Fall to Pieces
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Chakra put on one of Dr Hart’s old Beatle records and poured herself yet another glass of wine. “Go on. Have some more! Stop being a party pooper!”

The Doctor declined. He was beginning to miss his assistant Jo.

Chakra giggled and started dancing but she was so unsteady on her feet she ended up spilling wine all over Ophelia’s furniture! And (what was worse) singing incoherent lyrics to the fab four’s songs.

The Doctor was getting weary of Chakra by this time and was desperate to get back to his laboratory.
Chakra continued with the embarrassing antics so the Doctor ignored her and started reading instead. Taking John Symonds’ The Life of Madam Blavatsky from the shelves the Doctor’s mind was transported back to 19th Century India. He’d barely got to the end of the first few pages when Chakra slipped and made the record jump. The Doctor’s head snapped up in irritation. Now his concentration had been broken and he was out of patience.
“What a way to behave in your tutor’s flat. If Ophelia could see you now she’d be appalled.”
Chakra wailed in response protesting that she was a good girl and rarely touched a drop.

Damn she was annoying but he couldn’t leave and those self-pitying sobs were getting worse.
“Sorry, old girl. Didn’t mean it to snap. But it’s been a long night. Perhaps you should get off to bed.”
The record needle got stuck on ‘A Day in the Life’.

“Oh, for Gods’ sake, turn that thing off will you.”
Chakra lurched tipsily towards the hi-fi. She tripped over a cushion and the wineglass fell out of her hand. Chakra screamed when she saw what fell out of her glass.

More screams, breaking glass and a boy’s eye staring up at them from the floor.

Calming Chakra with a Venusian lullaby the Doctor left her sleeping in Ophelia’s bed before searching the rest of the flat.

The Time lord was worried. Someone wanted Ophelia dead. The Doctor wasn’t sure of the motive yet. Though, he had his suspicions. Other body parts turned up in the most unlikely places. The Doctor collected them and chucked them into a basket he’d found lying outside the flat.

 He identified the body parts. They belonged to the Illusionist’s young assistant and they were still alive!

The things invaded the flat searching for Ophelia. Were they intelligent? Could they distinguish between humans? The Doctor was uncertain so setting the sonic screwdriver to stun; he blasted the invaders with concentrated sound.

There was no sound from Ophelia’s bedroom Chakra must be sound asleep. The Doctor stayed up on guard with a book but couldn’t help falling asleep at three am in the morning. When he woke up and checked the time he found he had been asleep for hours! The Doctor got up off the sofa and opened the bedroom door.

He had forgotten to search inside the bedroom.