Episode 12: Stan’s Breeding Show VOL.10 The Moment the Female Detective Became a Pregnant Female Detective Bonus Video: “Home Run Game”
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Stop it! If you play that kind of game, Big sister will break.




I desperately try to break free from the restraints, but the zip ties wouldn't budge. I shook my hands, legs, and body with all my strength, but the reality of being restrained remained unchanged.


"...Yuya? What's wrong?" 


Big sister looked at me with a surprised expression.




That's right! Big sister has strengthening magic! Maybe she can use that to escape from the five men.


"Hyo-ha-ha-ho!" (Strengthening Magic)


"Yuya, don't worry. I will definitely bring you back."


"Sis, do you really think you can go home? What we're about to do might be very difficult for you."


"Hurry up, I'm going home with my disciple."


Hey, don't urge the boss!


"I felt relieved to see big sister still so energetic. Actually, I'm going to challenge another record."


"Another boring record? Do you have to restrain a woman like this?"


Now that Lucy's threat is gone, Big sister is talking to the Boss in a stronger tone than before.


"I'll explain now. After going through many experiences, I've prepared various things to make the Home Run even more successful. Do you know about gravity acceleration, sis?"


"Don't make fun of me, I know that, aaaaaaah!"


The Boss's big erect cock thrust into Big sister again. She is now being held down by five men, unable to resist as her vagina is forcibly spread open. After the big cock reaches the deepest part of Big sister, the Boss stops moving his hips.

"Let me introduce to you, Big sister, this game is about how far Big sister's moans can reach. My subordinate will reach the designated position and when they hear Big sister's voice, they will report it on the transceiver. For example. Like this!!"


He pulled my huge cock back to the entrance of her vagina, and then forcefully thrust it deep inside her.


"Ah! AAaaaahh... Ah!!"


"This is Henry, I heard a voice on the fourth floor," came Henry's voice from the transceiver.


"That's the game. Pretty straightforward, right?"


"Hmph... can your thing really make me moan like that?"


"It's all about technique. As I said earlier, I've had various experiences. Here's one!"




The boss's big lower body was hitting Big sister's small butt.


"Ah!!... Mmn!"


"First, Let's play this game while the woman's stamina is still left, because everyone will eventually run out strength to even be able to speak"




The boss’s big lower body is hitting Big sister’s small butt.


"Ah! Ahh!"


"Second, the doggy style position allows me to use all my body weight and force on the woman. That's the force of gravity"




Big sister's small butt was like a cushion, bearing all the force from the boss's hips.


"Ah!... Mmn! Mmn!"


"Third, since Big sister's legs are spread open, so I can't be passive. My son is thrusting directly into big sister genitals"




Each thrust of the boss hit Big sister's uterus mercilessly, with more force than before.


"Ah!... Ahhhh!!!"


"From now on, I'm going all out. Show me even better moans, sister!"


Bang! Bang! Bang!


The boss moved his hips back and forth, starting his fierce piston motion.


"Really!... Too deep!... Ah! Ah! Ah!"

To ensure she didn't lose her strength, the men holding down Big sister's limbs were firmly fixing her body in place. Every time the boss thrusts, the four of them had to pull Big sister's limbs towards the opposite side.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


This was no longer sex. It was like a wild beast raping a rabbit.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


"Nnnn! Nnnnn! Nnnn! Ah! Ah! Aaaaaaaaaa!!!"


"George, we heard a voice on the third floor."


Big sister couldn't even speak anymore. Only moans escaped her mouth.


"Good job! Keep it up! Hey! Bastards, do that thing!""


Huh? What? Is there something else...?














With the chants of the four men, the boss continued thrusting into Big sister. The men's cheers, the boss's flesh slapping, and finally Big sister's moans. It was a repetitive cycle.


"Ohh! Ohh!... Ahh! Ahh! This... isn't... sex..."


"It's sex~ I'm pushing my semen from earlier into Big sister's womb."


The semen that hadn't flowed out from Big sister's womb was being pushed back in by the boss's big cock.







As I watched my beloved Big sister being held down by five men and brutally raped, a dark feeling welled up inside my heart...








The chants of the men made the dark emotions inside my body gradually expanded...




I felt like I heard another voice in my mind.






"Make more noise! Scream louder!!"


"Ah! Ah! Hmm! Hmph!...Too strong...Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"






Not only from the weight of the five men and one woman, but also from the force of the boss but also from the force of the boss, the creaking of the bed sounded like the bed's cries of agony.


"No more! No!! Ah! I'm coming! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"


Big sister reached climax. Her whole body can't stop shaking.


"This is Alex, I heard a noise from upstairs."


(How dare they...)


At that moment, a report came from Alex on the walkie-talkie.


"This is my personal best. Just a little more and it's a Home Run! Sis, I said this was a siege, right? From now on, my battering ram is going to break down your castle gate, Sis."


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Thud! Thud!


"Haa... Haa... Castle gate... What?... Ahhh! Ahhh! Wait! I just came! Give me a break for a bit! Ahh!"


The boss didn't give Big sister a break, and his huge member thrust fiercely back into her convulsing vagina.


"I told you, Sis. My white warrior (sperm) is going to conquer your black castle (uterus). In the end, I'll seize the black princess (egg) and rape her!"


(My beloved Big sister...)


The boss put more force into his lower body, and his massive glans was now thrusting into Big sister's cervix.


"Hey, you guys, hold her down firmly! Don't dilute the power of my battering ram!"


Bang! Bang! Bang! Thud! Thud! Thud!

The four men were so focused on holding the woman in place that they couldn't even muster a battle cry. Her womb wasn't secured yet. She was taking the full force of the boss's battering ram directly.


"Is this the gate to sister's castle? I will break through with my battering ram!! Ora ora!"


"Ah! Ahh! Mm! Mm! Not there... Deeper... No... Ahh!"


The boss's big cock thrust into the woman's cervix, the pace and intensity more ferocious than before in order to break through.


(Doing something like this)


"This is it! Take this!"


The boss lies face down on top of Big sister, his legs supporting his lower body also floating in the air, thrusting into her cervix with the force of his hips and the weight of his whole body. He was in his last spurt. The final push had begun.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


"Ah! Ahh! Mm! No more!! Ahh! Ahh! Enough! I'm going-!"


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


"This is it! Ah! Ah! Ah! Mm! Mm! Mm! Too strong, ah!"


"Receive the finishing blow!! Fuu!!!"




The bed broke with the force of the boss's blow. Big sister's cervix had been breached.


"Ah! Ah! Ah! Mm! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Aaahhhhhhh!!"


Squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt


"My white warrior, go!"


The gate was breached by the battering ram. The boss unleashed his white warrior into Big sister's castle. A large amount of semen was immediately injected into Big sister's womb.


Squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt


"Ahhhh! It's hot... So much... It's still coming out... Ah! I'm going to cum again! I'm going! Mmmmm!"


To keep the Black Princess captive, the white warrior quickly seized every corner of the Black Castle.


Squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt


"Sister's black princess is being raped by my white warrior right now!"

The white warriors, who were unable to enter the castle, began to flow down, and the flowing semen covered Big sister's clitoris, making it seem like her clitoris was also occupied by a large number of white warriors. And finally, it fell on the bed.




Big sister, with a relaxed expression, is panting with her tongue out, as she gasping for air. As the boss's ejaculation ends, everyone in the room falls silent for a moment.




In this room, only Big sister's breathing can be heard. Because everyone is looking at the transceiver, waiting for some report to come in. At that moment, an innocent child's voice came from the transceiver.


"Boss, I heard a voice."


(I'll definitely kill you!)


"What? Jack, the reception is bad here, I can't hear well."


Everyone in the room heard clearly. Of course, the boss as well. But in order to enjoy this moment longer, he made Jack repeat himself on purpose.


"I said, I heard it~."


(I'll definitely kill you!)


"Speak up louder! I can't hear you here!"


"I heard Big sister's scream!!! It's a home run!"


Jack reported the home run with a very loud voice into the transceiver.


(I'll kill you!!)


"Ha ha ha ha! I heard you, Jack. Good job. You can come up."




"I've achieved two new records in one day. Feels great!! Wahahahahahaha!!"


(Only you! I'll kill you!!)


The black impulse inside me exploded. With the explosion of impulse, I pulled off the harness and freed my hands. I only needed my upper body, as long as my hands were free.


"Just need to shoot this guy in the head."


I took out the revolver hidden in my pants and aimed it at the boss's head.


"You! Where did you get that from?"

A look of shock crosses the boss's face as he stares at the gun I hold. That stupid face will be the last thing you see in your life!!


"Yuya! Stop! Don't do it!"


Ah... even in a moment like this, Big sister is worried about me. Such a kind sister. She's trying to stop me from becoming a killer. I've already made up my mind. Even if it means killing someone, I will kill this scumbag. All that's left is to pull the trigger of the revolver.




The recoil of the gun is strong, so I aim the revolver at the boss's head with both hands. At this distance, it should be fine. With all my might, I pull the trigger!




The trigger won't budge!? Why! I'm sure I unlocked the slide lock! I panic and look at the revolver.


Before I knew it, the boss got off the bed and came in front of me.




I take a blow to the stomach from the boss. The pain makes me let go of the revolver.


"You!! You really surprised me!! Where did you get that toy gun from!"


"Shit...I don't have a chance anymore..."


I fall to the ground, clutching my stomach.


"You're such a coward that my son shrunk!! We still have a lot of footage to shoot!! If my son can't rise up, how will you take responsibility for this!"


The boss's 600ml bottle size has now shrunk to the size of a 100ml Yakult bottle.


"I told you to prepare 20 memory cards!! 20!! This is only the first one! I am seriously angry. Yuya, let me tell you something good, anyone who has ever pointed a gun at me..."


The boss takes something black out of the bedside drawer.


"Is dead."


The roles have suddenly reversed, with the boss now aiming a gun at my head.


"Stop it! Let go of me! You guys! Shit, my hips are still...!"


Big sister is desperately trying to break free, but she's being held back by four men and can't move at all.


"Well then, Yuya. I like you. Don't worry about Big sister. My son will continue to take care of her."


Ah, am I going to die now? Sorry, sis. I couldn't save you.

I saw something like a flash back. But what I saw wasn't the crappy life in the slums for the past few years, rather, it was just the days I spent with my Big sister recently. The days when I was picked up at the bakery, when I was punished in the bathroom, when I slept embraced in Big sister's bed, when we made observation notes, and when I was bought new black clothes.


"Yuya!!! Let go!!!"


Ah, Big sister, don't cry. Even now, sister is desperately trying to escape from the grasp of those four men. Many memories with Big sister flashed before me, but my favorite is Big sister's laughing face.


"Goodbye, Yuya."


"Stop it!!!!!!!!"


After hearing sister's scream, the boss pulled the trigger.






"Damn!! Where did it come from!! This damn cat!"


A black shadow plunged into the boss's hand, and the bullet that came out of the gun hit the ground next to me. Wait, did the boss just say a cat?






At that moment, suddenly the screams of the four men were heard. The four who were supposed to be holding down Big sister on the bed had escaped.


"What is that...?"


Sister was now standing on the bed, glaring at the boss with bloodshot eyes full of anger. There was a black aura surrounding her body.


"Kid, how dare you shoot my disciple!!!"


"Who are you...?"


The boss looked at Big sister in fear, his legs trembling.


"Who are you!!!"


In a self-defense instinct, he aimed the gun at Big sister, but she raised her left hand towards the boss.


"It's useless, I've locked your gun."


The boss, like me a moment ago, was desperately staring at the pistol's safety.


"Damn it! Why can't I shoot! This! This!"


"Saeko! Wait! Yuya is safe! If you explode your magic in that state, your body won't be able to take it! You were injected with a potion just yesterday!"

A small girl with dark skin who was standing where the president was just now said to Big sister.


"I know. But it's on the verge of exploding. Yami, protect Yuya. I can't control the magic's rampage anymore."


"Protect him, how am I supposed to protect him! If Saeko's black magic is released at this distance, a normal person would be crippled!"


"Use a barrier or something, but I'm almost at my limit.."


"There's no barrier!! Wait a second!!"


The small girl stood in front of me and shielded me... 



"Black Explosion"



In an instant, everything in front of me was engulfed in darkness along with my consciousness...






"Kuro, Kuro!" 


I heard a faint voice of a woman...


"What are you doing!? Is this what you mean when you call me to clean up after you?" 


That's right, I was just... swallowed by something black...


"Yami collapsed too! What on earth happened here!?"


As consciousness gradually returned, Big sister was collapsed on the bed. There was a woman in a red suit next to her.


"Help Big sister..."


I asked the red woman for help. She heard my voice and quickly came to my side.


"Are you okay!? What happened here!?"


"I'm fine... please help the big sister on the bed..."


"What's your relationship with that woman?"


"I'm Big sister's disciple... my name is... Yuya."


"...You're Yuya?"


The red woman seemed to know of my existence. She cut the zip ties on my legs.


"We need to get out of here first, can you stand?"


"I'll manage...somehow..."


"I'll leave Yami to you, Yuya."


I looked at the black cat that had fallen at my feet, cradled the cat's body, and the red woman carried Big sister on her back as the two of us left the abandoned building.


Looking at the boss collapsed next to the bed, as I left the boss's room, I saw several men lying on the ground. I saw others falling down as I descended the stairs.




When I reached the second floor, Alex was also lying there. What was that black wave-like thing that released from Big sister? The black impulse in my body is also... normally it would be impossible to tear off the zip ties on my own. But I just did it... I had been thinking about it all the way home.


The red woman and I returned to the black building, and I left Yami on the sofa in the living room while the red woman went into the bathroom to clean up for Big sister.


"I can't believe we can come back here again... Is Big sister okay?" 


After the red woman had cleaned up Big sister and laid her on the bed in the bedroom, she came into the living room. The red woman sat on the sofa, crossing her long legs.


"First, let me introduce myself. I am the director of the Imperial Detective Agency, Sumeragi Akane - The Red Witch. I'm a colleague of Kuro... Saeko. Now, Yuya, please explain what happened at that abandoned building." (TL/N: Sumeragi  also mean Emperor/Imperial. Her name in japanese: 皇すめらぎ 朱音)


The Red Witch, Sumeragi, had her long red hair pinned up in a chignon and her eyes were red. She was wearing an all-red suit with a red mini skirt, resembling a red version of Big sister.


After explaining the events at the abandoned building to Sumeragi, I asked about Big sister's condition.


"Is Big sister okay? She still hasn't regained consciousness."


"Kuro is fine. Witches aren't easily broken. But, I want to cut to the chase. Yuya, you need to say goodbye to Kuro."




Big sister went through all that to rescue me. How could I suddenly part ways with her?


"Witches are too heavy a burden for you, Yuya. How did Kuro explain the concept of witches to you?"


"She said they were women who could use magic, among other things."


"...A typical Kuro response. There are things I want to ask you too. In order to get to the truth, the ceremony is the most appropriate."




"Before the ceremony, let's check the thread of the link between Kuro and Yuya."


Sumeragi raised her left hand, and the red gem on her ring glowed. I could see a black thread extending from my heart to Big sister's bedroom.


"The color is so dark already!? Yuya, did you sleep with Kuro!?"


"Sleep with? What do you mean?"


Well, we did sleep in the same bed every day.


"I mean, did you have sex?"


"No! We just slept together every night. Big sister always held me from behind as we slept..."


"You idiot Kuro! Did you really want a disciple that badly?"

I can't understand a thing the Sumeragi is saying.


"...Listen, Yuya. When a witch's apprentice makes a contract with a witch, a link is formed between the two. When I pour magic into the ring and the red gem glows, that black thread you saw is the link between the apprentice and the witch. The color darkens over time, and usually after two weeks, the contract cannot be undone. That's when the contract is truly established. At this rate... it's probably going to be finalized within 3 days. There's no turning back after that."


This is what happened to the black ball that entered my body when I burned the contract.


"The thread of the link connects the two hearts. The reason why Kuro sleeps embracing you is to darken the color of the thread faster. That stance is when the two hearts are closest."


That's so like big sister, to do something like this.


"But, there's still time. Yuya, part ways with Kuro, and break the relationship between master and apprentice. The relationship between a witch and apprentice is not so light, especially with the Black Witch."


"What do you mean...?"


Isn't big sister just a witch detective?


"I'll explain it to you later. You must have had some experiences with Kuro as well. Stand directly in front of me."


I listened to what the Sumeragi said and moved in front of him.


"I'll tell you one thing before we start. The Black Witch is dangerous, in many ways."


After speaking, the Sumeragi kissed the ring on her left ring finger.

"In the name of the Sumeragi, I, the Red Witch, shall now proceed with questioning the witch!"



And so, the question-and-answer session between me and the Red Witch began.



This long day is not over yet...