Chapter 3 – Beginning Of Ruin – Part Three
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Beginning Of Ruin (3)

I don’t remember much of what happened after that blinding flash, but what I do remember was the groggy sensation that kept on gnawing at my mind for what had felt like an eternity. It was like my mind had entered a semi-conscious state ever since that incident, and I could only remain fully conscious for a few seconds at a time before that feeling would once again try to usurp what little mental vigor I’d managed to muster. That feeling shouldn’t have even been possible for me and yet something even stranger than that had somehow managed to envelope what ought to be my senses.

Even though my body didn’t have organs per say, I was still able to experience the various stimuli around me. The only senses I hadn’t been privy to before were touch, smell and taste but now I couldn’t detect anything around me at all. I couldn’t see, speak, hear, or even tell if I was still in Eden or not.

The only vague sensation I could get from my surroundings was the inclination that my body was somehow moving – But it wasn’t moving in the typical sense. Instead of me moving on my own or something carrying me, it felt as if the world itself was now moving around me. I didn’t feel nauseous, not that it was even possible for me in the first place but judging by the way things were going I couldn’t help but wonder if ‘anything goes’ was the new rule in this topsy-turvy world.

With no way to get any reliable answers, my own questions paraded around the forefront of my mind like a maddening carousel, if I was a normal being that was prone to emotions then this would have certainly driven me to despair. After all, it seemed as if a ludicrous amount of time had passed whenever I managed to fully regain consciousness. But seeing as everything was already pitch-black in the first place, not much had changed in my surroundings. It was as if time itself had taken on a new dimension, stretching and contorting in ways that defied all logic and reason. That was until it happened......

“Look...he’s waking up.”

A tender voice had somehow managed to breach the vast darkness.

“A-are you certain he’ll be alright, Vreena?”

Mhmm...well his heart did stop for a few minutes earlier, but it seems like he’s doing just fine now. You can try holding him now.”

A few strange voices reached my ears, but something seemed off about the whole experience. It wasn’t so much about the voices themselves but rather the way my body was experiencing the current situation.

First of all, I still couldn't see anything, not because I didn’t want to, but because it felt like my eye sockets had been welded shut. That shouldn’t have been possible either and what was even stranger was the way my body interpreted the sounds now reaching my ears.

It sounded like the entire world was resonating with a constant echo, each and every sound being uttered seemed to be ricocheting around me in a torrent of swirling madness before finally reaching my ears.

That wasn’t even the end of it either, when those sound waves finally did make their way over to my ears, my body seemed to be taking longer than usual to process the information, like it had to re-translate the already familiar language letter by letter.

“There we go.”

I felt the strong sensation of something gripping me by my side before displacing my position. It seems I was now being held in the air but again, something was off about this. I hadn’t really taken any note of it since I was trying to get a handle on the sounds swirling around me but the sensation coursing through my veins could only mean one thing - blood.

That crimson fluid was now flowing through my veins, veins I shouldn’t even have in the first place. That soft feeling from earlier must have been coming from my skin, my body did feel unusually moist for some reason but now this was finally starting to make sense.

No wonder my body was now experiencing a rush of different sensations, my newfound senses weren’t tuned enough to isolate or even regulate the amount of sensory information my body was receiving. It felt as though the sensations I’d been deprived of for centuries now were finally returning to me en masse, and I could do nothing but await the oncoming chaos they would bring.

First it was my hearing, then my sense of touch, one by one, my new senses slowly began to awaken in a torrent of overwhelming stimuli.

“Hey there’s the outside world so far?” A deep sounding voice called out, but naturally, I couldn’t respond.

Liam? Don’t tell me......

Although I could've easily guessed the implication behind that sentence, I had no choice but to confirm it form myself.

Struggling with all my might, I began forcing my eyelids open through nothing but sheer force of will, to my surprise, this body was surprisingly hard to operate.

After finally getting them open, the room’s lighting flickered in my vision in an almost overwhelming display, it had taken well over ten seconds for it to adjust normally, but when my sight attuned itself, I was finally able to get a good look at the bigger picture.

The mirror on the far side of the room conveyed my current situation so clearly it was almost comical. I was now an infant being hoisted into the air by a man that was undoubtedly this body’s father.

After surveying the three humans looking up at me in the room there was only one conclusion left for me to draw, the one I'd been well aware of for a while now.

This was reincarnation.