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« Fais de ta vie un rêve et d'un rêve une réalité » Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

(Traduction: Make your life a dream and a dream a reality)

"A next-gen VR game!" Immerse yourself in your favorite novels by facing the events of the story while taking the choices in the place of the characters..." This is how the game that transformed my life was presented. I spent hours stepping into Harry Potter's shoes, killing Voldemort countless times, tossing the One Ring into the flames of the Mountains of Doom until I swept away every possible path of play . All the fantastic stories have passed through it without my getting tired of it. No matter how long I played, no one would care. My work was done and I was living alone.

Don't get me wrong, the situation was comfortable for me, having always liked independence and solitude. Strangely, my job required having good contact with people, especially children, and an ability to work in a team. Yes, I was a teacher and I was doing well. In fact, I found myself quite satisfied with the social relationships that I maintained within my work and did not feel the need to push the cork much further. Yes, I had friends I sometimes went out with for drinks or dinner, but I loved the freedom that single life gave me. Oh sure, once in a while a man came into my life, but most of the time they wanted the same lifestyle as me and commitment was never part of the deal.

In short, life was simple and pleasant. I shared it between my job that I adored, relationships without headaches and moments of solitude to recharge my batteries. Reading was one of my passions, along with creative hobbies and video games. The common theme was the fantastic and the supernatural... And since my life was full of contradictions, I had studied science... Look for the error. Obviously, the game Fantastic Book online was made for me. I pre-ordered it and explored it cover to cover for months. Playing my favorite characters gave me unparalleled pleasure, to the point that I ended up dreaming that reality and game intertwine. What I never imagined was that Saint-Exupéry's words would become the red thread of my life.