Chapter 2: Domino Rao-Summers
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Chapter 2: Domino Rao-Summers

He had lost consciousness once again, the change of scenery from an all-white room to a space even more inconceivable couldn't even be compared to a "culture shock." To say it was jarring would be the understatement to end all understatements. He felt like he was having a stroke. Maybe he was, he has never had a stroke before, what are they supposed to feel like?

His body convulses, shaking uncontrollably as he sees the most massive sun's surrounding him, six of them, like they were a family convening and giving an intervention to their child. No...more like they were surrounding him as if he was a newborn laying in the hands of a mother, all smiling down at him.

But there was no hospital bed, no mother consoling a crying child, but there was warmth. An indescribable heat bearing down on him. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't speak, he couldn't scream. His body couldn't even be called a body, more like a three-dimensional chalk outline of what a body could look like.

There was no skin, just a dark smog like substance in place of where his skin should be. It was as black as the door he entered. The same door that got him into this mess in the first place. Than he felt it. The gravitational pressure he felt was so immense, that it felt like he was being crushed, atom by atom.

He felt so incredibly heavy, that if he were to step on a planet, it would immediately collapse inward like it was trying to avoid the sheer destruction of the weight he massed.

As he floats there in his new state, a new instinct of his presented itself. He couldn't think to do anything else...but pull. There was a feast in front, behind, and all around him. An intense hunger that could only be satiated by Sunfire. All of it...was his for the taking.

The yellow, white, blue, red, purple, and green stars started to get yanked towards him like he was pulling them by a string. A continuous line of flames and light shot forth, his body reacting like he had become a black hole.

He finally stopped shaking and felt relief once the yellow sun reached him, then the blue, followed by the others as if they didn't want to be left behind. Like they've been waiting for this moment. Like the construction of this star constellation was built for this one purpose. To feed the newborn.

"This isn't so bad..." He thought with a non-existent smile on his face. "More...I want all of it." He was now a glutton for this anomalous punishment to his new temporary form. His body becoming more than a black smog of a lack of mortal comprehension.

Engulfed by light of all colors. From an outside perspective, it would look like the stars were being attacked from all sides. He ate, and ate, starving for more of the burning buffet in front of him. He didn't know how long he's been there, he didn't even feel the heat anymore. He felt calm, he felt at peace, while he was ripping the stars apart just for existing in this place.

The gravitational pressure he was exuding caught the attention of the Sun God Rao himself. A smile graces his face like a proud father, as he looks down on his new daughter being formed.

The enigmatic author is being reborn. He is no more. It's like he never was.



Her bones forming, and breaking and being crushed, only to be formed again, repeating the process for years. Until there was nothing more to break, bones so strong and dense, if they were sentient, they would laugh at the strongest metal known to man. Immersed for millions of years in high temperatures, her skin forming as opaque as marble.

Radiating light like alabaster stone. Her hair grew, burnt off, only to grow again. Not the red color she once knew. She would have no memory of that. Not the hair color she would even remember she asked for. A strong shade of white mixed with a bright orange.

Her eyes forming, imploding, then quickly reforming. A burning sensation turning into a peaceful fire, creating irises the color of an earth's morning sunrise. A natural orange blush on her high cheekbones, seemingly soft and delicate features, yet so incredibly far from the truth. No super suit like the once enigmatic author had in mind.

A soul bound black and orange kimono naturally clothing her perfect curvaceous body. Her figure becoming a brimming desire for many to lay eyes on. A desire to court, a desire to fight, a desire to run. Her awakening causing chaos in pantheons across the omniverse.

She remembers almost nothing about how she got here. Why she seems to be floating in empty space. Looking down, admiring her kimono, "Hmm...I seem to be fully aware that I am just a floating soul right now, but this feels like skin, and hair, and...a kimono? Huh, well, this is what now?" Like on cue, an orange screen with black lettering opens in front of her eyes.

Happy Birthday, My Daughter---Domino Rao-Summers. Enjoy Your New Gifts. Do You Like Your New Look? Your New Name? I've Selected It Myself...My Lucky Star. Remember, Your New Birth Will Cause Waves In The Minds Of Many Across The World You Have Chosen. Do With That As You Will, My Daughter. Reminder- Your "To Gift a God-Birth" Abiility Can Only Be Used Once, And Will Automatically Activate During Conception. Your Mother Will Be Safe, So Have No Worries, My Daughter. Don't Cause Too Much Trouble Now. Or Do..Kids These Days Are Always So Troublesome. Now, Off You Go, Child! Sunnydale Awaits You.

"Well, Thank You, Father. Domino..huh? I think I will like that." She says with a melodic voice, like she harmonizes with the stars themselves. "Sunnydale? What's that?" A smile gracing her beautiful face for the first time while saying "Sounds perfect!"

Immaculate Conception In Process--You'll Feel A Bit Of Pressure, But Don't Worry, Your Soul Will Handle The Trip Just Fine. Just Close Your Eyes, The High Speeds, Can Get A Bit Jarring The First Time.

"What high spe---"

A bright white light encapsulating her form, before grasping her tightly and shooting off into speeds a mortal could never grasp. Universe through universe, from one end to the other, destroying planets, causing supernova's and swallowing more suns in the process.

"Yum, a few snacks on the way shouldn't hurt anything. How long is this going to take?..."


**POV Switch Joyce Summers**
Year 1990 Month of August Day 12

"Buffy! Stop running in the house before you hurt yourself!" Joyce says with exasperation in her voice.

"Sorry mom! Just grabbing a snack!" Joyce sighs and shakes her head as she thinks this little tyrant she's raising is going to be the death of her one day.

"That's fine, Buffy, but I haven't gone shopping yet, so grab a banana from the counter, dinner will be ready in about an hour, so eat light." Buffy's little 10-year-old face contorts in disappointment. "Okay, Mom."

Joyce puts a small smile on her face as she continues to prepare dinner for the two of them as usual. A thought to be an average mid-august summer day in a suburban area of LA, Ca. She reaches for a knife out of the kitchen drawer to cut some vegetables for her stir fry, with a quick glance out of the window above her sink overlooking her yard, that's when she noticed.

Everything started to float, the water hose lifting off the ground, water pouring upward, as if gravity was losing its control. Her car in the driveway, alarm going haywire as the metal moans and tires lift with it a good 5 feet off the ground.

"What the hell is going on?" She bemoans out loud with slight fear when she speaks. She turns to look around her, when everything in the kitchen was reacting the same way.

She hears a child scream, "Buffy!" Joyce shrieks and run towards the living room where the scream was coming from. She almost couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her child was in the air, flailing her little arms around. The TV also floating but being held in place by the chord connected to the outlet on the wall. With the living room furniture followed suit.

"Mom! Why Am I Flying?!" Buffy screams out in complete confusion. Joyce, about to reach for her daughter's hand, when her eyes turned to a bright white as she looks up towards the ceiling and mouth agaped. White and orange light surrounds her, slowly lifting her off the ground as well.

Air currents whipping around her in a circle like a small wind funnel. A sense of calm overwhelms her as the white and orange light surrounding her moves to her stomach. The light slowly dimming, and a name keeps flashing in her mind over and over.

"Domino Rao-Summers. Domino Rao-Summers. Domino Rao-Summers....." She repeats out loud in a low whisper, but loud enough for Buffy to hear.

"I'm.....I'm pregnant?!"


Short Chapter today, I will be writing a 3rd and might even upload it tonight so be sure to look out for it! Thank you All for reading!
