Chapter 14: Joyce’s Wrath Part 1
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Chapter 14: Joyce's Wrath Part 1
Name: Joyce Summers
Age: 35
Sex: Female
Race: *******
Level: 5
Exp: 200/15,000
STR: 250 (Can Bend Steel)
AGI: 500 (Breaks The Sound Barrier)
DEX: 250 (Inhuman Dexterity)
INT: 0 (No Mana Detected)
VIT: 500 (Essentially Immortal) 
LCK: N/A (Can Not Be Calculated)
PER(NEW): 500 (Can See At Great Distances, Detect Traps or Hidden Enemies)
Unallocated Points (NEW): 25
SKILLS: X-Ray Vision (NEW), Superior Speed; Inhuman Strength; Steel Body; Sun Healing; Solar Evolution
Passive Skills: Ageless; Sun Bathing 
Bathe In The Sun To Further Evolve And Unlock More Skills!
Bathe In The Sun To Gain More Experience; Reach Greater Heights And Level Up!
"Luck can't be calculated, huh?"  Joyce scoffs as she continues.  "It's not very specific, is it? Couldn't that just as easily represent bad luck?  I sure don't feel very lucky right now." Joyce says with her head low, feeling downtrodden. 
"No, if my daughter's view me as a superhero, then that's what they are going to get." She puts her car in reverse and backs out of the parking spot, heading towards the opposite direction of her home. 
"They'll be fine for a few hours." She says to herself as she starts to drive south from the city.
With tears still uncontrollably falling from her eyes, she continues her short journey back to Morton Peak.  She thinks back to a fond memory of growing her daughter within her womb, as the sun beats down on her.  She remembers the feeling of physically feeling her daughter grow as she swallows the rays of the sun.  The memory of the peaks being so peaceful is at the forefront of her mind.  
She finally makes it to her destination, viewing the peak she once stood on from below. 
"If I'm going to war, I must first be at peace." She says to herself as if it's a proverb or getting in touch with her inner Sun Tsu. She doesn't run, she makes the hike this time. Walking puts her at ease and helps her think, she doesn't exactly have a plan, but this is the only thing she could think to do at this moment.  
She stands at the peak, putting her hair in a ponytail as the wind dances around her.  She calls out her status again, staring at her attributes, still confused about what the numbers truly mean.  Joyce shrugs as she throws all twenty-five of her unallocated points into strength.  She wasn't expecting much, her numbers being already relatively high, assuming twenty-five wouldn't represent a huge change.  
1-5 Points Is Recommended At A Time
Anymore Than That Can Cause Serious Discomfort
Or Depending On The Amount Or The User
Can Cause Serious Injury
Comatose, Or Even Death
"Wh-What?! How about a warning next time!" Joyce yells out as she drops to her knees and burrows into the ground slightly from the force.  She feels what exactly has been allocated. She feels the influx of the points do their work. She thought discomfort meant pain; she thought the system was notifying her of the agony that was to come.  
Allocate Your Points Evenly 
To Avoid Any Discomfort 
It wasn't. There was no pain.  She felt her body remake itself, and she was loving every second of it. "Gee, Th-Thanks", Joyce says as she falls flat on her back staring up at the cloudless sky, as she gives praise to the sun for giving her grace. 
She feels and hears her muscles snap and reform.  Her head slowly moving from side to side in blissful fulfillment, as the onslaught of her bones breaking and mending along with her muscles continues.  Everything feels so hot and heavy to her, as if the sun is directly in front of her face. Her eyes are shut with a huge grin on her face as she basks in the experience. 
Her body starts to take a new form, any unnecessary body fat being replaced by pure muscle, distributing it evenly across her body.  The system working overtime to try and correct the mistake its user has made.  
Her legs and arms forming muscle definition she's never had before.  Her once pregnant belly, now slowly forming abs at a breathtakingly fast rate.  With gravity no longer affecting her, her body starts to lift off of the peak and shift her upright. She snaps her eyes open as she stares straight into the sun, as she feels the soothing heat encompassing her new form. 
She smiles as if she has never felt better in her life.  She floats there as if she is now in command, "I can go higher." Joyce says as she starts to defy gravity further, she does so as if it's the most natural thing in the world.  
She slowly rises, attempting to avoid any shade that could block her view of her new best friend at the moment.  She gets to a point where she can get the clearest vision of the sun. 
She spreads her arms out wide to take it all in, "is this what Domino feels? This is... I feel, so free, and hungry!" She says while reaching out towards the sun as if trying to pull it from the sky. 
"I've never felt so connected to my daughter, even when she was growing within me.  I ...think I .... understand her! No, it's more than that... It's like I ... understand God." 
She throws her head and arms back with pure joy evident on her face, as she devours as much daylight as she can, before a notification she's never seen before presents itself.
She Exists By The Will Of The Stars
The Stars Exist By The Will Of Her
The Sun Rises By The Will Of Her Grace
The Sun Sets By The Will Of Her Grace
Accept Her Will
And Her Will Brings Hope
Challenge Her Will
And Her Will 
Brings Fear
Do You Wish To Accept Her Will?
A single tear drops down as a proud smile crosses her face. There was no hesitation in her voice.  No fear, no bad taste, there being nothing challenging about her choice, as all of the stress and anxiety has completely left her body. 
"There isn't a universe that exists where I would challenge my daughter! Not a moment in time... she prob--no, she definitely knew I was to be her mother long before I did, it was written in the stars! As far as I can tell, it's the longest story ever written, who am I to end it here? So, yes, of course I accept her will!"  
It was like there used to be chains bound to her, holding her back from truly accepting her daughter as her own.  She felt restrained from the bonds of uncertainty, but with those restraints being lifted, she's almost thankful for the oncoming storm supposedly brewing with a time limit.  With that, a new bond is formed.
"I guess the Watcher's Council is good for something, huh?"  Joyce smiles, as she watches what seems to be a blade falling from the skies above.  It's falling directly towards her, without a hint of fear in her eyes, a small smile crosses her face.
She sees the blade falling at a speed no normal human could see, yet to her, it was like a falling leaf, spinning in the wind.  With a slight turn of her body, she lets the blade fall to her side as she catches the sword by the golden hilt.  Her eyes become shrouded in a white light, as the information of her new weapon...and its new wielder, enters her brain.
A Kryptonian Xiphos blade, made from the core of a yellow star. A golden oval hilt connected to a thin blade that gets wider until the tip, a beautiful burning flame is present across the entire blade, as if it was a call to battle. She had no time to examine it further, however, as a pressure is building, starting near the shoulder blades of her back.  
The sounds of ripping and tearing can be heard, with two long gashes formed in a half circle, and her skin splitting to make way.  Golden blood can be seen dripping out of the open wounds and falling down towards the small of her back. 
They weren't open wounds for long, as a pair of beautiful white and orange wings sprout outward with a golden glow outlining their shapes. With feathers so soft to the touch, yet almost impossible to damage or weaken. 
Joyce takes the time to examine her new appendages, as she curls them into a hug then slowly releases them back to a relaxed state.  She definitely noticed the familiar color scheme which she has grown to love and smiles as another tear falls to her cheek.  Without being able to contain the excitement anymore, she spreads them as far and as wide as she can, and flaps them with such force, she launches herself higher towards the beautiful blue sky, leaving a gust of wind behind that was so powerful, it caved in the tip of the peak below.  
"This... this feels so natural.  It's like I've always had wings, but somehow forgot how to fly!" Joyce yells out with pure joy, she feels like she's re-living a memory she lost a long time ago.  With the wind brushing against her skin and her new sword gripped in her palm, she has come to the realization, she doesn't need to look at her status to know, she is not the same person she was, when driving towards this small mountain range. 
Just as she thought that, a string of notifications presents themselves in front of her.
A New Race Has Been Acquired
Check Your Status For Updates
A New Weapon Has Been Soul Bound To You
Check Your Status For Updates
New Skills Have Been Acquired
Check Your Status For Updates
A Secret Quest [Completed]
--A New Bond--
Form A Deeper Connection With Your Daughter 
Secure A Familial Blood Bond
Secure Your Role In The Pantheon
Become Her True Protector
New Race
New Evolution Tree
Soulscape Inventory
You Have Evolved Before Reaching The Level Cap
You Are Back To Level 1 With A New Race
30 Stat Points Acquired For The Achievement.
Joyce flies back towards a different peak, setting her feet down, she holds her blade to her chest as it disappears into her soulspace, along with her wings. 
"Hmm, it's like they are attached to me, but also not attached at the same time.  It almost feels like armor I've been born with.  Or... reborn with, more accurately.  I don't even need them to fly, but it sure is fun." Joyce says with a solemn nod. 
Contrary to what most people would concern themselves with though, it was the last notification that intrigued her the most.  "Oh? More stat points huh?  Let's put them all into perception this time." Joyce says as if not learning her lesson. 
Allocate Your Points Evenly
To Avoid Any Discomfort
Proceed Anyway
With a stern confirmation and a sly smile across her face, Joyce resounds with an emphatic "Yes!" 
"Oh, come on! This is my first time, ever watching tv, you can't let your new little sister have the remote for a while?  That's just rude... aren't families supposed to share?"  Domino says while pouting on the floor of the living room.
"You said it yourself, you're the "little sister!" right? The older sister has the remote privileges, that's just how it works, I don't make the rules." Buffy boasts proudly, really leaning in on the whole "older" sister role. 
"Older? Buffy... are you serious?" Domino says with the cutest glare you would ever see.  
"Uh...well, fine...bigger then! Yeah, the bigger sister gets the remote... I don't make the rules."  Buffy says trying to convince even herself. 
"You know, I might just outgrow you soon, what's your excuse going to be then, huh? Oh, I know, how about, "the more annoying sister gets the remote", something like that?"  Domino says with a smug grin. 
"Well, if that were the case, I might as well just give you the remote right now!"  Buffy fires back with a quip of her own. Domino just clicks her tongue as she reverts her eyes back towards the tv.  
"Fine, we can take turns, I'm... a reasonable sister, after all, no need to thank me, I know, I'm the best!" Buffy says with a sarcastic tone, as she passes the remote to Domino.  With another click of her tongue, Domino snatches the remote from her sister's hands.
"Yeah, yeah, you're the be--".  Domino stops midsentence, when something strange and unexpected, obstructed her view. 
Joyce Summers Has Accepted Your Will
"Mommy accepted my what?  My Will? What in the world does that mean?" Domino says aloud with confusion evident on her face.
Joyce Summers Has Now Evolved
Joyce Summers Has Acquired A New Race
Joyce Summers Is Now 
A Kryptonian Battle Angel
+5 Soulscape Points Have Been Acquired
"A Kryptonian ... what???"