Ch 1: Dreams Becomming Reality
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“WHO ARE YOU? AND WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?” Daniel screamed at the mysterious figure who stood in the middle of the empty broken-down throne room. The figure was dressed in a strange purple robe that concealed his face. The robe was adorned with intricate gold lining. The only discernible detail was two eerie purple glowing orbs from where the face of the figure would be.

“Zar'gul, nefar'tak an'gulor expur'fel, baelor'zoth herex sol'gur shal'kor.” the stranger persisted, the words echoing relentlessly in Daniel’s mind.

Daniel fixed his gaze on the mysterious figure and cried out, “YES, YES, YES I GET IT! BUT WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? WHO ARE YOU, AND WHY HAVE YOU BEEN PESTERING ME FOR THE PAST THREE MONTHS?”

The stranger remained unfazed by Daniel's barrage, his gaze locked onto the ring that hung from Daniel's neck. He pointed at it with determination, still repeating the cryptic sentence.

Daniel grabbed the ring, clutching it tightly in his trembling fist, and shouted at the figure, “The ring? Is that what you want? You can’t have it! It’s one of the only things my parents left me!” For a moment, the stranger's eyes, still concealed by the hood of his robe, seemed to brighten, as if he understood Daniel's words.

Despite Daniel’s protest, the entity persisted, pointing at the ring while repeating the sentence incessantly. Suddenly, an enormous presence appeared outside the throne room. Daniel could see a giant red eye peering in through a hole in the roof. The entity abruptly looked up, releasing an even more terrifying presence that made Daniel who was already shaking fall to his knees. The outside presence screeched loudly before disappearing instantly. 

As Daniel struggled to regain his composure, he watched in surprise as the entity before him emitted a dense purple mist, shrouding itself entirely. This unexpected event left Daniel even more baffled since none of these things had happened in his dreams before, normally the entity just kept repeating the same sentence over and over again until Daniel woke up.

Suddenly the entity vanished from Daniel's sight. Before he could figure out what had happened, the figure reappeared right in front of Daniel, this time holding a book in his hands. Daniel couldn't help but notice the figure's hands and nails, which were previously concealed by the robe. Its hand was black in the night sky as were the nails but its skin was adorned with strange purple lines running across it. The lines looked similar to scribbles of a language he had never seen before

 Daniel then glanced at the book the entity was presenting. The symbol on the cover of the book matched the one that was engraved on the inside of his family's ring.

The stranger spoke up after staring at Daniel, "Hic liber te ducet. Oportet te discedere nunc."

As the strange entity finished his sentence, Daniel could hear a familiar voice inside his head pulling him out of the dream and back into reality.


The classroom was silent with anticipation as the Professor’s gaze was fixed upon the sleeping brown-haired boy. The professor's voice echoed through the classroom as he addressed his sleeping student. “And Daniel, what do we think we're doing in my lecture?” he asked with an irritated tone.

Suddenly jolted awake, Daniel sat upright in his seat. He quickly adjusted his posture, rubbing his sleep-deprived eyes. “I am sorry, Professor,” he muttered, his voice slightly groggy. “Didn't mean to doze off. I stayed up too late worrying about the awakening ceremony.” As he spoke, the intense stare from the red eyes of the professor sent shivers down his spine.


The professor's expression softened slightly as the young man voiced his worries, “Daniel,” he replied, “albeit understandable there's no need to worry about the awakening. The Unseen will bestow you a class that truly aligns with your essence and soul. It may not be the class you wish for, but do not let it be the end of your path. Remember, you have the power to shape your destiny. This applies to everyone here!” the professor continued while rising from his seat.

“Allow me to share a prime example with all of you, the head of this very academy did not receive a magic-related class during his awakening. But through the trials and tribulations, he went he eventually became one of the strongest magicians in the Thaetan kingdom! Let his journey serve as inspiration to all of you.” The professor followed up while removing a few strands of his long black hair from the front of his glasses. “And now let us continue the lecture” 


As Daniel opened his study book on the related subject, he heard the professor continue. “ Oh and Daniel I'd like a quick word with you after this class, can you swing by my office?” As Shadewood finished this sentence he looked at the whole classroom

“But let us continue where we left off now. Why is the magic that you learn through your research and practice without them being bestowed upon you by the “system” as some of you call it, almost always stronger than the magic you receive from completing feats, levelling up and class advancements at the same level?” Shadewood continued the lecture.

As Daniel navigated to the right page of his textbook he could hear his friend Alex whisper “Why do you fall asleep in Shadewood’s class out of all of them? you truly know no fear, remember when he made me write 200 pages on why a student shouldn't be late for his class? I was only 2 minutes late!” 

Daniel chuckled at the memory of the blood-drained face Alex had when he heard the punishment “Shadewood’s class is just... incredibly sleep-inducing,” Daniel replied, his grin fading as he glanced back at the professor, who was busy writing on the board. “The guy practically breathes magic, and he expects us to do the same. Plus, I had to finish all the homework I hadn't yet turned in, which kept me in the library half of the night.”

Alex's expression shifted from amusement to concern. “Homework? Mate, we're graduating from this school in two days, and the academy you'll join after awakening doesn't even care about your late homework in the pre-awakening school anyway.”

“Yeah, I get it,” Daniel said, a hint of frustration in his voice. “But I want to end this chapter on the right foot, you know? Plus, Shadewood and some other Professors primarily teach at the Astral Academy and do these classes voluntarily so I don't want to leave any negative impressions if I get them as a professor if I can attend the academy”

"You’re lucky that you’ve been trained since when you were a baby on how to handle a sword, I on the other hand have not, I don’t have that much talent in either understanding magic or handling any type of arms" Daniel followed up. 

“Look, I'd love for us to have a cup of tea and have a chat right now, but we’re in a lecture. Unless you’d like to join me visiting Shadewood at the end of the day, guessing by your expression I'll take that as a no” continued Daniel jokingly while staring at the horror on Alex’s face.

“Well, anyone? Daniel, Do you happen to know it since you seem engrossed in a discussion about it with Alexander?” Daniel looked bewildered as he turned his head to the professor and took a short moment before replying  “S-s-skills a person receives through their effort, practice and study will generally be stronger because they will have a deeper fundamental understanding of said magic” Daniel stammered through the answer. Shadewood's eyes were briefly filled with amazement but he quickly changed his expression back to his usual stern look.

“That's a respectable answer, Daniel. However, it’s not just about understanding,” he began.

“The way your mana pathways are familiar with the mana from skills of the unseen, and the skills you achieve through hard work are different.”

“When you repeatedly channel magic, your mana pathways adapt. They become accustomed to the flow of mana, like a river carving its course through stone. Each spell, each incantation, etches its mark upon those pathways, shaping them to its will. This familiarity is not just about comprehension; it's about integration, about becoming one with the magic you wield.”

“The skills of the unseen are a part of you from the moment you draw breath they grand them. But your mana pathways are not accustomed to the flow of the mana, this, in turn, will result in a longer casting time and a less effective spell in the beginning” 

“But the skills achieved through hard work make your mana pathways more refined and strengthened. This is something they will also do with the skills granted by the Unseen, but that process will take longer since you’re relying on the system and not solely on your own skill.”

“So remember, everyone, it’s not just about the spells you know, but how intimately your mana pathways embrace them. Through practice and dedication, you shape your magic, and in turn, it shapes you. That is the essence of true mastery.”
As Daniel listened to Shadewood's explanation, he felt a burning sensation on his back. When he turned around, he realised it was the stare of his “stepbrother,” Mark. Daniel turned around ignoring the stare and continued writing in his notebook.

As the class neared its end, Professor Shadewood concluded his lecture. “Since this will be our last lecture together in this school, I have a small gift for each of you.” As he spoke he lifted his right arm in front of his body and small containers adorned with a red gift tie flew from a portal that opened in front of the professor's hand and flew to every desk.

Daniel glanced at the desks around him, seeing his classmates opening the gifts the moment they landed on their desks, the gifts the students received seemed perfectly suited to their interests and aspirations. The girl who sat a couple of seats to his left received a magical pen that never ran out of ink she was a passionate writer in her free time and even got a book submitted to the academy library, and another bot who’s from a family of renowned beast tamers received a book about advanced techniques in taming.

He heard Alex burst into laughter as he opened his gift. Inside the gift box lay a pair of gloves. The enclosed note explained, “These gloves are made with the hide of a shadow panther. They will aid in reducing impacts while still being flexible” 

However, to Daniel's surprise, there was no gift on his desk. He looked around, bewildered, as his classmates excitedly examined their presents. Professor Shadewood noticed Daniel's confusion and walked over to him.

“Daniel, you will receive your gift when you come to my office after this lecture, so be sure to stop by” Shadewood stated as he continued walking down to each desk, addressing any questions students had about their gifts.

Once everyone had finished unpacking their presents, Shadewood instructed the students to clean the classroom and left for his office.


Before Daniel could knock on the door, he heard Shadewood's voice. “Come in, Daniel.”

The professor who sat on the couch in the middle of his office looked up from his papers, his piercing gaze locking onto Daniel's eyes. “Please take a seat, Daniel” while pointing to the couch on the opposite side.

“I hold you to high standards, Daniel. Your comprehension of magic theory is truly exceptional. However, your repeated instances of falling asleep in my class are cause for concern.” While speaking, the papers Shadewood held magically flew to his desk. With a flick of his finger, a tea set appeared on the table that sat between the two couches

The professor asked, gesturing towards the table where a tea set had magically appeared. “Would you like a cup?”

Daniel nodded and the professor quickly poured the steaming liquid into two cups, the aroma of herbs and spices filling the office air.

As the professor finished pouring the tea and leaned back into the couch his expression turned more serious. “I must say, Daniel, you've surprised a few professors and me with your quick uptake on the material we teach. Especially since you don't come from a family of mages like some of your peers here.”

Daniel's cheeks flushed with a mixture of pride and embarrassment at the unexpected praise. “Thank you, Professor. I... I do try my best.”

The professor nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. “I can see that. But,” he continued, his tone turning more serious, “your recent habit of dozing off in class... it's concerning me and a few other members of the staff here.”

Daniel's expression shifted to one of contrition. “I know, Professor. I've just been... stressed about the awakening”

Shadewood studied him for a moment, his gaze piercing yet understanding. “Is that everything Daniel? You know you can talk to me if something else is on your mind.”  after taking a sip of his tea the professor started smiling 
“The awakening is a stressful event I remember how stressed I was when mine was about to take place”  he continued with a chuckle “Ahh the memories, don’t worry too much about it Daniel. In the end, it is the person who forges his destiny and not the gods or even the Unseen.”

The professor smiled while reminiscing about the past, finishing his cup and pouring another. “But are you sure that’s the only thing that’s bothering you, Daniel?” 

Daniel's heart skipped a beat and he took a deep breath to gather the courage to tell the professor about his situation. " I've been having these  strange dreams with a figure in it.” While describing the weird dreams Daniel pulled out the ring that was attached to the necklace he was wearing from underneath his shirt and laid it down on the table to show Shadewood the ring.

Professor Shadewood's eyes were filled with curiosity as he glanced at the ring on the table. After a few seconds, he looked up at Daniel and began, “Daniel, weird dreams can also be caused by stress, but I don't see you as the person to suffer from this. Some people believe that dreams can predict the future, while others think they connect us to different planes of existence. Then some in the east of the continent suggest that dreams may be tied to our past lives or the spirits of our ancestors.”

While speaking, Shadewood stood up and retrieved a book from the bookcase next to the window. He continued, “The field of dreams and magic is not something I am too familiar with, but some mages and powerful entities manipulate people's dreams for various purposes. One of these entities may be invading your dreams concerning the ring.” As shadewood turned around he asked Daniel “Has this entity ever threatened you or induced fear in your dreams? And how frequently have these occurrences taken place?”

As Shadewood sat back in his chair he took out a piece of paper and a quill Daniel replied “It hasn't yet, but in the last dream I had the entity suddenly disappeared for a moment and came back with a book” while Daniel was answering the questions he noticed that shadewoods quill was writing on the paper while shadewood was reading the book. “The dreams have been occurring more often lately than when they started three months ago, it started just once a week and now I have these dreams every other day.” he continued while waiting for Shadewood to finish what he was doing. 

While Shadewood closed the book the quill stopped writing and flew to its holder on the desk, then suddenly the paper started glowing with a bright light and disappeared from sight. “There’s not much I can do for you regarding the dreams,” Shadewood admitted, “but I'll ask a friend of mine who's a skilled animancer or soul mage as some call it with expertise in spirit-magic who might be of help.”

As Shadewood spoke, a blue letter suddenly materialised with a bright flash from the ceiling, gently falling as snowflakes followed its descent.

“But what I can do for you right now, is study the inscriptions on the ring and check your body to see for any signs that someone has been using spells on you.” Shadewood put the letter away in the pocket of his coat and instructed Daniel to sit down on the ground in a lotus position, after Daniel sat down Shadewood put his hand on his back and began guiding his mana through Daniel's body.

After a short moment, Shadewood began mumbling “Hmm strange I don’t detect any foreign mana from your body, but that doesn't mean there are no outside influences that affect your dreams, some other energies such as Ki, divine energy or even mystic energy that shamans in the east use could affect your dreams. But I couldn't detect any of that, but let's continue and let me copy the symbols that are on the ring so I can study them” 

As they sat back down on the couches, Shadewood flicked his finger, and a stack of paper and a pen appeared on the table between them. He began to copy the symbols, explaining how they were reminiscent of ancient runes he had studied before.

As Shadewood delved into the topic of ancient runes, Daniel reminisced about the lectures from their first year at the pre-awakening academy. Those sessions had been packed with information about the most commonly used runes, their applications, and the art of crafting these intricate symbols using mana-filled ink.

Daniel's gaze drifted to the wall on the left side of the desk, adorned with numerous awards Shadewood had received from the Theathen Magic Society for his studies of ancient languages and runes, as well as his contributions to their advancement and use throughout the Theathen kingdom.

A classmate had once told Daniel and his friends about Shadewood's apparent reputation as one of the most knowledgeable people about runes, symbols, and ancient languages throughout the entire Veridian continent. So much so that he even received invitations from the Qerith Empire. 

“I appreciate your help professor, is there anything I can do?” Daniel asked with a smile on his face 

“Your willingness to assist is appreciated, Daniel. But for now, I believe we have done everything we can for now” Professor Shadewood acknowledged. “Come back in a few days after your awakening to see if I have found anything. If I require any additional information or if something else comes up, I won't hesitate to reach out via a letter that will be sent to your dorm room. If I recall correctly, you're staying in the Blue Moon Dorm? Could you please write down your room number on this piece of paper?” The professor asked while pointing to the paper and pen that lay on the table.

Daniel nodded and took a moment to jot down his dorm room number on the piece of paper provided by Professor Shadewood.

“In the meantime, if you experience any further developments in your dreams or if anything else comes to your attention, do not hesitate to inform me. If you can't find me in this office just approach one of the teaching assistants and they will inform me.” Professor Shadewood said with a glint in his eyes.

Daniel nodded and made an effort to stand up and say his goodbyes. As he began to rise he could hear the bell ringing indicating that his next class was about to start.

However, before he could take more than a step towards the door, Shadewood's voice stopped him. Daniel turned to see Shadewood holding two decorated gift boxes, similar to the ones his classmates had received earlier.

“Ah, Daniel, I almost forgot,” Shadewood said, a warm smile playing on his lips. “Here is your gift.” With a graceful motion, he handed one of the gift boxes over to Daniel. “And this one is for Lucia since she didn't attend the lecture today. Could you hand it over to her?”

Daniel accepted both gifts and put them in his bag. He swiftly left the office, expressing his gratitude once more before closing the door and he headed to the exercise field for his sword handling class.


As Daniel entered the exercise field, he noticed that Instructor Braier hadn't arrived yet. He looked for where his friends were and found them relaxing in the shade by a tree. As Daniel walked over and waved to his blonde-haired friend, he asked her, “Hey Lucia, where were you during Shadewood's lecture? he asked me to deliver your gift” interrupting Alex and Lucia's conversation.

Lucia looked at Daniel with a puzzled expression.“Oh, you know, here and there,” replied Lucia dismissively. “But thank you for bringing my gift, Daniel. What did Professor Shadewood give me?”

Daniel handed Lucia the gift box, a small but elegantly wrapped package. “I don't know I haven't even opened mine yet. But here and there huh… you overslept again didn't you.”

Lucia started smiling and shook her head “Me? Oversleeping? Never~~”

“Yeah sure… so you never made us two wait for 2 hours to go to the libra- Ouch!” allex followed up but before he could finish his sentence Lucia punched him in his shoulder

“Shh okay maybe I overslept but that's not what is important right now, let me open the gift” she said while pulling the red gift tie and opening the gift.  Inside, she found a book with the title “Basics of Runic Accessories Crafting.” Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she traced her fingers over the elegant script on the cover. “This is perfect! I've always wanted to learn more about crafting magical artefacts.”

As their conversation continued, the focus shifted to the upcoming awakening ceremony.

“Anyway, since the awakening ceremony is in two days, have you guys thought about what classes you hope to receive at the ceremony?” asked Lucia.

“I'm confident I'll land either a sword-fighter-related class or a squire-related one, but I wouldn't mind Shieldbearer,” Alex replied with a smile. “Considering how much time I have dedicated to the sword makes me hopeful that I won't get a magic-related class. I've even received two levels in sword handling already.” Receiving proficiency levels before awakening was something rare and hardly seen unless the person was from a knight lineage and truly dedicated. Even then, receiving just one level was a rare feat.

“What about you, Daniel?” Alex asked while giving Daniel's shoulder a friendly pat.

“I'm not sure if I would love a magic-related class, like Mana Scribe or Enchantment Apprentice for example, or a crafting-related class since I like woodcarving in my free time. but since my innate mana isn't that big I'm not too sure if I’ll receive one and even if I do receive one my mana might be limiting me. But as long as it offers a way to make a living and isn't dangerous, and isn’t something as lame as farmer or baker I'm happy,” Daniel responded to his burly friend's question. 

“What about you, Lucia? Are you hoping for a merchant-related class to follow in your family's footsteps?”

Lucia looked at both her friends with a serious look. “The truth is, I've always had this strong interest in crafting items, particularly enchanted and runic ones. However, I haven't discussed it with my dad, especially after the loss of my older brother. He has high hopes for me to succeed him as the family head.”

Lucia's revelation hung in the air for a moment as Daniel and Alex exchanged understanding glances. They both knew how significant her family's expectations were since it was one of the top five merchant companies in the kingdom.

Daniel was the first to speak up “Lucia, no matter the path you take you shall always have the support of Alex and me. Your family will eventually understand, I'm sure of it even though I haven't grown up in a family. They'll be proud of you, no matter what. Besides, don't you have a younger brother whose awakening is just a few years away? From what you’ve told me before, he seems very interested in following your family's tradition so, wouldn't he be a better candidate?”

As he spoke, Daniel recalled how they often had talked about their shared passion for crafting. He'd even acquired the “Nimble Fingers” trait, a detail that had made Lucia slightly jealous at the time but it didn't take long before she also received the trait.

Lucia appreciated her friend's support while leaning against a training dummy “You guys are right,” she admitted with a grateful smile. “I should follow my own path. I'll talk to my dad about it if I awaken a crafting or magic class and see what he thinks. As for my younger brother, you're correct, he is interested in our family's business but, sadly he isn't as talented as my dad would like him to be and his lax personality also causes concern among our family elders. But with the right mentor, he would be great”

As Lucia continued to speak, the sound of heavy boots echoed across the exercise field as Instructor Braier a seasoned warrior whose short silver hair and pointed ears bespoke his half-elf lineage. Known far and wide for his no-nonsense teaching style, stepped onto the field and addressed the group with a loud voice, “Good afternoon, students! This will be the last training session while in the pre-wakening academy. If you enrol in the Astral Knight Academy I will be your  head instructor, Now let’s get moving people!”

The class began with basic warm-up exercises, stretching and body weight exercises to prepare their bodies for the physical training ahead. Daniel, Alex, and Lucia joined their fellow students, and soon the entire class was engaged in a series of drills designed to improve their strength and agility.

Under the watchful eye of Instructor Braier, they practised sword strikes, parries, and defensive manoeuvres. The sun continued its ascent, and the exercise field buzzed with activity. 

While practising his sword strikes Daniel listened carefully to Instructor Braier's instructions and applied the tips the half-elf gave him and noticed his strickes landing more accurately and quickly.

As the training session progressed, Instructor Braier, a seasoned warrior with pointed ears marking his half-elf heritage, approached the trio. His gaze settled on Alex, a glint of recognition in his eyes. “You,” he said while staring intensely at Alex “You've never mentioned that your dad is Samuel the Mountain Knight.”

Alex's face turned slightly pale at the question and took a moment before clearing his throat “Yes, my father is Samuel Thornbury.”

Instructor Braier raised an eyebrow, nodding in recognition with a slight smile on his face. “Ah, Samuel, a formidable knight and teacher,” he remarked. “Your dad took me under his wing when I just started as a squire for Duke Silverleaf. He even gave me this during a training session.” Braier pointed while smiling to the distinctive scar that ran across his face, narrowly missing his eye. 

“Your dad was a good commander. I still regret that I wasn't by his side when he had an unfortunate accident during the tournament. Please send him my regards. It's good to have the blood of such a formidable knight in our midst. Now, continue with the training,” he said as he moved on to observe other students.

Alex watched the instructor move to a different group with a slight smile on his face before he noticed Daniel staring at him. “Taking a break are we?” he quipped, a playful glint in his eye. “Back to practice, Dan. if you ever want to beat me in a duel. Can't improve by just staring, you know.”

As the training session neared its end, the students gathered in the centre of the training field at the instructor's command. They listened attentively as the instructor delivered the final instructions for the day.

“Since it's our last lesson together for this year, let's finish it up with a sparring session,” the instructor announced. “Everyone find a partner and get ready. Make sure you leave enough room for the others”

Before the instructor finished his sentence, Daniel and Alex already stood facing each other, awaiting the command to begin.

Daniel and Alex had sparred often during their stay at the academy. While Daniel had only won a couple of times, each victory was short-lived as he instantly lost the rematch. 

However, as they squared off for what they knew would be their final spar before awakening, the usual banter and friendly jabs were replaced by a focused intensity.

Their wooden practice swords clashed with a resounding thud as they exchanged blows. Sweat dripped from their brows, and their breaths came in ragged bursts. It was a fierce battle, both of them pushing their limits, striving to outdo each other.

With his sturdy build and rigorous training, Alex gained the upper hand after a few clashes. He deftly parried Daniel's strikes and countered with precision. It wasn't long before he disarmed his friend, sending Daniel's practice sword clattering to the ground, and Daniel following suit.

“Good match,” Alex said, extending a hand to help Daniel up.

Daniel accepted the hand with a nod and a smile, though he couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes. “You're improving a lot these days, Alex,”

“As have you. That underhand slash nearly got me”  Alex replied with a reassuring grin.

Alex gave Daniel an encouraging pat on the back and a warm smile. “Hey, you've been pushing me to get better, and I've had a head start with all the years of training. Don't let this get you down. Keep working hard, and if you ever want to spar or need some tips, just let me know. Might be able to teach you a thing or two in the future.” With those words, Alex headed back to the dorm, leaving Daniel behind at the field.

With their training concluded, the students began to disperse. Some headed to the bathhouse to wash off the sweat and dirt, while others gathered in groups to discuss their plans for the upcoming ceremony.

Daniel's eyes scanned the field, and he noticed Lucia resting against a tree, clearly tired from the training. He approached her with a friendly smile. “Hey, Luci,” he said as he sat beside her. “How did your sparring session go today?”

Lucia started sharing how her sparring session with a classmate had been going fine until her wooden training sword suddenly broke during the fight. Unfortunately, there weren't any spare swords available, so the instructor had her do push-ups for the rest of the session as a punishment for not taking care of her equipment properly.

“Hey, you know, I've been Alex's roommate for two years, and he's never mentioned his dad. Did you notice how awkward he got when Braier mentioned it?”

“Well, I don't know all the details,” Lucia replied to Daniel. She mentioned how, during winter break last year, she went back to her family's estate in the capital and met a few new guards who happened to previously served Duke Silverleaf. She recounted the story they told her of how Alex’s dad was a renowned knight in the kingdom a decade ago until he lost his arm during the royal tournament ten years ago.

“And ever since then, his dad became a bitter man and focused all his attention on training Alex’s older brother,” Lucia continued. “When I told the guards about Alex being my friend they were shocked since none of them knew that he had two sons” 

They continued their conversation for a bit until deciding to meet up at the dining hall later. As they parted ways, Daniel returned to his dorm room to scrub off the dirt and sweat he'd gathered during the class.


Upon entering his dorm room he could hear noise coming from the bathroom. Alex had already occupied it. Daniel decided to take a seat on the edge of his bed and take a moment to reflect on the day's events. He removed his practice sword from its scabbard and examined it closely; the polished wood was filled with dents and even a few tiny cracks that weren't there before the sparring session with Alex.

As he ran his fingers over the imperfection his mind filled with the thoughts of his strange dreams, the mysterious figure that haunted them. He asked himself if bringing the dreams up to Shadewood was the right decision. What if the professor thought he had lost his mind and kicked him out of the academy?

After a few moments, he put the sword down on his lap and reached for the ring hanging around his neck. The metal felt cool against his fingertips. he could feel his emotions calming down while he was holding the ring

Lost in his thoughts, Daniel hadn't noticed when Alex entered the room. His friend had finished his shower and was now wearing nothing but the towel around his waste. "Hey, Daniel, you okay?" Alex asked quietly so as not to scare Daniel who was lost in thought.

Daniel looked up, meeting Alex's eyes. He offered a small smile. “Yeah, just thinking about everything, you know? The ceremony and what lies ahead.” Then, he added with a playful grin, “And please, wear something other than a towel. Not everyone is pleased with a half-naked roommate all the time. Maybe when you enrol in the knight academy, you can sword fight with your roommate as much as you want, but sadly I'm not into that.” Daniel continued jokingly. 

He hadn't told his friend about the dreams, fearing he would see him as some sort of lunatic.

Alex chuckled and grabbed a pair of shorts from his drawer, putting them on with a grin. “Fair enough, my prude friend. Now, for your information, I have a date planned after dinner with, if I say so myself, a beautiful girl from our school.”

Daniel raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. “A date, huh? What lunatic would want to go on a date with you? Who is it?”

Alex winked playfully. “Well, a true gentleman doesn't kiss and tell. And what lady wouldn't want to date someone like me?”

Daniel couldn't help but smile at his friend's enthusiasm. “Alright, alright, I won't pry. Just remember, you've got to tell me all about it later.”

After they finished their conversation Daniel headed to the bathroom.

Daniel set foot into the hallway, he wasn’t accompanied by Alex since Daniel took too long with his shower and Alex complained and went ahead because he feared his favourite dish might be gone before he arrived. 

While walking down the hallway he ran into Mark, his Stepbrother. Daniel was not in the mood to deal with him. But before Daniel could try to ignore him and walk away, Mark threw a sucker punch. The punch landed squarely on Daniel's jaw, catching him completely off guard. Pain shot through him, and he stumbled to the ground.

“You leech!” Mark spat, his voice filled with venom. “You think an unwanted orphan who was dumped by his parents at our estate can just suck up my family's resources and get away with it?”

Daniel's head throbbed from the sudden blow, and he tasted blood in his mouth. It was no secret that Baron Brownstone, Mark’s father was financially supporting Daniel's education at the academy. but the truth was that Daniel had never asked for any of it. The Baron decided that Daniel was to receive a proper education.

Gasping for breath, Daniel managed to speak through the pain. “Your dad decided to put me in this school together with you. If you have such a problem with his decision you should take it up with him and not me.”

“You're a stain on my family's honour. An orphan should never have been allowed in an academy like this! When I take my father's position I will make sure that you’ll be paying us back all the money that has been wasted on a dirty mutt like you”

As Mark's rage continued to surge, he threw a few more punches at Daniel, who had curled up on the ground, trying to protect himself from the blows. A few students watched in shock as the brutal assault continued.

Finally, after a short while, Mark stopped and looked around at the students who had gathered in the hallway. He took a step back, and with a cruel smile, he glanced down at the battered Daniel, who was now bruised and bleeding. Before turning around, he spat on Daniel once more, calling him a leech before walking away.

After a few moments, Daniel slowly pushed himself up, his body aching from the relentless assault. He tasted the metallic taste of his blood in his mouth and felt the small stream of warm blood flowing from his nose. As he glanced down, he noticed his shirt was stained red, a stark contrast against the white fabric.

He went back to his dorm to wash the blood from his face and apply a healing scroll to remove the bruises he sustained.
The academy provides every week two minor heal wounds scrolls after sword handling so the students don't have to attend their classes all beat up. Fortunately, he had some spare since Alex never used them and preferred to endure the bruises he got from training he claimed it helped him stay sharp and not to make the same mistake twice.

After finishing freshening up and applying the healing spell Daniel made way to the dining hall


Daniel finished his dinner and returned to his room. During the meal, he joined Alex and Lucia at their usual spot in the bustling dining hall. They discussed plans for the upcoming break after the awakening. Lucia mentioned her trip to her family's merchant alliance branch in the city to gather materials for a project she was working on, while Alex talked about potential visits to his family's estate. After dinner, Lucia Asked if Dnaiel wanted to join her in the library since she wanted to research a certain alloy for her project but feeling DAniel offered to join her another time while Alex left right after finishing his food for his date. 

After sitting down at his desk he grabbed and held the knight piece he had carved out of silverwood it was part of the custom chess set he made two years ago when he first arrived at the academy. The soft glow of the desk lamp illuminated the room as he carefully moved the piece between his fingers, lost in thought. The faint sounds of the evening academy life seeped in through the partially open window.

Reflecting on the day's events, Daniel recalled the strange dream in class, the conversation with Shadewood, the altercation with Mark, the intense sparring session with Alex, and the dinner with his friends. After a few moments of contemplation, he grabbed a small mana stone and the dagger his family had left behind—the only possession he had related to his biological parents besides the ring.

Daniel took a long look at the dagger. Its blade was as dark as the night sky, adorned with intricate lines that glowed with a deep amethyst hue under the light of the desk lamp. The hilt, only bearing the same symbol that was on the ring, felt cold against his skin as he held it in his hands.

Yet, amidst the chill, he sensed an odd familiarity, as if the weapon was an extension of his body. The weight of it in his hands felt strangely natural. He carefully ran his fingers along the blade, tracing the intricate patterns. After a short while Daniel decided to do the status ritual. He needed to use the ritual and the mana stone since he didn’t have enough mana to check his status the regular way. 

Daniel made a tiny cut on his index finger and grabbed the small mana stone. As the crimson liquid met the manma stone, he recited the incantation for the status ritual The words resonated in the room. The mana stone began dissolving as the mana entered Daniel's body and once he finished casting a status screen appeared in front of him:
Name: Daniel von Mios

Class: None

Level: 0


Strength: 18 [+2!]
Dexterity: 24 [+3!]
Intelligence: 26 [1+!]
Constitution: 14 [+1!]
Mana: 5 [+1!] 


[Basic Reading Comprehension] Level 5 [+1]
[Writing] Level 5 [+1]
[Wood Carving] Level 2
[Basic Woodworking] Level 4


Low-Light Adaptation: (Level 1) NEW! 
Nimble Fingers: (Level 3)
Lesser Calm Mind: (Level 2)

?????: ?????

Daniel studied his status page, noticing the newly acquired trait: Low-Light Adaptation. It was a trait commonly found in individuals accustomed to working in dim environments, enhancing their visibility in low-light conditions. He realized he must have earned it through the countless nights spent carving and studying when he didn't want to sleep, fearing the recurring dream would appear again.

Those sleepless nights hadn't been in vain; they had granted him a helpful trait. He pondered the possibility of further enhancing it in the future maybe even evolving it into night vision, similar to the natural ability elves were born with.

His focus then shifted to the slight increase in his mana. Memories of his first-year lessons resurfaced, where the teachers spoke about how hard it was to enhance one's mana reserves before awakening. Mana rarely improved significantly without the aid of costly potions or the fortune of a rare bloodline. For someone without these advantages, seeing a mana stat above 4 before awakening was a rare occurrence. Unlike some of his peers, whose mana effortlessly grew due to their family lineage or privileged access to potent potions, every uptick in Daniel's mana was an unexpected stroke of luck.

Feeling the day's weight, he tidied his desk and dimmed the desklamp. Settling into bed, he tried to clear his mind. Gradually, he fell asleep.


Daniel's gaze drifted around the chamber before settling on the book and purple egg resting on the broken throne. “This is new,” he mumbled to himself. They had never appeared in his dreams before. 

As Daniel stared at the two objects, he noticed the symbols on the book were the same as those on his ring and dagger. After taking a moment to look around for the strange entity, but finding no sign of it, he tried to open the book, but it remained stubbornly shut. In frustration, he spotted a piece of what might have been a chandelier. 

Using it as a makeshift tool, he attempted to pry the book open. Just then, a noise behind him startled him.Turning around, he saw the hooded entity in the middle of the chamber, whispering incomprehensible words. Despite his fear, Daniel could swear he saw a bright smile beneath the hood. The entity then suddenly appeared standing right next to him, pointing at the book. Daniel turned back to look at the book, only to be met by a blinding flash.


“WHAT IN THORNAX’S NAME WAS THAT?” Alex screamed out the god of war’s name as he stood in the middle of the dorm room while covering his eyes.

Startled, Daniel shot upright in his bed with a racing heart. He Wondered a powerful beast broken through the magical barrier that surrounded the academy.

"What was that?” Alex's voice cracked with fear and confusion.

Daniel, equally bewildered, stood up and hurried to Alex's side, eyes scanning the room for any signs of danger. “What happened?”

"I just got back from my date, and as I was changing into my pyjamas a bright flash came from your side of the room," Alex quickly replied.

As he scanned the room, Daniel's eyes fell on his bed. “What the?” he mumbled. To his shock, the very objects from his dream now rested there; the mysterious book and the purple egg.