Chapter 4
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"Wha…? Who are you?" Jade groaned, looking up at the man. A deep chill was spreading through her body, and she realized she was shivering. When had that started? She tried to stand up but was too weak, slumping back down to half sit, half lay on the grass.

"My name is Damos." He said, crouching down beside her. In one hand he held an open book, which snapped shut as he tucked it away. "There will be time for proper introductions later." He frowned, as if the thought of delaying them was unpleasant. Damos touched her arm and his gaze unfocused, like he was looking at something Jade couldn't see.

"You've been poisoned by a venomhound." He said grimly. "I don't have the ability to cure you here."

"A what?" Jade asked, trying her best to ignore the throbbing pain in her side. "Wait… that doesn't… matter right now. What… Can I do?"

Her breathing was labored and shallow, and talking was starting to hurt. She had to act fast, get to a hospital, or something. What had he mean by cure her? Was this man a doctor? He didn't look like one.

"There' normally a lengthy explanation before this." Damos replied, taking a large diamond from an inside pocket of his jacket. "But there's no time for that now. Take this, it will pull up a selection of races for you to pick from. We need to find one with poison resistance, and quickly."

"Races…? What?" Jade remembered something in the message windows about that, but her head was growing foggy.

"Upon entering the Labyrinth as a Wayfarer, you're given the option to change your form to that of another race, or species." He explained quickly. Despite the apparent urgency of the situation, Damos's voice remained reassuring and calm. "We must choose one for you that will cure you of this affliction."

"Transform…?" She asked, hardly believing what she was hearing. "Like, turn into something else? Like what? How… How is that even…?" Jade couldn't finish the sentence. It was getting hard to breath.

"Magic." He said simply. "Your world has very little of it, so that must be hard to believe. But time grows short, and we must proceed."

A thousand questions flashed through Jade’s mind. Magic? Transformation? Where the hell was she? What the hell was going on?! But she could feel the poison inside her spreading, sapping her strength. She didn’t have time to interrogate this man. Jade nodded, unable to think of any alternatives. This man seemed to know what was going on, and she was clueless. Her legs were slowly losing feeling as everything else grew colder and colder. It hurt, and she was scared. She grasped at this chance like a drowning woman would cling to a drifting log. It sounded insane, but everything she had just been through was just as crazy. Reaching out, she took the proffered diamond in her hand. A new window appeared in front of her, much larger than the ones that had come before it.


  • Welcome to race selection. In this menu you will find every species that you currently meet the perquisites for.
  • Warning: If you choose a different race than your own, the transformation is permanent.


  • Available Races: Page 1/4
    • Human (Current)
    • Elf
    • Half-Elf
    • Half-Orc
    • Fellian
    • Half-Fellian


For the first time, Jade could interact with one of the windows. She found that she could tab through the various pages of the list, or focus in on one to bring up more information. When she did so, a whole list of racial perquisites, abilities, and affinities filled her vision. There was even a 3d image, which was labeled as a preview of what she would look like as a member of that species. She tried to read through them, but it was just too much for her muddled mind to comprehend.

"You don’t have as many options as I’d hoped..." Damos said, gaze unfocused once more. Jade realized he must be seeing his own window too. Did that mean hers was invisible to him? “'Golemkin' are immune to all types of poison, but it’s not on your list. Well, I doubt you would’ve wanted to turn into one of those anyway.”

He paused, giving her an appraising look.

"There is one you qualify for. It's… unconventional."

"What… Is it…?" Jade asked, lying back down on the ground as her strength faded.

Damos hesitated again, the older man regarding her carefully.

"The succubus." He said. Jade thought she heard disapproval in his voice, but she couldn't be sure. "As a demon, is highly resistant to all poison based effects. It's rare for someone to meet the prerequisites for this specific race. I've only seen it available a handful of times, and have never witnessed anyone actually choose it. But in your case, it may well be the best option."

"A demon… Like, an actual demon?" Jade asked, incredulous despite her dire wounds.

"Yes… And no." He said. "It's complicated, and we truly have run out of time young lady. We must act now, or the poison will finish working its way through you. I dislike rushing anyone on a decision this important, but I don't see any alternatives. As a shapechanger, however, the succubus is a choice that would allow you to maintain your current form if you desire. You may abstain if you wish, of course, I will pressure you no further."

Damos settled down on the ground beside her, brow creased in concern. He looked as though he wanted to say more, but couldn't find the right words.

"Why… Why is this happening to me?" She asked weakly.

A look of sadness crossed Damos's aged face. "I wish I knew." He replied. The butler put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "But I will do what I can for you."

Jade searched his face, finding only sincerity in his gaze. How odd that she could recognize in him, this man she had only just met, something that had been absent from her life for so long. She nodded slowly, turning her attention back to the window in front of her. After another moment of searching, Jade found the entry for the succubus.


  • Succubus
  • Racial Subtype: Demon
  • Description: The embodiment of lustful desire, the succubus excels at charming her way through the many dangers that inhabit the Labyrinth. While they lack the raw strength and speed that many other demons possess they make up for it with the versatility of their racial spells, high magical affinities, and other capabilities.


What followed was a lengthy list of prerequisites, followed by an even longer section that detailed various spells and abilities. Jade lacked the focus to parse all of it, it was getting harder and harder to concentrate. The surrounding forest darkened, everything beginning to fade. She mentally scrolled through the long list, quickly finding the line she was looking for.


  • Racial Trait: Poison resistance.


A 'Confirm Race Selection' button blinked slowly in the bottom right corner of the window. Jade hesitated, looking back to Demas.

"This… will really… transform me?" She asked laboriously. "Change me?"

"It will." He replied softly. "It's not an easy choice. I apologize for being the one to force it upon you."

Jade searched her feelings, finding that she didn't mind the idea of changing who she was nearly as much as she thought she should. She briefly wondered at that, but pushed aside those musings for the moment.

"Will it… heal me?"

"Yes." He replied simply.

"Then I'll do it." She said, wincing at another spike of pain. "What… do I do?"

"Simply focus on the confirmation option with your mind." Demas instructed. "The interface will respond to your thoughts."

Jade thought of her little brother, alone in the hospital. She'd promised to visit him this morning. Now she lay in some strange place with a ruined ankle and a hole in her chest, poison pumping through her veins.

I'm coming back to you, Alan, as soon as I can. No matter what.

She mentally clicked 'confirm'.

A burst of intense heat rushed through Jade's entire body, washing away all other sensations. It burned to the point of pain, but stopped just short of being debilitating. Still, Jade cried out, closing her eyes and clenching her fists as electric jolts lanced through her body. The pain seemed endless, pulsing with every beat of her heart. Just when Jade thought she couldn't take another moment of it, the pain began to fade. Light burst from her skin in the same moment, shining as her form began to shift and change.

The alterations were small at first: A more angular chin, a slightly glossy sheen to her skin, like light reflecting off water. Her hair lightened a shade, gaining a lustrous quality she'd never quite managed to instill in it herself. The wound in her chest began to itch terribly but, as she finally brought herself to look upon it, it closed before her eyes. Jade watched, fascinated, as the torn and punctured skin knit itself back together. After a few moments, no trace remained of the wound, neither scar nor blemish marring the perfect skin. The deepening chill working its way through her body began to recede as well, warmth returning to her. Her breaths came deep, no longer labored, and her vision sharpened. A sudden rush of energy flooded her body and Jade found herself clambering to her feet, practically buzzing with vigor, as if she hadn't been lying half dead on the ground mere moments ago.

"Wow!" She exclaimed, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. It was as if she'd downed a few too many caffeine heavy drinks, and then shot herself up with adrenaline. She felt alive. More alive than she'd ever been before. Ready to burst into motion. To run and leap her way through the surrounding forest…

Without warning, a pair of short dark horns sprouted from her forehead. Jade cried out, more from surprise than pain, the sudden weight an alien sensation. Just as she reached up to feel them, a pair of dark and leathery wings burst from her shoulder blades, shredding the tattered remains of her T-shirt. The sudden, unexpected change in her center of gravity toppled Jade right back to the ground. The wings cushioned her fall, splaying out to her sides as she landed on her back, eyes wide. A sudden rush of sensory information accompanied the transformation, a confusing awareness of her new limbs and everything they were touching. It was as bizarre as it was incredible. She lay there for a few moments, recovering and adjusting to the new feelings. It didn't take long, as though her brain had been primed to accept the changes. That was… disconcerting, but not wholly unwelcome.

After several long moments, Jade felt ready for a little experimentation. She flexed one wingtip, then the next, her wings shifting beneath her as she did. Despite being brand new to her, it was as easy as moving any other part of her body. They were dark and sleek, both supple and strong, colored in hues of maroon and crimson. In spite of everything that had happened to her in the past hour or so, she was awed by them. By the sensation of the transformation.

Can I fly with these?

The thought was exhilarating. There was so much to confront: Where she was? How she had gotten here? And, hell, how any of this was possible to begin with? But for just a moment, Jade let herself revel in the freedom of this new form. She rose to her feet again, realizing belatedly that her ankle was no longer aching. Unable to believe it, Jade bent down and probed her foot and leg. Nothing. It felt… fine? No, better than fine.

"How…?" She asked again, this time with reverence.

Jade only had time to marvel at her injuries' miraculous restoration for a brief moment before she felt a large buildup of pressure from her behind. She yelped again as a long crimson tail burst straight through her pants and flopped on the ground behind her. A host of new sensations assaulted her once more, she could feel the grass press against the tail as it lay on the ground. No, not 'the' tail. Her tail. A soft breeze brushed against her wings and she shivered. Jade suddenly had control over, and a distinct awareness of, whole new body parts that simply hadn't been there moments earlier. This was going to take some getting used to…

She flapped her wings experimentally, then swished her tail. The motions came as naturally to her as walking or waving her arm. That was pretty strange. Shouldn't she have to learn this from the ground up? Form new neural connections, or something? But for whatever reason, she didn't.

Then again, she'd just literally transformed into a demon with wings and horns, apparently by magic. This was probably just another part of that. And speaking of magic… She turned back to Damos.

"This is incredible…" She breathed. "How… How is this possible?"

"Welcome to the world of magic, young lady." Damos said with a smile.

"Magic… It's real?" Jade shook her head. "I mean, of course it is. I'm convinced now. But how? How does no one know about this?"

"My understanding, though I am no expert, is that your world hardly has any. The universe is like that, some places are rich with magic, while others are not."

"My world?" He'd said something like that earlier, hadn't he? "Are you saying I'm not on Earth anymore?"

"Not exactly. This place is called 'The Astral Labyrinth'. It is a world between worlds, you might say. An ever changing, eternally shifting maze of a realm that forges links between the many universes of the cosmos."

"So there are other worlds? And people who live there?" she asked, overwhelmed. This was a lot to take in at once. One part of her was skeptical of everything Damos was telling her. The other part was open to just about all of it, after experiencing the transformation she had just undergone.

"Yes, there are. But there will be time to talk about that later. I have a limited time here with you right now. Soon, others will need my guidance as well."

"Others? From Earth?"

Damos nodded.

"There's more than just me here? In the…" What had he called it? "The Labyrinth?" She finished.

"There are." He nodded again. "You were one of the first pulled into it. But it is forging a connection to the world you call Earth even as we speak. More will follow."

"But why? What is this place? And why was I attacked? I… I have a new body. And the quests? It's like some sort of game…" She couldn't stop the torrent of questions. Now that she was out of immediate danger, she wanted answers.

"I'll tell you what I have time to, and we can speak more later." Damos replied calmly, unperturbed by her outburst. "The Labyrinth is a realm of great magic. Those who venture here, or who are pulled into it as you have been, undertake what is known as the 'Labyrinth Trial'. They are given a series of tasks, quests, to complete, gaining power and prestige as they do. This is a land of wonders and dangers alike, and you must always be vigilant. To complete your trial, you must complete 100 of these quests. After that, you will be free to do whatever you wish, and will maintain the powers and might gained during your journey."

"Can I go home? Now?" Jade asked, her mind reeling. That explanation only gave her more questions. So many more.

Damos frowned. "Not right this moment, no. You will have to find an exit. There are many, but they are not nearby."

"Where can I find them?"

"Throughout the Labyrinth, often at the landings between levels. You are on the 1st, and the safest."

"Safest?" Jade asked incredulously. "You call that deathtrap I just escaped safe?"

The butler's frown deepened. "The first level is not usually so dangerous. Nor do people often get pulled into the Labyrinth as you have. Something is different, this time. It's acting with unusual haste."

Jade didn't understand what Damos meant, but she didn't much care at the moment. "Just tell me how I can find one of these exits." She said.

"You'll have to explore." He said. "Defeat the challenges ahead of you, gain power, and advance to further levels of the Labyrinth. To start, you must select a class."

"A class? Like, in a video game?" Jade had played some RPGs in her day and knew that character creation was a staple in them. What she didn't understand was why an actual world worked like that. "Why? And why does everything use game terms?"

"The Labyrinth presents itself to new societies in a manner they can interpret." Damos explained patiently. "Apparently, for the people of your world, the easiest way for most of you to understand its systems and the magic it holds is in the form of these games."

That… made a sort of sense, Jade supposed. If she was going to accept magic, parallel worlds, and an interdimensional labyrinth that connected them, she wasn't going to draw the line at its similarities to Earth video games.

"As for why a class is necessary to begin with." Damos continued. "It is simply a structured way to introduce you to using magic. And believe me, that structure is an enormous boon. Now, like I said, I am short on time. I will help you select your class, then I must go and assist others."

"O-ok…" Jade said. She shook her head, trying to focus. Everything was happening so fast. "Is there anything I should know first? Anything that can't wait?"

"Good question. Yes, two things. First, even after you leave the Labyrinth, its magic will call you back into it eventually. It will continue to bring you back until you've completed your Trial, but you are allowed reprieves from it."

"Great… Just great." Jade muttered. "I've been kidnapped by a magic maze."

Of course this would happen to her. Strangely, though, she didn't feel that angry. Frustrated, yes, and a little scared, but not furious. It was her foot, she realized. The miraculous healing of what should have been a lifelong injury. It was hard to be mad when she’d been given such a gift.

Whole, and then some. She thought, shifting her new wings.

"Second." Damos continues, clasping his hands behind his back. "Is that most creatures you encounter on this floor have been created by the Labyrinth. Monsters, whose purpose is to challenge you. Defeating them will help you grow stronger, but do not underestimate them."

"You don't have to worry about that…" Jade said, rubbing at her chest where the stinger had impaled her.

Damos didn't give her time to ask anything else, drawing forth another crystal like the last one and holding it out to her. Jade realized that she wasn't holding the first one anymore. She had no recollection of what had happened to it.

"It is time for you to select your class. Once you have chosen, your interface will fully activate, and you will be ready to begin your trial."