Part 30 – I… I hate slimes!
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It's completely silent and eerie; a cold, damp darkness greets my entrance.

We both just look around... The silence is really... Creepy...

This place seems even creepier than before...

The path is straight ahead, and eventually we see an intersection with different paths going in several different directions.

Eureshya is standing before the different directions, staring at each of them intently.

I feel uneasy standing in this dark corridor with my ears and tail twitching and wagging nervously.

"--Do you have an idea where to go?" I ask Eureshya.

"No, nothing. These are most likely traps of some kind, or monsters. So, choose at your own peril."

"...We should turn around!"

I suggest, sounding worried and a little nervous.

"This way, then." Eureshya walks in a certain direction, with no hesitation whatsoever.

"Are you mad? Eureshya, that path... It could lead anywhere!" I protest.

"This is a good practice for you. I don't feel like waiting. So, make up your mind."

"Good practice?" I repeat.

"You barely have any combat experience... Or knowledge. The most you can do is a little visualization, nothing more than that. Your enhancement magic isn't useful at all in your current state. That shield can be quite effective if used correctly. That said, you'll die instantly without your magic being suppressed. Well, with all the traps or whatever this place is, it seems like an excellent place to improve. The faster, the better." Eureshya tells me, crossing her arms.

"...You don't make any sense to me! Why do you insist on putting me in danger?! This whole situation seems really bad..."

"Fear makes you stronger. It's part of human nature. You've already died once, or maybe I should say twice? That must have given you some perspective of how this world really is." Eureshya replies, with an almost disapproving tone.

"That was different..."


I remember everything I did and everything I experienced.

This world isn't like my previous world. The reality is scary! And painful!

And dying is... Just unimaginably horrible.

I don't want to die again. And I don't want anyone I care about to die.

"We can turn back if you want. But if you don't start learning about this world, I don't think you'll be able to survive it."

...I feel a ache of sorrow at those words... But it is the truth, unfortunately.

I need to get stronger... I want to live... For me and those I love!



⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯Don't want to be like my old self anymore.

"Well?" Eureshya asks, looking at me.

I just take a deep breath.

"...I want to be strong! For me! And my family! Please help me!" I say to her.

My resolve strengthened.

...I need to become strong and stop running from these situations.

She watches me as I step into the dark path, filled with an unknowable, strange atmosphere.

Eureshya expression changes slightly, revealing a rare hint of softness.


"Very good... Let's continue then."

And so, we picked one of the paths and kept on moving on the small torch I carried.

It doesn't take long before we encounter something on our path...


"Is that a slime!?"

I feel disgusted just by looking at it.

That green... Gloopy thing just slides closer.

I... I hate slimes.

Slimes remind me of things I never want to be reminded of.

"Don't be scared." Eureshya tells me, as the slime closes on us.

"---Aah! I'm only ten! Don't come any closer to me!" I say, waving the slime off as far away from me as possible.

"..." Eureshya sighs, sounding disappointed by my words.

She immediately slashes at its core, causing a liquid-like substance to burst out from it and covering everything with goop.

I let out a relief cry when its gone.

"---That thing was disgusting... Thank you."

"That looks like a really low level monster. Maybe the weakest? Even if I hadn't attacked, it wouldn't have killed you." Eureshya comments.

"You don't understand! That thing is dangerous!" I protest, pointing at it.



...How?! How do I even explain!

"Just... Listen to me... Slimes are not normal creatures! They shouldn't exist!"

"And why is that, exactly?"

"---They... They can rip off your clothes easily... They're sticky...!" I blush heavily, not able to finish that sentence properly.

...I'm not a good child.

"And so... What?"

"...So... So... It means you're going to have trouble wearing your clothes later! What do you think I meant?" I snap back, frustrated.

"Does that matter?"

"...Well... Of course it matters... A girl's pride is based on her dignity! Don't you understand, Eureshya?"

"Is that so. Very interesting..."

"Why am I telling you these things, anyway?! Do you have a slime fetish?"

"A fetish, hm. Maybe not. I find your expressions of embarrassment very funny and entertaining to watch, I suppose." Eureshya answers.

...She's just looking at me weird.

"...Don't look at me like that. I'm not a pervert... Okay!"

"A pervert?"


"Aren't you?"

...Eureshya is way too serious! And it's always this dangerous, for no reason!

But she knows my memories, so that could be the reason.

"...Erase my memories from your mind!"

"That's impossible. Now, let's continue."


Eureshya really sounds like she has no compassion for me... It's really annoying!

And that little girl doesn't seem scared at all. She just looks around quietly, without making a sound.

I thought she was scared.

She just stays next to me, without a sound, but always follows.

I can't tell what's on her mind right now, so I decide to let it be... It feels kind of comforting having her with us.

And... With Eureshya looking over us.

We keep walking. The path starts becoming longer, and we come across a bigger area.