Part 9 – He knew
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It's late at night.

My father comes into my room.

"Kyouko... You awake?" Akechi asks.

"Yes, father. Is everything okay?"

"We have something to talk about." Akechi says, sitting down next to me.

"What is it? Is it important?"

"Yes, it is..."

I don't like how serious he sounds...

"...I hope it's not something bad..." I say, feeling a little nervous.

"No, no. But, Kyoko. You're not actually five, right? You're older, correct?"

"...Father? How do you know?" I ask, feeling a bit surprised.

"Just a gut feeling..."

"Are you mad? Do you dislike me for lying?"

"No, I don't. But I just wanted to talk about it. Are you really Kyouko? Are you really our daughter?"

"...Yes. I'm really Kyouko." I reply.

"I see. It's just... You seem too mature for a five-year old."

"Do you really want to know? Do you really want to know why?" I ask.

"...Yes. I do. I really do want to know. I don't want to think that our daughter is lying to us."

"I'm sorry... I was scared. I thought you'd get angry if I told you the truth." I say, feeling guilty.

"You have nothing to apologize for. It's your life after all. But... I do want to hear the truth from you."

"...I understand."

"Okay. Tell me what happened. Please don't lie. I just want the truth. That's all."

"...Okay. I'm a reincarnated person... I died in my previous life and was sent into this world. That's why I'm really older... I'm sorry..."

Akechi was silent.

"I... See..." Akechi says, looking a bit confused.

"...Is it okay? Mother and father won't hate me? Will they?"

"No, we won't. But Reincarnated, huh. I've heard rumors about it, but I never really thought it was real. You really did come from another world, huh?" Akechi says, looking at me.

"...Yes. I was reborn by the goddess of knowledge..."

"Really? Interesting."

"What do you mean? Do you not believe me?" I ask, feeling a bit confused.

"No. I believe you. It's just the goddess of knowledge. That sounds a bit ridiculous, to be honest."

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"The goddess of knowledge is known for keeping all the knowledge of the world to herself. She's selfish, and never helps anyone. She keeps to herself and doesn't care about others. She's very vain, and doesn't give a shit about anyone. There's barely anyone who worships her, so I find it odd that you got reincarnated by her. Did she say why?"

"Um... She said I had potential." I say, looking at him.

"I see. And that's why you were reborn by her, huh. Hm. She most likely took a liking to you."

"Why would she do that? It seems weird..."

"Who knows. I just find it weird. There aren't many reincarnated people in this world. There are rumors, but none are confirmed. That's why it's hard to believe in. But I trust your words, so I'll believe you. You may be tied into the goddess of knowledge."

"Um... I'm sorry if it seems weird... The truth is... I committed suicide in my previous life. I was really sad... I just wanted to escape reality. But then, the goddess of knowledge appeared and sent me here. I just wanted to leave, I guess. I'm sorry." I say, hugging my knees.

"Hmm. I see... But... You're alive now. And I'm happy for that. You're our daughter after all. I love you very much. I just want to make sure you're okay. Let's tell this to your mother, okay?" Akechi says, smiling at me.

He goes to call Kitsuna.

They have a short conversation, then he calls me.