Chapter 2 – The Faceless Apparation
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Sarah had always been aware of the supernatural. Growing up, she had listened with a mixture of fascination and skepticism as her mother recounted tales of ghosts and spirits in an attempt to scare her.

Unlike her mother, who possessed an unwavering belief in the unseen forces that lurked in the shadows, Sarah approached the supernatural with a healthy dose of skepticism. She preferred to rely on logic and reason, dismissing the tales of the paranormal as nothing more than crazy stories told by a schizo.

But her experience during her short stay at the mansion had shaken Sarah's innermost belief. The strange occurrences she had witnessed - the flickering lights, the mysterious pocket watch, the ghostly apparition of a young maiden - defied explanation, leaving her with a big question mark in which she couldn't ignore.

For the first time in her life, she was confronted with the undeniable evidence of the supernatural, and she knew that her skepticism could no longer shield her from the truth. That there was in fact a world beyond reasoning and logic, a world so vast yet hidden right under her nose.


Sarah woke up the next day wearily with unkempt hair, feeling lazy as she made the smallest attempt to get out of bed. Her limbs felt heavy, and the weight of exhaustion pressed her down. 

With a heavy sigh, Sarah knew she had to request a leave of absence from the administration building. The idea of going to class felt like a hassle when there were several things to uncover. Plus, she couldn't shake off the mystery surrounding the parchment she found with her last name written on it. Unraveling the reasoning behind it seemed far more intriguing than sitting through lectures.

As Sarah made her way down the dorm corridor towards the public bath, her steps are slow and heavy. "Just a quick shower and then I can start the day," she mumbled to herself, trying to shake off the grogginess. Sarah noticed a couple of cheerful girls exiting the bath, their laughter and chatter was heard from afar by Sarah. "They seem so carefree," Sarah thought wistfully, a hint of envy creeping into her head. "But I can't afford to dwell on that now. I need to focus on getting through the day." As a heavy sigh escaped from her lips, her attention caught a gesture from the girls, waving at her with a smile. They passed by with a small, whispered greeting, and she followed suit, returning a wave with a forced smile.

Sarah stared at several empty stalls before deciding on one, she turned on the shower, feeling the warm water droplets flowing down from head to toe. Memories of yesterday's events flashed through her mind like scenes from a movie. The ancient parchments, the female apparition, and the mysterious pocket watch. Lost in thought, Sarah leaned against the tiled wall, allowing the soothing embrace of the shower to wash away her worries, if only for a fleeting moment.

After returning to her dormitory room, Sarah tied her hair back and slipped into her black jacket. She reached for the strange pocket watch resting on her table, the one she had found in the mansion's library. 

The pocket watch was a sight to behold. Its golden exterior and intricate design was meticulously crafted, each details screams dedication to whoever crafted it. The watch's hand is gilded with gold, tracing the passage of time with elegant precision.

"I bet this tiny watch could fetch a price like a small house in the city," Sarah mused with a wide grin spreading across her face. "If this is just a part of what I inherit, then maybe all this exploration isn't such a waste of time after all.”

Captivated by its mysterious charm, Sarah couldn't resist the urge to explore the inside of the pocket watch. With delicate fingers, she examined the watch from every angle, curious to uncover its mysteries. Yet, no matter how she fiddled with its gears and knobs, the watch stubbornly refused to reveal its secrets, its golden hands fixed at midnight.

"Alright, watch, you win this round," Sarah muttered under her breath, slipping the stubborn timepiece back into her pocket. "But mark my words, I'll figure you out eventually. For now, duty calls." With a determined nod, she slung her leather side bag over her shoulder and set off towards the college administration building.

When Sarah approached the college administration office, she mustered up the courage for any scrutiny that she might’ve faced. When she stepped inside, the familiar scent of paper and ink filling her nostrils as she made her way to the front desk.

Behind the counter, a woman with a kind smile greeted her. "How can I help you today?" she asked, her voice warm and welcoming.

"I need to apply for a semester leave please," Sarah replied, her tone firm but polite.

The woman's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Oh, may I ask why?"

Sarah hesitated for a moment, unsure how much to reveal. "Personal reasons," she replied, her gaze steady.

The woman nodded understandingly and handed Sarah a form to fill out. As Sarah began to write, her mind raced with thoughts of the mansion. 

Finishing the form, Sarah handed it back to the woman, who gave her a sympathetic smile. "I hope everything works out for you," she said softly.

"Thank you so much," Sarah replied, her voice full of gratitude. Feeling relieved, she turned and left the office, her heart lighter now that she had taken the first step on her journey.

As Sarah walked down the campus grounds, her long, wild ponytail hair swayed with each graceful step, adding to her aura of confidence and allure. Not to mention that she's a bit taller than average, she exuded an air of quiet strength and beauty that turned heads as she passed by.

Her trusty Rover P6 gifted to her from her dad awaited her at the edge of the parking lot, its sleek lines and polished exterior reflected the afternoon sun.

The glances from boys and girls alike didn't go unnoticed as she made her way to her car, each admiring gaze is a silent acknowledgment of her irresistible charm. But Sarah paid them no mind, her focus squarely on the road to her beloved car in the parking lot.

With a flick of her ponytail and a confident stride, Sarah climbed into her car, she fixed her rear side mirror, and took a glance at her confident self. With that little performance out of the way she began to turn the key. The engine purring to life beneath her touch. When she was about to drive, her phone buzzed continuously with notifications muffled by her bag. Glancing down, she saw a string of messages from Shelly, her close friend, flooding her screen.

"Hey, Sarah, where are you? Class is about to start!"

"Sarah, are you alright? You're never late to class, even though you complain about it all the time!"

"Seriously, Sarah, this isn't like you. Did something happen?"

Feeling a pang of guilt, Sarah quickly typed out a response to Shelly, explaining her sudden absence.

"Hey, Shelly, sorry for not being in class today. I took a leave of absence for personal reasons. I'll fill you in later, I promise."

With a sigh, Sarah hit send and watched as the message screen gave a checkmark of being delivered. She knew Shelly would be worried, but she couldn't risk revealing the truth about the mansion and the secrets she had uncovered.

As she drove away from the campus, Sarah couldn't help but wonder how Shelly would react when she finally learned the truth. But for now, she focused on the road ahead.


A few minutes pass by, Sarah’s tummy growls in protest, she realizes that she hasn’t eaten breakfast let alone lunch. As she drove out from the campus grounds, she decided to make a quick stop at the local diner just a few clicks away near her campus. The diner is really popular among college students because of the price, and taste.

Craving a taste of the comforting European cuisine it offered. She quickly pulled up in front of the diner, parking perfectly on the space provided. Inside, the aroma of freshly baked bread and simmering soups enveloped her, Sarah's stomach rumbled like a hungry bear as she eyed the menu. "Hungarian goulash? Yeah, that's the stuff," she thought, settling into the cozy booth by the window. When the beautiful waitress walked over, Sarah couldn't help but admire her beautiful smile. "Well, hello there," she grinned back, feeling a tad flirtatious. 

As the steaming bowl of goulash landed in front of her, Sarah's taste buds went into overdrive. Each spoonful was like a warm hug, wrapping her up in a blanket of savory goodness. And that crusty bread? It was like the perfect sidekick, soaking up all the flavor. With every bite, Sarah's belly let out a satisfied rumble, thanking her for the delicious feast. "Now, this is what I call comfort food," she muttered between mouthfuls, feeling like she'd hit the jackpot with this meal.

As Sarah finished her meal, the beautiful waiter accidentally spilled her glass of water when she reached to refill it, drenching her jeans. The waiter bowed and apologized with a tear in her eyes. Sarah quickly reassured the waiter, "it's okay," while flashing a smile. She excused herself from the table and headed towards the restroom to dry off and clean up.

As she reached for the door handle, her pocket watch trembled, emitting a faint red glow. Surprised, she held it tightly, her hand trembling. "Red light? Why is it red? What does it mean?" Her thought, full of questions. When she opened the door and stepped inside, she was met by an eerie silence.

Inside the restroom, Sarah spotted a figure standing by the sink, its back turned. The pocket watch in her hand glowed red, shaking violently as if trying to escape. "Oh my god, what is happening?" she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper, her heart racing with a mix of fear and curiosity. 

Sarah took a glance at the figure’s back, appearing to be an ordinary young woman, her silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of the overhead light. "Hello...?" she hesitated, her voice barely breaking the eerie silence of the restroom.

But as Sarah drew closer, her heart beated loudly in her chest, she noticed something unsettling from the mirror – the figure's head was completely devoid of features, like a blank canvas staring back at her. Frozen in fear, Sarah's mind raced, unable to comprehend the terrifying sight before her.

Before she could gather her thoughts, the figure disappeared for a split second before reappearing again, now, its featureless visage hovering inches from Sarah's own. At that moment, time seemed to pause as they locked eyes. Sarah tilted her head to the right slightly, yet somehow... the figure mirrored what she did.

With a gasp, Sarah stumbled backwards, dropping her pocket watch in the process. Her heart pounding in her chest as she frantically reached for the door. Without looking back, she fled from the restroom, the image of the faceless ghost burned into her memory.

Emerging back into the warmth and bustle of the diner, Sarah couldn't shake the feeling of dread that hung over her like a dark cloud. "What in tarnation was that?" she muttered under her breath, her voice laced with frustration and fear. It felt like a punch to the gut, leaving her breathless and unsettled. 

With urgency, Sarah quickly settled her bill and hurriedly exited the diner. She couldn't wait to leave the god forsaken diner behind and continue her drive to the mansion.

Seated in the driver’s seat, Sarah's hand reached instinctively into her pocket, expecting to feel the familiar weight of her pocket watch. But instead, her fingers grasped at emptiness. "Oh, crap, i think i left it on the toilet when i fell down," she muttered, her frustration evident in her voice. However, she hated the idea of going back to that cursed place. With a sigh, she banged her head against the wheel, feeling utterly frustrated. But then, a strange sensation followed by a green light emerged from her jacket caught her attention. "What the...?" she muttered, reaching into her pocket. There it was—the pocket watch had inexplicably returned to her jacket.

With a mixture of relief and bewilderment, Sarah accepted the unexpected return of her pocket watch and continued her journey to the mansion. Yet, her thoughts are filled with questions about the figure in the restroom and the mysterious timepiece and its peculiar abilities.