Season 1 Arc 2
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Arc 2


Scene 0

A few months ago, it seemed that in that "quiet" town a new problem was beginning. Two girls had recently arrived in town, at the same time, but not together:

- Whew! - One of them sighed as she stepped out of a portal. She looked around, seemingly lost

- Not fucking way - The other had also just come out of another portal, one bumping into the other. She quickly sulked her expression when she saw the other one

- Wait... - She took a moment to realize what was happening - YOU'RE HERE?! - She began to smile

- Why did I end up here...? - She mumbled

- Hey, don't be like that, I missed you! - She held out her arms for a hug

- There's no point in pretending - She pulled away, denying the hug - I'll never forgive you for what you did, Mia.

She was a girl in her mid-19s, 1.55m tall, with short blue hair, big eyes, slightly pointed ears and a tail like that of a great white shark:

- Are you still angry about what happened years ago? - She crossed her arms - You never gave me a chance to explain anything, Kiri!

In complete contrast to the other, she was about 18 years old, 1.65m tall, with long reddish hair that looked like fire, sharp eyes and a well-defined body:

- EXPLAIN WHAT? - She had to stop herself from going off on the other woman

- You see, I can't explain anything to you... - She sighed

- Listen here, Mia- 

Her speech was cut off as someone else appeared:

- Look what we have here - The voice of a younger girl approached the other two.

- Oh no... my streak of bad luck only seems to increase - Kirisaki put one hand to her face

- I didn't expect to see you here... - Mia didn't seem excited to see that little girl

- And I didn't expect it either! But it's VERY gratifying to see that the rivalry between the two has continued~

- Cheng, don't fuck around. - Kirisaki was losing patience

The little girl was about 1.60 meters tall, around 14 years old, with pink eyes, but the most striking feature was definitely her long rainbow hair, so long that it flowed down the city streets:

- All right, all right! I'd just been thrilled to meet up with old friends of mine again... 

- Friends - the one with the reddish hair retorted

- Tell me, Kyoko, what is the thing you hate the most? - She had a huge smile 

- Mia, without a doubt. - She answered almost instantly

- HEY! - She reacted to the girl's words

- Right, right - The other girl's smile seemed to have grown even wider - What about you, Sayaka? What do you hate the most?

She stared for a while, then turned her gaze to the other girl who had just said she hated her:

- Kirisaki. 

- Oh, how interesting! The two of them hate each other more than anything! - She clapped her hands

The two of them, however, didn't seem at all happy about the situation:

- RIGHT, RIGHT! Have you ever heard of karma? - She snapped her fingers

- I'm losing patience... - The taller one tapped her foot on the floor

- Okay... okay... - She smiled - Since you ladies DESTROYED my life, no, since Sayaka ruined everything, how about I make you pay for it?

- WHAT? I have NOTHING to do with it, she did it! 

- HAHAHAH! That's exactly why I'm getting you involved in this, Kyoko. - Cheng whirled around, drawing something in the air with her hands - Let's see, I'll put a curse on the two girls, Kyoko Kirisaki and Sayaka Mia!

- No... - Kirisaki fumed


Her eyes glowed, while pointed, greenish horns appeared on her forehead, along with a tail with a clover on the end. As she quoted the words, they echoed in the minds of the two girls. After she finished the curse, a large impact wave, causing a great wind, swept over them:

- YOU! - The one with the red hair almost jumped on her neck

- WAIT, KIRI! WE JUST HAVE TO MAKE UP, IT'S THAT SIMPLE! - The other held her with all her might


- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! - Cheng's laughter echoed through the streets - All right, have fun~ - She suddenly disappeared 

- THAT DAMN BITCH! - The girl's flames began to increase, both in size and temperature

- KIRI, CALM DOWN, CALM DOWN! - Meanwhile, Mia, trying to hold on to the other girl, was slowly starting to evaporate

GET OUT OF HERE! - She was able to detach herself from the other

- Listen to me! We just have to work it out and that's it!

YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. - She grabbed her by the collar - I will NEVER, EVER forgive you, EVER, DO YOU HEAR ME WELL? - She let go of her abruptly - Get away from here and disappear once and for all - She disappeared too, in mid-air

- Damn it... -She looked down with a tearful expression. Slowly a few raindrops began to fall, just as the girl's expression sulked more and more

- Hey, are you okay?



Scene 1

Now, finally, we can go back to the present day. We're a few months in the future, it's the beginning of 2016:

- Aghh, how can we fix this? - He had his hands on his face

- Well, I feel that part of this is Sayaka's fault - Kieza commented

- She's not to blame at all! - Zenska replied

- No fighting, let's try to resolve this in the best way, okay? - Andou tried to appease the two girls

- Well, even though I hate methods like that, I think the best way is to confront them face to face - Aisa said

- I agree with Aisa! - Sora raised her hand, excitedly

- I don't think Kieza is so wrong... - Her head was slightly lowered - I definitely have part of the blame for this - Mia said.

- No, guys, we're not going to get anywhere pointing fingers like that. Our duty is to stop those two - The one with his hands on his head quickly regained his composure, it was obvious that he was the leader of everyone there

- You're right, Iro - Kieza said

He was a man, about 1.60m, with very white skin, entirely black eyes, and rainbow-like hair that stood out, only a little desaturated. He had an upright posture and a serious expression:

- Just as Aisa said, the most concrete way to solve this is to look for them. 

All seven of them were at a bar table, Andou was at the head, in front of Aisa, next to her was Sora and next to her, Kieza. Next to Andou was Iro and next to him was Mia, next to her Zenska was sitting:

- Right, but how can we sort all this out? - Zenska said 

- The idea I thought of, even if it was risky and crude, would be to try to talk at first. However, taking everything they've done so far into context, I don't think we'll get anywhere. We all clearly outnumber them, so fighting them won't be difficult at all. - Aisa argued

- Well, O Goddess of Space, it may sound easy to fight beings like them for you. But for Humans like me, Zenska and Andou, it's not easy at all! 

- Right, Kieza, your point is very valid. It's precisely because we're outnumbering them that it's not necessary for all of us to go and fight them, don't you think? I think only the strongest should go.

- It's even safer to do that, isn't it - Andou added

- I don't see any other idea than that - Iro said - Does anyone have another option?

Everyone remained silent:

- Right, who's up for going to them? Of course, I'd obviously be included in that group. 

- Yeah, especially with your little thing with him... - Zenska rolled her eyes

- Didn't I already tell you not to mix personal feelings with work, Zenska? - Iro looked at her seriously

- You have no morals at all! - She returned the stare

- Calm down, calm down, please! - Mia, who was in the middle of the two, tried to calm them down

- Sora and I can go - Aisa said calmly

- I'm going too! - Mia raised her hand

- I think a group of four is good enough, right? For the rest, it's even better for you to stay here. - Iro said

- Of course, just because we're Human! - Zenska crossed her arms

- Technically speaking, I think you'd only cause more worry for the others, and you'd be an easy target for the two of them... - Aisa said

- See, let's stop with the pinpricks, shall we? - Kieza said

- I didn't pin anyone. - Aisa seemed not at all bothered by the situation 

Meanwhile, somewhere else in the middle of the galaxy:

- Do you think they're arguing now, Xaphan? - Kirisaki twirled her spear while looking into the distance 

The man was about 1.50m tall, with huge bangs covering most of his face, black hair, black eyes with yellow irises and two pupils with several black "stripes" running down them. His entire left side was robotic, surrounded by "glitches" that distorted the reality around him:

- Probably - His voice seemed to break, as if it was "bugged"

- Hehe, I can't wait to see what kind of crazy plan they come up with!

- It won't be anything crazy, they may be 7 minds, but they're complete idiots. Especially Iro. - He snorted

- Well, if it creates opportunities for me to punch Mia in the face, I don't see any problems. 

- I think that will happen soon, Kiri - he smiled

- I hope...



Scene 2

A few days later, the bar was empty, and Zenska ran quickly through the whole place. She passed through the door into the kitchen, crossed it in a few moments and arrived in the staff room. When she reached the room, the others were all there, and they looked at her, startled. She was panting:

- What happened, Zenska? - Kieza stood up

- It's... Kirisaki... and Xaphan... - She could barely form her words

- What happened? - Iro quickly became serious, his hair seemed to have lost even more of its saturation

- It's an attack, on the outskirts of the city! 

- Okay, you, Kieza and Andou can stay here. The rest, you know. - He quickly drew a portal in mid-air, which materialized in an instant

Everyone entered the portal, soon arriving in the suburbs. The whole place was on fire and the houses, which had already been destroyed by the war, were even worse. Luckily, it was an abandoned site, so there were hardly any victims. Iro was the first to arrive, followed by Aisa and Sora and finally Mia. Everyone was very surprised by the scene and stopped right in front of the portal, making it difficult for each other to enter and move around:

- Guys... excuse me - Mia tried to get past them

- Oh yeah, sorry! - Sora stepped out of the way

- We can't waste time - Iro said

- Ah~ the time you already lost a long time ago - A familiar voice came from the direction of one of the burning houses.

Immediately, upon hearing that voice, Mia's expression sulked:

- Kirisaki. - Iro said

- Seriously, you may all be 7 minds, but you work worse than me and Xaphan - She was sitting in the window of a house that was on fire

- Did you burn this place down? - Aisa asked

- Is there any doubt? - She fiddled with her hair, which was as red as the fire 

- At what cost? - She asked another question

- Because so! - She smiled 

- Where's Xaphan? - Iro took a few steps forward, approaching the girl 

- Why don't you look for him? - She smiled proudly

- Go ahead. I'll take care of her - Mia had a serious tone

- No - He looked at her, his hair and skin seemed to have taken on a slightly reddish hue.

- Leave her alone, the two of them already have a row - Sora shrugged, as she walked away from them - I want to look for the emo, that's all...

- Wait, Sora! - Aisa chased after her

- If anything happens, you shout, okay? I'll be right there. - He seemed to have a worried expression, while his skin took on a slightly greenish hue

- It's okay, I'll be fine. - She smiled gently

- So, Mia~ do you want to entertain me a bit? - Kirisaki jumped out of the window, wielding her spear

She watched Iro walk away, and as soon as he was out of sight, she turned in the other's direction. Her expression quickly sulked:

- Entertain you? No, no. Only if you're a masochist. - She swiped her hand in the air, creating a spear made of water, and wielded it 

- Well, after so many years as "friends", I finally get to beat you. 

- Haven't you done this before? 

- I don't remember. But not that it matters, what really matters is that I'll be able to punch you as much as I want! - She said this as she set off to hit Mia

- It's a shame, really. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm intangible - She grabbed Kirisaki's spear with her bare hands and ran it through her body. Not a drop of blood oozed out, absolutely nothing.  - I'm made of water, you idiot - She took advantage of the fact that she had caught her by surprise, pulling her spear out with all her might, and jumped towards her - Unfortunately, this is bad news for you. 

- Are you sure? - Kirisaki had a little smile on her face as she watched Mia, who was on top of her - I didn't know you were like that~

- Wh- - Mia's blue face quickly reddened

- It's a shame, really, that you also forget that I'm made of fire! - She said this while placing her two hands on Mia's arms- And, lucky for you, just seeing your face makes me very angry - Kirisaki's body temperature rose exponentially, causing the other to quickly evaporate.

- You- - Mia tried to release herself

- What's wrong? Can't get out? 

And then, suddenly, she turned into several scattered drops of water, making Kirisaki unable to hold her. She then returned to her normal form, appearing right next to the other woman's spear:

- What did you say? 

The one with the red hair stood up, looking annoyed:

- Right. That's how you're going to play it, isn't it, Mia? 

- I'm being completely fair. 

- Of course, you've always been a lover of justice - She rolled her eyes - But I'm not. 

Kirisaki's appearance changed, a full tail appeared, and along her arms, neck, legs and face, various feathers appeared:

- I've had enough. - She cracked her neck

Meanwhile, Iro, Aisa and Sora were looking for Xaphan. The three of them worked very well as a team, Sora and Aisa were able to put out fires with air and water spells, the eldest, in particular, being able to control space, was able to close off fire outbreaks so that they would lose oxygen. While Iro was able to materialize water or air from his drawings. They approached a place where the fire was fading, the place that had been filled with red slowly turning green. Through the rubble, countless lines, greenish strings passed through them, intertwined, tied together:

- We're getting close - Iro commented - On second thought, maybe it's better that you two stay behind. 

- And you fight him alone, are you crazy? - Sora said

- Well, it's just...

- No, we'll go together. - The other said

The three of them arrived at a point where the whole place was filled with green "threads", almost covering the entire floor:

- Careful. - He said

- What a nice little visit... - A distorted, scratchy voice echoed through the place

Gradually, as the trio walked, the figure began to form more clearly:

- Ah there, the emo...  - Sora seemed to hold back her laughter

- What's a child doing here? - He was losing patience

- A child? Listen, I'm certainly older than you...

- I don't think so. 

- Enough small talk - Aisa said 

- So, I don't think we can solve this through dialog. If you'll excuse me... - Some greenish "strings" began to move, the ones that were just below their feet 

Aisa quickly realized what was happening and jumped away, as did Iro. However, it took Sora too long to notice. In a few moments she was in the air, being held up only by her feet:

- How cool - She didn't seem at all excited - The world is upside down now!

- One less on the way - he sighed 

- I told you it would be better if you two stayed behind... - Iro sighed too.

- I think everything would be a lot easier if you'd just get out of my way. - Several of the wires were coming towards them

The remaining two were quite adept at dodging the strings, but it was almost impossible to get close to Xaphan since every time they tried to make a move, several of the threads would appear:

- Sora- - Aisa looked at her

- I'm in a complicated situation here... - It felt like she was being wrapped in cobwebs, her whole body was covered in green threads.

- Right... - Her sister seemed discouraged by this

- It's okay, - Iro approached them - Aisa, if we work together, it'll work out. 

- Okay - she replied

The two of them, at the same time, headed towards Xaphan, who fired several of these "webs" in their direction. Iro was able to deflect them with his drawings, but when they got close enough, Aisa, using her space magic, trapped him in a bubble. Inside, no matter how many strings he fired, they just rewound on the surface of the bubble and couldn't get out:

- THAT'S IT! - Iro and Aisa celebrated, giving a high five

- YAY! - Sora, tied up in the strings, celebrated in dismay

Meanwhile, Xaphan seemed to shout inside the space, but no sound came through:

- I'm going to let Sora go! - The older woman ran towards the other.

- Hehe, are you mad? - Iro's color seemed to turn yellow. He smiled at the other, who shouted - WHAAAAT? I can't hear you! - He teased 

- What do we do with him now? - Sora, finally released, asked

- Good question.... - He said

- You can't kill it, can you? - Aisa replied

- No... - Iro seemed to totally disapprove of that question 

- We'd better decide on something, because this space is temporal. You can't lock him up forever... - she added

- Well, I can decide on something by then - he said.

- Is Mia all right? - Sora looked back, it was still possible to see some of the fire in the distance

- I told her to shout if anything happened, but we didn't hear anything... - As he said this, it sounded as if he had cast a curse on himself.

Echoing throughout the place, a loud scream could be heard. From the distance, it was hard to tell who it was, but it was clearly a female voice:

- Shit. - He said

- He's laughing. - Sora looked at Xaphan, trapped in the bubble

- That guy. - The other clenched her fists - I think I'm going to compress the air in there...

- LOOK - Iro seemed to lose his composure - you two take care of him, I'll go see if Mia's okay, okay?

- Okay! - Aisa replied promptly

- Okay. - The other replied a little suspiciously

Sora waited for Iro to disappear from her sight:

- That one's such a simp - She crossed her arms.

- Leave him alone! - The two watched him disappear over the horizon

- Right. Watch the emo so he doesn't run away - She turned towards the bubble - Watch... WHERE IS HE?




Scene 3

Meanwhile, elsewhere. Kirisaki, being a hybrid, had the ability to take a different form from her ordinary one, she was half human and half phoenix, so she had specificities worthy of an immortal bird. As for Mia, it was clear that her half was a white shark, so she had an extremely acute sense of smell, hearing and taste, as well as incredible flexibility due to having no bones. However, in a 1v1 battle, it was quite obvious that Kirisaki would have the upper hand. Even more so on the assumption that her sentimental flames were capable of reaching temperatures that her manuals would never reach, and fighting someone she hated would obviously make her angry, no, enraged.  

Right, she was in a jam, a big one. She had certainly been in adverse situations before, but this was certainly one of the worst. Kirisaki's flaming feathers were capable of burning Mia's body, and the fire around her made the temperature in the place extremely high. Even more so now, with her opponent becoming increasingly irritated, the situation seemed literally hellish. Her vision began to blur, all that heat was making her evaporate, and her consciousness was slowly fading:

- Damn it... - she muttered

- WHAT IS IT? Are you getting tired? - Meanwhile, the other woman's voice seemed to get louder and louder

However, it was simply no use just standing there, retreating. She had to put an end to this, once and for all. While the one with the red hair could raise her body temperature, the other could cool it down. She slowly crouched down, placing both hands on the flaming ground. She closed her eyes, concentrating. Suddenly, the area where she was standing became entirely cold. The ground froze quickly and it was even possible to see a little snow, some spikes of ice had formed. She stood up and sighed, it was possible to see an icy breath coming out, she looked seriously at the other:

- Right, I want to see you step here. 

Like two opposites, the other's area was full of flames, even reddish, and you could see some ashes from her feathers burning:

- I invite you to come here, cutie - she smiled.

Sayaka touched her spear, which froze completely, it seemed as if her own body had frozen:

- Aren't you coming? - Kyoko asked 

- I told you I wanted to see you step foot here... 

- Okay, okay - she shrugged, and started walking towards the other girl. 

As she approached her, her flaming feathers also flew towards her, trying to hit Mia, who fought back. Then Kirisaki stopped a few meters away. The freezing air around her didn't seem to interfere at all:

- let's go. - she sighed. 

She lifted her leg and slammed the spear into her knee, which broke into several pieces. It looked like a kind of nunchaku, with several sections connected by metal chains, at the end of which was its blade. She swung her spear, surrounded by these chains:

- Are you ready now? - Mia said

The other smiled. In response, Sayaka leapt towards her, wielding her spear, deftly dodging all the feathers that got in her way. However, the little smile still remained on Kyoko's face. And then we were back in the present. 

Iro had run as fast as he could, he didn't want to think about whose scream it was, or the cause, he didn't want to have to imagine the worst-case scenario. He arrived at the place where he had last seen Sayaka, the whole place was full of flames, it was hard to breathe or even see. As he saw no sign of anyone, he began to walk around the place, until he heard a noise on the ground and realized he had stepped on ice. Ice? In a place with fire everywhere? He continued walking, and realized that for a large part of the way, the entire ground had been covered in ice, and in the center it was even colder. Until he could see a silhouette forming as he got closer, what had previously seemed to be just one person was now two. And then, close enough, he could clearly see the scene right in front of him. 

It appeared to be a spear that went completely through Mia's body, and right in front of her was Kirisaki. The place where she was being pierced was gushing blood, which stained her clothes, legs, feet and the entire floor, forming a puddle. The girl's face was slowly losing what little color remained, and her eye was losing color. The girl in front of her, on the other hand, watched without reacting, just staring, until she noticed Iro:

- You're a bit late - She smiled - Well, I don't feel like dealing with it - She sighed.

As she sighed, all the flames around her went out. Soon afterwards, several greenish threads appeared, Xaphan appeared:

- One less? - He looked at Mia, smiling debauchedly

- I always do my job well! 

The two of them disappeared in a flash. A while later, Sora and Aisa came running in, panting. By this time, the pool of blood had taken up most of the area around them, and the girl had fallen to her knees, gradually fainting. During this whole situation, Iro hadn't reacted properly, his skin was completely reddened, he was completely silent, staring at Sayaka:

- FUCK! - Sora, on seeing the scene, obviously went into shock

- Okay, okay, calm down, she's breathing! - Aisa immediately ran to her aid - Sora, you know what to do! We need to try to stop this bleeding and fast! - She said this as she tore off the hem of her dress and held it tightly to the girl's stomach 

But none of that really mattered, Iro could only watch her pale face, her dull eyes. He was blue. He was sad. Reject those feelings. Tear them away. You can't feel them. He walked away from the three of them, leaned on a pillar of a destroyed house and vomited. But what he vomited didn't seem to be leftover food, but paint. And then, in an instant, his skin whitened, along with his hair. He returned calmly to the scene:

- Iro, there's no hospital nearby, will she be all right? - Aisa's dress, arms and even her face were stained with blood

- She will. It's a hybrid - His voice even seemed to be without feeling, without emotion - Apparently, Mia changed her physical state to solid, and that allowed Kirisaki to pierce her. She's not going to die like that. It looks like you've stabilized her, all it takes is that and a bit of rest. Hybrids like her don't die so easily - He turned and opened a portal 

The two sisters looked at each other, surprised at the sudden change in the man's personality. Without saying another word, he entered the portal. Aisa and Sora carried Mia very carefully and entered after him. In the distance, under the roofs, meters of colored hair flowed through the houses and debris, the owner of which was none other than Cheng, who was watching the whole scene:

- Well, it looks like it's going to take a while for them to get back together... - she smiled - maybe I should give this a little push...



Scene 4

Aisa finishes picking up her shopping bags:

- How's work been at the bar? - She asked

- It's been quiet. My shifts are in the morning, y'know - Andou replied

- Well, any day now you can come over. You're always welcome! - She smiled

- Yes! Speaking of which, you always invite me over for dinner, but I have to invite you over to my place sometime - He handed over the remaining bags

- Ah... - Aisa's face reddened slightly - Yes, yes, it's true... - She had a subtle smile on her face as she picked up the bags - Well, we'll see one day - It was even possible to notice that her voice sweetened.

- Anyway, to change the subject - he looked at her - I haven't taken part in the meetings so actively, how has it been to control Xaphan, still unaccustomed? 

- Have you ever had to deal with him? 

- Yes, I have. - He sighed - I met Iro a long time ago, we kind of work in the same area. We're in charge of the timelines, dimensions and universes. And meanwhile, Xaphan wants to destroy it all... Ah, but the two of them seem to have known each other even longer.

- Yeah... well, he's not that complicated to deal with. It's just that both Kirisaki and Xaphan are very shrewd, so you just have to make a mistake and...

- They disappear - He completed her sentence

- Yeah... - she looked at him - Ah, well, I have to go! See you later - She smiled as she said goodbye

- See you tomorrow - He smiled 

As Aisa walked away, an explosion could be heard in the distance. But she didn't seem to react much to it:

- Ah, another one of those... - She sighed - I'll see what happened later. 

In the area of the explosion, an extremely unusual scene was taking place, but one that had become very common in the recent days. Cheng, as usual, was in the middle of it: 


After that incident, she spent a few days resting and recovering. However, if there's one thing she's very good at, it's regenerating. She was able to get back on her feet very quickly, as her regeneration is extremely fast:

- I'm not going to waste my time with you! - Kirisaki used her spear to jump between the houses

The city now seemed less destroyed, the efforts of Mio and the rest of the population seemed to have paid off:

- You two are a hopeless case - Cheng laughed

The situation the three found themselves in had become routine. Every day, Mia and Kirisaki fought against each other. The former always tried to clarify things, while the latter never listened. Adding to the comical scene, Cheng always appeared to create even more chaos: 

- SHUT UP! - The two shouted 

- That's the only thing you agree on - Cheng shrugged

One ran after the other, Kyoko deftly jumping between the buildings, running away from Sayaka, who was right behind her. A little further back was Cheng, who was having trouble with her kilometer-long hair every now and then:

- CAN YOU STOP FOR A SECOND? - The one with the blue hair shouted

- All right - She stopped abruptly, causing the other to bump into her

- Finally - She was even panting - See, don't you want to take a break from this? It's so simple, we'll be able to be free and leave this city, having our souls back, simply by saying "sorry".

- You said it the first time, WE Tried! - She pointed her finger at her, snapping at her

- YOU said it without meaning it!

- Aren't you sure it wasn't you who said it without meaning?

- If I had, do you think I'd still be trying to sort things out?

- Hey, hey, no fighting - Cheng had arrived, stepping in between the two of them

- You're ridiculous - Kyoko snapped

- You're the only one dwelling on things that happened years ago!

- HAHAH! Look who's talking - She laughed - You're standing there, with that good girl facade, all innocent and cute, getting all worked up in front of that two-face Reaper, pretending that NONE OF THAT happened! 

- I agree with her - The one with the rainbow hair commented - The person who killed my father isn't the same as the one standing in front of me - She crossed her arms

- That's none of your business. People change, okay? 

- Not you. - Kirisaki said harshly

- Well, I've changed... believe it or not, but what's in front of you is reality!

- And when do you intend to tell them about the curse? Iro only knows because he saw the whole scene - Cheng seemed to want to laugh

- No need, I'll sort it all out soon. 

- You won't. You just keep getting caught up in lies, and it's obvious that I'll never forgive someone like you.


The other two definitely hadn't expected that and remained completely silent:

- Do you want me to repeat all this, draw? - She continued to shout - Why do you think I ran away from that world, HUH? I WAS FORCED to change!

- Prove it to me. - Kirisaki pointed her spear at her

And, as usual, the two entered into an almost unending fight, ending only when one of them gave up or fell. Meanwhile, Cheng just watched from the sidelines, occasionally adding fuel to the fire. However, there was something different about this battle: normally Kirisaki won, but in this one it seemed that the tables had turned. After a long time, Mia finally seemed to have the upper hand, and she took very good advantage of it. When she spotted an opening, she went for it and was quickly able to pin the other to the ground:

- Now will you listen to me? 

She planted her spear right next to Kyoko's head, had both legs between her, standing on top of the girl, and with her free hand, held the arm that the other had the spear in, keeping her completely still:

- I'll hear - She rolled her eyes

- That day, I really didn't mean it. 

- HOW COULD YOU NOT? - Her flames increased, burning Mia

- Kiri - her voice sweetened - I knew that your sentimental flames were much stronger than manual ones. You were chained, the metal was resistant. To save you, I needed your flames to reach such a high temperature that the metal would melt... 

- Shut up. 

- That's why I said it. If I told you to turn up the flames, it would all be for nothing, we'd both die. I never, ever, really meant to say those things. Please forgive me.

At that moment, Cheng even leaned in, paying more attention:

- Shut up.

- I mean it. Forgive me, I'm sorry, really - She let go of Kirisaki's arm and took out her spear 

- No. I don't believe you! - Her flames were unstable

- Kiri, please. - A few drops of rain began to fall

- I HATE YOU! - She pushed Mia

- KIRISAKI! - She tried to hold her arm as the girl stood up

- Let go of me. 

- I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. - The rain intensified

At that moment, Kirisaki's eyes closed in disgust. She abruptly let go of her arm. Her fire, which had been unstable in the rain, went out:

- Fuck you - She walked off into the rain until she disappeared into the distance

When she was out of sight, the rain became even heavier. Mia remained kneeling on the ground, staring at nothing. 



Scene 5

A few meters away, a low sound could be heard coming from Mio's house. Something that had become quite common in recent months. In her room, she was sitting on the end of her bed, playing the bass guitar. As usual, she tried to write some music and failed miserably, crumpling the paper and thus starting the cycle all over again:

- Damn! - She said as she crumpled up a piece of paper - It's useless. - She sighed

- What's wrong? - Phaniel entered the room 

- I can never write a song... - She said despondently

- Is there something in particular stopping you? - He approached

- I don't know. - She put her bass away

- Maybe you're just trying too hard. - He smiled - Just write what comes to mind, love. 

- I think you're right... - She had a silly little smile as she looked at him

He kissed Mio on the forehead, while his hands were on her face:

- Yuki said she was looking through the things you'd kept... 

- Did you find anything? 

- Hmm, maybe? - He smiled - And lunch will be ready soon... 

- Okay, okay, I'll go and check - she laughed

The two of them left together, while Phaniel headed for the kitchen, she stopped in the living room, where Yuki was also:

- Did you find something nice, Yu? 

- Check it out! - She dragged out a huge, rectangular box

- What... what is this? - She looked at it, confused

- I think I have an idea what it is... - She put her hands on her waist

- It's like a meter and a half long.  - She crossed her arms

- Exactly - She looked at Mio

- Oh, WAIT! - She looked back


- NO FUCKING WAY YOU FOUND IT! - She sat down on the floor, looking for an opening in the box

- I thought it was at Dad's, but it seems you brought it when you came to Earth... 

- God, it's been so long since I've seen this...

Mio looked around the box until she found an opening through which she opened it. On closer inspection, it looked much more like a coffin than an ordinary box. It was made of wood, about 1.50m long and very deep - a child could easily fit in there: 

- Wow, it's intact! There's not a speck of dust on it - She leaned over, looking at the contents inside the "coffin"

Inside was what really looked like a person, a little girl. She was about 1.50m tall, with short, straight black hair and bangs, skin so white it looked like porcelain, and big eyes with long lashes that were closed. She wore a little black dress with some green ruffles and ribbons, together with her shoes. There were hinges at the joints and several transparent threads were tied to them, all of which came together in a wooden cross that was above the little girl's body. It was a puppet:

- Aw, I missed you! - Mio carefully took the marionette out of the box - Wow, it's even heavier than I imagined

- Well, the gods know how to do a decent job... I just never understood why the hell you liked playing with it! 

- I always saw Humans playing with things like that...

- Haha, they don't really play with puppets... - Phaniel looked at the two sisters as he set the table

Mio sat the doll down, looking at it with nostalgia: 

- It's well taken care of - she said

- Yeah, it's an item forged by the gods - Yuki crossed her arms - It's not going to be bad quality... still, there's something strange about it - She approached the puppet 

- Well, it's a bit old, so there are imperfections here and there... 

- Lunch is ready.. - He waited for the two to sit down at the table

And so the three of them went to lunch, chatting away and commenting on everyday life. After lunch, they each went off to do their own chores, and ended up leaving the doll in the living room, forgotten:

- Hey, did anyone touch the puppet? - After a while, Mio realized it was missing

- No... - Yuki looked back, she was sitting on the sofa

- Maybe Phaniel took it... where did he put it? - She walked through the house

Mio found her, sitting on her bed:

- There you are! - I'll leave it there for now - She left the room.

The night was drawing in and no one else had entered the room, which only received someone when it was into the night. Mio was getting ready for bed:

- That's strange, I swore the puppet was here... well Yuki must have taken it, I don't know - And she lay down to sleep.

Meanwhile, the local bar, Ocurrens, was very busy. The town was being rebuilt, and this was attracting a lot of new people, so the number of customers was increasing:

- Zenska, stop talking to the customers and come help me! - Kieza shouted

- Damn it - She mumbled - Anyway, you can give me your number later, okay? - Zenska smiled at her client 

- Andou could start working nights too, right? - The other finished serving a table.

- He's flirting with Aisa at night, let them be - She rolled her eyes - Speaking of which, Iro and Mia are also having some...

- And for us... only sadness... 

- Tell me you, your girl's dating! I don't stand still, my love. 

- I'd rather have one love at a time that works out than yours that always go wrong. Your bad luck is ridiculous! 

- HAHA, look who's talking... 

- Enough with the gossiping - Iro got in between them 

- Call more people to help us! - Zenska complained

- I'm thinking of convincing Mia - He sighed.

- Yes, call her - She smiled - It makes things easier for me...

- She doesn't like women. 

- How do you know, have you seen the way she gets with Kiri? Gosh, if this one also gave me a chance..... - She looked up at the ceiling, seemingly dreaming 

- LET'S GET TO WORK! - Kieza slammed her tray down on the other girl's head

Outside the bar, near an alleyway, there were a few meters of rainbow hair intertwining and passing between the houses. Under a roof, next to Ocurrens, Cheng was sitting:

- Things have been a bit boring... will Mia and Kirisaki ever make up? - She looked up at the sky - That would be kind of boring... 

- Would you like some help? - A high voice came from behind the girl

- Who? - The demon's expression quickly closed

- Names have no relevance, Cheng. 

- Look, you just used one. - She smiled

- Don't turn around until I say you can.

- How can you make a contract with me if you threaten me? - She slowly raised her hands

- I don't trust people easily. 

- If you know me, I certainly know you. Why hide your identity? Why do you want to help me, anyway? 

- Who you hate. It's mutual. 

- Stop playing games, you know I'll take you up on your offer. - She had a huge smile

- Just for now, we can cooperate... 

- Come on, we were once part of the same organization - She turned slowly in the direction of the voice - Right, Mary?

She was 1.50m tall, with straight hair, like her bangs, as black as sepia, skin as white as porcelain, a black dress with green ornaments that matched her shoes. At her joints, there were hinges tied by strings that joined into a cross, which floated above the girl's head. Her eyes were large and looked like two holes in her skull, with small green pupils in the middle, so green that they glowed. It was Mio's puppet:

- I heard that Jiong and Guan are in this town. 

- Yeah, like that. - Cheng shrugged - But they're their reincarnations, y'know?

- So they're both dead. - She looked down

- But the funny thing is... these reincarnations hate each other. I even put a curse on them both, it's a daily dose of content... 

- Cheng - Her voice was serious - Don't get in the way of my plans, understand?

- Mary, you're not the only one who hates them, okay? I want revenge on Mia.

- So do I, don't you dare take that away from me. 

The taller girl stared for a while into the little girl's big eyes:

- Heh, okay. I want to see how much chaos you can throw this city into.

- And you're just going to watch?

- Someone told me I'd better wait to make my appearances... for now, I want to see how long it takes for the two to make up.

- What intrigues me is the number of... creatures - She looked at the bar - such... unique specimens.

- What do you mean?

- You're not going to tell me you don't know. - She looked at the other woman with disdain

- If we take into account that we're technically 24 years old... or our appearance- She shrugged.

- That doesn't mean anything - She looked annoyed. - Besides, you've been reincarnated and I've been stuck in this body all this time.

- What did you mean by singular? 

She sighed:

- It's just unusual for so many "protagonist" individuals to appear in the same area. It even looks like someone orchestrated the whole thing.

- And who could do that?

- Someone strong, certainly. 

- You've just said that there are a lot of strong people here, so what's the point?

- Exactly - She looked at her, remaining silent

The one with the rainbow hair stayed for a while thinking:

- AH! So that means that the person who orchestrated all this is among them?

- Probably. - She smiled - Anyway, I have things to do, I'll see you around. - And disappeared into the shadows

- I just hope she doesn't get in my way. - Suddenly her expression sulked - I don't want to have to deal with her.



Scene 6

The seven of them were in the staff room, Zenska and Kieza were playing cards, Mia was sitting next to the former, while Andou and Aisa were organizing some things, Iro was leaning against the wall and Sora wasn't there because she had gone out with Yuki: 

- It's been a while since anything happened. - Kieza started a conversation, breaking the silence

- Since last week, Kirisaki has stopped showing up... - Mia said

- And Xaphan's very quiet. - Iro added

- But, Mia, you never said what happened that day - Aisa said

- I just tried to sort things out, that's all. 

- Yeah, you always say that - Kieza said

- She can't be too far away, have you tried looking for her? Maybe you need a little push to sort things out - Zenska argued

- Speaking of which, why do you really hate each other? - Kieza asked

Meanwhile, in a place not far away, there were some greenish threads through the rubble, all leading to an abandoned house. There, Xaphan was sitting on the floor, while Kirisaki, a little away from him, was looking out of the window:

- Listen, we've been doing nothing for a while because you said so. But seriously, you can't sit still for that long... 

- I know - She looked at the horizon

- Would you like some help? - A voice came out of the darkness

- Who's there? - He quickly stood up

- Relax, I'm not an enemy. Not yet - Coming out of the shadows, Mary appeared 

Kirisaki looked in her direction:

- What do you want here? 

- I'm just here to help - She smiled - Create an attack today, the seven of you are totally unprepared. It might even be the perfect time for you, Kirisaki, to sort things out - Her eyes glowed bright green.

- You... - Xaphan moved his strings, also green

- Oh, I don't want to fight with you - Mary cut his threads

- You... - He frowned

- Let her think for herself. - She smiled

- what you do doesn't let people think for themselves. Stop trying to manipulate her.

- Haha, I don't understand what you mean. 

He looked increasingly irritated:

- Okay, I'm going out. Just think about what I said - She disappeared into the shadows

- Kiri, are you all right? - Incredibly, he looked worried as he approached the girl.

- Xaphan, it doesn't hurt to try something today, does it? - She looked at him

- ...are you sure? 

- Yes - She smiled slightly 

After that question, "Speaking of which, why do you really hate each other?", Mia left the room in complete silence. She began to walk through the city, calmly, until she noticed some greenish strings passing near where she was standing. She began to follow them, looking for the source. Until she heard the voices of Iro, Aisa and the owner of the strings. She approached them in silence. They were fighting each other, the teamwork of her two friends was impeccable, but for some reason, Kirisaki just watched the battle:

- Kirisaki, I think we have some business to finish - She appeared in their midst, looking at her

In response, the girl looked in her direction, as did everyone else:

- Hey, Mia, you okay? - Iro seemed oblivious to the existence of everyone else

- Yes, I am. - She smiled slightly

The red-haired girl remained silent, just staring at the other girl, who was approaching her:

- Aren't you going to do anything? 

- I don't know. - She replied

- Well, I want to finish our conversation from last time - she stared at her - Did something happen? You're acting strange.

- Nothing happened. 

- Well then - She brought out her spear, made of water

The other, with her reddish hair, continued to watch in complete silence. Xaphan, who had stopped his battle when he was surprised by Mia, suddenly took control of his strings again:

- Let the two of them sort themselves out - and went off to attack them both

- Are you sure you're going to be all right? - Iro dodged his enemy's attacks, while talking to Mia

- Trust me, okay? - She looked at him, smiling, as she walked away from them, together with Kirisaki

When they reached a certain point where they could no longer see the other three, they stopped walking:

- I didn't come here to beat you, Kiri.

- Yeah? - With her back to the girl, she looked at her from the corner of her eye

- I genuinely just want to sort things out. I'm not asking you to forgive me, just understand my point - She put her hands on her chest - Unfortunately, your forgiveness is something I can't force on you.

- Such beautiful words. - She turned her face away

- Will you listen to me? - She approached her

- Maybe - She slowly turned around - But only when I've fulfilled my wish - She was facing her.

- And what would that be? 

Kirisaki smiled when she heard that question. She spun her spear, breaking it into pieces: 

- Obviously, to have punched you - She used the buildings around her as support to get out of the other woman's line of sight, so she could attack her. 

- Didn't I tell you already - She looked around, searching for her opponent - That I didn't want to fight you?

- Ah, but that's YOUR wish alone - She emerged from behind her, leaping towards her

Having heightened her senses, Sayaka was able to block the attack, but found it difficult to continue holding on. This made Kyoko angry, increasing her flames, which burned the other:

- LISTEN TO ME, PLEASE! - Little by little, the heat around them increased, causing her to evaporate

- How many times do I have to say it again? I will never, ever forgive you - she kicked her away

As she was kicked away, she staggered a little, looking tired:

- It was all a mistake. - She tried to recover

- I don't care.

Her hair stretched out, grew, and spread across the whole place like flames. It didn't take long for the whole place to become an oven, so hot: 

- Give up once and for all, it's simply pointless trying to convince me to forgive you. Because that's never going to happen. 

- I just wanted you to understand me. FOR A SECOND, KIRISAKI! 

She tried to get closer to her, but the closer she got, the hotter the place became. If she got too close, she could evaporate completely:

- I don't care about your reasons.

 Her temperature was so high that her body was deforming, unstable like fire. An intense smell of burning began to spread through the area:

- But... - She began to run out of arguments, it seemed impossible to convince Kirisaki

Sayaka stopped approaching the other woman. Her whole body was evaporating. In the distance, someone was watching what was happening. She had noticed that, after their conversation, Xaphan and Kirisaki had started to move. When she saw this, she decided to watch them from afar, but the main piece was missing: Sayaka Mia. It wasn't long, however, before she appeared on the scene. So when the two of them moved away from the rest, she followed them too. Watching all that pointless arguing was definitely very satisfying, and when she realized that the two girls were vulnerable, she felt that this was the moment. 

Mary, who until then had been watching the whole situation, when she sensed that there was a gap, grabbed her gigantic scythe and went for the two girls. Especially towards Mia, the most vulnerable:

- HOW LONG! - She tried to attack the girl with her scythe

As a reflex, she narrowly managed to dodge it. Mary ended up with her scythe on the ground and had to pull it out:

- Who the hell are you? - She was frightened

- It's a shame you don't recognize me... but in the past, because of you, my life become a living hell! - She pointed her scythe at her 

- No, I have nothing to do with you!

- Oh, yes. Yes, it does. - She smiled as she approached her

She attacked the other frantically, without thinking much about her attacks, while the victim managed to dodge, but not for long:

- Can you PLEASE stop attacking me? I don't even know who you are!

- Oh, I'm Mary, it's a pleasure to meet you! And I want revenge on both of you! - She kept attacking, incessantly 

- Don't you get tired? - She was getting desperate. How much longer was this girl going to try to hit her?

Until her scythe once again sank into the ground, making it hard to remove. While all this was going on, Kirisaki seemed to be in the middle of a trance, as she only increased the temperature of her flames more and more, standing completely still, with no reaction whatsoever: 

- You're getting on my nerves... - She seemed discouraged

- I just dodged your attacks! - She moved away from her, frightened

- Right... - She looked at Kirisaki. She pulled her spear out of the ground - alright then - She smiled again

- what... - She followed the little girl with her eyes

She didn't seem to react to the heat as she approached Kyoko. She raised her scythe when she was a reasonable distance away:

- This one won't dodge... 

Near where she was, it was so hot that Mary's porcelain body melted, as did her spear. But if Mia didn't do something, Kyoko would die. She was frozen, time seemed to pass slowly. She would watch with her own eyes as her childhood friend was murdered. Or she would risk her life to save her. Save someone who, until then, had been trying to kill you. Normally, the answer would be obvious. Her feet wouldn't move. There was nothing she could do. It was something that happened, she couldn't control it. She would just get on with her life, and probably have her soul returned to her. That would be the best option. When that girl's scythe crossed her line of sight, it was close to her childhood friend. The person who had meant so much to her. The person who had once been her reason for living. The person who had saved her countless times. Also the person who swore to kill her. The person who, until recently, used every opportunity to try to murder her. As the blade approached the head of the person in question, something crossed Mia's mind too.


You need to die

Find me



Wait.. what?

Before she knew it, she found himself in a rather complicated situation.





Kirisaki seemed to have woken up from a trance, her entire vision was blurred, but she was gradually stabilizing. When she could finally see around her, she came across a very unusual scene. She was lying on the ground. The sky was beautiful, wasn't it? There were a few clouds here and there. So she looked around until she saw a body. What the fuck? It was Mia's body, she was lying on the ground, she didn't seem to be breathing. When she saw that, she was frightened. Had she killed her? She didn't remember much. So she stood up to get a better look. It was certainly a very strange scene. 

Fallen was Sayaka's body, next to it was Mary, and in between them was a large broken scythe:

- What happened here? 

Gradually, she noticed that two greenish pupils had appeared in Mary's two large eyes:

- Are you awake? Can you explain to me what the hell happened here?

She stood up, picking up her scythe:

- She's no fun, that's it.

- Who?

- Her - she pointed at Mia, unconscious

- Why? - She frowned

- A suicidal. - She disappeared into the shadows

A suicidal. What was that supposed to mean? How could that explain that whole situation? She crouched down, analyzing the girl's body. She remained completely silent for a while, then stood up, took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She seemed immersed in thought. Yes, Sayaka had always had suicidal tendencies, she never knew the real reason, but she could deduce it. Her "suicide", however, was somewhat different. She was always the first to jump in when an ally was in danger. It was as if she didn't think, it was purely extinct. It even seemed as if something was telling her to do it. Observing the whole situation, she was able to understand what had happened.

When she saw Kyoko about to be killed, without even thinking twice, she jumped towards her, causing all three of them to fall to the ground. The weight of their bodies was probably the reason the scythe was broken. Still, what an innocent, dumb, idiot. Why did she save someone who, just a few minutes ago, was trying to kill her? Looking at Mia's body, and how calm she seemed when she was unconscious, how could she hate her? It all made total sense now. She stayed silent for a while, just staring at the other girl:

- All this time, the hatred I felt wasn't for you - She had a sad smile - I think I was... mad at myself, because I knew you'd never say those things - She held one of her arms, while looking down - Maybe I wanted to fool myself, to make myself believe that what you said was true. 

She sat down next to her, looking at the fainted girl's serene face: 

- I always felt obliged to protect you, and when you did it for me, I was too childish to deal with it. My own pride made me prefer to believe that you were a fake, rather than someone who became independent of me - The sad expression still remained - The ironic thing is, I always say that you should protect the one thing that's important to you until the very end. But the one who did that was the very person who is important to me - Pause - you.

She stood up and picked up her spear. She was about to leave, when a voice came out:

- so I'm the most important person to you? - Mia, who had woken up, spoke 

- Ah - Not expecting her to be awake, she became a little shy - Maybe - She looked away - Just don't get too full of yourself, just because I said those things to you! - She crossed her arms

- Haha - She stood up. She seemed genuinely happy - It's okay, Kiri, you're the most important person to me too - She was still a bit weak, so when she tried to approach her, she ended up stumbling a bit

- Hey, careful - She held the other one, helping her up 

- Thanks - She smiled sweetly

- Hm - She looked away 

- So... Kiri... do you forgive me? - She looked at her

- No. 


- I don't forgive you, because, from the beginning, I've never had anything to forgive you for, you stupid girl - She smiled a little. 

- Agh - She was surprised - I get it - A genuine smile appeared on the girl's face - So, you're officially my best friend again! - She hugged her 

- Watch out! - Kirisaki had to balance herself so as not to fall over

A while later, the two returned to where the other three were. They seemed to have had an exhausting fight, where, in the end, they just got tired and decided to wait for the two girls:

- Eh, finally! - Iro was the first to notice that they had returned - Wait - He noticed something strange - Okay, that's unexpected. 

Kirisaki helped Mia walk, as she was still a bit weak. The two looked extremely friendly, like two sisters:

- They seem to have made up - Aisa smiled, relieved

- What? - Xaphan, however, seemed to have been replaced

- Are you good? - Iro approached them

- Yes, yes. I just got carried away - she looked away. 

- In other words, she kicked me in the stomach and made us be inside a literal oven - Mia replied.

- I see. - He slung his arm around her shoulder to support her - But nothing much happened, right?

The two looked at each other:

- No, nothing - The blue-haired one replied

- Well, Xaphan - She sighed - I think I need to talk to you. - The other walked over to him, who was still sitting down.

- huh - He frowned, perhaps he knew what the "talk" would be about.

- We'd better go, see if she needs treatment - Aisa approached Sayaka 

- Go - the red-haired girl replied, waving at them.

After the three had disappeared, she turned to Xaphan:

- Right - She took a deep breath

- Get to the point - He sounded nervous

- There's not much reason for us to keep doing these "attacks". I only accepted because of Mia, and it didn't work out anyway. 

- So?

- I'll probably move in with Mia now. We decided that on the way... so, that's it... our relationship was out of interest and it's over. 

- Yes... - He sounded annoyed

- In short, we're each going our own way, we probably won't see each other anymore. I guess it was good while it lasted. 

Realizing that he wasn't going to say anything more, she began to walk away:

- But I don't see any reason why we shouldn't see each other anymore - he looked at her seriously 

The girl, surprised, turned towards him and spent some time processing his words:

- Heh, maybe. - She smiled.



Scene 7

- I hate this... - Sora stared at her pizza 

- What? - Yuki was already on her fourth slice - The movie? - She pointed at the TV, which was showing some kind of action movie.

- No - The other sighed

They were both sitting on the sofa, eating pizza, drinking soft drinks and watching movies of dubious quality. It was night:

- I'm talking about romance - she added

- Romance? It's an action movie! - She said with her mouth full, stuffing the rest of the pizza into her mouth

- No, not the movie! - She rolled her eyes - I'm talking about Aisa - She looked at Yuki, with the expression of an abandoned dog

- What does that has to do with anything? - She took another slice

- Aghh you don't understand a thing! - She rubbed her hands over her face - You didn't notice anything, about how she's with Andou...?

- AAAH that! - She took a sip of her drink

- See, now you live in my house, because she goes out every night to I don't know where with him! 

- So you hate being with me, is that it? 

- NO! - She answered promptly, until she realized what she had done - no, wait - She kept quiet, while her face reddened

- Hooh~? - She smiled from ear to ear - Come on Sora~ say aah~ - She held out her pizza to her. 

- What- GET OUT - She slapped the slice - What are you doing - Her cheeks were on fire

- I'm just imitating what Aisa and Andou must be doing now - She smiled - Eh, judging by the time...  - She had put her feet on top of the sofa, to get closer to Sora - They must have gone through this stage a LOOOONG time ago - She smiled 

The other looked at her, completely surprised by the woman's sudden action:

- What the-  

In a few seconds, Yuki was on top of Sora:

- YUKI!?

She laughed, seeming to be horribly amused by the younger girl's embarrassed reaction:

- What's wrong my love, didn't you say you liked spending time with me? - She laughed

- You... - Her face was painted red

- HAHAHAHAH YOUR FACE IS AWESOME NOW - She got off her - You don't know how to play - She gave the other a little smile - Honestly - She settled back into her seat. 

- fuck you - She muttered

- Well, what's so bad about seeing your sister with another guy? I'd understand if he was a jerk like Phaniel - She rolled her eyes - But this guy seems kind of nice - Pause - Not that I know many men to make opinions about them... and that I pay attention to them - She shrugged

- That's the problem - She looked at her - If he was a jerk, I'd have more than enough reason to hate the two of them being together - She crossed her arms - But since he's actually nice, EVEN TO ME, it bothers me that I feel jealous! 

- Huh, that's strange - She finished her sixth slice - I can't understand why you'd hate to see them together, if the guy is nice.

- You really don't understand anything about love - She looked at her disappointedly - Have you ever fallen in love with someone before? 

- Hmm, - She looked a little bitter - well, it's kind of hard to do that when you're an omniscient being.

- So, if someone likes you, you know about it? - For some reason, she seemed anxious

- It's not quite like that, I mean, more or less. It's complicated. But that's not what I meant - She put her plate on the coffee table in front of her. 

- So?

- Say, Sora - She looked at the TV, but her gaze was distant - Have you ever felt like you could never reach someone, no matter how hard you tried? - Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room turned serious 

The other, who had been silent until then, could only stare at Yuki's face, which had a languid expression, as it was illuminated by the glow of the television:

- What now, with the metaphor? - She laughed nervously, only adding to the heavy atmosphere 

The white-haired girl stared at the other, remaining silent, waiting for an answer. Embarrassed by this, she decided to answer:

- No... never - she said as she stared back at the woman

- Of course - She smiled, it seemed with relief - Anyway, this movie is really bad, isn't it? Holy shit! 

As always, she changed the subject in a "natural" way, but for Sora, that conversation had left its mark on her mind. Nothing that woman said was purely lip service, and in the few months that the two had known each other, this was definitely one of Ocean Yuki's most characteristic trait. She had her moments of seriousness where she would suddenly break them, never touching the subject again and acting as if nothing had happened. This was another one of those moments that, luckily or unluckily for both of them, remained etched in the younger girl's mind.

Elsewhere, another "couple" were also talking: 

- I hate this... - Aisa was lying on Andou's lap

- What? - He was sitting on the grass - Looking at the stars? - There were two glasses of wine next to them, along with two bottles

- No... - She sighed 

They were both in a relatively remote area of the city, on a small hill that overlooked the entire city. They had probably already had a few glasses of wine. The night was a little chilly, but the starry sky and the moon were especially beautiful today: 

- I meant that I hate things that are slow - She finished her speech

- Uhm... - His face turned a little red - was that... a hint?

- No, no! - When she realized what had been implied, she was embarrassed too - It's not like that, on the contrary - She smiled - I'd rather we took it easy... 

- That's nice - he smiled back - but then, what was it?

- It's Yuki and Sora - She sighed again

- Did something happen between them?

- No! And that's exactly why. 

- I still don't understand, I'm sorry...

- Maybe you haven't realized it yet, but when we meet them again, try to pay more attention, it's quite obvious - She looked up at the sky - Sora is very much in love with Yuki... - Pause - She turned 19 last month, and Yuki turned 26 in December... it's a big age difference - She closed her eyes - But okay, I don't care that much. It's just that, whenever I see the two of them talking, I feel as if my sister's passionate eyes for that woman are not, and never will be, returned. Do you understand? 

- I think I understand, but... is there a reason?

- I can think of one, which is quite likely, as far as I can tell. And I don't like it very much - Her expression turned bitter - Can you guess? - She looked at him 

- Hmm - He looked up, trying to think of something - Maybe she already has eyes for someone else? Then she wouldn't be able to "return Sora's passionate eyes", because she already gives the "passionate look" to someone else - He looked at her, smiling - That's why you used that metaphor, isn't it? 

- You got it completely right - she smiled back

- I think I deserve a prize, don't I? - The sweet smile quickly turned into a sideways grin

- Look at you... - She stood up, slipping her arms around his neck - that took me by surprise, you're getting smarter every day, huh? - She leaned over, making them both almost lose their balance

- A very pretty girl has been teaching me this - He held her by the waist - By chance, this girl is even teaching me this now. 

- Yeah, so why don't you teach me too? - She giggled



Scene 8

A couple of weeks later, it seemed that the town was finally quiet after a good few months. The meetings had lost their frequency, since Xaphan and Kirisaki had stopped their attacks. So, in front of an intact house that had just been bought, stood the two rivals, who were now just two best friends:

- So, this was the biggest house you could find? - She crossed her arms

- Well, I had to let go of the old house I'd been living in until then - She sighed - There was no way two people could fit in there - The one with the blue hair looked at her new home

- Still, maybe it's too big... - The redhead looked the house up and down

- You haven't even been inside, I think you'll like it! - She dragged the other

When they went in, on the right there was a dining table, further to the right was the kitchen, which had a door, possibly leading to the laundry area. To the left was the living room. Throughout the first floor, which was completely open, with no walls separating the rooms, there were numerous glass doors leading to the backyard, which even had a swimming pool. The staircase next to the living room led to the second floor. The two went up there, where there was a small corridor leading to two bedrooms: two suites. One of them had a balcony facing the front of the house, while the other faced the backyard, one opposite the other. The room on the left, i.e. with the balcony to the back of the house, was Mia's, which she had already decorated with a few little things. The other, Kirisaki's, was empty:

- Look at that! - The girl said excitedly - It's VERY big! - She showed her room, which had a few decorations

Her room had a large balcony with a beautiful view of the pool. Her bed was against the wall, with two headboards on either side. To the left of the door was a dressing table, and next to the balcony, opposite the bed, was her closet. Between the dressing table and the closet, there was the door leading to her bathroom, right in front of her bed. The whole room had various shades of light blue, bringing everything into harmony and creating a very calming atmosphere. There were even some shelves with books and stuffed animals, which also adorned her bed. On her bedside table was a baby blue lamp, which, when turned on, gave the room an extremely calming bluish glow:

- You're already feeling at home, by the looks of it - she giggled

- Yeah! I've had more time, since I helped with the move - She looked at Kirisaki

- Listen, I was having to deal with other things - She crossed her arms

- Come on, let's see your room now. It's pretty empty, actually. 

The other girl's room, which was almost bare of furniture, was slightly larger than the previous one. Straight ahead, against the wall, was the bed, facing the bathroom door, next to it was the closet, and to the left of the door was an L-shaped desk. At the end of the room, right in front of the entrance door, was a large balcony, overlooking the street and a large part of the city:

- Now all you have to do is put your things away... 

- Hm, it's a great room - She looked the place up and down

- So let's get your things together. The rest I've already organized in the last two weeks, so all that's left is for you! - She pushed her out of the room

- Okay, okay, calm down! 

However, it seemed that this calm wouldn't last for long. Several meters of colored hair flowed down from the roofs of the houses:

- Aren't you going to do anything? - Mary emerged from the shadows 

- About what? - Cheng turned towards her

- You know very well... - Her greenish pupils stared at the girl 

- No, didn't you hear what I told you last time? - She looked at the city again - Someone told me to wait before taking action. I think she was talking about you.

- Who? - She frowned 

- It's not for you to know who it is - She smiled - However, your theory as to why so many unique individuals are gathered together is true - She looked at her with a big smile.

- Hoh - She smiled back - Very well, then, if you won't make any moves, allow me to move my pieces - She disappeared into the shadows.



Scene 9

In the very past, humans, motivated by a strong ambition and not satisfied with dominating the world, decided to dominate the universe. Thus, by generating an artificial "Big-Bang", they gave rise to all the other races. This only served to corrupt them, so they lost all their magical potential and went into exile on a little planet called Earth. Over the millennia, the various species evolved and created their own cultures, while the Humans tried to return to their former glory, completely ignorant of the prosperous people they had once been. So the five groups decided, by means of a treaty, that they would keep their existence a secret, avoiding contact with humanity. This law held firm for several years, but some people began to revolt, saying that the truth should be exposed. And so the war began in 2001. During the more than 10 years of battle, countless attacks took place, one of which was the great motivator for the current Commander of Olympus to ascend to the throne. The fight only ended when an ambassador, acting as a representative of the Humans and spokesperson for the 5 Groups, emerged. In July 2015, that treaty of silence was withdrawn, thus exposing the reality to everyone. One of the towns most affected by the attacks was Dìxía, which, thanks to the efforts of people like Mio, was gradually coming back to life. It's March 2016, many new residents have emerged, and much of the city has already been restored. However, the peace that had just been restored looked set to be shattered once again:

- So tell me. What was the real reason you broke up with Zenska? 

- What's with the embarrassing questions? 

- Shut up, Xaphan - Mary crossed her arms - Aren't you going to cooperate? - She sighed

- So far, you've only given me more reason to shut up..." She shrugged.

The scene was somewhat unexpected: Iro was caught in the greenish threads of Xaphan, who was standing next to Mary, both watching him. They seemed to have had a battle, clearly unbalanced:

- Tell me first, what is your purpose, what is your reason for coming to this city? 

- Hmm - She gave a faint smile - The time hourglass - She lifted her face, seeming proud of what she had just said

- Really, you revealed it so easily?

- Why keep it a secret? It's not as if any of you would be able to stop me - Her greenish pupils shone brightly - You can quiz me, I won't lie at any time. 

The two men seemed surprised by the puppet's statement:

- Let's see, in the end, if you can fulfill your plan!

- How long have you been trying to destroy the timelines? - She smiled - You don't seem to have much room to talk, Mr. Xaphan - she mocked him

- I don't know why I agreed to help you, you've been driving me crazy. - His voice seemed to fail even more, as he distorted the reality around him even more

- I don't insist, if you want we can undo our deal. Oh, of course, that would make me free to kill you! 

- GO AHEAD AND TRY. - His distortion seemed more intense, he was clearly getting angry

- It's pointless, you know? - Her pupils stared at him - I'm stronger than you, without a doubt. That's exactly why no one in Dìxía can kill me.

- I doubt it - Iro had been quiet until then, but he decided to intrude on their conversation

- Let's see, what's your argument? - She signaled to the other

- What? You want me to let him go?

- What? If we want to negotiate, it's best to have a pleasant atmosphere, don't you agree? - She looked at Iro, smiling

He was released, and then the same greenish threads pulled up tables, chairs and even a tea set:

- Sit down - Mary indicated a chair for him

The three of them sat down, while the puppet poured tea for each of them:

- With you here, I feel like I'm playing house - He rolled his eyes.

- I'll take that as a compliment - She closed her eyes slightly - Right, you - She looked at the other, who was startled when she suddenly started talking to him - So, do you still want to ask me any more questions? - She leaned over, resting her head on both hands

- Obviously - He suddenly became serious 

- Go ahead - She smiled

- Where did you come from? - He pushed away his cup of tea

- From Olympus - The other two were surprised to hear that - HAHAHAH! Did you really believe that a demon like me came from there? Satan forbid! 

- obviously - He muttered, shrugging

- My body came from there, originally being a puppet forged by the Gods. Out of spite, two of my "friends" threw me here - Her expression sulked, consumed by hatred - they knew what they were doing, trapping a Wicked one in something forged by Celestials, bitches. 

The two of them looked at her in complete silence, as if waiting for a conclusion:

- I bet you want to know who these two are - She looked at them both, with a huge smile - I imagine that the look on your faces means you already have an idea, but you'd rather believe it's a lie, wouldn't you? - She closed her eyes, still smiling - Could it be because they're dear to you? Oh, how silly! - She opened her eyes, her greenish pupils shining - You're falling perfectly for the facade they put on. Who am I, then, to stop you? 

- Don't you dare lay a finger on Mia.

- I can promise you that - She smiled - but I have a few conditions...

Upon hearing this, Xaphan seemed to close his eyes for a moment, as if he disapproved:

- Right - he replied, without a second thought

- Oh, I didn't expect that - Her eyes shone so brightly that they could serve as a source of light - I won't touch Mia if you tell me why you broke up with Zenska, and a few other questions - She laughed.

- I'll tell you anything.

- If you don't give me satisfactory answers, that gives me the right to kill you - She held out her hand to him - And if I touch Mia, that gives you the right to kill me. Do we have a deal? - She had a dark, contorted expression. Her smile, together with her green pupils, created a macabre face

- Deal - He took her hand in greeting. It's the gesture used by demons to signal that they have formed a treaty.

- Xaphan - She turned to him - Do you want to make a contract with me too? - She smiled

- No - he replied coldly

- Oh, how sad! Why not, isn't Kirisaki someone important to you? - She smiled

- Your tricks don't work on me - He closed his eyes

- Anyway - She turned towards the other man - So, now answer me. Why did you and Zenska break up, no, why did you start dating in the first place?

- She and I had mutual interests, we wouldn't lose anything if we started a relationship purely out of interest. 

- Does this, by any chance - She crossed her arms and legs, leaning back in her chair - have anything to do with the fact that you're a Reaper? Oh, let me be more specific. Does it have anything to do with you being an R-J? - Her eyes sparkled 

- You... - He stared at her, silent for a while. He looked hesitant - I just wanted to try... to feel something real for once in my life and she was alone. We were both able to meet each other's needs, so what's there to lose?

- And he criticizes  - He rolled his eyes

- So heartless... - She giggled - So, in short, you used a needy girl - She smiled

- No... it's not like that - He looked ashamed to hear his own cruelty so bluntly. 

- She was right to break up with you.

- We both mutually agreed to it, not her or me. 

- Hmmmmm - She didn't seem to believe what he had just said

- She and I coincidentally took an interest in Mia, okay? So we agreed to break up, and then well, whoever got to her first won. 

- Oh, so you just see her as a trophy. Maybe it's a way of showing Zenska that you're over her? Or to show yourself that you can have feelings? - She seemed to be having fun

- No, it's nothing like that!

- But it seems that way to me. Can you say you have feelings if you've been so cruel to the people around you?

- I really love Mia, okay?

- What exactly? 

- What do I love about her?

Mary nodded:

- Well... - he thought



Scene 10

- And here we go... - Kieza was sitting at the counter, but with her back to it

- Yeah... - Zenska was looking in the same direction as the other woman, she looked dejected as she cleaned her glasses.

- I think we both have bad luck in love - she looked at her friend

They both stared at the door of the bar, lost in thought:

- Shut up. 

- It's funny! I think we're like cupids, only half-functional. You fall in love with someone, and then they start dating you!

- Kieza. 

- What?

- I told you not to talk about it.

- Am I pouring salt at your wounds? - She giggled

The other remained silent, staring at her:

- I'm sorry. But look, I didn't fail to warn you.

- Yes, I know - the redhead's expression turned sour

- But isn't it because she's straight? Mio was like that... 

- For God's sake! Mio isn't even straight, and neither is Mia! 

- Did you ask them? - She crossed her arms

- My radar never fails! - She looked proud

- Oh yeah... - The one with the black hair frowned

- Haven't you seen the way the customers stare at her whenever she comes in here? Yuki's another one too... that one's definitely a lesbian! 

- Just like you. So why don't you take her?

- You are too. Why don't you take her?

In response, Kieza rolled her eyes:

- See, Sora's already got her eye on her - She finished cleaning the glasses.

- SORA? But aren't they, like, six years apart?

- Yeah, I think Yuki's flirtatious ways made her fall right into her trap - The one with the orange hair leaned on the counter

- But I've never seen Yuki interested in anyone. Never! Is she ace? - She leaned back

- I never thought of that! Or maybe she's interested in someone else~ - She gave a little smile

The two women then became too involved in their own gossip. Meanwhile, the real reason for their conversation had long since left the bar:

- Has it been all right living with Kirisaki? - Iro asked

- Yes, it has! It may seem strange, but we've always had a good dynamic - Mia smiled

- That's nice - he smiled back 

- We were even thinking of adopting a cat... - She chuckled.

- Do you like cats? - He looked surprised

- Yes! Did you think I preferred dogs? People generally think like that. And then they think that Kiri likes cats, but it's actually the complete opposite! - She laughed

- Not really - He nodded - I thought you preferred cats. 

- Oh, you have a good eye for people. 

- Maybe... 

The two of them walked through the city, which was already very pretty. Recently, the locals have focused on sprucing up the streets, contributing to a more welcoming atmosphere:

- The streets have been getting prettier, haven't they? - She commented, while looking at the trees

- Yes - he closed his eyes - I really want to see when it's spring. In the past, the streets were full of flowers, like a carpet. 

- It must have been a beautiful sight. 

- Yes. 

When they were reminded of why that sight had been destroyed, they fell silent, their expressions bitter. Watching them silently from the shadows was Mary. She was a few meters away from them, but close enough to hear their conversation:

- Aghh, you really are completely clueless - She shook her head in denial - Let's see, he said I couldn't touch Mia, but he didn't say I couldn't talk to her.... - She smiled

She disappeared into the shadows, while the two of them continued their conversation:

- I think some bushes would be nice around here - She waved her finger in the air, pointing to the whole length of the sidewalk.

- Haha, isn't that a lot of bushes? 

- I like flowers - she smiled slightly

- What's your favorite flower? 

- Hmmm, let's see. - She had one hand on her chin, while she thought - I like flowers that smell really sweet, and also those that have really striking trees - Pause - Maybe cherry blossoms, or even ipê trees, they're really pretty... 

- They're very similar...

- Uh, I think my taste in flowers is pretty solid - She giggled - And you?

- Eh - He wasn't expecting that question - Roses, I like roses... 

- Any specific color? Each one has so many different meanings...

- That's exactly why - He smiled 

- It makes sense - She smiled back

The two stopped in front of a park, which was still very neglected and poorly looked after:

- Look at that - Mia turned in the direction of the park - What a shame... - She passed through the gates - It really is a shame... - She looked at the crumpled, destroyed flowerbeds, the holes in the grass, the fallen and shattered tree trunks. She sighed:

- Well, there's nothing to stop it being rebuilt - He followed her. 

- Look at that! - She suddenly stopped

She pointed to a particular part in the middle of the park, completely at odds with the destroyed environment. There were several yellow flowers, extremely well cared for, taking up a large part of the site:

- They're golden buds - She crouched down next to the flowers, observing them

- It's kind of magical, isn't it? Looking at this park all destroyed, and suddenly finding flowers intact - He laughed

- I'm sure someone takes great care of these flowers... - She smiled sweetly - It's a beautiful flowerbed - She looked at Iro

When she looked in his direction, she realized that he had disappeared. She began to look around for him, until she found him sitting on an iron bench. The surrounding area had more gold buttons, as if someone specifically took care of that bench:

- I see you've found another "magical" part, haven't you? - She laughed

- And the bench is incredibly comfortable - He gave her a little room to sit down 

- The view is really beautiful.

The bench was facing the sunset, which hit the bed of buttercups, the one Mia was looking at, perfectly. It looked as if someone had strategically orchestrated the whole thing, as if to deliberately create a romantic atmosphere:

- It really is magic, isn't it? - A bench facing the gold buttons, which reflect the sun... a scene right out of a book! 

- Whoever did it, it's still too beautiful a place not to enjoy, isn't it? - He looked at her

- You're right - She looked back

They were both silent, just watching the beautiful scene being magically "orchestrated":

- You know what - Mia started a conversation - Ipê flowers are edible - She laughed 

- Hm? - He looked at her, surprised

- It's just that I like eating flowers - she stared at him 

- I like to eat ink... - The two stared at each other

They stared at each other for a while, until they couldn't stand it and started laughing:

- WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? - She laughed, almost out of breath

- I DON'T KNOW??!?!?

- but you know - she caught her breath - it's true, I really like eating flowers... 

- Me too, I literally eat paint... I think we're two weirdos!

- you're right - she smiled, as if she was holding back a laugh 

The two of them continued to watch the sunset. Until another strange conversation started:

- Is there any... paint... that tastes better? - She stared at the horizon

- Not really, they all taste awful.

- Then why do you eat it? - She looked at him indignantly

- It's just... - He looked at her. He was silent for a long time - I don't even know... - He laughed 

- At least I can tell you that flowers certainly taste a thousand times better than paint - She smiled - And they have different tastes... 

- Maybe one day I'll try them?



Scene 11

Mio was well dressed, wearing an outfit that matched Phaniel's. The two of them were walking through the city streets, which were clean and well-lit:

- So... you trust Yuki? - He said

- Oh... she's with Sora now, so I think she'll come to her senses... 

- I'm a little embarrassed - He looked away

- Why? 

- Who suggested a double date? 

- Hm... me - She smiled, embarrassed.

- Uh, well... it's not a bad idea - He tried to make up for his mistake - it's just... I don't know, Aisa seems too serious, I feel pressured.

- Hahaha! Relax, love - She held his hand - She's more fun than you think, and Andou's a lot of fun. I think she loosens up better when she's with him.

- Are they already dating? They've known each other for a few months now... 

- No, no - She shook her head - That's why I proposed it, you know? Aisa is very shy when it comes to these things, and it seems that Andou is extremely slow. And if we're lucky, we can try to get Sora and Yuki together.

- In short, they're all hopeless - He snorted

- That's why I'm trying to get them together - She smiled sweetly - Because the best thing I could think of was meeting you. So I want the same thing to happen for them, you know? - She looked at Phaniel

- I see - He gave her a little smile, and then leaned in to kiss Mio - I love you.

- I love you too, very much. 

Meanwhile, a little further away, two other people were also having a conversation:

- She'll never know about this - She looked seriously at the other 

- This is going to go very wrong, I know it!

Sora followed Yuki, who was walking quickly. The two were heading in the direction of the Ocurrens bar:

- Relax! Mio's too busy with her boyfriend - She rolled her eyes - I can't believe she left me to look after you. 

- I can take care of myself very well! I also don't understand why Aisa forced me to keep an eye on you!

- I don't understand either, I'm much older than them. 

- Maybe it's precisely because you have no control - She said as the two entered the bar

- HAHA! They'll never find out. 

Without a second thought, the older woman went straight to the bar and sat down. Sora, meanwhile, followed her shyly, looking around: 

- Are you sure?

- What am I not sure of, sweetheart? - She smiled a little - Why - She puffed out her chest - I'm a Chronos! 

- Hah... - She sighed - you're not good at this - She sat down next to her, looking around - Woah! 

- What? - She finished her first glass of whisky 

- When did she start working here?

She said this, looking at Mia, who was wearing the bar's uniform while serving customers: 

- It's only recently - Yuki replied - since the last time I came here, she wasn't working yet.

- Wooah, Kieza, Kieza, look at that - Zenska stopped her work as she walked up to her friend

- What is it, what is it? - She looked in the direction she was pointing - OH SHIT! Are they together? 

- Are they? - The two looked at Yuki and Sora. They looked at each other - Maybe... - They smiled. 

- Hey... - One of the customers whispered to the other - is that a man? - They looked at Kieza 

- I don't know... sometimes he wants to be a woman - The other whispered 

- That's disgusting. - They replied

Sora, who was standing near them, heard that. She glanced at them out of the corner of her eye, then turned her face in the same direction they were looking. She looked at Yuki, realizing that she hadn't heard that, or at least pretended not to. She looked around, and realized that no one around her seemed to have "noticed" it. Suddenly the urge to vomit surged through her, and she quickly got out of there and went to the bathroom. Then she realized he had two options.

"Why the hell should it matter?" 

She thought as she entered the ladies' room. And the first thing she did was look in the mirror as she leaned over the sink. What on earth was she supposed to feel when she looked at her reflection? Can everyone say "I'm a man" or "I'm a woman" when they look in the mirror? Or was the feeling she had now commonplace? It was at that moment that Kieza, that "waitress", entered the bathroom. Some other customers who were there stared at her. She quietly entered one of the booths, then the other customers left. As they passed Sora, she could hear some of their conversation:

- Who let a man into the ladies' room?

And they laughed. Hearing all this, her urge to vomit returned. She looked in the mirror again, touching her face. 

"What am I supposed to feel when I look at myself, when I can't identify what I see in my reflection?"  

The "woman" in question came out of her booth and went to wash her hands. In a desperate tone, as if to prove something, Sora said:

- Kieza, when you look in the mirror... what do you see? 

She didn't expect such a question, and was totally surprised:

- A woman. 

- Because you are one - She looked at her - So what should I see when I look in the mirror? - She continued

- Maybe your answer is different from mine - And she left the bathroom

"Maybe your answer is different from mine" 

She knew what it meant, but she still pretended not to understand. Perhaps Sora thought that if she didn't answer that question, she could avoid certain kinds of looks and comments. Tired of thinking about all this, she left the bathroom.



Scene 12

Kirisaki and Mia were having breakfast together, until Mia gets up from the table and puts her plate in the sink:

- Leaving already? - The other said 

- Uh... well... - She seemed shy - Yes. 

- I think you've been spending too much time with him - She looked at her, her eyebrows furrowed.

- Well, if we're going to split the bills, you and I both have to work. 

- Everyone there works part-time, of course, except Iro - She rolled her eyes - So why are you the only employee who works all day? 

- Uhm... I earn more money that way, right? 

- It's not necessary, I'm also paying the bills. 

- I don't just use money for household expenses, okay?

The red-haired girl let out a long sigh, while keeping her arms and legs crossed:

- I think you're falling for him too easily - Her tone became angry

- Well, unfortunately, that's none of your business - She picked up her bag. 

- I think it is. We live in the same house - She stood up, looking annoyed

- Well, I'll make sure I don't bother you at night - She looked at her steadily.

- What? - Her face reddened - WHAT AN INDECENT! 

- HAHAHAHA! Kiri~ your embarrassed face is adorable - She gave her friend a hug - I can take care of myself, don't worry! Bye, bye. 

- Bye... - She looked away

- Yeah! Make sure you don't hurt yourself at work, okay? - She said as she said goodbye

Kirisaki was working for the government, specifically a ministry that had been created after the war. Because of the countless attacks, many cities were in chaos, so the Ministry of Control was created, summoning various beings to help the Earth. Their work goes far beyond rebuilding the cities affected by the war, also helping in conflicts between Humans and other races, providing support for them and eliminating Nightmares - Kirisaki's job. These are treacherous creatures that arise from the fear and insecurity of mentally unstable people, they take on a form of their own and begin to torment not only their host, but everyone around them. Humans, being weak, are very easy targets for evil beings like Nightmares, so it's the job of the Ministry of Control to, well, control them. And of course, anyone who helped with this would earn a great deal of money:

- I can take good care of myself - She muttered.

Staying behind, she watched the closed door, trapped in her own thoughts, with her own problems. Meanwhile, Mia also seemed to be thinking about her problems:

- Have I spent too much time with him...? - She was talking to herself - maybe, to tell the truth - She looked ashamed, realizing her own attitude - but, really! Kieza is in love with Mio, who is dating Phaniel, the two of them are much more romantic than Romeo and Juliet. Then at every meeting, Aisa and Andou live in their own little world, and Zenska is always hitting on any customer, Sora is in love with Yuki. Is there anyone in this city who isn't in love with someone?! Not to mention that I think Kirisaki misses Xaphan... I mean, if I don't fall in love with someone, I'll be left out! Imagine how awful it would be if everywhere I went there's couples! - She sighed

She stopped in front of the bar:

- I also want my love to work out for once - She whispered

The moment she walked through the door, she was greeted with a warm welcome:

- GOOD MORNING, MIA~! - Iro, who was at the counter, seemed to be a source of light of his own 

- Good morning - She smiled - I see you're in good spirits today... 

- I'm always cheerful - He looked proud

- Where's Andou? - She looked around as she headed towards the staff room

- I don't even need to tell you. 

- Hm? 

- Apparently he's hungover - He rolled his eyes

She returned, having put her bag away:

- HUNGOVER? What the hell did he do last night?

- He went on a double date with Phaniel and Mio - He held in his laughter

- There's no need to say any more - She nodded - Phaniel, honestly...

- I think it's very funny that Mi - gee, I've never seen someone with such a weakness for alcohol! There was one day, you know, when she had ONE drink and made friends with all the customers. She came to the end of a 250ml glass, which didn't even contain 5% alcohol, telling everyone in the bar about her life - He denied it with his head - And look at that! She's Yuki's sister, who does the most damage to the whole bar, and she's dating Phaniel, who's an out-of-control lunatic. 

- I think everything they don't get drunk, she gets drunk for them.

- And look who Andou got into it with... it was obvious that Phaniel was going to make him drink until he dropped!

- Did they take pictures? - She laughed - I'll ask her later! 

- I'll stick the photo in the employee of the month frame, too cruel?

- No, no! Andou deserves employee of the month... the one who missed the most.

She said this as she turned the sign from "closed" to "open" on the bar door:

- Well, isn't there anyone else to replace him? 

- I think I should get better staff - He sighed. 

- Why? - She approached the counter

- Zenska said she didn't earn enough to receive this "treatment". Then Kieza said she had an appointment and couldn't do it. 

- Well, it's usually quieter in the morning. I don't think that's a problem - she smiled

- Isn't Kirisaki interested in working here? 

- She already works for the Ministry of Control, and even if she didn't, I don't think she likes you very much... 

- I can understand that - He smiled

- Speaking of which, have you seen Xaphan? 

She was cleaning the tables while she chatted to him. And so it was day-to-day life for the two of them, chatting away as they went about their work. Time passed quickly and before they knew it, it was lunchtime. Mia usually went out for lunch at her house, usually eating alone. What might seem lonely to most people, however, was relaxing for her. As her hearing is acute, moments of silence like this are very rare, especially when your job is to be a waitress. Even the rustle of napkins and the sound of breathing, noises that are almost imperceptible to most people, are very easy for her to identify. Now, why is the room so quiet today? It's deafening:

- Being surrounded by people and feeling alone. Being in silence and feeling deaf. To laugh and feel depressed. Speaking the truth and being a liar. Don't those describe you, Sayaka Mia? 

An uncomfortably familiar voice emerges from the shadows, it was Mary:

- You. - Her lunch suddenly turned sour

- You don't seem pleased to see me... oh, that hurts my feelings! 

The other was even able to hear the creaking of the puppet's hinges as it moved, the sound of its wires, and even the wooden cross moving. Now, why was she unable to hear the sounds of the birds, the leaves on the trees? 

- You seem confused - she looked at the window with a smile

- Get to the point.

- I just want to have a friendly chat with you - Her eyes were shining - You know, Mia - She ran her hand over the back of the chair - A while ago I had a little chat with Iro... maybe it sounds a bit unbelievable, but go on, ask him later - The greenish pupils looked like two lighthouses - You must have heard that before your arrival Zenska and Iro were dating - She walked around the table

- Yes, I heard about that - She followed her gaze

- Do you also know why they broke up? - She approached the girl - Their relationship was out of interest - She stopped next to the table - One wanted to prove that he could feel something, and the other was needy. Oh, wasn't that the perfect situation? - Pause - Have you ever wondered why Iro's skin tone fluctuates? - She smiled - Has he ever told you that he eats paint? 

- Yes. 

- Envy is purple, blue is laziness, green is greed, yellow is pride, gluttony is orange, red is anger and pink is lust - She smiled - Doesn't that match the fluctuations in his skin, or why he has such a peculiar hair color? 

- He told me he didn't know why he used the dyes...

- Oh, A LIE! Mia... - She approached her - Do you know why he broke up with Zenska, do you know why he wanted to feel? - She spoke in her ear - He's a liar... a born liar. 

- no... no... 

- He and Zenska broke up because they both took an interest in you! "Whoever gets her first wins" OH, THEY ONLY SEE YOU AS A TROPHY! And yet, how many lies he told you! - Her green eyes could easily have acted as a lamp - It kept hurting me that he was so determined to win you over, but it would have been all right if it had been something true, wouldn't it? How could he deceive you? 

- You're right... several times he seemed nervous, unconcerned, or even slow to answer me... 

- As if he was thinking of an answer!

- Yes - She was crestfallen

- So cruel, so cruel! - She denied it with her head

- But what should I do? 

- Confirm it for yourself! I know it's hard to trust someone like me, so why don't you ask him?

- But... he could just lie, couldn't he? 

- Threaten him with something - Smile, speaking in her ear - if it's like that, it'll be hard for him to lie. Do it right now, catch him off guard! 

- OK! - She got up and left the house 

Mary watched her with a big smile on her face:

- Hmm, how silly.

Mia's body, the moment she left the house, stopped in mid-air. The birds in the sky were frozen, the trees weren't moving. Then something appeared in Mary's hands. It was a large hourglass filled with black sand. The sand inside the hourglass was still, it wouldn't go down:

- Who would have thought that Yuki would trust this to a fool like her? It was so easy to find... - She denied with her head, while smiling - Well, I didn't touch her, Mr. Iro. 

She disappeared into the shadows, and as soon as she did, the birds flew freely, the leaves on the trees moved, and Mia ran.



Scene 13

For the rest of the afternoon Sayaka worked in complete silence, not even looking her boss in the face. He, perceptive as ever, noticed this immediately. What was going through that young woman's mind? 

"So he's been deceiving me and lying to me all this time?" - She thought as she served the customers

"Asshole, asshole" - However, she kept a sweet smile as she served them

"How could he play with my feelings so easily? And even with Zenska! What does he think we are? He wants to prove that he feels, but he's only been cruel. Idiot."

Then, around 6 p.m. was their other break time. Iro had decided to ask her why she was in such a bad mood, but she had been quicker. This was usually a time when Mia often went home, but she had decided to stay there today. The two of them were in the staff room, he was sitting at the desk:

- Tell me... - She didn't even look him in the face - why did you break up with Zenska, anyway? 

He seemed to have been taken aback by the sudden question:

- Eh... that. - He tried to deflect it

- It was because I showed up, wasn't it?

He couldn't answer:

- That's also why you started dating her, isn't it? Does the fact that you drink paint add to that? - She continued

- I don't understand what you're getting at... - He couldn't even look her in the face.

- It's no use, Iro - she was facing him - I already know everything, even the lies you used to tell me so easily. 

She finally looked him in the eye, but the sweet, gentle look she always gave him was nonexistent:

- What do you think I am? A dumb, innocent little girl who can easily dance on your hand just because you say nice words to her? Did you think I was just a trophy to follow you around, adorning you?! - She was losing patience - Was it fun, then, playing with my feelings? Was it nice to see me falling for you? I bet you laughed a lot when you got home. I don't know why I believed in someone like you, frankly men are all the same - She had a tearful expression. 

- No- Mia- you've got it all wrong! - He despaired

- I've got it wrong... I'VE GOT WHAT WRONG? - It seemed that at any moment a flood of tears might flow from her eyes 

- Well... I... I can explain!

- Go on, then! - Her voice trembled

- Look... as for Zenska, we both agreed to that, and we broke up after we had different interests.

- In other words, ME! 

He looked away, ashamed of his own actions:

- Now you're sorry? Don't you think it's too late?

- Better late than never... 

- Do you think this is a joke? - She muttered 

- Mia? 

- You're no good - She looked at him, completely hopeless - I don't know why I thought it would be different this time. 

- Wait... please! 

She got out of there:

- MIA, PLEASE LISTEN TO ME! - He followed her, but she didn't answer him - MIA! I'M SORRY, PLEASE! - He tried to reach her 

- I have nothing else, nothing, to say to you - She was near the door, she seemed to be crying - Fuck you - She hurried out into the heavy rain. 

Iro, staying behind, stared at nothing for a while. 

"What have I done?" 

His skin quickly began to change color to a deep red. He ran off to the bathroom, leaning over the toilet. He vomited a huge amount of ink. As soon as his skin turned white again, he was completely expressionless. He went back to the door of the bar, it would be time to reopen it. However, he decided to keep it closed for the time being. He took a deep breath.

"It really is a headache." - He sat down in front of the bar, laying his head on it - "How should I react to all this?" 

But he couldn't come to a conclusion, as suddenly the door was slammed so hard that it was almost broken:


He got up and walked over, not surprised to see whose voice it was:

- Kirisaki... - He sighed

- Open this shit.

Even though she was on the other side of the door, he could already feel the heat emanating from the girl:

- Why should I do that? - He answered, inexpressively

- Do you realize what you just said? - She got more angry - It's okay - She nodded, calming down - It's a serious matter. I know you didn't know that, but still. 

- You can talk from there. 

Kirisaki stared at him: 

- I've never wanted to punch someone in the face so badly - Pause - Look, I can burn or melt your door, or break it, kick it, destroy it... I have several ways of doing that - She smiled

Iro, in complete silence, opened the door:

- Don't waste my time - He headed for the counter 

- You don't have the slightest bit of chivalry, do you? Leaving a woman out in the rain. 

- I hope the lady didn't hurt herself - He looked at her with mockery

- Listen here - She grabbed him by the collar - I don't know if you knew, and if you didn't, doesn't take away your mistake - Her temperature was rising - And if you did, AGH THAT MAKES ME EVEN MORE PISSED OFF! 

- Calm down, calm down... - He didn't seem at all affected by it - Go on, what made you mad? - He took her hand away from his collar 

- I don't know what the fuck you said to Mia, what the fuck you did. To tell you the truth, I already knew you were an asshole. I even warned her, but she didn't listen. Anyway, you must have a lot of shit on your head. And you don't think you're going to get away with this, do you hear me? 

- What are you getting at? - He was cold, he didn't react at all

- You... - Kirisaki was incredulous - I'm going to get straight to the point, before I lose my temper and kill you. Listen to me, okay? - She crossed her arms - Mia has suicidal tendencies - She looked at him with complete contempt - And I think you know VERY well what you did a few minutes ago, don't you? - She could, at any moment, punch him - I don't know what the fuck you did, I don't even want to know, but just know that, given the state she got into at my house, I'll never forgive you. She'll never see you again - Pause - I don't want to leave her alone for too long, but just know one thing - She moved closer, looking deep into his eyes - That if anything happens to her, anything at all, I'll fuck you up. 

The man just stared back at her, not saying anything, not making a move:

- And another thing. If Mia's crying, then it's raining. And go fuck yourself, you fucking asshole - She turned around, running into the rain 

He just watched her go. He felt the urge to vomit, but there was nothing else in his stomach. It wasn't a craving because he was feeling too much, on the contrary, he was disgusted with himself.



Scene 14

On a bed, Kirisaki was sitting on the edge. The girl watched Mia sleeping calmly. It was noticeable that both their eyes were reddened, indicating that they had cried a lot. The redhead had a tired look on her face, but incredibly it was also a worried look, like a mother watching her child sleep. She gently stroked the other's hair:

- I'm not at all surprised that all this has happened - Suddenly, a raspy voice came out 

- Xaphan... - Her voice was very tired

- Iro may help protect timelines and alternate universes, but if there's one thing he's good at, it's screwing with other people's feelings - He walked into the room, arms crossed 

- I never really liked him - She looked at the man - But... - She sighed - Maybe I wanted to believe that he was someone good - She looked at the sleeping woman again - Maybe because I wanted to see Mia happy... 

- In Iro's current state? Impossible. Your friend will have to give up on that. 

- I know, I know. I've already told that prick myself that he'll never see Mia again - She rolled her eyes

- Not that that's going to stop him. I think this incident has proved that he doesn't know how to respect boundaries. 

- Look who's talking - She frowned

- You can't talk too much either, you know. 

- Agh, but I don't even really know what happened - She was mussing her hair, looking annoyed

- Between Iro and Mia? - He leaned on the wall

- I went into a fit of despair when I saw the state Mia was in when she got home, and then I got angry with Iro and said I didn't even want to know what was going on - Pause - Do you have any idea what it might have been? 

- I can only guess, since I know less than you do. Iro is complicated, really, but, for starters, do you know what reapers and jumpers are? 

- Uhm, I know they're "Guardians", who save timelines and alternate universes. Iro's one, isn't he? 

- Yeah - He had a big smile - I don't know what exactly happened in his universe, I just know that it fucked up all his feelings, heh - He seemed to be holding in his laughter - The way he found to produce feelings is by drinking specific colored inks. You can notice this change of emotion based on the color of his skin. 

- But - She had one hand on her chin - When I went to talk to him, he was... white. 

- That's because a reaper and jumper can't have too many feelings.

- Fucking hell! If he's got all this stuff fucking him up, why the hell does he want to get involved with Mia?

- It started with Zenska. She was needy and he wanted to test if he could love her. The two broke up after Mia came along. 

- Wow, that's a whole new level of asshole. And then he got interested in Mia, dumped Zenska, who was just a lab rat to him, and now he wants to test Mia???

- it seems he's thrown everything down the drain - He shrugged

- I won't let this guy near Mia again. 

- Just... how did Mia find out about all this? If it was because she found out about the affair with Zenska, it definitely wasn't because of Iro. That guy can only lie.

- Couldn't it have been Zenska herself? If they were both interested in Mia, she did all this to fuck up their relationship.

- Woow, I'm going to tell Zenska that you think she's that fucked up. 

- HEY! No- you came up with the idea! - She grunted - Argh, okay! If it wasn't her, who would you suggest?

- Who would benefit from Mia's suicide?

- Ah. - Her eyes quickly lost their sparkle

- Hmm? - He smiled

- that was too far - She got out of bed, kissing the sleeping girl on the forehead

- And what are you going to do? - He was still leaning on the wall, but he followed her with his eyes

- Have a nice little chat.

She hurried down the stairs, out the door like a shot. She walked through the streets, looking up at the roofs of the houses:

- Cheng! - She shouted

Knowing the girl's profile, she headed for the suburbs, an area that was still destroyed and had no residents:

- Cheng, I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME! I just wanted to have a little chat with you.

Suddenly, a voice emerged from the rubble:

- What? - She sounded annoyed

Immediately, when the redhead heard that voice, she jumped towards it, grabbing the little girl by the collar of her blouse:

- I didn't know you were such a prick, you've crossed the line. 

- I have no idea what you're talking about! - The other replied, startled

- Are you going to play dumb now?

- I've been quiet, doing nothing, for a long time. So I don't know a thing about what you're talking about!

- I want to see if, after I punch you, your response will remain the same. You really don't know the limits, do you? - She crossed her arms - Okay, Iro was a bitch, he IS a bitch, but telling him that and leading to Mia's suicide is another level, you know? And if you did that, it means that you should have been prepared for the consequences - She snapped her fingers

- HEY, HEY, HEY! Calm down, hothead. I didn't do anything, okay? I swear. I have no idea what you're talking about, seriously. 

- It's no use, I'm not going to listen to your lame excuses. 

- I'M SERIOUS! I haven't seen Mia for ages, my only intention was to make fun of you, because I hate Mia- 


- As I was saying... I hate Mia, so I put that curse on you, but that's all. I assumed you'd never make up, or at least take your time, so in the meantime I could enjoy myself. But it looks like you've become friends faster than I thought. Have you made up yet?

- STOP CHANGING THE SUBJECT! That's not the point here. 

- I answered your question, answer mine! 

- We've made up.

- In that case... 

Cheng's eyes began to glow white, her hair flew, large greenish horns appeared on her forehead, as well as a tail with a clover at the end. Her voice echoed in Kirisaki's mind:


As soon as she finished her speech, a huge shockwave spread around the perimeter. Soon the horns and tail disappeared, and the color of her eyes returned to normal:

- You've fulfilled the curse, so I should do the same. I don't know what the fuck happened to Mia, I just know it wasn't me. However, be warned, I may have taken the curse off you, but that doesn't mean I hate Mia any less, do we understand each other?

The other girl looked shocked:

- it's not possible... if it wasn't you, who was it? 

- I don't fucking know - She shrugged - It's just annoying if you go around threatening to hit anyone, you know? That's bullshit. I'll hold it against you, okay?

- Shit - She walked off 


Kirisaki barely thought, it didn't matter, nothing else did. She had a goal and she would do anything to achieve it. To desire someone's death so much that they would orchestrate such a plan is definitely beyond any bounds. Whoever did this will pay. 

She knew very well the look on someone's face, the expression, of someone who is ready to take even their own life. She knew it like no one else. What used to be years of plenty, food on the table every day, with the loss of customers, even eating apples was rare. As a result, she was forced to watch her father go mad and take his entire family with him. It could have been a day like any other, but that damned day stuck in Kirisaki's mind, that hellish vision burned into her retina. Her mother's expression, her little sister's eyes and her father's face are details she will never forget. Since then, things like the value of life and being able to eat every day have become extremely important to her. Facts that, if disrespected, make her lose total control of her emotions. 

That said, the young woman ran through the streets, shouting one name in particular:


As if in response to this, a "tear" was made in reality, opening a black portal, completely different from ordinary portals - which are white. Without a second thought, the redhead stepped into it:

- What the fuck is this?

It was a kind of dimension of its own, a place that looked like the universe, with planets, constellations, stars and nebulae. However, it was very clear that there was a solid floor, it was as if the dimensions of the universe had been modified to resemble a cube. In other words, the walls, ceiling and floor of that place imitated the immensity of the universe:

- Impressive, isn't it? - In the corner of the room, a familiar voice echoed, one that was totally unwelcome, even if it was requested at that moment

- Aren't you ashamed of yourself? - She held her spear tightly

- Of what? - Mary turned towards the other woman, a cynical smile on her porcelain face

- I'm going to cut those damn threads of yours - She leapt towards the puppet, spear in both hands

- HEY, HEY, HEY, TAKE IT EASY! You didn't even say good morning to me - She sidestepped easily - I didn't even get to show you the coolest part of this place~

- I'm not here for small talk, fuck what you want to show me. Didn't you want to kill Mia? Well, you should be prepared for the consequences. 

- Oh, but I am!

- So you don't deny that you really wanted to kill Mia? - Incredibly, she managed to get angrier than she already was

The only answer she got was a little smile on her face, which made her even angrier. However, when she tried to move, she couldn't. She couldn't even move her eyes. She couldn't even move her mouth, she could only control her thoughts: 

"What the fuck?"

- In case you were wondering what had just happened... 

Suddenly, Kirisaki was able to move again. The shock was so great that she barely reacted:

- Have you ever heard of the time hourglass? - Her smile was disturbing

- Haven't I told you I'm not here for small talk?

- Oh, but I think you'll want to understand why all your efforts to lay a finger on me will be useless! Or do you prefer to remain ignorant?

Then, in mid-air, a large hourglass with black sand appeared, which seemed to work in a different way:

- you... - The redhead seemed to slowly understand what was happening

- Perhaps Yuki thought that no one would imagine that something so important would be in the hands of two helpless girls. Hm, but she didn't think that such a shameless person would show up! 


- Of course I do! Otherwise, it wouldn't be in my hands. 

- You were forged celestially, you could only do this kind of thing with the permission of a Chronos or the Goddess of Olympus. 

- Oh! So you know that my body was forged on Olympus. That's interesting. How do you know that?

- I have memories of an alternative life, but I'm not her.

- But it was once, and you two must pay for it.

- No! I have NOTHING TO DO with who I am or what I do in alternative universes.

- The moment you start living in them, you do, since you've taken on the identity of that version of you.

- My version of that universe has already died, hundreds of years ago.

- Ohh, I'm getting tired of this small talk. Come here, weren't you going to "kick my ass"?

- You're right. I talk better with my fists. 

Kirisaki lunged at the other woman, who deftly dodged her attacks. She swung her spear from side to side, hardly seeming to think about what she was doing, while the other calmly dodged:

- And then, after you've managed to kill me and Mia, what are you going to do? - She said

- I don't think you'll have to worry about that, you'll have been burning in hell for a long time - She smiled.

This seemed to irritate Kyoko even more, who began to attack more aggressively:

- Your "little toy", aren't you going to use it? - She said in a provocative tone

- Hmm~ stopping your time all the time is no fun, don't you think? 

- Then get ready to get your ass kicked!

The space was small, which made it difficult for the two of them to move around, but this turned out to be a great advantage for the redhead. Her hair quickly spread all over the place, at the same time as her temperature rose. The dimension quickly became a kind of oven, and even Mary's porcelain began to melt:

- I want to see how long you can hold out - She spun her spear, breaking it into parts connected by chains - will you still smile after being under my feet?

- I'd also love to see your face twist when you come across the dead body of your dear little friend - Her voice was low, it seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

- Bad news - She thrusted her spear into the ground, and several chains filled the room - that's not going to happen.

The chains she had just summoned stiffened, working like steel grids, separating Mary and Kirisaki:

- At least I can watch you melt from the sidelines. Unless you give me back the hourglass. 

- impossible, I'd rather die. 

- If you die, I'll get the hourglass anyway.

- you forgot the fact that I can still use it. 

As soon as Mary said that, one of the chains came loose and went through her body, stiffening again - it worked like a spear.

- I don't think I need to explain much more than that, do I? - She smiled - you give the hourglass back, for better or for worse. 

- heh - It was a raspy laugh, since it melted all over - Right. Let's play like this, Kirisaki - She lifted her face, with a macabre melting smile 

Then everything stopped. In the blink of an eye, the puppet disappeared from the woman's sight, and she found herself in the middle of the street again:

- MARY! YOU - YOU SON OF A BITCH! Shit - she stomped on the ground 



Final Scene

Since then, Kirisaki had always made a point of preventing Mia and Iro from seeing each other, which meant that the girl ended up leaving the house very little. However, this was even Mia's own wish, as she didn't even want to look at the man's face. Because of this, she mainly distanced herself from Kieza and Zenska - since they worked at the bar - but on the other hand, she had a great opportunity to get closer to Mio, Aisa, Sora and Yuki. They were the people Sayaka saw the most, often helping them rebuild the city, drinking tea together, watching movies. Even so, she couldn't help but miss the gossip, jokes and good laughs she had with Zenska and Kieza, she missed the conversations they had during breaks from their work, or the gossip that came up in the middle of the bar. What's more, Mio and Aisa had someone they loved, Sora and Yuki looked like they'd stepped out of a romance novel, and even Kirisaki was looking forward to the next time Xaphan came. Everyone around them was in love, except for herself. The only ones who could share her loneliness were those she had lost touch with. She couldn't help but feel out of place. Even more so when the one who was supposed to be her "love" was the one she avoided the most.

So Aisa's birthday passed, Kirisaki's, even Iro's and then Xaphan's too. Andou's birthday was celebrated, and even Cheng's birthday took place - even if Mia didn't say happy birthday to her. When it was her turn, a small party was held. So there it was, the end of November. 8 months of not talking to Iro, 8 months of hardly leaving the house, 8 months totally away from her "best friends" - who were now just acquaintances. AAAAH! COULD SOMEONE PLEASE HAVE A BIRTHDAY, A PARTY? I just needed to get out of the house soon. 

And it was at that moment that something crossed Sayaka's mind. Every year Iro threw a big party, inviting countless people from different cities, countries and even universes. She never really liked parties, she always stayed in the corner, alone, but in 2015, when he called her to that party, it was an experience she had never had before. She could barely count how many people were there, yet he always made a point of calling her, taking her out of corners, including her in conversations, introducing her to people. Ah- honestly, how could someone so considerate exist? And how could someone "so caring" be so insensitive? No, no, I wouldn't get anywhere thinking about it again. She just wanted to forget about him once and for all. Yes, definitely. She was going to forget him. 

While she was thinking about it, Kirisaki had received a rather unexpected, and perhaps even unwelcome, invitation:

- I don't think he's ashamed of himself - She sighed.

- Well, Kiri.

- Oh no! You're not going to say what I'm thinking, are you?

- Listen. Mia didn't go too much out for over 6 months. I hate parties and things like that, but it's really bothering ME. 

- Liar, I know you have a plan. I bet that asshole convinced you of something.

- I won't deny it. Give him a chance, though.


- Maybe he gave valid arguments...

- You don't care enough about anyone except yourself to have been convinced by him with something like that being the issue. 

- Facts. Okay, I'll be honest. He's been bugging me for ages about all this, he's been annoying me. Ever since Mia stopped talking to him, he's been annoying me almost every day. 

- Unfortunately, I have nothing to do with it.

- Come on, Kirisaki. I've already helped you a lot with all this, just take her to the New Year's party, that's all you have to do! Maybe he's so preoccupied with taking care of everyone that he doesn't even have time for the two of them to see each other.

- Haha, look who's talking! The most antisocial guy I know.

- Think seriously about this, please, I can't stand Iro talking in my head any more.

- If you kill him, he'll stop annoying you~!!! 

- I've already tried. 

- eh? wait-

- But it didn't work. He's an R-J. - He continued talking, as if it were nothing 

- OK, OK! I was only joking. 

Just then, Sayaka came down the stairs. Kirisaki and Xaphan were sitting at the table, facing each other. There were two invitations lying on the table:


- Oh no... 

- This girl never leaves the house, and when she sees a party she goes crazy. I'm telling you, Kiri.

- Hm~ what a cute nickname, Xaphan - the girl with the blue hair laughed

- Shut up. 

- Anyway, Kiri~ are those... i n v i t a t i o n s?

- Yes - She sighed, nodding in agreement


- I don't think you'll want to... 

- I need a party urgently, I need to get out of here for God's sake.

Kyoko and Xaphan looked at each other, they seemed to be able to communicate by telepathy:

- Are you sure?

- Yes!

- OK. Don't regret it later. 


The remaining two watched her until she left:

- Then I'm the mean one.

- ugh, maybe it's good for her to talk to other people...  

- Or maybe it's just you wanting to give Iro a second chance... 

- No. Never.