Chapter 10: Blood Test
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Chapter 10: Blood Test
At around 10pm, Buffy and Joyce went to bed in their respective rooms, leaving Domino to explore her own. Her body was small to say the least, but she definitely felt a little weird about sleeping in a crib.  She had already convinced Joyce to bring the old guest room bed back in here that she had stored away. 
She was lying on her bed and staring at the ceiling with her arms behind her head and her leg crossing the other in thought. 
"Should I sleep?  Do I even need to sleep? I really don't feel like I do, at least not at the moment.  I'm too excited to sleep!" Domino exclaims in her head. 
She gets up to stretch her legs a bit when she sees a small notebook with a pen on her vanity desk.  She walks up to it to take a look and flip through it, noticing it's never been used.  "Oh, it's like a diary!" 
Domino grabs a pen and the diary and brings them back to her bed.  She lays down on her stomach in a comfortable position with her short legs in the air and starts to do what feels oddly familiar, though she can't exactly explain the reasoning behind the sudden urge.
"I don't really know why, but I want to write, it feels so natural to me." Domino shrugs unconcerned as to why, in the end, it didn't matter, it sounded fun to her. She flips to the first page, the first thing she does after grabbing her pen, is to mark the date. 
"September 12th, 1990."
"I've had an absolute blast since coming to this world.  Even being in that cheesy prison inside mommy's belly was fun in its own way.  But I'm sure happy I get to finally stretch my legs! And of course, flying! I haven't done it much yet, just floating around the house, it takes a surprising amount of concentration not to crush the bed I'm lying on right now.
But I can multitask, so it's fine. Miss Diary, I write to you today to tell you all about my day. So enjoy the way my pen feels as the ink dances on top of the lines that you've ingeniously set up for me.  Thank you for that by the way, it's very helpful.  Please guide me, as my present thoughts guide the future me reading this. HI ME!"  Domino giggles at her silly self as she continues writing.
"I had a great first day today.  It was so much fun! Mommy and Buffy are perfect! Their questions about my mere existence were so funny.  The baffling looks they give me, oh my Rao, it took everything in me not to burst out laughing every single time!  I also entered the Soulscape for the first time today! 
It was beautiful, it felt so welcoming, I honestly just wanted to stay and bask in the atmosphere and the settling peace it brought me.  Though it wasn't meant to be, I had my new family waiting for me, so I had to pick up a few new abilities that would ease my future stress and ensure my beautiful sister's safety. 
This enchantment ability definitely came in clutch! Buffy also gave me a beautiful necklace.  It's like she put actual thought into my gift and honestly surprised me with these pendants that match my name and even my hair and eye color!"
"I couldn't ask for a better present!  I absolutely love it and will cherish it forever.  I ended up enchanting it, the necklace will now let me know right away if Buffy is in deadly trouble.  Which she definitely will be, this world is not kind to Slayers after all.  You think it would be, considering how heroic they are. 
They are the true heroes of the world.  And my sister is the best there is, was, and ever will be! She will become the best Slayer to ever live...even without my help she would be.  But, where's the fun in that?! I will make sure she secures the top spot, no matter what! 
Oh, I also got this cool new blood ability.  The description says I can even use my blood as a weapon!  I also found out my blood is a golden color, which even to me, was very unexpected.  I don't hate it though, in fact, It kind of suits me.  It must be a divinity thing or something.
I still have yet to test out my full capabilities, how will I compare to the atrocities and pure evil of the world I now live in?  I am actually hoping for a little competition, I'd hate for every single demon I come across to be super weak.  Though, I'm sure that would be fun in its own way, too.  I think I'll put that to the test, maybe even tonight! Well, Miss Diary, that's it for now, I'll write to you again soon!"
Domino closes her diary and tosses it in her Soulscape.  "Nobody gets to read that but me! Sorry, fam, I promise to not keep secrets, but a girl has to have her own thoughts! That was a lot of fun though, and putting my thoughts together like that did bring me some clarity, I really have yet to test out my true power.  Well, maybe testing out my true power would be a bad idea, but I definitely want to fight!" Domino using her x-ray vision notices her family fast asleep, presumably in dreamland. 
"I think it's time I get a good view of the city, let's see what LA has in store for me today."  Domino puts on a diabolical grin, removes her pajama's and wraps herself in her kimono, opens the window and slowly takes flight outside, making sure to get a good view of her neighborhood and the house they live in. 
"I definitely don't want to forget where I live, oh Rao that would be embarrassing!" Domino chuckles to herself before she flies away at breakneck speed towards the city lights. 
Domino hovers above downtown L.A., she looks down on the world and notices everything.  Seeing and hearing the heartbeat of the city.  The city is alive, though she wonders why, the demonic forces that dwell beneath it could probably crush a good portion of it before anyone knew what happened.  She chalks it up to the people that reside in it being nothing but livestock. 
"Makes sense, if I was a vampire, or any demonic being that feeds off of people, there would be no reason for me to kill off the majority.  I'd just take over a small part and have my own feeding ground." Domino, still hovering above the city, scratches her chin in thought. 
"Hmm... I wonder if there is some sort of underground club or bar that they all congregate at?"  Domino says with a scratch of her chin.
"I bet there is, actually, this city feels so corrupt, I bet there is a human buffet at some demonic dungeon area that's even government protected, possibly even funded! It honestly wouldn't surprise me at all." 
That's when she noticed a specific night club that had a line out the door of people of all walks of life trying to get in. 
"Hmm must be a relatively well-known place, wouldn't hurt to get a closer look." She uses her x-ray vision and enhances it and immediately notices something peculiar.  Not a single bouncer had a warm body.  She didn't hear a single heartbeat from any one of them.  However, the guests all seem to be human.
"I was right, it's a literal feeding ground, like pigs lead to the slaughter. I doubt they feed on all of them though, is there a place where they take a specific amount of people to?"
She notices a back door "employee only entrance" that doesn't lead to inside the club, it leads to beneath it." She draws a curiously excited smile on her face as she uses teleport dash to fly right to it without anyone noticing.
"Hmm, this is a lead door, Kryptonian's really can't see through lead huh? That's an odd de-buff, but whatever, I'll fix that later." Domino shrugs as she places her little hand on the handle, it's supposed to be locked, but nothing is ever locked to her.
She breaks that with ease and opens the door to see around forty people staring right at her, which makes sense, she's barely three feet tall, with white and orange hair and wearing a kimono, she might as well be waving a flag around.
Thirty of them were easily identified as vampires to Domino.  Even without x-ray vision, as they were all fanged out and had their intimidating vampiric scowl painted on their faces.  The ten humans were also easily spotted, six of them were beautiful women all bloodied, bruised and in tears, and were previously begging for their lives as they had already witnessed a few of their friends drained of all their blood. 
It was a sad sight to say the least.  Domino looks around expressionless, she had it in her mind to make a point today.  However, she also wanted to have a little fun. 
"Umm, is... is my mommy here?"  The supposed leader throws the woman he was feeding on to the side as he stands up from the couch, he looks at Domino and back at the girl he was eating.  
"I don't know little girl, was that your mommy?" as he points to the girl he just threw aside.  Domino shakes her head in a fake look of fear.  "How about that one? Or that one?"  He seems to be pointing at all the dead women on the ground, as if trying to elicit as much fear as possible. 
The leader has long black hair, black jeans, and a black wife beater tank top on.  He even has a black raven tattoo on his muscled-out bicep of his left arm.  A cliche villain in Domino's eyes, it was honestly heart breaking to her to see these victims strewn about on the concrete floor next to both empty and full kegs of beer.  But she also had to fight the urge to smile, as she wanted to punish them and show them what true fear felt like. 
It smelt like death and alcohol; the stench was starting to get to her.  She was honestly starting to get a little mad, but she held it in for the time being.  The leader starts to slowly approach her with a bit of pep in his step and a big evil grin on his face. 
He kneels down to meet her gaze, "would you like me to help you find your mommy, kid? You could watch me devour her right in front of you, wouldn't that be fun?!"
The leader laughs, watching Domino shake in fear.  But it wasn't fear, hearing him talk about her mother like that, even if it were to be impossible for her to be there, had her reaching a boiling point. 
"Oh, what do we have here, that's a nice necklace you have." The leader reaches out to grab it, not knowing it was the biggest mistake he could have ever made.
Domino with a movement faster than even a vampire could see, grabs his hand with such strength, that the smile immediately left his face and started to grimace.  Domino wasn't just angry, she was furious, she could honestly say she has never been so pissed off in millions of years.  She never felt anger, even when her bones were breaking and being reformed. 
She never felt angry being trapped in her mommy's belly, waiting to be born.  This was new to her, something she may have to learn to control in the future, but right now... control was the furthest thing from her mind.  She crushes the guy's hand slowly making sure he feels every bone break, as she revels in the satisfying crunch and screams from the man. 
She didn't let him scream for long though, as she grabs him by the neck and brings his face closer to hers.  The man couldn't make heads or tails of what's happening.  A seemingly 4-year-old kid broke every bone in his hand and had a vice grip around his neck, he tried to pull away, but couldn't move an inch. 
He stares into her orange eyes as the eyes got brighter and brighter, before she slowly pushes two beams out of them that look like a welder's torch, she makes sure to keep the heat down, just to burn his face off to bring as much pain as possible, before she finally blows his head right off and his body turns to dust.  
Domino, with her eyes still burning orange looks at the rest of the vampires as they stare at her with fear.  She looks down to notice the copious amounts of blood on the ground around her.  She looks back up at everyone and with a beautiful melodic voice that sounds like wind chimes but is crystal clear for all to hear.
"So... you all like blood, yeah? Good, allow me to thank you ahead of time for being my test subjects."  She slowly raises her right hand in the air, a golden liquid can be seen seeping through her index fingertip, with just a thought she creates a sizeable ball of golden blood around 4 inches in diameter. 
The ball hardens as it starts to glow as bright as her eyes are, she takes her middle finger and thumb and curls them into a flicking position, aims it at the guy closest to one of the victims who are also all looking on with fear. With one smooth and quick motion, she flicks the golden ball of glowing blood right between his eyes. 
It doesn't stop there, the ball goes right through him, she feels connected to the ball of blood, with complete knowledge of controlling its every movement, she makes it ricochet and bounce from one vampire to the next, bursting through them and getting slightly bigger with each victim she's purposely playing with. 
The ball of blood moving faster and faster until it finally breaks the sound barrier and turns them all to dust.  The ball flies back in front of the eyes of Domino, she grabs a hold of it with her thumb and index finger, and lets it seep right back through her skin.  Leaving no evidence it ever happened.  Well, besides all the human onlookers that were conscious enough to see the whole thing.  
Domino then closes her eyes and takes a few short breaths to calm herself down.  She opens her eyes again and dims the burning light in them to take a look at all the survivors.  She moves her sight to the most lucid one of the bunch and with a booming voice in a childlike pitch that causes a small gust of wind to push through the air, she says two simple words to the scared shitless victim in front of her.
"Go home."