Chapter 7: The Goddess Has Graced Us
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Chapter 7: The Goddess Has Graced Us
You Have Leveled Up!
You Have Leveled Up!
You Have Leveled Up!
You Have Leveled Up!
You Have Leveled Up!
You Have Increased Your Level Multiple Times From Sunbathing And Combat. 
Side Effects May Lead To A Sudden Overwhelming Feeling Of Euphoria.
Check Your Status For Updates. 
You Have Unlocked The Stat Point System. Allocate Your Points To Your Preferred Attribute.
5 Points For Each Level Up.  25 Points Remain.
Check Your Status For Updates.
You Have Unlocked X-Ray Vision. 
Check Status For Updates. 
You Have Unlocked A New Attribute!
Perception Unlocked Due To The New Skill X-Ray Vision
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Thank You For The Tasty Meal, Mommy, Best Picnic Ever!!!
I Will See You Both Soon! Give My Love To Buffy!
Name: Joyce Summers
Age: 35
Sex: Female
Race: *******
Level: 5
Exp: 200/15,000
STR: 250 (Can Bend Steel)
AGI: 500 (Breaks The Sound Barrier)
DEX: 250 (Inhuman Dexterity)
INT: 0 (No Mana Detected)
VIT: 500 (Essentially Immortal) 
LCK: N/A (Can Not Be Calculated)
PER(NEW): 500 (Can See At Great Distances, Detect Traps or Hidden Enemies)
Allocated Points (NEW): 25
SKILLS: X-Ray Vision(NEW), Superior Speed; Inhuman Strength; Steel Body; Sun Healing; Solar Evolution
Passive Skills: Ageless; Sun Bathing 
Bathe In The Sun To Further Evolve And Unlock More Skills!
Bathe In The Sun To Gain More Experience; Reach Greater Heights And Level Up!
A Euphoric feeling enveloped Joyce in a consecutive set of waves.  At first it was a sense of calm, then over a course of a few minutes it developed into an uncontrollable urge to smile, shut her eyelids and just bask in the heaven-sent feeling of pure happiness.  It was almost orgasmic in nature.  After the status effect of euphoria settles, she slowly opens her eyes to a whole new world. 
She sees everything.  She thinks about how blind she was before, and how she never wants to go back. Darkness? What Darkness? A perfect, crystal-clear view of the forest and all of the animals that live and thrive consume her vision. If she wanted to, she could count every tree, every animal, any hidden pitfalls or old traps left by hunters. 
Everything was visible to her, it's like she is seeing the world for the very first time.  It was the first skill evolution to her that was evident immediately. This was the first time she understood what leveling up truly meant.  She wanted more, but now was not the time.
Buffy was once again conflicted, she didn't want to interrupt her mother, but she was also concerned about her behavior. 
"M-mom? Is everything...okay?"  Joyce turns her head slightly towards her daughter with a smile and lets out a satisfied sigh. 
"Everything is perfect, sweetheart."  She shakes her head and walks toward the fallen tree, lifting it slightly to get a better grip, then casually tossing it towards the forest and out of their way. 
"Let's go, Buffy."  Joyce holding her belly as she walks towards the car.  Buffy stands there for a moment, not knowing what to say, so she just decides to listen to her momma and get back into the car as they start to drive home in a one-sided comfortable silence.  
Buffy is quietly freaking out a bit, while Joyce has never appeared so calm, or stress-free. Until the realization hit her that Domino will be born soon, and the stress came back, and was dropped on her head like a pile of bricks. 
"Oh crap, we have yet to set up your sister's room, Buffy!"  Joyce's beautiful but just as ignorant daughter is just now realizing that's a thing they should have thought about, causing her to react the same way. 
"What do we do, Mom? That seems like something parents and siblings usually have plenty of time to prepare for, right? How long do we have? Oh, and should I get her a welcome gift? What do you think she'll like?!"  Joyce ponders Buffy's string of questioning for a minute, while keeping her fresh, new eyes on the road.  
"We will definitely have to go shopping tomorrow.  I think I might still have your old crib she could use, but we have a lot of supplies we still have to get.  Diapers, baby bottles, baby monitors, pacifiers, a changing table, a humidifier, thin blankets, hats, socks, ugh...clothes in general! We'll have to buy some cute onesies for her, why am I just now thinking about this?!"  Joyce relays to buffy in a small panic. 
"Well, to be fair mom, we haven't really had the time to stop and think about all of this.  It has only been a month!"  Joyce sighs listening to her daughter try and calm her down. 
"Yes, a short, but very stressful month, indeed." They finally get home, to get a good night's rest to prepare for the next day.
Joyce goes through the list of all the things they need and checking off everything they have just purchased before leaving the store.  "Diapers? Check. Bottles? Check.  Humidifier? Check.  Monitors? Check.  Blankets, hats, socks, and onesies? All checked, now what? Oh, Buffy, didn't you say you wanted to get her a welcome gift? What did you have in mind?"
Buffy puts her hand to her chin and tilts her head slightly up and to the right to think about it.  "Something personal, something that defines her, something that says, "I am Domino!", ya know? I just don't really know what that would be, especially for a baby."  
Buffy clicks her tongue and crosses her arms in disappointment. 
"It doesn't have to be for a baby specifically, Buffy.  She could grow into it, or it could be a toy, or anything to be useful later on, like a jewelry box or something similar to that effect." Joyce says trying to be helpful. 
"That's true, still, I want her to have something that she could use now and won't grow out of in the future. 
"Something sent..imental..." She pauses mid-word and finishes as something caught her eye that could be perfect for what she had in mind.
"Something like that!" She points to a necklace that seems to be a black gold chain with two orange and black domino pendants with a silver steampunk circular design across them.
Buffy once again clicks her tongue when noticing the price and the length of the chain being a bit too long for a baby. Joyce chimes in to break Buffy out of the thoughts she assumes she has.
"Buffy, it may be a bit pricey, but we'll most likely never come across this again.  If you truly want to get this for your sister, I think it would be a wonderful gift for her."  Buffy looks up to her mother with an expected and thankful gaze. 
With an immediate childlike response, she gives a pleading wide eyes response, "yes, please! I don't know how yet, but I promise I will pay you back!" Joyce giggles knowing she probably won't and wouldn't expect her to anyway. 
"Done, I also think it's perfect.  Domino will love it; a mother can tell these things.  In fact, something tells me this necklace will be much more important than you think."  Joyce replies with a warm smile.  
Buffy furrows her brows in confusion but doesn't say anything.  She's just happy to be able to get her little sister a gift that she can cherish for a lifetime. After purchasing the necklace, they have it boxed, and gift wrapped and get ready to leave the westside pavilion mall and head home.  They are in the parking lot walking towards their car, when Buffy's gift gives Joyce the idea to redecorate the guest bedroom into Domino's new room to make it her own.
"What do you say we buy some wallpaper and some decorations for Domino?  It will be a fun little project we can do, just the two of us before your sister is born.  I have a feeling she is very eager to meet us, sooner rather than later."  
"Okay! That sounds so fun! Though, I have no idea how to install wallpaper.  They don't teach us that stuff in school, it's not like their like "this is what a rhombus looks like...oh and this is how you plaster wallpaper to a bedroom wall." 
Buffy says with a smirk and an eyeroll.  Joyce just stares at her smart aleck of a daughter as she nods with her own smart aleck response.  "Well, here's hoping we can find rhombus shaped wallpaper with an instruction manual." 
Buffy's smirk leaves her face as she says, "ya know, your mom jokes won't help me magically obtain knowledge of wallpaper renovations." Joyce somewhat in shock at her response.
"If you are old enough to even be able to say that sentence, then you're old enough to help, now load the car and zip it, you ingenius little tyrant."  Buffy being a little annoyed knowing her superhero of a mother can do this in seconds, proceeds to do as she says to avoid a kryptonian butt kick. 
A few hours later, a sweat drenched Buffy could be seen panting as they both take a much-needed rest. Domino's room is beautifully set up. With Joyce deciding to go with Domino's preferred color scheme to match the orange and white light they continuously see; they were actually surprised to see it meshed very well together with the decor of the room itself.
With the crib against the wall, and the changing table near the window overlooking the backyard of their two-story home, a sense of pride comes over them as they stare at the completed mother/daughter project.  Joyce rubs the top of Buffy's head as she turns to her exhausted daughter with a proud smile. Buffy looks up at her mother to hear exactly what she has been waiting for. 
"So... lunch?" Buffy wipes the sweat from her brow as she says "Definitely!"  Right as she said that, as if on cue, the sunlight beams through the window and lands on Joyce as if encompassing her. 
An angelic hymn could be heard that sound like the windchimes of the Gods.  An overwhelming sense of completion encapsulates Joyce as her water breaks and crashes onto the wooden floorboards of Domino's bedroom.  A choir of angels and an orchestral epic of violins, cellos, and drums resonate and bounce off the walls as Joyce is surrounded by white and orange light.
It's unlike any of the times they have seen this before. A strobing effect of Domino's light can be viewed for miles. It is not blinding as one would assume.  It's like the light wants to be seen.  The light wants the world to look, you could say it craves the attention.  The light wants the world to heed the exact location of Domino's presence. 
Neither Buffy nor Joyce is confused about what's happening but knowing; does nothing to settle their nerves.  However, Joyce doesn't panic, if anything, her thoughts are more collected than they've ever been.  It's as if the birth of a God is a simple one. Right where she stands, she takes a seat cross-legged and straightens her back. 
A simple breathing exercise to the rhythm of the orchestral epic that seems to be heard by the entire world, and with one last push of breath escaping Joyce's lips, she opens her eyes, looks to the skies with eyes of white and orange light as she reveals to the world.....
The Goddess Has Graced Us
The Goddess Has Graced Us
The Goddess Has Graced Us
The Goddess Has Graced Us
The white and orange light slowly start to seep out through Joyce's womb in an outward progression towards the rays of the sun beaming down through the open window. A form starts to take shape as the light starts to slowly dim and finally disperse, revealing what appears to be a human child of around three or four years old.
A black and orange kimono with a floral design appearing seemingly from nowhere wraps around her tiny body. A set of beautiful sunset orange eyes and a picturesque view of thick white and orange pigtails drop with a light bounce to the sides of her adorable little face as she beams a glowing smile towards her mother.
"Hi, Mommy!" Being Domino's first words with the cutest sounding voice that either of them as ever heard.  
Buffy, not knowing what to say, and Joyce, not wanting to mess up a good first impression, but just can't help herself as she says. "Domino! Do you have any idea how many diapers I just bought?!" With Domino still floating in mid-air she giggles at her beautiful mother and puts her little hands on her hips as she bellows with pride.....
"Not to worry, mommy! I've been assembled potty trained." 