*Zzzzzz...* In the latter part of the day, on a construction site there could be heard a saw as it cut some metal. Sophie looked at how the sparks flew in an arc when the saw ate through metal. The construction site was full of activity and bustle as people worked and the giant machines roared and showed their might.
This construction wasn't different from the others, it was just another place where a building was being built. There wasn't anything interesting for your average citizen, and that showed as people just went by and at most spared a glance or two while on the move. Everyone and everything was in motion, including the people on the street and the people on the site.
Everyone except Sophie, this woman just stood there, she watched as the people on the other end of the metal fence worked. She admired the work that went into creating the building that will at some point stand there. The creation of something, something new fascinated Sophie, she couldn't even imagine how much work went into it all, from mining the needed materials to using them to create the necessary building.
''Ugh, sorry.'' Sophie didn't move her gaze away even when a child ran into her, she just gave a quick glance and made a small bow to acknowledge the child's apology. She just continued to watch the workers as the child ran further on his way.
Sophie has been fascinated by the process of creating things, she always dreamed of being a blacksmith, a potter, or maybe a lapidarist. Unfortunately, she didn't have much time for those kinds of things because of her job, she did try to take up drawing, but she wasn't able to regularly practice it, and even though she still picks up the pencil from time to time, it isn't much.
But that is the price to pay for her position in her stable and safe job. Sophie didn't hate her job, she knew what she was getting into when she started working, but that didn't stop 'what if' thoughts. What if she chased her dreams, became an inventor, and made stuff she wanted, what if she ignored those around her, and didn't go for one of the so-called stable jobs.
There were plenty of 'what ifs', but that was all they were a possibility that wasn't reality. Did she regret choosing this path? Maybe a little, but she didn't hate her current situation because she had a nice job, the people where she worked were nice too, she had friends and family. The only thing she might want more was free time, but the responsibilities that came with her position weren't small, so maybe in the future, she will have more free time.
Sophie thought it was an interesting situation, she had a high-paying job, plenty of money, and a position where she had practicality zero need for her own manual labor, but she wanted to get her hands dirty, to create things with her own two hands, to embrace the labor so that she could create something out of nothing.
She still remembers how she used a knife, to sharpen a stick, with the thought of hunting a wolf and then using its fur and skin to make some kind of clothing. When she announced her idea to her parents she was quickly shut down, for multiple reasons, and then her parents needed to calm her down with some ice cream because Sophie wouldn't stop crying and telling them that she wanted to hunt a wolf, with her flimsy sharp stick.
''Hihi.'' A small giggle escaped her lips while remembering that whole thing. After that tantrum, her gramps took her fishing from time to time, and she stopped trying to hunt wild animals, mostly. Sophie continued to look at the construction as she smiled and played some old memories in her mind.
''AAAAAA...'' ''WATCH OUT!!!'' *TUUUUUU...* A sudden shout made Sophie turn her head. She saw how people were screaming and running in all directions away from her. But it didn't take long for Sophie to realize they weren't running from her, but the truck that was coming right at her.
Seeing the truck Sophie just froze in place, her mind was yelling for her legs to move but they didn't as if there were two cement blocks chained to them. Because Sophie didn't move in that crucial moment it was too late and it was as if time slowed down. Her mind calmed down, it no longer willed her legs to move, but instead played her life until this point. The life she lived, the time she spent on this planet Earth, she could confidently say it was a good life, but as the truck got closer, one word came to mind about the later years of her life. 'Boring.'
The next moment after that word popped into her mind, the time resumed and she was hit by a truck. Sophie felt the impact, the pain, and then nothing, she had died.
''Huh?'' Sophie was confused because she clearly remembered a truck coming her way, then hitting her and killing her, kind of hard to forget. Now she could say it was a dream or more precisely a nightmare, but then the question was why was she in a pure white room, sitting on a chair with a desk and a computer right in front of her, if all that was truly just her dream then shouldn't she be in her bed right now.
Another possibility was that she had a dream in a dream, and now she was having one of those lucid dreams, or this was her afterlife, just an empty white room.
''No this isn't a dream, yes you are dead, no I can't send you back to Earth, and no this isn't truly your afterlife.'' While Sophie was still trying to figure out what was going on, a blond-haired, gold-eyed man in a white suit appeared out of nowhere and started rambling about something. The words this man spouted caught Sophie's attention, and she just decided to believe them, they may not be true and she was just losing her mind, but this option was more or less the same as all the others for now.
''So what is my situation?'' Although Sophie had gotten some information on her situation, she still was confused about what was happening.
''Well you died, and your soul was chosen for reincarnation.'' The man put his hands behind his back as he explained things to Sophie. ''I'm unable to tell, why you were chosen, but you were. We are here to let you choose your path in the new life, and I'm her to assist you if you have any questions.''
''I see.'' Sophie was still a little confused but she was starting to get in what kind of situation she was in. ''Then can you tell me where I will be reincarnated and where do I start?''
''You'll be reincarnated in a fantasy world, the classic setting that is used in media on Earth, all with magic, dragons, and system.'' The man looked uninterested and his face hadn't changed from the monotone look not even once. ''And if you want to get started please look at the screen.'' He indicated at the computer screen with his hand as he told her where to start.
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Dexterity: 5
Vitality: 5
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 5
Wisdom: 5
Perception: 5
Skills: -
''Ok, I understand the name part.'' Sophie started to read what's on the screen, she knew more or less all these terms but she wanted to know more. ''And I somewhat understand all the other things, but can you tell me more, what each of these stats do, and what are skills, and are they similar to what were in games back on Earth.''
''Of course, but let's start with something more simple, please choose your class.'' The man didn't deny Sophie information, but before he gave it to her, he wanted Sophie to choose a class. ''It will indicate the path you have chosen for your new life.''
*Click* Sophie used the mouse that was on the desk and moved the cursor over the 'class' section and then clicked. The next moment a list of classes opened before her, the list was so long that Sophie could probably scroll for some time before she found the end. Fortunately, there was a search bar above the list, showing Sophie that if she wanted she could look for a specific one.
But even with the search function, Sophie wanted to have a look around, to see what was available to her, to explore. So she got comfortable and got ready to spend some time looking for her ideal class. After all, if this truly was her second chance in life, she wanted do it right.