Chapter 13
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Shadows flicker along the corridor as the invisible form of Wiscar the halfling reaches the top of the stairs.  <The gossip in the main room was that they’re in the first two rooms on the right> he thinks to himself as he silently moves along the corridor.  Touching his amulet, he uses X-ray vision to look into the two rooms and he sees the five figures of the party members sleeping in their beds.  He blows out the candles in the alcoves along the passage, plunging the upper level of the inn into darkness.

As his infravision resolves the nearby layout, he withdraws his lock picks and begins working on the first door.  Standing silently after the click of the lock is released, he listens for any movement within.  Hearing nothing, he pushes open the door and sees the heat pattern of the female warrior in her bed.

<Nice of them to split up to make this easier> he thinks as he creeps up to Beler and slits her throat.  Her eyes shoot open, then immediately begin to dim as he, visible again, moves to the inner door separating the party’s two rooms.

Energy begins to gather as Beler’s time sprite tries to make sense of the scene in front of her.  Telepathically screaming to the other time sprites does nothing as they slumber with the mortal hosts.

After a moment, Hernan’s time sprite comes to awareness as the elf’s body bleeds to death in his bed.  Both sprites try to determine who this figure is and why he is attacking them.

After methodically executing each of the party members, Wiscar finishes by plunging his dagger in Nalda’s chest.

With all hosts dead, divine energy rushes back into the time sprites and within moments they are forced back to an earlier time.


Shadows flicker along the corridor as the invisible form of Wiscar the halfling reaches the top of the stairs.  <The gossip in the main room was that they’re in the first two rooms on the right> he thinks to himself as he silently moves along the corridor.  Touching his amulet, he uses X-ray vision to look into the two rooms and he sees the five figures of the party members arrayed around their main room ready to ambush him.  <Ah> he thinks <this complicates things>.  He blows out the candles in the alcoves along the passage, plunging the upper level of the inn into darkness.

With a crash, the door to their main room smashes open.  With the humans unable to see, Hernan shouts that no one is in the doorway or has entered the room yet.  Moments later, Hernan cries out and falls to the ground and a small heat source appears to Yenser above his body.

The party feels energy begin to slowly gather with the elf’s death.  

Yenser swings her sword at the form but misses him.  As he returns her attack he manages to cut her.  The wound immediately feels like fire, clearly indicating the assassin is using some sort of poison.

Moving towards the halfing, the humans try to attack in the dark and each ends up swinging wildly.

Throwing a dagger at Nalda, she experiences the same feeling of a burning wound in her shoulder.  “His weapons are poisoned” she shouts into the darkness.

As the time sprites try to coordinate the party’s attacks and tell the humans where to strike, the halfing mutters a command word and vanishes again.  The group begins taking stock of themselves after the attack when suddenly the halfing appears again, having backstabbed the cleric Damin.

Light falls into the room, finally allowing Gevot to see, as a drunken group ascends the stairs to investigate the commotion.  The halfling charges at Frank, who swings at him and misses.  After multiple thrusts and parries, the halfling finally wears the thief down and the group of time sprites again feel the divine energy gathering as the halfling vanishes.


Shadows flickers along the corridor as the invisible form of Wiscar the halfling reaches the top of the stairs.  <The gossip in the main room was that they’re in the first two rooms on the right> he thinks to himself as he silently moves along the corridor.  Touching his amulet, he uses X-ray vision to look into the two rooms and he sees the five figures of the party members sleeping in their beds.  He blows out the candles in the alcoves along the passage, plunging the upper level of the inn into darkness.

As his infravision resolves the nearby layout, he withdraws his lock picks and begins working on the first door.  Standing silently after the click of the lock is released, he listens for any movement within.  Hearing nothing, he pushes open the door and sees the bed in this room is empty.

<Nice of them to let me settle this privately> he thinks as he pushes open the inner door to the second room and immediately collapses after being hit with ‘Sleep’ spells from Hernan and Nalda.