Chapter 35. My Shadow is afraid of me.
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Did you see the twist coming?
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  • No Votes: 7 46.7%
  • Yes, but I'm lying my ass off right now. Votes: 6 40.0%
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Total voters: 15

{Alex Savage}

The time passed quickly, and Lily had become accustomed to my Lord Savage personality and much to my dismay, she had picked out a costume to match my mask. Today was the day we would arrive, so I was in tight black slacks, polished boots, a white long sleeve shirt with a black vest. All this was paired with a nice-looking black coat that cut off at the beltline. It made me look like an emo vampire, but if it meant I could make more nightmares and keep my family safe, I would do it. Lily was in a lovely black dress that almost looked like a maid outfit and was starting to act more formally around me. I didn’t like it and would be happy to be back home and let my life get back to normal.

I was sitting in my seat across from Boss who looked uncomfortable in a formal shirt. Meathead slowed and we all turned to look at him. “Boss, permission to let them know we are here?” He asked. Lily and I covered our ears knowing what was about to happen. Boss leaned out of the carriage and took a deep breath.

“GO FOR IT!!” he shouted at the idiot. I looked out as he brought the wolf to a stop and leaned its head back letting out a long and menacing howl that seemed to rock through my frame. Alarm bells in the town started and five Knights came out to escort us to town. The fact that they all had weapons drawn showed me just how impressed they were with my new Dire Knight.

A large crowd was gathered as we stepped out, Lily stood behind me, her head bowed, and hands clasped. It didn’t feel right. I knew she was my slave, but having her act like this was just wrong. Boss stood behind me and nodded. I took a breath and pressed the button to let Lobo free and as rehearsed, he moved behind us and sat on his haunches before the hatch opened and Meathead slid down smoothly. All eyes were on us and despite feeling extremely uncomfortable, I opened my arms and smiled at the gathered mass of idiots.

“Greetings all, I am Lord Savage, and this is my newest creation, a Dire Knight. We will be taking orders for them after this gathering. Take your time to admire and watch demonstrations that we will be performing.” I waited for clapping that never came. They all just looked slack jawed at us. I bowed to them and walked away with Boss and Lily trailing behind me. When we were away from the onlookers Boss stopped us.

“Good job, Runt. Get settled in the inn and I’ll make sure camp is set up.” Boss said as he walked away. Gorloth moved to my side and smiled down at me.

“Friend Runt, you look like real orc war chief.” He said as he took his place behind me. I guess he would look like my bodyguard, but I could easily kill anyone who bothered us.

The convention was lively, and our outlandish entry seemed to be the talk of everyone. Battery had come with us to pose as The Toy Maker so he could deal with the idiots. He could take requests and I would be free to be Lord Savage. If everything went as planned, we would be making some real coin. Lily, Gorloth and I settled in an inn on the edge of town and started enjoying the convention. Stalls were set up with paintings, Dolls, food, Knights and almost everything anyone could want. One tent caught my eye, and I could tell by the people standing outside that it was for slaves. 

Mock battles were being held up on training tables and in giant rings. It felt like a carnival, and I had some coins to treat myself or rather treat my friends. Lily refused to leave my side, but also didn’t want to show affection. She was playing the role of the dutiful bunny and despite how cute she looked, it was mildly upsetting that I couldn’t hold her hand in public. I was missing the way she would wrap around my arm and rest her head on my shoulder as we walked. We made it up to each other at night and thanks to my forethought, I was able to build a one way sound rune and a barricade for our rooms. It would keep us safe through the night.

My Dire Knight always seemed to have a group gathered around it. Some were holding strange wands as they walked around. “My lady Lily, what are those devices?” I asked in my Lord Savage costume.

“Master, those are viewing orbs. They allow someone to record a message on a sphere and that message can be viewed later.” She said calmly.

“Please remind me to get one. I think it would be useful.” I said, my arms crossed behind my back.

Best I could guess they were like cameras. I would have to get my hands on some to play with. Must be some crazy runes inside.

It went on like this for over a week and a half. One day I was going to an interesting looking weapon’s display when I noticed that the street was empty. The only person around was a thin man wearing all black except white gloves and a smiling comedy mask. He just stood there and waited, his arms open and everything about him said he was no threat.


His hands shook inside the cloak as Prey walked up to him. Prey was wearing some strange wolf mask and walking with a cute bunny maid. He bowed to Prey and spoke slowly and calmly as sweat poured off him in waves. He might die today, and he knew it. If not for the contract, he would have run away from this job after watching Prey kill with his own eyes.

“Contract Magic. I will be unable to lie, harm you or your friends for the time of this meeting. In exchange you must hear me out and not try to attack me. Do you agree?” Shadow asked and gulped waiting on an answer. Prey frowned at him, and Shadow was already looking around for somewhere to hide. Why had he not thought of standing near a shadow?

“Why would I agree to that?” Prey asked, his voice sounding strange.

“Well Alex, if you hear me out, I can give you information and even a wager that you may find agreeable.” Shadow started praying inside his mask. Prey started to smile, but with the mask on, it looked weird.

“Fine, I agree.” Prey said, crossing his arms. May it have some type of enchantment. Shadow felt the magic settle on his shoulders. Prey handed the bunny a knife and smiled. “Lily, you are free to kill him.” Shadow started to sweat. Once more he had misjudged prey.

“Sorry, I misjudged you again. Forgive me please.” He said, looking around for the nearest shadow. There were none close by, and he would have failed in his gambit if he fled anyway. “Please Alex, hear me out.” Shadow begged.

“Lily hold.” Prey said calmly. Shadow bowed at Prey and held his hands together. A thug came out with a Kings board and set the pieces in place with shaking hands. Another brought out three chairs, placing two on one side and one on the other. Shadow moved to it and sat down but stopped. He made sure every movement was calm and in the open. “What is this about?” Prey asked.

“I know you are a wanderer.” Prey growled at Shadow’s words and looked at the bunny. His eyes almost looked hurt. The bunny just blinked at him and then grabbed her cheeks.

“Shock and awe. Master I never knew. How could you keep this from me?” She said, her voice full of sarcasm. Shadow wanted to laugh but thought it might upset Prey who frowned at her. “Master it is very obvious.” Shadow just nodded and relaxed slightly. He had not blundered with Prey.

“Alex, I’d like to play a game. Do you know how to play Kings?” Prey sat at the other chair and swapped the board to make his side the black pieces.

“In my world we call it chess.” Prey said with a nod.

“Good. Contract Magic. If I win you put this slave collar on, and she gets the control coin. If you win, I put the collar on, and you get the control coin.” He gulped hoping Prey would take the offer. He didn’t fail to notice that the bunny biting her lip as she looked at Prey. She must like the idea of him being under her control.

“If I win, she gets the coin. I take it, given how things are being handled you are an assassin of some skill.” Prey asked.

“I am one of the best and employed by Gerold Helttom to enslave you. I have tried two times and each time found you to be a Prey that he cannot have. He has me under contract to enslave you and this is the only thing I have left. I am going to cheat his contract in a way.” Shadow said, bowing his head. Prey just nodded and smiled, removing his mask. His voice changed back to normal. Shadow felt his breakfast fight to stay in place as Prey smiled at him.

“Good. Why cheat though?” He said coldly. His chilling smile was in place and eyes locked on Shadow.

“No way to win. I can’t kill you; you can kill me. If I go after any of your acquaintances, I’m dead. Mana nullifiers don’t work on you, and you have some weird death touch ability. Safe to say I’m screwed. If you have a collar on, my agreement would be finished no matter who has the coin, I get to live.” Prey just nodded, not taking his eyes off Shadow.

“Also, he is clearly scared shit-less of you Master.” The bunny added.

“Oh yes, very much so.” Shadow agreed. His hands, shaking slightly.

“Fine, say it again, but this time She gets your control coin.” Prey said, pointing at the bunny.

“Contract Magic. If I win you put this slave collar on, and she gets the control coin. If you win, I put the collar on, and she gets the control coin.” He held his breath willing this to go through.

“I agree.” The weight settled over his shoulders and Shadow made his move. Three moves later, Shadow leaned back and laughed as he grabbed the collar, putting it around his own neck and leaning to the bunny. She took the coin beaming at Alex. Now that Shadow was free of the contract, he was free to see Alex as a person. The collar closed and glowed. Shadow was free and sat there laughing.

“I have never seen a move like that.” He beamed at Alex.

“I played chess a lot when I was in school. It was one way I could show the other kids up without getting punished. That move is called the queen bishop cross. I’ve only pulled it off a few times, but it is fun when it works.” Alex said with a cold smile. Shadow just beamed up at his new master. Bunny took Alex’s arm and kissed his cheek.

“Masked man. Disregard any orders anyone has given you in the past.” She said proudly as she held the coin. Shadow’s collar glowed and she slumped in her seat. Her hand reached up and pulled off her mask. She had made her entire persona around being a big bad, deadly male. Now she was free to be who she really was. It was almost poetic that becoming a slave, had set her free.

{Alex Savage}

What the fuck? The big bad assassin dude turned out to be a hot as hell panther woman. She had sounded, looked and acted like a guy and now she just looked at Lily in wonder. She was an ebony beauty with dark hair, cat ears and I suspected a hidden black tail. Large green eyes seemed to beg for me to keep her safe. Her hair was short and cut into something that could be considered a pixie cut. A sweet voice came out to us. 

“Thank you, Mistress.” She bowed to Lily who was just dumbfounded. “I was ordered a long time ago to forge this persona and unable to show my true self.” Lily just nodded and I put my own mask back on.

“Well Lily, she is your slave. What would you like to do with her?” I asked my lover. Lily shook and looked at me.

“Let’s do the same thing we do any time we get a new slave. Let’s go shopping.” She said laughing as she hooked an arm around the assassin. We just left the board there and made our way to a clothing store. The assassin looked around and I could tell she was uncomfortable. Lily started grabbing dresses and pushed the cat-eared lovely to the changing room. My honey bunny delighted in having the assassin try on several outfits. I just sat back and watched delighting in the show. Lily ended up joining her and soon the two were showing off to me. It was not how I saw any of this going. “So, what is your name?” Lily asked the assassin as both changed into the newest outfit. I tried not to think about joining my lover in the changing room, but this mask wouldn’t even let me offer the idea. I’m sure some extra coins would get the old bat looming over us to go away for an hour.

“My name was Shadow, but I will go by whatever my Mistress wants.” The hot panther woman said.

“I don’t like shadow. It is a little racist. Like calling me bun.” Lily said as she slipped another dress on.

“You don’t seem to mind when I call you, my Honey Bunny.” I said smiling as the tailor gave me a disgusted look. Lily stuck her head out blushing madly.

“That’s different, Master.” She ducked back in and kept dressing. “How about Midna? It sounds like midnight but feels a little less racist.” Shadow the assassin hummed in the other stall.

“I like Midna, Mistress.” She said and I saw a long black tail lash out and give me a peek at the woman who was changing. On feeling the curtain open, she turned and gave me a playful wink before pulling her tail back in. She had a lovely ass, and I was a little disappointed not to see more of her.

“Good. I almost forgot. You are not allowed to hurt me, Master or any of Master’s friends.” Lily said and I could see her ears bobbing as she nodded. I knew that Midna’s collar was glowing and would have to praise Lily when we got back to the inn. “Also, you have to follow any order Master gives you.” She added as an afterthought.

“Yes, Mistress.” Midna replied and I swear I could hear a smile in her voice. They kept changing outfits until they had nearly tried on the whole store. I swear they were going to spend every coin I had. Lily settled on a cute dark maid outfit that made me want to jump in the changing stall with her right here and now. Midna came out in a dark green dress that made her look like some sexy panther woman in a dark forest. It seemed to make her green eyes pop and look even larger.

“That looks beautiful on you.” Lily said. Midna blushed and looked at the ground. “Doesn’t she look hot as hell, Master?” Lily asked me. I returned the wink that Midna had given me earlier and the panther woman started blushing madly.

“Thank you, Mistress. It feels good to be treated like a woman.” She said as she held herself. We walked back to the inn drawing looks from almost everyone. Midna got more than a few looks from most of the beast people. I didn’t blame them. She was hot as hell. I wondered if she would join us tonight. God, I hoped so, a threesome with the two would be epic. Lily seemed to be blushing whenever she looked over at the dark beauty.

“Midna what would you like to do with your life?” Lily asked as we walked.

“Mistress? I have no clue. I have not been anything other than an assassin.” Midna said, frowning and looking at the ground. Lily put her hands on her hips and frowned at Midna as she stomped her foot.

“I order you to tell me what you want to do with your life.” Lily said giving me a coy smile.

“Fish. I always wanted to try fishing. It looks like fun and fish are tasty.” Why did she look sad when she said that? Did she think we would scold her or laugh at her? Lily just jumped at her, hugging her closely. My mind went to a very dirty place on seeing their dresses fly up slightly. Was Lily wearing underwear? I hope to find out soon. If only we weren’t still in public.

“If you want to fish, why not try fishing in our town? I’m sure someone can help you.” Midna started purring as she held my bunny, her hands moving up to Lily’s ears. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she had the hots for Lily. “That’s it. I order you to Happy Valley where you are going to fish until you are tired of it.” Her collar glowed and she beamed at Lily.

“May I give my master a kiss before I go?” She asked, blushing madly. Lily looked at me playfully and nodded. Before Lily could react, Midna had pulled her into a deep kiss that had Lily moaning as Midna took a chance and groped Lily’s breast. When they parted, both were panting hard. Midna gave a happy chirp and jumped to the roof. “I will see you at home my Mistress.” She said with a cute blush and sly smile before jumping into the shadow of a chimney. Lily just stood there panting and drooling slightly for a moment. I touched her shoulder, and she looked up at me blushing.

“You inside me now.” She growled. I laughed as we hurried back to our room. I made sure she kept the outfit on as we had a very fun night together. Turns out no, she wasn’t wearing anything under her maid outfit. She passed out on top of me, and I felt her core pulsing softly. My own was beating in time with hers. What type of magic would she have? What other types of magic were out there?


We are nearing the end of this book. I do have something new and big planned for the old readers. Hope everyone is having an epic weekend.