Back to the Hypnos Cabin We Go
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Rein was having a demigod dream. He knew that because he sensed things he wouldn't be able to if he was awake, and he was sitting across from Jordan, the gender fluid person from the Hypnos Cabin.

"What does the daughter of Hypnos want today?" He asked, getting the feeling Jordan was feeling female right now.

She smiled at him, and said, "How'd you know?"
He shrugged, not bothered to answer. He would tell her it was just a feeling, but he wanted an answer to his question before he answered her question. "Answer my question, and I'll answer yours."

"Οι θεοί θέλουν να έρθεις να μιλήσεις μαζί τους," she said in Greek. He laughed, and rolled his eyes. Why would the gods want him to go and talk to them. Unless it was for something else, but he doubted it was.

"Γιατί να τους μιλήσω?" Rein asked, wondering why he would do such a thing. He also found it easy to go between English and Greek.

"Γιατί θέλουν να γίνεις κατάσκοπός τους. Θα σου αφαιρούσαν την τιμωρία, και θα γλίτωσαν τον Δείμο," Jordan said to him. He froze, like he couldn't believe that they wanted him to be a spy. And they would take away his punishment, and would spare Deimos.

"Είσαι σοβαρός?" Rein asked, making sure she was being serious. No punishment, for him or Deimos. Maybe he should accept the deal. But then he would be a double agent, and he wasn't sure if that was something he wanted to do.

"And Aliza said to tell you not to trust them," Jordan added, looking him in the eye.

"And how did Aliza know you would be the one to find me?" Rein asked after a minute. He was thinking too much to actually care about the answer, but she gave him one anyway.

"She said it was a gut feeling," Jordan said with a shrug. "And she seemed very confident in my abilities."

Rein nodded, and felt someone shaking him. "I'll see you again?" Rein asked after a minute.

Jordan nodded, and said, "See you in your dreams, shadow boy." He woke up as he remembered the mirror d3mon who had previously called him that.

Deimos was looking at him, and said, "You're awake!" Rein smiled and noticed that Deimos seemed very excited about this fact. He leaned forward, and whispered, "Chaos has been wanting to talk to you."

Whatever good feeling Rein had been feeling before had just vanished with those words.