Chapter 1: The World Crumbles
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 Chapter 1: The World Crumbles

The aroma of sizzling garlic and basil wafted from the kitchen, painting a picture of domestic bliss in Kai's mind. He hurried home from his second shift, eager to share a home-cooked meal with Mia, his high school sweetheart turned girlfriend of five years. They had dreamed of this life together - a shoebox apartment filled with love and the promise of a bright future.

He entered the apartment, the familiar scent replaced by a cloying perfume he didn't recognize. A low murmur from the living room sent a jolt through him. It was Mia's voice, but laced with an unfamiliar flirtatiousness. Kai peeked through the doorway, his heart plummeting like a stone.

There, sprawled on the worn-out sofa, was Mia, her once vibrant eyes glistening seductively at a man Kai didn't recognize. The man, all sharp suit and sculpted jawline, leaned in close, his hand trailing possessively down Mia's arm.

"Don't worry, darling," the man murmured, his voice dripping with a wealth Kai could only dream of. "I can set you up at my brother's fashion house. Once you're in, your career will take off."

Mia giggled, a sound that ripped through Kai's soul. This wasn't the quirky girl who'd spent countless hours sketching fashion designs beside him, fueled by Ramen and dreams. This woman, with her perfectly manicured nails and designer dress that screamed money, was a stranger.

"But Kai..." Mia's voice hitched, an attempt at guilt perhaps, but it rang hollow in the face of her desire.

Kai felt a cold sweat clam his palms. "Kai?" the stranger echoed, a sneer creeping onto his face. "Is that your, uh, sugar daddy?"

Sugar daddy. The words echoed in Kai's ears, a cruel caricature of their years of struggle. He wasn't rich; hell, he worked two jobs just to help Mia afford her fashion school fees. He'd even taken on coding projects on the weekends, sacrificing his already limited sleep, just so she could afford that coveted internship in Paris.

The anger that surged through him threatened to consume him. But before he could unleash it, the harsh reality hit. He wasn't the rich man who could elevate her career. He was just Kai, the boy who’d loved her since they were awkward teenagers sharing stolen glances in math class.

He opened his mouth, words forming a desperate plea, but nothing came out. Mia's eyes darted to him, a flicker of something akin to pity crossing her face. But it was quickly replaced by a steely determination.

"Kai," Mia finally spoke, her voice laced with practiced calmness, "this is Robert. He's…" she hesitated, searching for the right word, "…an investor in my future."

Kai could barely force a nod. The room seemed to shrink, the air thick with betrayal. He backed away, each step echoing the retreat of his dreams, leaving behind a desolate wasteland where their future had once stood.

Without another word, he stumbled out of the apartment, the world a blur of neon lights and rain-slicked streets. His phone buzzed, a text from his sister, Maya, the ever-practical law student. 

"Dinner's ready! How was work?" it read.

Kai stared at the screen, a bitter chuckle escaping his lips. Work was the one thing that hadn't betrayed him today. But with a heavy heart, he typed out a reply.

"Busy. On my way."

He had a responsibility to his family, to Maya, who was counting on him to be strong. But for the first time in his life, Kai wasn't sure if he could muster the strength for anyone, least of all himself. The world he knew had shattered, and he was left sifting through the wreckage, desperately searching for the pieces of his heart.

The city lights blurred into streaks of neon as Kai walked on autopilot, his mind a warzone of emotions. Rejection gnawed at him, a bitter aftertaste to the dreams they'd shared. Images of Mia, radiant and ambitious, intertwined with the face of the arrogant stranger, replayed on a loop in his head.

He reached his apartment building, the familiar scent of jasmine from the potted plant by the entrance offering a fleeting moment of normalcy. But as he unlocked the door, the emptiness of the tiny apartment slammed into him. Maya, bless her soul, wouldn't be back from her law school library shift for another hour.

Collapsing onto the worn-out sofa, Kai buried his face in his hands. A wave of exhaustion, both physical and emotional, threatened to pull him under. Just as he was about to drift off into a restless sleep, a soft blue light materialized in front of him, accompanied by a chiming sound.

He blinked, momentarily disoriented. The light coalesced into a translucent panel floating in mid-air, displaying a message in a clear, easy-to-read font.

**Congratulations, Kai Sharma! You have been chosen by the Perfect Incubus System!**

Kai stared, his initial shock morphing into bewildered amusement. Chosen? For what? As if anticipating his question, the panel displayed another message.

**Welcome to the exclusive club of Perfect Incubi! Every time you sleep with a consenting woman, you get to participate in a special lottery! Win amazing prizes like enhanced looks, intelligence, fighting skills, and much more!**

Kai's eyebrows shot up. A lottery for sleeping with women? This had to be some elaborate prank. He reached out to touch the panel, but his hand passed through it like smoke.

**This is no prank, Kai. This is your chance to become the best version of yourself! The starter package includes immortality, immunity to all diseases and poisons, and a comprehensive knowledge of seduction techniques!**

The message continued to explain the purpose of the system - to ensure the existence of at least one Perfect Incubus, a being who could enhance the lives of the women he slept with, supposedly in accordance with the will of nature. The system itself, it clarified, was a creation of nature, solely focused on keeping at least one Perfect Incubus alive.

Kai reread the messages, his initial skepticism giving way to a flicker of morbid curiosity. Immortality? Enhanced looks? The thought of never getting sick again, of being strong enough to protect himself and his family, was undeniably appealing. But the idea of using women for some grand, nature-sanctioned purpose left a bad taste in his mouth.

He looked around the cramped apartment, the familiar sights taking on a new meaning. Maybe, just maybe, with this system, he could build a life where he wouldn't have to work two jobs just to make ends meet. Maybe he could finally give Maya the financial support she deserved. 

A deep breath escaped his lips. He didn't like the circumstances that led him here, but the potential benefits were undeniable. With a newfound resolve, Kai reached out towards the translucent panel, a single thought echoing in his mind. 

Maybe, just maybe, this system could help him pick up the pieces of his shattered life.