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Day 1 

We depart from the dock leaving behind our base at 7 AM. The designated destroyers goes ahead of our main force which I as the flagship for the main fleet and Soerapati sister Imam Bondjol as the one leading the scout fleet.

"Soerapati, Imam Bondjol, I can't wait for the good news ahead"

"You can count on us!"

As they go in full speed until I can't see them again on my fleet point of views.

"Now what should I do? Hmm..."


"Oh Irian, what's wrong?"

"I remember that you mentioned Royal Navy, who is this Royal Navy you mentioned?"

"Oh so there this alliance called Azur Lane, Eagle Union and Royal Navy is main faction in that alliance"

"Azur Lane huh... are they friendly?"

"Who knows, can you trust them just like me?"

"I can try"

"Hey Irian, what do you think about all of this?"

"What's you mean?"

"You know like it's basically and order to leave our base behind you know"

"Well even though I disagree with you but your instincts never wrong until now, so I will trust your instincts and you"

"Well thanks I guess, but well I shall do a patrol right?"

"Well better be cautious than not"

Then a red light with shape of planes appear on both of my flight decks, the light become whiter before it turned into a real planes and taking off. The planes that tasked to do the patrolling is the Gi-61, they flew high for sure which if I forgot to mention all planes I had is colored white, don't know why though.

Pov Narator

There a some ships on the surface are sailing towards the direction of North East to knows where.

"Sister is it fine to leave them behind?"

Soeparati said as she walk closer to someone.

"It's will be fine, Irian and Nusantara are with them after all"

"But what if-"

"Soeparati, you didn't need to be worried. Just do our task and finished it quickly and get back safely so you not need to be worried about it anymore. And it seems we had an unwelcome guest, Fleet get into battle stations! Siren ahead! now Soeparati if you had the time to be worried you also had time for fight right?"

"Of course I am Soeparati will not disappoint you my sister Imam Bondjol after all!"

Imam Bondjol detected a siren presences decided to issuing a combat order as soon as she detect those siren.

"Fleet take aim... and fire"

The fleet fired at the siren when it reached the firing range of theirs cannon, and the siren fired back as well. Some of the fire hit, some missed, and mainly dodged by the shipgirls side taken out the siren rather quickly.

"Sister, the size of the siren fleet are more smaller than what we usually fight's against! Is this the actual number of the patrolling siren?"

"It seems so, then the theory that they can heard our radio is true"

"Should I tell the rest of our fleet this information?"

"No it's better to do it when we can talk face to face, we didn't want them to know where we are heading or what we planned after all"

"Sasuga my sister! You are smart!"

"And also they didn't know there is more behind us because they only meet us"

'But what this uneasy feeling... I had a bad feeling about it...'

"Let's speed up and get this mission finished, before another siren is here"

Back to Nusantara side, she currently sitting on the edge of the flight deck with face of worries, why?

Pov Nusantara

'Is the scout fleet will be fine... No they are is fine I didn't need to worry about them! But just few hours after we leave the base was...'


The patrolling planes of Nusantara is passing by close to the base, just to see a fire engulfed the entire base with many siren surrounded it, the planes who luckily flying in high altitude can escaped from there before the siren noticed.

End of Flashback

"How do I tell Irian about this..."

"Tell me about what?"

I look back surprised there Irian behind me.

"No nothing, it's not important"


"Yes really"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am"

"Then ok, I still had do to something so I will be back in few hours"

"Yeah takes your times, don't burden yourself Irian"

"Of course, I know"

Irian left me and I return to thinking about it few minutes later after I feels the ocean breeze and looking at the sunset.

'well let's be quiet about it and let her find out herself and pretend I didn't know, and it's not because I forgot'

Now it's a midnight and I lying down in the flight deck, not knowing what to do now.

"Well there nothing happened until now and I'm getting a bit sleepy... Yeah let's just sleep"

Pov Narrator 

The sun is starting to rising meanwhile on the Imam Bondjol and other shipgirls side who's which currently is fighting the siren for the third times on this journey.

"And that's the last one! Goodwork everyone!" Soerapati said to everyone.

"How longer do we need to sail to find other faction?" Someone on the fleet asked.

"Who knows, maybe they know" Imam Bondjol point her finger towards a shadow of multiple figures that getting closer.

Slowly the figures getting closer and closer and from the look of it, the figures look like another shipgirls.

Then they stopped and the fog dispersed, standing facing each other, Garuda Union fleet and this Unknown fleet. 

They both look at each other's, on the Imam Bondjol side the submarine shipgirls is surfacing to see a new fleet standing on the opposite side, Soeparati and Imam Bondjol look at the unknown fleet really carefully and this Unknown fleet also do the same.

This stand off goes for few minutes without anyone speaking or doing anything, until one of the unknown fleet shipgirls is started talking, this shipgirl wearing a maid outfit with lilac-silver hair and with approximately height of 175cm, which is before going to talk passed another shipgirl with a flight deck on her rigging, wearing a hat, she has white hair and violet eyes, and she wears a sleeveless white vest, black short skirt with gold lining, and a black, sleeved coat with a red interior.

I run out of ideas mid way, redo few part, deleted the original subject option, take a shortcut, and I decided to now only 1 chapter a week, I hope I can do it.