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Today is sunday. It's still 6 am yet here I am, awake now I dont know why after all at time like this I should still be asleep. In any case I opened the window in my room where a cool breeze entered giving a chill in my body. 

I did some stretching and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth before changing my pajamas into my uniform since I am planning to go to school today as per Maki's request.

I checked the goods inside my refrigerator to prepare food for later and while I'm at it my breakfast too and snacks to bring at school in case I see someone I know.

"Hmmm... Looks like I might need to buy some at the supermarket later." I said to myself.

I am living alone for a while now since my parents are working somewhere making it only possible to visit me once every month to check on my well being. Well there are some perks in living alone like I get to decide what to eat and manage my nutrients intake for balance diet and no one bothers me when im reading here which is basically what makes this place my sweet haven. 

I cooked sunny side up with toast for breakfast paired with some salad from left over vegies last night. And I baked some cookies to bring as snack in school later as for dinner I think I will decide what later when I went to supermarket.

I placed my food in the table and started eating.

"Thanks for the food."

After im done eating I took a shower started preparing my stuff before leaving my home.

Everyday I walk in this road to school thats why I know if something is changed here quickly like that flowershop that is on building phase since last week. 

Ever since then, I always love walking here since it helps me exercise plus I love how the wind blows here after all the road to school are pretty high as its built above. Luckily there are no accidents recorded yet making it safe.

On my way I found something that caught my attention. It seems there is a new shop that sells sweets near the school so I decided to buy 2 chocolates 1 vanilla and 1 dark chocolate for if I see Arnold. Im sure he will love it.

After walking for a while I finally reached the school. Upon entering the gate I saw Maki flying towards me from the 4th floor which is probably from the audiovisual room.

"Marieee!" Maki shouted while waving her hand as she flew towards me.

"Good day Maki. I am here." I greeted her.

"Yes. Thankyou for coming. I have many stories to tell you today so prepare yourself." Maki said as she reached my place and quickly hugged me.

"Is the library open?" I asked Maki.

"Sure is. I just saw sister Pauline enter before you came here. Since its 10 am now." Maki said.

"I see. Shall we head there then? Or you have different place in mind?" I asked maki.

"Lets go to library for now. Then later maybe at 4pm lets go somewhere. I have something to show you." Maki replied while smiling at me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Its a secret. You will see later." Maki replied while giggling a little.

So its something to see. Now I am quite curious what it is.

And so we head to the library. On the way I met Hana weeping the glass in the bulletin board in the hallway. 

"Marie. Please talk to her. I want to know something." Maki whispered in my ear.

"Ok." I replied.

"Good day miss Hana." I greet her while waving my hand a little.

"Good day miss Marie. Im surprised you are here even though its sunday today. Do you mind me asking if you have any business today here?" Hana replied.

"Im just checking something at the library today and maybe help sister Pauline while I'm there as well." I replied.

"I see. Then please excuse me I still have to clean the tables at the canteen." Hana said.

"Ah Marie, please ask her how is it going with Akira." Maki asked.

"Sorry Hana I have something to ask you do you mind?" I asked.

"Its fine. What is it?" She replied.

"How is it going with Akira? You two okay? I heard from Arnold that something happened on you two." I asked.

"Wha... what about A... Akira?" She replied in panic.

Hmmm whats with that reply... and her face is kind of reddish?

I look at Maki on my side and she is holding herself from screaming or something. Maybe something happened. I will ask Maki later.

"Nothing. I am just worried about you." I replied.

"I see. Thanks for worrying but we are fine now. Well then please excuse me." Hana replied while averting her gaze. 

She seems to be trying to hide her face and went in hurry.

"What happened Maki?" I asked Maki who is giggling in my side.

"Hahaha I think I know what happened. But if my guess is right, something happened to the two. In romantic sense." She replied in a confident tone.

"Romantic?" I asked.

"You know maybe she confess or maybe they went as far as kissing or stuff." Maki said while she hugs me in my side.

"I... I see... that is definitely something I did not expect. Anyways lets head to the library now." I said.

"Sure marie. Lets go." Maki replied.

Looks like she is happy huh...

Well atleast she is enjoying herself.

When we reached the library, as soon as I enter I saw sister Pauline sitting on her seat. When she looked at me she quickly smiled at me and greeted.

"Good day miss Marie." Sister Pauline greets.

"Good day sister Pauline. I am here today to look for some books and help as well while I'm here." I replied as I walk to my seat right next to hers.

"Thank you my dear. Im glad someone kind like you helps here. Since its quite rough on my body now to move too much." Sister pauline replied at me.

"Not at all sister. Im also glad I get to use the library since it is quiet here. A good place to read and relax." I replied.

Upon replying to her suddenly tears flow in her eyes.

"Sister? Whats wrong?" I asked as I hand my handkerchief.

"Ah sorry... The way you replied just reminded me of someone I know from before. She also replied exactly the same as what you said." She replied as she wipes her tears.

Surprised I look at Maki and then I noticed Maki is also looking kind of sad. 

"Thank you miss Marie." Sister Pauline said as she hand my handkerchief back.

"You are welcome sister." I replied.

"Sorry but I have a meeting with the other sisters today. I should be able to return before 4 pm. What about you?" Sister asked.

"Then I will stay here till you return sister." I replied.

"Then please do. Thank you miss Marie." Sister replied as she stand from her seat and head out.

When sister Pauline head outside the room and close the door I decided to ask Maki about earlier.

"Maki. Whats wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know... when I saw sister shed tears I suddenly felt sad too. And also when I heard your reply my chest suddenly felt hot and my feelings seems to burst or something." She replied while placing her hands on her chest as if feeling her heartbeat.

"I see... so ghosts still feel that kind of emotion." I said.

"Well I dont know. Its my first time becoming a ghost." She replied.

"Isn't it because you can only become a ghost once you died so logically speaking you can only become a ghost once?" I asked.

"Oh that makes sense." She said.

It seems I learned something new today about Maki. I wonder what is wrong with the reply I said. That not just her but even sister reacted. And especialy sister's reaction... I wonder why.

"Anyways forget about that and I have a story to tell you." She said.

"Then I will listen to your story while reading." I replied.

"Eeeeh you don't have to read just listen to me. Please Marie." She pleads.

"You are hopeless aren't you? It can't be helped." I said as I put the book I'm holding down on the table and face her.

"Hehe thanks." She replied with a smile on her face.

Seriously that smile is bad for my heart.

"You know marie. Last friday after you went home, I saw Nola and Jun in the clubroom." She said.

"Oh they stayed late here?" I asked.

"They sure do. And you know what happened? I saw the two of them doing it in the clubroom." She said.

"Doing what?" I replied.

"Kissing." She said.

"Kissing?" I asked.

"Yes. You know, when two lips smooch together?" She replied.

"I know what kissing is. I'm asking why?" I asked.

"I don't know. When I went at the clubroom, I saw the two of them on the ground. While Jun is holding her breast he is kissing Nola. And it went for 20 mins or something. My god I'm screaming like crazy while watching the two of them yesterday you know?" She said.

What kind of story is that... thats... inappropriate... 

When I heard her story my face blushed. Probably my face is deep red right now.

"Hmmm... are you blushing? Fufufu how innocent of you Marie. Thats what I love about you." She said as if teasing me.

"Do... dont make fun of m...me... I'm just... surprised... thats all..." I replied in panic.

"Fufu... How.Cute." Maki said.

"Aaaaaa." I said while covering my face with my hands to hide my embarassment

"Hahaha sorry I might have went too far." Maki apologize as she fly to me and hug me in my side.

"Geez... seriously." I replied.

"Anyways it's true I really saw them I wonder what happened. I'm kind of curious actually." She said.

"Yes, I understand you. I myself also thinks that this is quite something. I'm also curious as well." I replied.

"Right? Hahaha" she said while laughing.

After that we change topics and it turned into random conversations. And since I did not see arnold today I just ate the cookies I baked in the library for my lunch and before 4pm sister Pauline returned.

"Oh miss Marie. Thank you for staying here today. I will take over now." Sister Pauline said as she sat on her seat.

"Ok. Please excuse me sister Pauline. I'm going now." I replied.

"Take care on your way." She said.

"Thank you sister you too, don't overexert yourself." I replied as I bow before going out.

Maki quickly hugged me on the back when I exit the room.

"So where are we going Maki?" I asked.

"Lets go to the chapel." She replied.

"What are we going to do in the chapel?" I asked.

"To be precised at the back of the chapel. There is something I want to show you."

We went to the chapel. Upon arriving at the back, there I saw A beautiful tree.

"Do you know what tree is this marie?" Maki asked.

"If I am not mistaken, that is wisteria right?" I answered.

"Yes, you are right. I remember planting this when I am still alive together with someone. But I cant seem to remember who is that someone." She said while looking at the tree.

When she gave me that reply while she is touching the tree as she is looking above its leaves, I realized that she is really beautiful. The image I saw this day is something I knew I won't be able to forget. Her image is imprinted in my head. Her hair fluttering as the wind blows her, her skirt being swept by the wind lightly together with her uniform. Her solemn looking face as she stares at the leaves. Combined with the deep orange hue coming from the light above. Gives me the feeling of how sad it is to die yet remained. Thats why the me right now, the me standing here, wholeheartedly glad that I met her. 

"Well thats all I wish to show you today Marie." She said as she turn to face me while still holding in the wisteria tree with a smile on her face that I know for some reason, despite the beautiful face she always shows me. This one right now doesn't feel the same. Infact it feels like the smile of someone looking for something and ultimately failed and gave up instead. Unable to control myself I ran towards her and gave her a hug.

"Maki. I might not be able to return your feelings. But I want you to know that I am glad I meet you." I said.

"I see." She replied in a low solemn voice.

After that she continue to hug me from my side as I walk toward the gate.

"Thank you again Marie for meeting me today. I had fun talking with you." She said.

"Me too. Lets meet again later." I replied.

"Yeah let's..." she replied.

After that exchange she flew back to the audiovisual room.

The image of her staring the leaves while holding at the wisteria tree is burned in my head. That beautiful yet sad image is something I would say the perfect example of wisteria's meaning. Love, everlasting bliss, sensitivity and combined with the hint of sadness from the orange hue from afternoon light.

And so I go to supermarket before going home with my head filled with nothing but the image of Maki.