Chapter 8: The Goddess Has Graced Us Part 2
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Chapter 8: The Goddess Has Graced Us Part 2
"Buffy!!!" As soon as Domino met her sisters gaze, she immediately calls out to her with a contagious glow of happiness shown on her face and flies directly to her and wraps her little arms around her.
Buffy takes a small defensive step back as she happily catches her sister and held her into a hug. Domino breaks the silence as she cuts off her orchestral theme music with a snap and pulls her head away from Buffy's shoulder and continues.
"Ya know, I'm actually quite heavy, I'm about as dense as a sun eater! I guess you could say I'm...watching my weight!" Domino giggles at her own joke.  "Get it?  Cause that's something a fat human would say?"  
"Domino! No, that's not...." Joyce is still sitting on the floor as she puts her hands near her temples and shakes her head. "That is not an okay thing to say, honey." 
Domino lets out a melodious laugh and says, "oh right, the mortal sensitivity much to learn in this world." Joyce pauses then replies to her supposed newborn.  "Domi-- this is why babies aren't supposed to talk right out of the womb...I finally get it now." 
Buffy still holding on to Domino finally brings herself into the conversation with a laugh of her own. "Buffy, don't encourage her, you know better than that." 
"Wha--why am I the one in trouble?! Buffy gently snaps back with a joking demeanor. 
"That's not what I meant...." Joyce, before continuing she lets out a small scoff and a laugh. "Didn't you have something you wanted to give to your sister?"
Buffy with an excited aha moment she says "Oh yeah!! Domino, wait here for a second!" She sets Domino down on the ground, with Domino making sure to have a feather weight to her step.  Buffy runs towards her room and brings back a palm sized box and hands it to her little sister. 
With a beaming smile and a literal sparkle in her eyes, she happily accepts the gift. She tears it apart with her little hands and throws the wrapping paper over her shoulder.  She opens the box to see two beautiful domino shaped pendants with an intricate steampunk clock like design and a color scheme that matches her everything, connected to a long black gold chain. 
Domino immediately puts it on, the pendants reach her stomach, but she couldn't care less if it was a little too long. She loved it and planned on showing she did.  "Buffy, I love it! Thank yo--"
   [Secret Quest Completed]
Through A Random World Immaculate Conception
Become Loved By Your Immediate Family 
Shortly After Birth. 
The Faster They Accept You
The Better The Rewards.
Please Hold
Calculating Rewards.
"Secret Quest Completed?!" Domino says with the cutest high-pitched squeal.  Buffy and Joyce both turn to look at each other before returning their gaze back at Domino.
"What do you mean, honey?" Joyce notices Domino stare into empty space and figures she's staring at a system notification.  "Did you get one of those system ...notice things?"
Domino, with her eyes still planted on the white and orange box in front of her, answers her mother with an affirmative response.  "Yep, but it's weird, I don't technically have a system like you do, mommy.  I'm more of a... system administrator, than I am a system user.  This must be daddy's doing."  
"Wait... I'm sorry, Daddy? Joyce finally stands up to question her little newborn further. "You have a .... wait, I'm confused. Who's your father, exactly?"
Domino removes her eyes from the screen to answer her mother with direct eye contact.  "Well, Rao, of course. You may know him as the Sun God.  He's mostly worshipped on Krypton in a very distant universe.  Not that there isn't a Krypton in this universe..I actually have no idea...but there definitely isn't a Superman in this it's safe to say that it doesn't exist here." 
"Superman... you--you're from Krypton?!" Buffy screams out followed by a dropped jaw. 
"No, I'm not from ... Krypton... I'm from here Buffy... you literally just saw my birth." Domino says with a cute little eyeroll. "But you could say I have a Kryptonian bloodline.  Daddy blessed me with Kryptonian lineage while I was creating myself." 
Buffy and Joyce seemed to be completely overwhelmed with questions in their minds and not knowing what to ask first. Buffy decides to ask the more pressing question she has. "You..created yourself?? I don't get it... What do you mean?!"
"It's...kind of hard to explain. I'm not even really sure how to answer that." Domino says with a nervous giggle while scratching the back of her head. With a pout and a light stomp of her foot, Buffy outwardly complains. 
"So.... you are basically saying that're Supergirl?! Ugh... why am I the only normal one in this family?!" 
Domino giggles and shakes her head lightly as she holds Buffy's hand and says, "If by Supergirl, you mean super weak?! Then absolutely not! Domino scoffs and continues.  But, to answer your second question, Buffy, my beautiful sister, I really don't want to spoil it for you because you will find out eventually, but ... you are anything, but normal.  You might end up becoming the strangest one out of all of us, actually." 
"R-really? What do you mean by that?!" Buffy perks up and asks hoping to get answers. 
"Shhhh....spoilers."  Domino says with a finger to her lips and a cute wink.  "Oh... finally the rewards are calculated!" She has no plans on keeping secrets from her new beloved family, so she reads them aloud.
Due To Your Impressive Quest Completion
Three Rewards Have Been Authorized.
1.) Soulscape Level 1-- An Infinite Storage Space 
Used to Store Belongings
It Also Grants You Access To This World's Power Up Station.
It Is A Very Limited Version Of The Deifying Soul Space. 
Soulscape Provides Weapons And Inhuman Level Power Ups.
Body And World Tabs Are Not Provided.
2.) One Soulscape Point--You May Use This Now
Or Save It For When You Are Allowed Entry
Back To The Deifying Soul Space. 
3.) The Double-Edged Reward---Black Star Dagger--This Dagger 
Is Forever Attached To Your Soul.
You Are It's Only Wielder.
The Only 
Weapon Currently In Your Reality
That Could Harm You.  
Ten More Black Star Daggers Have Been Planted 
Randomly Across Your Reality.  
Be careful, My Daughter
Domino's eyes start to glow a bright white as she stands perfectly still as she downloads the knowledge of her Soulscape and how to access it. Her eyes start to dim and revert back to a normal sunset orange.  A deep black jagged double-edged dagger with a golden handle appears in Domino's hand.  The blade being shadow like in nature.  It almost looks alive, as it shimmers from the tip downward like the clouds across the sky. Domino studies the dagger for a minute before throwing a mini child-like tantrum. 
"Daddy! That's.... but that's not fair! Why are you giving this world weapons that could harm me?! Mommy! Tell daddy to stop being a jerk!" Domino casually tosses her soul bound weapon in her Soulscape and crosses her arms with a huff and a pout.
[Rao Laughs At Your Childish Plight]
My Beautiful Daughter, No Child Of Mine 
Will Become Stagnate.
Use This As Ambition To Grow Stronger.
Evolve Further, My Daughter.
Keep Evolving Until You Can Laugh At Any Attempts
To Harm You.
Evolve Until There Isn't A Weapon Or An Ability 
That Could Ever Even Dream Of Harming You.
Life And Lessons Go Hand In Hand.
Learn And Grow, My Child.
Domino relays Rao's last message to her family as she ponders what was said.  "I...I guess that makes sense. Still, be reasonable! Ten more of these are out there?! That's like... nine too many!" All three of them seem to be flabbergasted at the situation... and all for different reasons.
**POV Switch--The Watcher's Council**
Watchers around the world are training their slayer potentials.  Each one having a different training regimen than the next.  Some Watchers are much harder on their charges than others. They do all have one thing in common though.  They all train them to prepare for any and all situations.  Some take an academic approach; a clever mind can be a brilliant weapon on its own. 
While others give a hands-on approach.  Combat training and field work being the most common.  "Thrown to the wolves" as they say.  Sometimes literally, as werewolves can be more of a threat, or more common than vampires in some areas of the world.  
A slayer potential dying is not an uncommon theme amongst The Watcher's Council.  The Watcher's having sorcery and witchcraft at their fingertips, but what they are never taught is to treat their slayer potentials as human.  Day in and day out, training and preparations are of the utmost importance to the council. 
However, no matter how much training one could give, or receive, no matter how much reading, or studying one could do, no matter how many demons could be slain, there seems to always be something out of their control. There are things in this world, where even an attempt at preparations, would all be for naught. Nothing could prepare them for what seemingly is to come.
White and orange light encumber the eyes of every Watcher, far and wide.  Wherever they are, no matter the time zone they are in. Asleep or wide awake, all of them, reacted the same. Standing at attention, with their eyes set in one direction. A view of the strobing light of a familiar color scheme beaming down on a specific location. 
A unified chant in a low whisper could be heard in unison, all saying the same thing in different languages.  
"The Goddess Has Graced Us"
Nothing could have prepared them for this.  None of them knew the why, none of them knew the when, or the how.  But at the exact same time, they all know the where....
Los Angeles, California.