selections Have Been Made. 14 Points Have Been Subtracted From Your Overall Total. 58 Points Remain.

"14 points? I honestly expected more than that, so that's a pleasant surprise. Perhaps the "Supreme powers" won't be as much as I thought. Perfect, and now, the fun begins!"

He once again hovers over the tabs to the left side of the screen and attempts to click the power tab, only to be alerted with another notice.

You May Continue, However I Recommend You Choose Your New World And It's Difficulty Setting, Along With Your Arrival. Depending On Your Selections, You May Receive Additional Points.

"Hmmm, I should probably do what's recommended. Depending on the world I choose, I may really need the points. I do plan on taking a universal jump ability though, so it might not even really matter what world I choose to start with. Especially if I choose a higher difficulty, if the higher difficulty gives me more points, I'm choosing it." He says content with his reasoning.

"Though the opposite is true too, I'll pick the easiest if the result is higher points as well. I wasn't much of a gamer, in the past, but the higher the difficulty always gave me a greater sense of achievement. At any rate, let's start with the world choice first. I'll choose the difficulty and this "arrival" after. Not sure why it is even giving me the option to choose that though. Is it really that important?"

He ponders for a minute or so about it, but evidently moves to the World tab.

A New World Awaits You. Depending On Your Choice, You May Reach Greater Heights, Stagnate, Or Fall From Grace. Choose Wisely, Some Worlds May Have Enemies Far More Powerful Than You Could Even Imagine. Good Luck, Brave Soul!

"Well, that definitely gave me chills.  He gulps again, debating on whether he should in fact, regret his decisions. "What in the world did I just get myself into??!! This is not a movie, this is not a book, this is real life. Yet, why am I smiling from ear to ear?! Is it nerves? Is my face constricting out of fear? Or am I genuinely excited to hear that?" He looks down with a solemn smile, knowing he had made his choice. And he feels almost proud of it. 

"I never realized I was that much of a thrill seeker. I... guess I did open the most ominous door in existence though with barely a second thought. Fuck it, let's do this!"

"Another endless list of course, I'm used to it by now though. Okay, so...I'm essentially Power Girl, but I'm going to be much greater than that, I'm sure. Something in me says DC just isn't the right fit for me...not yet anyway. I will go there eventually. So where do I start?"

He meditates in deep thought, thinking about his past, and what to look forward to in the future.

"I ...don't want to be alone anymore, that's for sure. Somewhere that I can find allies, or maybe even a loving family? I don't really want to be thrusted into a world where I have to fight tooth and nail and perhaps become the world's enemy in the process, even by accident. Oh...maybe that's what the [Arrival] tab is all about??" He says in realization.

"Yeah, that makes sense, I mean...not to speak of the devil, but take Superman for example. I remember there being a comic of him and his ship crashing into Nazi Germany or something and becoming a huge threat! I definitely wouldn't want that. As much as I love to write a good villain arc myself, I don't want to actually become one. Well, I suppose we are all villain's to somebody."

He says with a smirk on his face. "Am I smiling again? Oh God, what in the world is wrong with me?! Alright, alright, focus!"

He slaps his cheeks, literally slapping himself out of his thoughts.

" world do I want? Do I want to go to an anime world? Comic? Manga? There"

He fumbles through a list so massive that he is questioning whether or not this is actually happening. "I can really choose.... anything? I can't choose...wish their was a random feature or something." Just as he says that, an old Chinese proverb comes to mind.  "Be careful what you wish for..." 

Brave Soul-JS7K970222979 Has Chosen To Randomize His Location. A Gacha Wheel Will Be Summoned To Your Left And Will Automatically Spin Once. User Forfeits Choice, You Will Not Have Another. Due To Choosing The Gacha Wheel, Some Abilities Will Be Discounted By %50.

"Holy Hell, now I've done it. This ...construct is bigger than any building I've ...Ever...Seen. I can't even see the top, does it even have a top?" He jumps back in shock as the gacha wheel spins, as the soul space releases a loud rumble, as if it was having trouble supporting its existence.

"How is it spinning with such force? How long will it spin for? I ... I feel like I've been watching it spin for hours. long have I even been here? Is there even a concept of time in this place?'s slowing down...I really should have just made a damn choice. This better not bite me in the ass. If it stops on like "Megalo Box" or something I might as well just die right here."

He hasn't even realized he was out of his seat and biting his nails in anticipation and worry.

Sweat drips down from his forehead and on to the white void underneath is feet. His wait ends in such an abrupt fashion that he questions the existence of physics in this place. His eyes widen in shock at what he is seeing right now. Not at the world, but he wasn't expecting it to randomize his difficulty and his arrival at the same time.

"Why?? What? Why would it do this? This method is madness, why did I open my big fat mouth?! was just a passing remark, an Intrusive thought! Re-Rewind dammit!" Panic sets in, as a cold shiver runs down his spine and leans over the keyboard with bated breath.

Brave Soul-JS7K970222979 Your Choice Has Been Implemented You Will Enter One Of The Multiverse World's Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Difficulty Has Been Set To God Mode. Enemies, And Would Be Allies/Heroes Powers And Abilites Have Been Adjusted To Suit Your Settings. Your Arrival Has Been Chosen As Dramatic Entrance. Randomized Entry Will Be Given To You In Your Next Notice In Approximately 120 Seconds. Countdown Has Begun.

"Shiiii--what did I just do!?, I was really just going to choose something simple, like teleport to a farm or something. I guess the Clark Kent route is out of the question now. 2 minutes until a damn computer decides my fate. Okay, okay calm down, maybe it won't be so bad. I still have the Powers tab as well; I'll be sure to pick some top tier abilities regardless."

He takes a deep breath to calm his nerves and lets out a long dramatic sigh and sits back down in the chair that has always brought him solace. He relaxes for about a minute, until he sees the result. He just about blows a gasket as he shoots back out of his chair in disbelief. "What in the actual fuck?!"

Randomized Dramatic Entry Has Been Chosen--

Immaculate Conception.

Mother: Joyce Summers

Sister: Buffy Summers

Father: N/A.

Everyone and Anyone With Any Supernatural Or Paranormal Abilities Or Godlike Entities Will Be Made Aware Of Your Arrival. They Won't Know Who You Are, Or Where You Came From, Or Where In The World You'll End Up. However, They Will Sense Your Presence. A New God Has Been Born. Congratulations User. Good Luck.

"Congratulations??! Congrat-U-Fucking-Lations?! That's what you have to say?! Won't I automatically be looked at as a villain upon arrival?" A chill runs throughout his body, making him jump than pace back and forth. 

"If I remember anything about that show, Sunnydale literally sits upon a Hellmouth. It's literally in the first episode of the series! Why wouldn't my new family see me as an immediate threat to the world and try to get rid of me?" He sits back down on his comfort chair, puts his elbows on the glass desk and slaps his face.

"As understandable as that would be, it would still be heartbreaking. What can I even do to prevent that?! I don't want to have to select brainwashing abilities or something. I'm not about to mindfuck my entire family!"

You Would Be Surprised At What You Would Be Willing To Do To Protect Yourself, Or Your Loved Ones In Times Of Crisis. Survival Instincts Are Inherit, And Constructed Within. Your Death Implemented By Mortals Will Be Impossible, You Have Nothing To Worry About, Brave Soul.

He stands up abruptly, with a furrowed brows and a loud booming voice,

"I refuse. I will NOT harm my new family, please come up with a new solution. I honestly don't want any mind manipulation ability anyway. In anger alone I might ...I might..." He stops for a minute, thinking the worst case scenarios in his mind.

"I might use it and ruin a loved one in the process. Regret would eat me alive. I know regret all too well, I would like to avoid that if at all possible. I know it is probably a lot to ask for. Regret is a part of life, just as much as the oxygen we breathe. Are there any powers you recommend that would help me avoid being immediately hated or discarded? I was ...thrown away as a baby in my last life. I don't wish to experience that again!"

He says as a single tear falls down his cheek. Memories of growing up in that sickeningly abusive orphanage flashes in his mind. Memories he thought he buried. Memories he wished to have blacked out completely. Memories of starving, Memories of borderline slavery.

NO... not borderline. Actual slave labor, beaten down if they even tasted the same food those "nuns and priests" consumed.

"They dare call themselves servants of God. Having to cook them those amazing meals when we get moldy old black bread and cold soup. Constructing walls 4 feet high made out of sandbags on hot summer days. Only to be forced to dump out the sand and do it again. Forcing us to stand and walk across a bed of hot coals on cold winter nights because "heating was a luxury, and must be earned with hard work"!"

Balling his fists, a string of emotions he tried to bury surface themselves as he continues.

"That wasn't an orphanage. That was a torture camp. I even did extra work to protect the other children as much as I could handle. I collapsed from exhaustion and heat stroke so many times I lost count. Only to be punished when I woke up for falling asleep on duty. I was one of the lucky ones to be adopted around age 12.  Who am I even trying to lie to, I have no idea how old I really was, my birthday was never on record. Never. Never Again, do you hear me Gods of this soul space!? Please! I...I can't do that again. I won't!"

He screams towards the screen in front of him.

Stop Being So Dramatic--Solutions Are Being Processed. Please Hold.

"P-Please hold? Is... is that... oh my god, is that hold music I hear? Are you making fun of me? That's Just Rude!"

You Have Multiple Choices User. However, We Recommed The Power To Gift Protections To Your Mother, Joyce Summers, Within Her Womb. Show Her Love Within, She Will Feel Your Love, And Gift It In Return. See Other Options In The Powers Tab.

"I suppose that makes sense. I will do just that. Though, I will explore other options as well. I will make sure to show as much love and gratitude as much as I possibly can. As much as human--no as much as Godly possible! Noone, and I mean no one will even come close to being able to harm them!" He says with a sigh of relief.

"I... definitely didn't expect I'd have to start off as a damn baby again, though.  Wait... will I even age normally? Something deep within me tells me I'll grow up relatively quickly. Then abruptly stop aging entirely at some point. Well, whatever, perhaps I'm thinking too negatively. Even though I won't remember my past life, I will at least remember being here. I have a feeling, you won't let me forget this."

He deliberates in his mind of the different possibilities, which could be as seemingly endless as the lists of worlds and powers.

"Maybe that's impossible altogether. I'm literally re-constructing my soul and body afterall. The idea that God's basically create themselves is still baffling to me. Anyway, time to make some adjustments. As Uncle Ben once said, "With Great Power-Comes Great Responsibilty". However, everyone seems to forget, with great LOVE-- compels responsibility. Time to kick some responsible ass and power up!!"

15 Extra Points Have Been Added To Your Overall Total, 5 Points For Your Chosen World, 5 Points For Your Choice Of Arrival, And 5 Points For Your Chosen Difficulty. 73 Points Remain. Points Must Hit Zero In Order To Leave The Soul Space. Enjoy Your "Power Up", Brave Soul.

"Chosen my ass! Well, I suppose I technically did choose my ass, and what a thick ass I'll have! Power Girl For The Win!" He laughs maniacally like an idiot for a few seconds before coughing and shaking his head in embarrassment.

"I think I'm going crazy in this place, how long have I been in here again?"

Another chill followed by goosebumps runs across his "body"."  "Great, I already have mental health issues and I haven't even been born yet. Okay, enough, let's do this!"

"Wait, How do I have goosebumps?... No... now isn't the time for that." 

Your Base Abilities Are As Follows--Super Speed, Super Strength, Laser Eyes, X-Ray Vision, Flight, Freeze Breath, Super Hearing, Super Vision, Yellow Sun Healing, And Invulnerability. Any Powers On This List Related To Your Base Powers Does Not Negate Them. They Will Stack and Increase Their Effects Without Limits. Omnipotence, Omniscience, And Ulti- potence Are Unavailable. Your Soul And New Body Are Not Anywhere Near Powerful Enough To Handle Them Yet. Even With Any Power You Choose From This List. Choose Wisely In Order To One Day Become An Outer Deity. Recommendation For Base Ability Enhancement: Rao's Blessing; See Below.

Rao's Blessing-- Legendary Level -15 Points. You Are No Longer Limited To The Effects Of A Yellow Star System. Any Sun Will Gift You Your Base Abilities. Some Stars, Depending On The Size And Energy May Gift You New Powers, And Superior Effects To The Powers You Already Possess.

"There isn't a single reality in existence where I wouldn't choose this. That's an emphatic HELL YES!"

Rao Has Blessed You. Congratulations, A New Name Will Be Generated For You Upon New World Entry. Joyce Summers Will Know Your Name Upon Immaculate Conception. 58 Points Remain.

"A new name? Well, of course it will. Didn't expect one to be given to me by the Sun God of Krypton. Not going to complain though. I'm already the most powerful Kryptonian in existence and I'm just getting started!"

He emphatically states with a huge toothy grin on his face.

"Scrolling through this list and I can already tell this is going to take a while. The amount of powers I expected, but the amount of systems is honestly overwhelming on its own. I'm not sure if I want to attach one to my soul though. I feel like it would limit me more than anything. Though, that may not be how that works. Still, its kind of risky. Wait---this one though..."

System Presenter: Supreme Level: -12 Points. You May Gift A System To Anyone You Choose. You May Choose To Pick A Specific System, Or Let The Person's Natural Affinity For Said System To Choose Itself. The Stronger They Get Through Level Up's, The Stronger You Become By Proxy. %20 Of Their Experience Points Will Go To You. The More Experience You Get, The More People You May Gift A System To. Base Amount To Gift: 3. See Below For An Add On Power That Goes With Any And All Systems On This List.

Gamer's Body: Mythical Level: -10 Points. (Discounted %50 When Selecting A System) Every Kill Of An Enemy Will Result In Increased Strength, Speed, Mana, And Vitality. A Resource Of Energy Will Surge Through You Via Victory Of Battle. (If System Presenter Is Chosen, Your Base Amount To Gift Will Increase to 5 And An Extra %5 Of Experience Will Be Gifted To You Through Your Allies Level Up's.)

"By proxy? Does that mean I have to be near them? Or is it saying in general? Meh, whatever, I'll find out later."


"Another easy choice, I'll take that discount too. 17 points gone, that would leave me with 41 points remaining if my math is right. Maybe I should pick some kind of intelligence ability or something. I'll just scroll through and see what else catches my eye first before limiting the list through a search. Buffy is already strong as hell, imagine her with a system to boost her power level through vampire slaying. Crazy to even think about how strong she will become. She'll definitely be worthy to be my sister that's for sure! Alright, no more dilly-dallying. How about increasing my base abilities even more first before getting to the even crazier stuff."

Teleport Dash: Mythical Level: -10 points. The Ability To Combine Super Speed With Teleportation. Ignoring Limitations, Will Evolve Overtime. (Will Evolve Exponentially With Gamer's Body).

"Quick and easy explanation. With an equally easy confirmation. I should have just chosen the speed force that the Flash has, but that's like 20 points on its own, and I feel like I will eventually move at speeds equal to his or even greater eventually anyway. It does mention it will evolve. Oh...speaking of Evolution..what is this???!"

Absolute Evolution: Supreme Level: -15 points. Evolve Infinitely. Zero Limitations.

"Oh, snatched! Gimmie that shit! As Faith would say, 5 by 5 LETS GO!!! Damn, 15 points though, that will put me at 16 points left. I just wasn't expecting to see that. I have to consider my new family, and more importantly, my birth. I was warned I have to give protections to Joyce, or this could be extremely bad for everyone involved. Okay, lets look at the protection and resistance list. Hopefully they won't be too many points because there is something else I'd like if I have enough points for it.

A Reminder: If You Spend 15 Years In The World You Chose, You Will Be Gifted 15 Points, And Possibly Earn More And Will Come Back To The Soul Space For New Abilities, And/Or A New World To Adventure To.

His jaw slacked to the floor with this notification. "Seriously? 15 years? That's not so bad, actually. That's very reasonable. So I earn 1 point a year?"

He nods his head in approval. "Still, I need to be weary of what I pick from here on out. Time to be selfless, now."

To Gift A God-Birth: Godly-Level: 14 Points. (Discounted -%50 Through Immaculate Conception Gacha Choice.) Through Immaculate Conception, Your Mother Will Be Gifted With Inhuman Levels Of Youth, And Vitality. Along With The Strength And Stamina To Carry A God Level Being Through The Mother's Birthing Cycle. The Body You Chose Will Have A Significant Impact That May Amplify This Ability. (Note, The Strength And Power Will Not Leave The Mother Once Birthed. She Will No Longer Be Considered Human. She May Even Experience Minor Reversed Aging.)

"A DISCOUNT AGAIN?! YOU DO LOVE ME! Even if it wasn't, I have to confirm this either way. That puts me at 9 left? Yep, 9 more points. What should I do with it? I have to consider the level of magic in this world, right? I mean, Willow could do some pretty crazy stuff, not to mention the damn gypsies that can mess with a person's soul. Not just a person, can even hunt down your soul from the afterlife and curse it into your body if you become a Vampire. Who knows what else they could do?! Especially with the power-up the world itself will get upon my arrival. I need protections."  He nods his head sure of himself.

Soul Disturbance Immunity: Inhuman Level -3 points. Your Soul Is Immune To Any Attack Laid Upon It. Their Are Maybe 15 Beings In The Entire Omniverse That Can Harm Your Soul. For An Extra 5 Points, You Can Upgrade To Godly Level, This May Drop The Number Of Beings That Could Harm You Down To 5.

"Hmm, 8 points is pricey, I don't expect to piss off those 15 beings, So I'll just confirm the 3 point option for now. That may change later though, here's hoping I don't catch any unwanted attention!"

He confirms the Inhuman level option, although reluctantly. "Alright, 6 points left. Might as well get this Mind protection as well."

Invocation Resistance: Inhuman Level: -2 Points Very Strong Resistance To Any Mind Attack On The User. For One Extra Point You May Upgrade To Magic Resistance: Mythical Level. This Will Guarantee A Stronger Resistance To Mind Attacks, Along With Any Magic Attack On The Body, This Includes, But Not Limited To, Telepathy Attacks, Telekinetic Attacks, Magic Elemental Attacks, And Minor Reality Magic Resistance.

"I'll definitely confirm the Mythical option for 1 extra point, that's a no brainer! Hopefully I can evolve this to Godly Level later on without having to use points. but we'll see. 3 points left, and I know just what to pick."

Superior Combat: Inhuman Level: -2 Points Possess Combat Proficiency, Capabilities, And Knowledge Of All Known Martial Art Masteries Of Your New World. You Do Not Have The Points Currently To Further Upgrade. But It May Evolve Overtime Anyway.

"Well, easy 2 points down, that leaves me with 1 point left. I feel like the last point will be a little lackluster, I should have saved some for something big at the end here. Some author I used to be!"

He laughs to himself while running his fingers through his hair one last time before he makes the final choice.

Supernatural Senses: Supernatural Level: -1 point. You Possess The Heightened Sense Of Any Supernatural Attack Coming At You, Or Your Allies/Family. You Have No Points To Upgrade This Any Further.

"And ......confirm. That's zero. That's it right? I don't think there is anything else I have to do here. What happens next?"

Nothing Happened for a minute. He almost thought he was being bamboozled or something. Like this was all a joke. Until......

Congratulations, Brave Soul-JS7K970222979--Thank You For Participating in the Deification Selection System. You Will Now Be Transported To Rao's Super Nova-cation Star System To Undergo Your First Evolution. It Will Hurt. We Apologize For Any Discomfort This May Cause. Time For Evolution Completion: 3 Million Years. Good Luck, And Enjoy Your New Life In Sunnydale....Eventually! Goodbye For Now......
Domino Rao-Summers