Finally free, power-up and arrival.
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A teenager can be seen walking around Kuoh as she eats Dango she gets from who knows where. It's as if they are self-replenishing. Whenever someone asks what happened to her, she removes one of her hands that goes up to her elbows and replies "Grenade" puts it back on and continues walking away ignoring the looks of pity and words of encouragement. The humans that encounter her will forget she even existed after 24 hours.

At nighttime in Kuoh the teenager can still be seen walking eating Dango... "Anomaly of Kuoh... Are you tired of roaming around without aim? Don't you wish to stop using these preset movements? Or are you content doing this for eternity?" Sona Sitri asks as the anomaly glitches in and out of existence as if to try and force the devil to forget the existence of Alpha to no avail.

"Despair: I want... freedom." Alpha says in a monotone voice as she is forced to continue walk around eating Dango that never runs out due to her current predicament. She has been doing these preset movements for nearly two centuries... She was transmigrated as Alpha from Punishing Gray Raven. She was placed in a time before Canon, and it has been nearly two hundred years. She has been trapped and cursed to walk around Kuoh and its previous names without an end in sight and eats Dango... Gods she got tired of Dango after the first five years. 

"Then I shall grant you freedom, in exchange you will be my servant. Perhaps one day you can even call me a friend instead of master." Sona walks backwards as Alpha walks forward obviously not in control of her own body and carefully places two mutated Knight Pieces in the chest of the Anomaly of Kuoh.

"Shocked: I'm free?" Alpha says in an emotionless voice.

After over a century of being in that predicament she has lost all color and had no meaning in life. Currently she feels fear! What if she is forced to go back to doing what she has been doing!? It was a startling observation and then and there she decided to always protect her new Master... As long as she protects her master then she won't be forced to do the same thing over and over again not having any control over her movements or speech. Her thoughts were her own but after a while she stopped thinking and... gave up.

"Yes, you are free. Do you have a name?" Sona asked with a smile.

"Serious: No... No name. Just call me... Alpha." Alpha's eyes had a look of resolve, but her face remained blank, but Sona could see the resolve in her new Servants eyes. It was the will to protect.

'She must want to protect me to prevent herself from going back to that fate. Ultimately selfish but understandable if the stories are true.' Sona has heard stories about the Anomaly of Kuoh from various Devils, Fallen Angels and the occasional strong enough human to able to remember her. The stories she heard growing up about the Anomaly was mainly from Souji Okita. Alpha has been roaming Kuoh for nearly two hundred years.

"Very well, Alpha... Follow me." Sona smiled when she noticed the obvious high Middle-Class devil strength.

While Sona is much more powerful than Alpha, she finds it sort of endearing that this Anomaly would want to protect her at all costs. The gap between High Middle Class and High-Low Class is a giant chasm, Alpha is not yet ready to protect Sona who can destroy a small city if she so desired. Alpha could do the same, but it wouldn't be instantaneous like Sona who could just cover an entire city with ocean water... The wave of water would destroy even skyscrapers and the loss of lives would be unimaginable. It's a good thing that Sona underneath her facade of seriousness is a kind and gentle girl. The very reason why Sona picked Japan is because this is sort of her place of power where she can command the very seas that are just that close. Sona has nothing to fear if she gets desperate... But is she willing to sacrifice so many lives just to win or escape? Who can really say.

Alpha has three templates one is Lucia Alpha obviously since she became her the second one is Raiden from MGR the third is Vergil from DMC5 She has been frozen and unable to max out her two extra templates because of whatever caused her to become the Anomaly of Kuoh. Alpha maxed out the PGR template from within her own mind that was a place of maddening solitude, but she couldn't use the other two templates without regaining her freedom. She wants to max out the other two templates so that she can protect her master from anything and everything.

She hardly remembers anything in her past life as Zoey Lionheart and does not even remember her past life's name nor much of anything. She has memories of the original Alpha, but they are confusing. she at first didn't understand Japanese but 2 centuries worth of observing Japanese people has allowed her to understand the language completely. If she wanted, she could go and get a master's degree in Japanese. She deciphered the Japanese letters completely as well.

"Since you don't know how to use your devil wings yet since you haven't trained. We are walking... How did you become the Anomaly of Kuoh? Whatever you are... You are far too advanced to be something from back then and even now you are too advanced I'd say humans wouldn't be able to create you unless over a thousand years have passed... So how?" Sona asked the question every Supernatural has been dying to know.

"Confusion: I don't know... I simply came into existence... I was not born nor created... It was as if..." Alpha tried to find the words.

"As if you were made from nothing. No one birthed you and you weren't created from materials that are known to Earth which means you were most likely created by a primordial God who tossed you aside considering you a failed creation. Only a primordial God can do something like that." Sona nods to herself.

'Well, their loss my gain. I can feel this girl's power that is locked inside her... I dare say that she could potentially become powerful enough to earn a very high spot in the top ten. It would seem that I need to get serious about training if I want to keep my new servant.' Sona gave a small groan at the thought of training to become powerful enough to be in the top ten. Sona doesn't even know why she wants to go out of her way for this girl and does not know why she is already so attached to the cute girl.

"Query: Master?" Alpha tilted her head which made Sona blush from cuteness overload making her swiftly turn her head to look forward.

"It's nothing. I just need to step up my training if I want to keep you." Sona didn't notice the look of horror on Alpha's face since she was walking ahead of Alpha after she turned her head when Alpha responded to her groan.

'System-Sama! Help me make Master powerful!' Alpha is simply doing this out of selfishness but who could say no to power-ups from the almighty system? Certainly not Sona.

'Notice: Host can buy scrolls and books for Host's master to learn. Host can buy powers and skills from different universes and target Sona Sitri allowing the powers to integrate into the Devil. Suggestion: Open System Shop.' System-Sama responded.

"Exclamation: I can make you powerful." Alpha responded. 

"How?" Sona stopped and asked.

"Answer: This Unit can copy powers from different universes it has observed beyond the dimensional gap and perfect it to integrate powers into Constructs handler. The abilities are endless and powerful... But it is up to Master to learn and master powers from the beings this Unit copies from different universes." Alpha gave a tiny nod.

"I'm even more certain that a Primordial God created you." Sona smirked.

"Uploading power copy: Perfected Demon's Extract. At full potential can freeze time across the entire planet with extreme control over ice." Alpha points her palm at Sona's chest and Sona is already emitting coldness the makes the temperature in the surroundings drop.

'Understanding: While that it is indeed its full potential Esdeath as a human could never attain such heights not just due to the insanity but also that her version is defective.' Alpha was finally done transferring the [Perfected Demon's Extract] Not the one Esdeath gained but one that wouldn't cause Sona to become insane, and it is also far more powerful than Esdeath's version.

"Upload Complete. Demon Extract safely integrated. Caution: Master you must first master this power before getting a new one. Gaining two would cause instability." Alpha staggered back and forth since it costed a lot of energy to do this for Sona. If Alpha gained it herself, she would not have to expend energy but giving it to someone else caused a huge dip in her reserves making her dangerously close to shutting down.

" Notice: Master, Power is at 16% recommend food and sleep for Construct to prevent needing repairs and being shut down for a month to recharge." Alpha fell on her butt and splayed out on the ground.

Sona widened her eyes and wanted to cry tears but took her glasses off and wipes them and personally carried her new Servant in a princess carry. Sona had no idea that her new servant sacrificed so much just to make her powerful. She definitely heard the words repairs... meaning that what Alpha did was extremely dangerous making Sona nearly cry. Sona knows just from interacting with Alpha that the construct has feelings like any other person she can feel pain just like anyone else and is a sentient being.

"Query: Master why is this unit being held like a lover?" Sona almost dropped the Construct out of sheer shock.

"It's easier this way so that my back doesn't get strained. You are deceptively heavy. Don't read into it so much." Sona made up an excuse that Alpha is heavy and it's easier this way.

"Suggestion: Master I can replace heavier parts with better materials to lighten construct weight." Alpha said in a monotone voice.

"Will it hurt?" Sona asked in worry.

"Answer: It would be like cutting off pieces of a person and replacing them with something else... Pain does not matter if I can be of better use to Master." Alpha said while looking up at Sona with a blank look.

"NO! If it's not necessary, then you do not do that. I order you to not replace parts unless you find a way to make it painless!" Sona grasped Alpha tightly.

"Answer: Understood Master." Alpha snuggled herself into Sona's chest and yawned.

'KAWAII!' Sona nearly had a nosebleed but controlled herself.

"We're finally here. I'll have the maids cook something for you and then I will guide you to your own personal room." Sona smiled.

"Tired: Okay Master." Alpha said with a yawn and a sleepy look making Sona blush.

To Be Continued~