Chapter 22 – Touchdown I
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A burst of cleansing air greeted Quintin when he cracked open the round door. Dried blood and pieces of [Intruder Wolves] began to flake off him, hanging in the air like ash for a few moments before they disappeared as particles. His first footfall onto the gleaming floorboards of the guild was met by raucous laughter from further inside. The source of which was two [Dwarves], stripped down to their undershirt and pants, drinking atop a table with a variety of armor and weaponry scattered around it. A small crowd was gathered around them while cheering and laughing along with them.

Servers dashed between tables and chairs that were strewn haphazardly around the bar-like area of the guild. The ceiling was not as high up as Quintin imagined but not so low as to be disappointed, the room itself was lengthy, though. He could make out, through the din of movement and chatter, a countertop with people stationed behind it deeper inside.

Quintin began to move while evading sloshed ale, and stumbling men and women alike. One of the nearly naked [Dwarves] gave a loud shout and said, "Well done, ye' dumb bastard!" The other [Dwarf] rocked somewhat unsteadily next to his drink-mate and slapped his back cheerfully.

There was shouting, then laughter and cheer. Demands for more ale rained down from all corners of the packed room. A barmaid deftly evaded a throwing knife, chairs groaned under insensitive weight, scuffing noises like a Basketball game turned up to eleven and metal, very metal.

Quintin squeezed himself out from the scruff of the monstrous beast and straightened his robe.

Thank all that is holy for the added mobility of my robe. This place is more pub house than guildhall, he thought

He could see the countertop more clearly now that the tangle of bodies was behind him. A rope demarcated five aisles that led to the long work table with small wooden barriers that gave a hint of privacy in between slots.

Looking to the side he saw a large [Notice Board], right next to that was an equally large [Contract Bounty Board]. They were both secured against the wall with bolts, a short distance from the clerk-counter. Two clerks were stationed upfront, presumably due to the ruckus behind, and with very few people actually milling around the [Boards]. He could see backdoors behind the counter and in a few places elsewhere.

Quintin took a moment to calm down before he got in the slimmest line with only one person ahead. Soon enough, he was looking at the slumped over form of the clerk— a young man who wore a green tunic and looking very tired or bored.

He probably got stuck doing this while his colleagues are over there partying or whatever, Quintin mused

He attempted a cheery attitude, and stated his business, "Hello there. I'm here to turn in a bounty for my team. Although, I'm wondering if there's somewhere a little more private to do so?"

The young [Clerk] perked up a bit and put on a weathered smile. "Pleasure. My name is Cam. Haven't seen you around before, new to the area? Well, we do have private assessment areas, but I still need to know your information first."

He put out his hand, palm up as if indicating something. Vissitri had told him he would need an adventurer's badge, but he knew he could get one after explaining his circumstances.

Quintin quickly waved his hand in response, "I'm a rookie, and haven't yet registered. Still fairly new to this way of life, so I'm in your care!"

Cam put his hand back down and groaned as if this was a lot of work he didn't need. "Alright, fine, I get it. What's the name of your reference or [Adventurer Team] then?"

Quintin put a winning smile on his face and leaned inwards to whisper, "My name is Quintin Julle. Rookie of the Ghastly Half-Hearts."


Cam was having a miserable day. First, his Boss had him clean out the spare sleeping quarters that were never clean no matter how hard one scrubbed. Then, as if that wasn't enough, he was given the task of resorting every last piece of paperwork from the past week of mission requests. And finally, to make matters worse, now there was a rager going on while he was stuck operating the ghost-town reception desk.

"Irresponsible, unprofessional." He slouched over for the umpteenth time the past hour.

He put his head in his hands and continued, "This is what happens when the [Guild Master] steps out for a few days."

Before Cam knew it, there was another person in front of him. A young [Human] man who seemed different because his [Inspection] ability told him nearly nothing. He was excited by the prospect of slowly solving the mystery, that was until he said he hadn't registered yet.

He groaned audibly but soon recovered his professionalism while chastising his loss of dignity. Cam forced the right words to spill out, "alright, fine, I get it. What's the name of your reference or [Adventurer Team] then?"

The answer sent shockwaves through his mind as he bolted upright from his seat with wide-eyes. Cam stammered, "You're you... we've gotten a message... the name, expecting."

His co-torture victim at the other booth looked at him with perplexed features and half-rose in surprise.

Cam quickly processed everything that led to his lapse while appeasing his coworker. It's this damn kids' demeanor! how dare he smile all innocent-like and put me at ease for such a powderkeg, he thought.

coughing into his hand, Cam gestured towards a nearby door. "Please, right this way. I'll get someone more appropriate to deal with this."


Quintin was taken aback. He was unprepared for the reaction he got in return, but it was more the information than anything else that surprised him.

The Ghastly Half-Heart name has far more reach attached to it than I initially gave it credit for, he thought.

Vissitri 'Si-Si-Si'ed' from within his robes, and he was brought back to Earth, or Whorrl. The [Clerk] gestured him towards a doorway. As he followed along behind the young clerk, he could feel the embarrassment roll-off from the front.

Cam walked a bit unsteadily, but spoke regardless, "Quintin, was it? You really surprised me back there. I was very unprofessional, so please forgive my outburst."

Quintin wasn't quite sure why he was apologizing. Perhaps it was the attention their interaction had attracted from his coworker.

"Don't mind it. People would've found out eventually, not that there were many around, to begin with. That party was loud enough to beat an army war shout." He smiled reassuringly to Cam's turned head.

"Here I was worried you would be unreasonable and complain to our [Guild Master], so thanks..." Cam frowned before continuing to speak, "But you! Don't you know that name is enough to give even the most veteran of warriors a heart attack? Quintin, no offense, but you definitely don't fit the image!"

Quintin felt this young man was quite amusing as he said, "And what does an [Adventurer] look like, exactly? Take out I'm a rookie of the Ghastly Half-Hearts, and I'm just an [Adventurer], right?"

Cam had a blank look on his face as he stopped to ponder for a moment. "Yeah... but no one can forget once they know that. With your demeanor, nobody will believe it. I wouldn't have either if we didn't have a message and your name attached."

Quintin grinned while palming his fist with a smash. "I wouldn't have it any other way. If someone needs a convincing, I'm more than willing to throw down. They'll soon find out how vicious my unassuming demeanor becomes."