Part 15 – Monster
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Five months pass, and I learned Enhancement Magic.

I'm not particularly good at it yet, but it's helping me out. My physical abilities are slowly getting better.

I can use a bit of speed and strength, but it's not enough.

Today, my parents don't seem to be home. It's weird. I never really see them at this time. They always leave early in the morning and come back late in the evening.

After eating, I decide to walk outside. It's nice outside.

It's not too cold.

There are no trees.

No grass.

There is just dirt.

It's kind of sad.

I've always wondered why.

I guess there's a reason for it.

I decided to explore a little bit. I haven't left the house much, so it would be fun.

I start walking down the road.

I'm not exactly sure where I'm going, but I think I'm just exploring.

There doesn't seem much around, so I keep walking.

I pass by some people.

They look at me strangely.

They seem to whisper to each other.

Maybe they know my parents? I'm not sure.

"Um... Excuse me?" I say, approaching them.

"Stay away! She's dangerous!" One of the people exclaims.

"W-What do you mean?" I ask, looking at them.

"She's a Demi-human! Stay away from her! She's a monster!" One of them yells.

They start running away from me.

"...Monster? What does she mean?" I wonder.

I've heard my mother say Demi-humans before.

I've always wondered what that meant.

If I recall correctly from Japanese comics or manga, they often feature characters known as 'beastkin' or 'demi-humans' who possess traits or characteristics of various animals or mythical creatures

And... It seems like I'm one of those...

I keep walking down the road. I'm a bit confused by what they said.

"I don't get it. They called me a monster? I don't even know what they're talking about." I think.

Wait... Are Demi humans not accepted by people in this world?

Is that why I was never told?

Are my parents protecting me from something?

Is that why they've always kept me in the house?

It seems like there are a lot of secrets around me.

"Maybe they were just being mean to me? It seems so weird... I'm just a small fox girl." I say, feeling confused.

I continue walking down the road, hoping to find something.

I come across a small village. It's kind of nice.

I decided to enter.

The people there look at me strangely as well. They seem to be talking to each other, pointing at me.

Maybe I shouldn't stay here.

I keep walking through the village. I found a small pond.

"Huh? What's this? This is kind of pretty." I say, walking towards the pond.

I take off my shoes and socks and put my feet in the water.

"Hm... It's not that cold... I think I like this..." I think.

I've always enjoyed water. I used to enjoy swimming a lot in my previous life. I also liked playing with the water.

It's not exactly swimming, but it's close.

"Hm... I don't think I've seen this many people before." I think, looking at all the people walking around.

It's a small village, so I guess there would be fewer people here than in a city.

I decide to go for a walk in the village. Maybe I can meet someone who isn't afraid of me.

I keep walking through the village, passing by different people.

"...So far, no one seems to be friendly. It's weird; why do people look at me so strangely?"

Suddenly, there's a loud sound. I look in the direction of the sound. It came from behind me.

I look behind me.

A small girl seems to be running away from something.

She runs straight into me, making me trip and fall to the ground.

"A thief!" A woman shouts, looking at the small girl.

She looks at me and runs away.

I'm kind of shocked.

What is going on?

The people are looking at me strangely. I stand up.

"You let the thief run away! You are an accomplice! You should be ashamed!" A woman says, looking at me.

I look around. Everyone is looking at me. They seem angry.

"Um... What are you talking about?" I ask.

"She's one of those Demi-human filth! Don't talk to her! Stay away! She's probably the thief herself!" A man says, pointing at me.

I started to feel scared.

They seem so angry. I've never been in a situation like this. I'm just a small girl.

"You're one of them! I should've known! Stay away! Stay away!" The woman yells.

I start to panic. I don't know what to do. I don't know why they're angry at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You're the one who let her escape! Stay away! Stay away!" A man yells, pointing at me.

They keep shouting at me. They keep pointing at me. Not only that, but they seem furious.

"Leave! Stay away! You don't belong here!" They shout at me.

I start running.

I'm so scared. I've never been in a situation like this. I just want to get out of here.

"Stop! Demi-human filth!" A man yells.

They keep shouting at me. They keep chasing me. I just want to get out of here. I don't understand. What did I do? I didn't do anything wrong.

I start to run faster.

I run into the forest.

I keep running until I'm too exhausted to keep going.

"Why are they so mean to me? Why? What did I do? Why? What is a Demi human?" I cry.

I cry for a long time. I don't know why I'm crying. Maybe it's because I'm still ten.

I stop crying and start walking. I have no idea where I'm going, but I'll find my way home somehow.

I walk through the forest. It's kind of nice. There are trees, flowers, and animals.

In the distance, I notice the small girl from earlier. She seems to be in trouble.

I run to her.

She's being attacked by wolves. I've never seen them before. They seem to be trying to bite her.

She looks really scared.

I don't know what to do.