Chapter 04 Genin missions
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The test was too simple to see-through. After explaining it to Jiraiya several times he finally understood it was a test of our teamwork as well. We were close and it ended early because needing to explain it so many times to Jiraiya let the Hokage know we knew what the test was actually about. 


We spent the next year doing D rank missions. Jiraiya was mostly useless. I had put on thirty pounds of muscle and shot up a foot in height surpassing Jiraiya. I worked on my skills becoming more polished and the few spars we had quickly became two against one with the two other teammates against me. 


Only near the end of the year did the two actually make me have to show some of my true strength. Jiraiya was completely useless but Tsunade did something completely different with her chakra. For brief moments she would surpass me in strength even when I was cycling my chakra. After flirting with her I managed to understand her technique.


She was using superhuman levels of chakra control to temporarily strengthen the parts of her body needed to throw out attacks. Her body couldn’t handle and would tear itself apart then she would heal any damage she did to herself. I had some regeneration from the poison. Any injuries or soreness from training would be gone after a single night's rest. I doubt I could heal from significant wounds or lost limbs but that low regeneration let me push my limits to the maximum.


Our first C rank mission was also too easy but that was to be expected. I had improved my body beyond double its normal strength when cycling chakra reaching 150% stronger than I would be when not using chakra. Another thing I noticed was the increase in my body also increased my overall chakra pool. After letting my chakra rest for a day of not cycling I could use bigger ninjutsu or the same one with bigger effects.


My cycling technique was already strong but seeing how both worked together to make me stronger faster than everyone else it was clear both forms were supposed to be used together. Cycling constantly to increase the total chakra pool then using large scale attacks while focusing on learning chakra control was how you improved rapidly.


I had begun stealing ninjutsu from other clans. The flimsy defenses they had set-up were very easy to penetrate. At least any that weren’t warded with a formation made by an Uzumaki. If I saw an Uzumaki fuinjutsu I would just give up and leave because there was no bypassing them at my level. That still meant that the bulk of basic jutsu’s could be learned, which was another thing I learned about this body. When we did the chakra paper test I thought it was wrong but I could use every type of chakra possible.


No, that didn’t make much sense to me. There was no person who could use all five at this age. Every single other person who could use all chakra natures needed to train to unlock them. Also it had to deal with using far more chakra for natures you didn’t have. So while Hashirama and Tobirama could use all five chakra natures they probably weren’t attuned to all five chakra natures.


I think I knew why I had attunement for all five chakra natures. After testing and cycling the poison I knew for sure. I couldn’t go into sage mode like Madara but I could convert the poison's natural energy into pure perfect chakra. Once again this is just like the difference in my chakra cycling technique compared to others. The same when I was naturally strengthening myself by cycling chakra I was naturally improving my attunement through absorbing and converting poison natural energy.


Then I found my book in the Hokage’s office and stole it back. The book contained several distinct snake based ninjutsu and the exact method I had stumbled upon to convert poison into pure affinity chakra. Since I gained the book and started working on the special jutsu I decided to not use any of them in front of anyone I didn’t plan to kill or were too strong that I couldn’t hold back.


Finally they managed to hurt me and put me on the backfoot. Jiraiya had gained a few new ninjutsu from Hiruzen who took him under his wing. He also made his own ninjutsu as a defense mechanism against me. He could now harden his hair and wrap it around himself. Tsunade was far harder on herself pushing her body to the absolute limits and using attacks that could shatter the ground when she punched.


It happened out of luck that her punch scared Jiraiya so much his self created jutsu fired off iron like needles from his hair. It took hours to remove them all but I had already devised several work-arounds for his hair needle explosion technique. It still meant that our teacher thought we were ready for our first B rank mission.


It was also the first time we would leave the hidden leaf village's boundary and head into the village hidden by rain. Our mission was to find a scientist and essentially steal all of his research. It wasn’t a hard mission to be honest. At least it shouldn’t have been. Somehow they knew we were coming and if we didn’t have the Hokage as our team leader we’d have died…


Or they would have died while I ran away before being killed. Truly being able to cycle chakra and increasing my physical stats was broken. Running faster than everyone is a good way to make sure you can’t be killed. That flicker technique isn’t very common fortunately and it takes a lot of chakra.


While fighting on the outskirts of the city one of my mud clones returned with the boxes of research notes for the mission. “Alright let's go people. We won you rainy bitches!” I picked up Jiraiya and just started running from the battlefield. We made it back to the village mission successfully but Jiraiya complained about how anticlimactic it was.


I had grown to like my two teammates. Jiraiya is pretty stupid and kind of weak and will probably end up dead but I’d miss the fucker when he does. He can make all of us laugh and has just now started taking being a ninja seriously. Just as we were about to separate, Hiruzen stopped us.


“This will be our last mission for four months. The Chunin exams will start then. I think all three of you are strong enough to pass but separate training will do you all better than chasing cats and painting fences.” He’s not wrong. We’re more of handymen than ninjas. I also planned to rapidly grow in this period.