Chapter 1 – Clash of Gods
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This fic does some slight altering to the canon of Tensura, namely to the Jura Forest itself. While I don’t intend to change or remove major characters or plot points obviously, I have altered the Jura Forest slightly to make it actually feel like the size it is. In Tensura Canon, the Jura Forest is treated like it's the size of the Netherlands with a population to match when in reality, it’s the size of Europe. So for the sake of fixing this minor detail, population numbers in the Jura Forest have been increased and a bit more worldbuilding has been added to the Jura Forest alongside two more new races to fill up the empty space.




Tanya Degurechaff rolled onto the ground, kicking up a large cloud of dust into the air as her body tumbled over onto the hard ground below. Her Type 95 Computation Jewel flickered its last golden glow, cracked and practically destroyed from the damage it had taken. With bullet holes all over her body and blood that oozed out of numerous wounds, only adrenaline and magic kept her alive any longer than she should’ve been.


She looked around her, and nothing but forests greeted her for at least several dozen feet around. It was not likely that any foot soldiers would find her before she bled out, not that they would be of much help anyway. Just a mile or so to the north were the beaches of Operation Momon, this world’s version of Operation Overlord, where they attempted to take the lands from the seas.


The sheer amount of mages they brought to the battle was absurd. No doubt they were worried that the 203rd would be present, or they already knew that anyway. Knowing how strong Allied intelligence and counterintelligence were during World War II, especially around Operation Overlord, Tanya safely assumed they knew they were going to be there the whole time. 


It was upon Tanya’s insistence that the 203rd be placed at Normandy rather than Calais. If not for Romel’s trust in Tanya as a tactician and commander, it's likely they probably would’ve sat this battle out. In hindsight, such a decision might’ve not been such a bad idea. But if she could stop D-Day from succeeding, then maybe, just maybe the Empire still had a chance against their enemies.


Now though, it was too late. She had taken the 203rd into a battle they were doomed to lose. Her requests to fall back were denied, and the other mage groups that were assigned with the 203rd fell even faster than her battalion now was. The Type 95 had allowed her to take out a significant number of enemy mages during the battle, but even that had its limits, surprisingly.


It seems that Albion, Francois, and the Unified States spared no expense when it came to their mages this time around. Without a need for supply or honestly even landing craft, there was no reason they couldn’t send all of their mages in a single massive strike to simply overwhelm any mages potentially defending the beachfront. It almost felt like they had as many men in the sky as they did on the ground, swarming with sheer numbers that even her holy blast after holy blast failed to place a real dent in them.


And then there was her battalion, right in the middle of defending against the single largest mage offensive in recorded human history, and despite that, they still completely decimated their enemies. The 203rd were fighting a losing battle, sure, but they definitely weren’t going down without a fight. The mages probably came in expecting lesser casualties to the men on the ground, but with the 203rd as strong as they were, they proved that such wasn’t the case. Hundreds had died in their initial defensive volley, and the numbers soon paid out into the thousands like a broken slot machine at the casino.


Of course, bleeding out on the ground in the middle of northern Francois meant that it mattered little in the end for her. A loss was a loss, and there was no point celebrating casualties inflicted when you yourself were a part of that statistic. The end was the end. 


But as Tanya propped her back up against a tree, she had already begun the mental countdown in her head for the inevitable.








“It seems that you are still as stubborn as ever, Degurechaff,” a loud voice boomed out.


‘And there he is,’ Tanya thought as she let out a long sigh.


Tanya squinted up to see the radiating golden glow around a muscular yet elderly-looking man approaching her. He appeared like the stereotypical depiction of what a god-like figure would look like, at least if you were looking at the Hellenic or Abrahamic religions of the world. It seemed his ego spared no expense in trying to make him glow brightly in contrast to the gray-colored surroundings caused by his stopping time yet again, brighter than the white sun behind him.


It was an annoying habit of his to just stop time whenever he pleased, but in this case, it was probably beneficial to her. Better if she doesn’t die halfway through spitting in his face, for either of them she supposed. If death was stalled a few moments longer through his arrogance, she’d take that.


“I will give you one last chance. Repent, pray to me, beg for forgiveness, and I will repair your Type 95. I will heal your wounds, and through the power of yet another miracle, I will give you the power to beat back this invasion, save your comrades, and win the war. You will be a hero, a savior, a saint, a catalyst for a re-emergence of faith in this stagnating world!” Being X extended his arms out as more light shone from some nonexistent source behind him to make him look more heavenly than he deserved to be.


While the offer may have been tempting to others, Tanya had come this far resisting him. She wouldn’t give in and become his slave, his puppet to spread his faith. “My men know what they signed up for. The posters practically offered death on a silver platter for all those who signed up. My men knew this may happen eventually. I won’t sell out to become your puppet. Why are you so desperate for faith anyway? Is being some supposedly all-powerful god not enough for you?”


Being X sighed and groaned, even though he wasn’t dumb enough to not foresee her response. Out of pity or perhaps boredom, he did answer her question, however, in a sugary, benevolent tone. “I require faith so that I may defend all the worlds under my protection. Faith gives me strength, and with the beasts that may lurk out there, I need all the strength I can to stop them. That, Degurechaff, is why I need faith.”


“So you aren’t an all-powerful God, thanks for confirming that. Took you long enough!” Tanya smirked, satisfied at her own correct conclusions.


Being X groaned once more, continuing on. “It is true that my claims of being the Creator are somewhat exaggerated, but they were necessary to convince others to worship and put faith in me. There is no use in keeping up the ruse with you, however. I have already given up on gaining your faith. You have rejected my kindness for the last time. I will put an end to this.”


Being X held out his hand as Tanya felt as if her very soul was ripped out of her body. As she looked at the glowing orb shining in various colors of blue and violet, she soon realized that it had been ripped out, her perspective dulling to shades of gray.


She watched with anger and spite as her soul soon found its way into Being X’s grasp. She tried to move but found her body was just as frozen as the rest of the world around her, only her soul continued to move against her will. All she could do was see, and even then she couldn’t move her eyes or blink either, not that she had a usable body. She was just stuck, only able to watch as Being X ended it all. Why did he specifically want her faith, she may never know…


“There will be no further reincarnations. Even if your memories are wiped, the fragments of your soul will live on for the rest of eternity, and I cannot allow that. Farewell, Degurechaff.” Being X tightened his hand around the glowing ball that was Tanya’s soul. At that very moment, Tanya felt a piercing pain unlike any she had felt before, an agonizing pain that eclipsed anything she had ever felt in her two lives. Strangely, this pain wasn’t felt anywhere on her body, it felt like it was from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, the closest she had ever felt to omnipresence until now. It was then that she realized the pain was coming from her soul itself, as the orb in Being X’s hand shuddered before her eyes.


As Being X’s hand slowly clenched down on it, Tanya could hear the sounds of cracking, a single one at first, but then the sounds increased in intensity and occurrence. What she initially assumed to be from her soul, however, appeared to be coming from behind Being X instead. Before he could crush any further onto Tanya’s soul, he shrieked out in pain as a glowing sword of golden light pierced straight through his chest. In the panic, his grip on Tanya’s soul lessened as it hovered in the air, giving Tanya a moment of rest from the pain of her soul being crushed, not that she could do much besides observe the ongoing situation.


Being X clenched his open fist as the sword dissolved into sparkles of light. Turning around quickly, he glanced up to see what looked as if someone had torn a hole into the world itself, glowing cracks extending out into the sky seemingly against nothing.


Hovering in the air with its hand outstretched appeared to be a woman, with long black hair and blue eyes wearing a long white dress and a similarly colored long cloth around her head. A light show of rainbow colors emanated from around her, shining brightly in contrast to the dull black, white, and gray of the paused world.


“Who… or rather, what are you?!” Being X demanded, glaring up at the woman as his own glowing golden sword appeared in his hand, he warned, “This is my domain. You should know better than to challenge a Divine Guardian in his own territory!”


The new being seemed unfazed by Being X’s warnings. In fact, she seemingly stared down at him not with a face of uncaring, but of anger and disgust. Her arm returned to her side as her fists clenched. With a gentle yet angered voice, she declared, “You will not harm her any further!”


“Her?” Being X turned back towards Tanya, glaring with confusion and then back at the strange woman, shouting, “You want her?! She’s just some annoying human, what value does she have to someone lik-”


Being X was forced back as another sword pierced into his body, even with time stopped. Again, he clenched his fist as it dissipated, but he had been sent back a few meters in the process. Looking up once more, the woman’s look of disgust and anger had only been amplified by his statement. Whatever this woman wanted didn’t matter to him. This was his world, and he wouldn’t be pushed around in his domain!


Countless swords appeared around him, glowing in a golden hue as he aimed them at the woman. “Last chance. Leave my domain immediately!


The woman spoke no words, not even bothered to move her gaze from Being X. In response, Being X launched all the swords at her, each one sent at incredible speeds. However, instead of piercing her as they did him, all of them shattered against a glowing wall of magic, one laced with an unfathomable number of chains and geometric patterns.


The woman waved her hand to the side as the gray world around them continued to crack, revealing glimpses of color and inciting fear into Being X’s eyes and voice.


“N-No, no, no, NO! This is MY domain! MY world! You will not contro-”


The stopped time shattered as Tanya felt her body being able to move once more, not that she could do much with the fluid of life leaking out through various new orifices. The noises of the war once more filled the forest as color returned to the world, of vivid red bloodstains and dark green-gray uniforms. In the next instant, it vanished once more, the world returning to shades of gray as Being X reinforced the stopped time against this newcomer.


“No!” He declared, however, once more the woman waved her hand and the stopped world shattered in an instant.


Being X again attempted to stop time, but just as before the woman shattered it with her immeasurable power. Each time Being X tried to stop time, the faster the woman was to cancel it. Eventually Being X gave up on his paltry attempts, launching at the woman with a massive glowing sword in his hands.


The sword shattered against her barrier as she forced him into the ground with a swinging sword of her own. Tanya watched in awe as the woman extended her arms outward, and a split second later, countless bolts of light rained down from the very skies and pierced Being X.


Still critically injured, Tanya couldn’t ignore this opportunity. She had no clue who this woman was or what she wanted with them, but her current enemy was Being X. She had never seen him in his true form before, as he was always a nutcracker, or inhabiting some corpse or animal when he stopped time, which infuriatingly rendered her unable to attack him. If she wanted a chance to shoot Being X, that chance was now!


She stumbled over to her rifle, picked it up despite her blood that made her grip slip, and took aim at Being X as he struggled to get up, his heavenly glow flickering as more beams of light impaled him.


And then, Tanya felt a strange boost of power. She knew that her wounds were still fatal, but for a brief moment, she had the strength to focus her vision with a sharpness unbefitting of a dying woman, akin to the godly boosts he used to proclaim were miracles. She pulled up her MKMS with her right arm, and made sure to align the center of her gun’s notch and the sight at the tip of the barrel together at Being X’s heart. The mana in her body began to surge once more, as it plied to her very whims. The Jewel around her neck flickered back on, and instead of its typical gold, it glowed a hue of all the colors in a rainbow combination of sheer power. 


As she applied mana to her bullet, she felt the weapon surge with more power than she could’ve ever hoped to give it. She knew immediately that most of this power wasn’t hers, but rather it seemed that the woman was giving her the strength she needed to do what she so desperately wanted.


Being X struggled as he picked his head up, angrily glaring at Tanya he spat, “You think a single bullet can kill me! No magic you could conjure would ever have the power to even…” 


Being X trailed off as his eyes widened in shock and terror. He realized the source of the power that was building up inside the Type 95 and the gun itself, its source and its might. Tanya may not have the power to kill him, but whatever that woman was, they certainly did. And ironically, the one person he had tried to puppeteer for so long to support him would be used by another to end him.


Tanya pulled the trigger, and the projectile burst forward, before it slammed into Being X’s chest. He let out a silent scream, as his body glowed a blinding gold, before it disintegrated into countless fragments of smaller orbs that now hovered in the air as pure energy. The woman descended to where Being x had died, and extended her hand out, and all the fragments coalesced into a single orb not unlike her own soul, but with a bright yellow hue.


On the other hand, Tanya let her SMG fall to the ground, the barrel now having melted into a slag while it fused together with the bolt of the gun. It was unusable now, but that didn’t matter for a dying woman such as her at this moment. She still had no idea who this woman was or what business they had with her, but they had helped her kill Being X, so she had no reason to hate them yet. She was at least on par with him, but who knew what she wanted? 


Tanya stared up and watched as the woman held Being X’s soul remains in her hands, seemingly struggling against her. Soon she approached Tanya, her former expression of disgust and anger quickly replaced with a gentle warm smile. She held Being X’s soul in one hand and swiftly crushed it, the hand glowing brightly as she brought it to Tanya’s chest. Tanya felt a warm feeling as she placed her hand against her chest as it too glowed, briefly glimpsing her rainbow soul merging with this one.


The woman glanced back up to the rip in space where they had entered and then back down longingly at Tanya, her sword disappearing from sight. Gently, the woman spoke, “We shall meet again in time… I do hope that this time you may finally get the world that you deserve. Make that world yours, my dear Tanya. Don’t let anyone take it from you.”


Suddenly the woman brought herself close to Tanya, her face right up against hers before phasing right through as if she was some sort of ghost or spirit. Tanya watched as she flew back into the sky and into the hole in space from whence she came, mind too shocked to do much else. As soon as she left the hole collapsed on itself, repairing the sky as if it was never there, and the world returned to its previous self without any golden streaks of light or traces of the god-like fights. Tanya wondered how many people even saw whatever had just unfolded, but she doubted any witnesses would be taken seriously, or that they themselves even knew what was actually going on.


Now with Being X gone and that strange woman having left, Tanya was left to lay there and slowly die. She was satisfied, of course, after all, Being X had finally gotten what was coming to him, but besides that, this death hurt a lot more than her previous life, partly because she had a fast one the last time around, and partly because she was now dying from multiple bullet holes in her malnourished body.


‘You know, it’s great that Being X got what he had coming, but it would’ve been better if I could take down Mary Sioux with him. If I had any strength left, I’d go hunt her down and take her with me!’


<Confirmed – Unique Skill [Predator] Acquisition Successful>


‘Though I doubt I’ve got the magical capacity to hunt her down even if she’s in that large swarm of mages up there. Without the Type 95 or the Type 97 for that matter, even I can’t cast much more than basic spells at an inferior level. It baffles me how magic even existed before Computation Jewels. You’d need to be some kind of sage to even cast rudimentary spells, let alone complex ones like todays. Perhaps there was just more mana back then…’


<Confirmed – Extra Skill [Sage] Acquisition Successful>


‘I feel like I should be worried for my battalion. But I trained them well enough, they should be fine without me. We’ve been through hell before, they can survive it again. I was a target, no doubt. A mage of my power quickly would become the focus of any battlefield. Hopefully, my death is enough to give HQ the common sense to authorize a retreat or not motivate my group to fight further. If not then… Well, I’m sure they’ll probably be fine with what I’ve left them.’


< Confirmed – Unique Skill [Oberst] Acquisition Successful>


‘Being X mentioned some cycle of reincarnation at some point right? Will I keep my memories? Will there be some other Being X I have to deal with? I sure hope not. It’d be a headache if I had to deal with another cursed bomb like that cursed Type 95 and whatever holy mental influence crap it had going with it. I’ll be glad to not have to deal with time being stopped again. After all of this, I need a break. Maybe I can finally get a nice safe position for once…’


<Confirmed – [Spiritual Attack Resistance] Acquisition Successful>

<Continuing – [Holy Attack Resistance] Acquisition Successful>

<Continuing - [Time Manipulation Resistance] Acquisition Successful>


‘My last death was painless and instant, being hit by a train will do that to you, I suppose. Who would’ve thought that slowly bleeding out with several bullet holes in your chest hurts? Heh.’


<Confirmed – [Pain Resistance] Acquisition Successful>


‘Did I hear something? I can’t even tell what’s going on anymore. Just let me sleep… If only the smell of blood wasn’t so strong, what I’d give to not deal with blood again.’


<Confirmed – Creating a body without need for blood>


‘Oh, will you shut up already?!...’


Tanya didn’t know who she was even spouting at, the voice in her head was barely something she could focus on with her body slowly failing itself, her brain and heart shutting down from the blood loss. It felt as if someone was mocking her last thoughts, and now it was starting to annoy her.


‘I just want… to… sleep…’


<Excess Soul Detected – Attempting salvage – Failed>


<Restarting Attempt – Failed>


<Restarting Attempt – Failed>


<Foreign soul is beyond repair, seeking alternative measures>


<Alternate Measure Decided – Salvaging Soul’s Magicules – Successful>


<Excess Magicules Detected – Distributing to Target>


<Utilizing Salvaged Ego to Strengthen Extra Skill [Sage] – Successful>


<Extra Skill [Sage] has evolved into Unique Skill [Great Sage]>


<Utilizing Salvaged Skills to Strengthen Current Skills – Successful>


<Power and Capacity of Unique Skill [Oberst] Has Greatly Increased>


<Administering Remaining Magicules to Strengthen Target Soul – Successful>


<Funneling Remaining Magicules into Evolution – Successful>


<Selecting Optimal Evolution For Spawning Environment>


<Evolution from Slime to Electric Slime – Successful>


<Commencing Reincarnation> 




Tanya woke up and glanced around, or rather she realized that she couldn’t. She seemed to have a vague sense of her immediate surroundings, even able to touch and feel the ground below her. However, whatever had happened seemed to have left her without her vision.


Tanya immediately began rushing through all the possibilities. Was she perhaps in a hospital recovering from her injuries? No, that was unlikely. Not only were her wounds most probably fatal, but the ground that she was feeling below her wasn’t the soft cushion of a bed, but instead the cold hard feeling of stone. Nor would the hospital ward blind her, given that she had been shot multiple times in the chest, and none of those bullets had hit her head.


Was she in a cave of some kind? Now that she tried it, she realized that she couldn’t smell or hear either. Her only sensation seemed to be touch, yet it didn’t come from her hands. In fact, she couldn’t feel her hands, or any limb for that matter. She could move strangely enough, but it felt more like gelatinous rolling than standard movement.


‘Just what the hell am I?’


<You are a Slime.>


‘Ey! Who said that?!’


Tanya somehow glanced around as she shouted within her mind, demanding answers. Again, she found herself without the capability of speaking either, but she still seemed to retain sentience and the ability to think for herself. She tried to move around to locate the source, but it almost sounded like the voice came from within her own head.


<I am the representation of your Unique Skill [Great Sage].>


‘Unique Skill? Great Sage? Hold on, go back for a minute, you said I was a slime right? I never played many video games back in Japan, but aren’t those the little balls of blue or green goop you usually see in advertisements?’


<Affirmative. Your body is made up of a gelatinous mass of identical cells. As a slime, you live off of Magicules, negating the need for food, water, or sleep. Furthermore, you are a slightly evolved subrace of slimes known as an Electric Slime.>


‘And explain what that means.’


<Electric Slimes are a race of slime that are a very rare mutation of regular slimes. They are distinguishable from regular slimes by their distinctly yellow-gold coloration, as well as the lightning rod-like extension protruding from the top of their body that they utilize as a conduit for basic electric magic. Due to being a Slime, you have the Intrinsic Skills [Self-Regeneration], [Absorb], and [Dissolve]. As an Electric Slime, you also have access to [Lightning Manipulation] and [Electricity Nullification].>


‘That’s… A lot of info. But unfortunately, it seems the last of my humanity has been taken from me, since I’m not exactly a human anymore. When they mentioned a cycle of reincarnation, I just assumed that I would come out as a human. I suppose I’m lucky to keep my memories at all, though, if Being X’s words were anything. If you wouldn’t mind explaining, what’s the difference between a Unique Skill and an Intrinsic Skill?’


<Intrinsic Skills are skills that are provided automatically by one’s race. All other known skills fall into the category of Common Skills, Extra Skills, or Unique Skills. Common Skills are weak and easily obtainable by most entities. Extra Skills are stronger and less common and often also serve as sub-skills to Unique Skills. Unique Skills have a wide range of power and often have multiple functions to serve a more niche purpose.>


Tanya wasn’t sure why or how she was here, or if she just got the bad roll when it came to reincarnation, but whatever this ‘Great Sage’ skill was, it was certainly a very useful asset for jumpstarting her new third life.


‘So Great Sage is a skill and you’ve told me of my intrinsic skills, what other skills do I have?’


<Your skills are as follows: Intrinsic Skill [Self-Regeneration], Intrinsic Skill [Absorb], Intrinsic Skill [Dissolve], Unique Skill [Predator], Unique Skill [Oberst], and Unique Skill [Great Sage]. Also included are resistances which provide defenses against certain conditions. Among these, you have: [Time Manipulation Resistance], [Natural Effects Resistance], [Pain Resistance], [Spiritual Attack Resistance], [Holy Attack Resistance], and [Electricity Nullification]>


Upon hearing all of her skills Tanya quickly set out to learn about how each and every one worked. After about thirty minutes of sitting around, questioning Great Sage about them and their details, she eventually learned the basics of all of them. Most of the resistances were self-explanatory, and even seemed to be based on her spite for Being X, but it were truly the Unique Skills where Tanya’s route for growth seemed to shine for her future.


The first Unique Skill was Predator, which had a multitude of effects. The first subskill was Stomach, which was a glorified storage space in which she could put almost anything she wanted in. It did seem to have a limit, but that size limit was so vast that it was practically inconsequential for now. The second and third subskills were Isolate and Analysis. They basically allowed her to analyze anything she ate and neutralize it so that it would be safely stored in her Stomach, which would be useful if she found something to compliment her slime physiology. And last was Mimicry, which allowed her to take the appearance of anything she ate. In theory, she could regain a human form if she ever got the opportunity to eat one, at least according to Great Sage.


Thanks to Great Sage, she learned that she would even be able to steal the skills of those she ate with Predator. No doubt it would become a powerful tool for upward growth, albeit dependent on her local environment.


The next huge skill was Oberst, a skill which caused her to assume that these skills were based in part on her mind or her past life. Oberst as a word was German, and the skill itself seemed tailored to fit her former role as head of the 203rd where she led her battalion to greater heights than any other mage segment. In simple terms, the skill could strengthen the magical power of those subordinate to her, even allowing the subjugation of mindless monsters affected by her magic if she so wished them to. How that would work she had no clue, and Great Sage provided little beyond that. 


The skill had three subskills: Food Chain, Provide, and Thought Acceleration. The last one was simple, it seemed to allow her to think incredibly quickly. Once she had discovered its existence, she immediately started using it so that she wouldn’t waste more time analyzing her skills. The next subskill was the Food Chain, which allowed her to claim the skills and power of her subordinates once she gained them through Oberst’s unique subjugation ability. While this felt rather one-sided, the next subskill Provide allowed her to give power and skills back to my future subordinates.


Just like all things, the skill did have some limit in terms of how many subordinates I could probably sustain. However, thanks to Great Sage, it would be possible to enhance its strength. According to Great Sage, it was already well beyond the expected capabilities though, so it shouldn’t be a problem for quite a while.


Great Sage was yet another powerful skill in and of itself. Similarly to Oberst, it also had Thought Acceleration, although unfortunately they didn’t seem to stack, or at least not much from experimentation. Most of its subskills were all about being able to analyze and calculate, making Great Sage a glorified supercomputer within Tanya’s head, capable of performing almost any calculations she wanted. Fortunately, that also meant that the voice she was hearing wasn’t some self-proclaimed god coming to avenge Being X, but rather something of her own.


The rest of her skills were largely self-explanatory. Self-Regeneration seemed to allow her to heal herself over time, Absorb allowed her to eat things into her body, and Dissolve allowed her to dissolve things within her body that would then be sent to her ‘stomach’ thanks to Predator.


While all these skills made her feel very strong, she was worried about the possibility that she wasn’t lucky, that skills of this power were just standard, or that she was possibly even weak. There was also the question of if humans even existed in this world for her to get a body from. She didn’t want to stay as a slime forever, but at the very least she wanted to gain the ability to sense things again like how a human would. Turns out, the specialization of cells to get things like ears and eyes was something she never thought she’d wish back, and yet here she was. 


For now, she needed a direction to go. Within the air, she could feel the mana, or rather, magicules as they were officially called by Great Sage, all around. As she moved in one direction, she felt the mana, magicules, in the air get slowly thinner and thinner. As she moved in the opposite direction, she felt the air getting slightly thicker with more magicules. From her accelerated thought processes and Great Sage’s advice, the outside would likely be far denser with magicules than the inner parts of a cave. If she wanted to find the outside world, she needed to follow the trail to where the magicules got denser. Either she would find an exit… Or she would find a source, as Great Sage also warned.


She could only hope it was the former as she began to bounce along.




Author/Writer - Swiss - Yes he’s dead for real this time, shut up.


Co-Author/Editor - Dr. Rx - hehehehe y’all are going to love this story. I’M THE CO-AUTHOR PRAISE ME. And yes, Being X is dead. This story is literally MONTHS into the planning and writing, and we plan on taking it all the way from start to finish! Kudos if anyone can figure out who the woman with the sword was in the comments below!


Beta Reader - Fish Tank - Who might this new Being B?


Beta Reader - BynFlew - I wonder what happened to the other members of the 203rd after D-Day. Hope they are okay


Beta Reader - U2Donyz - Achievement Unlocked: Godslayer


Beta Reader - Codzy - Can’t wait to see what kind of slimy shenanigans Tanya gets up to.


Beta Reader - Terraman - She’s probably going to be accused of war crimes in this life too.


Beta Reader - Doppelgänger - Thus start of a new adventure!