Chapter Seventeen
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Chapter Seventeen


One Year Later...

I finished stacking up a pile of frozen corpses when I smelled it. I turned to look down the tunnel and automatically shifted into the size of a normal wolf. Stalking towards the slope, I could see my breath in the cold air, but as I moved downwards, it grew warmer. The walls slowly became a uniform gray, and the strange scent became stronger. It was a mix between the stench of a cow and a human.


As I reached a large chamber, I saw the source - a minotaur clad in silvery enchanted armor, wielding a giant ax. A harsh voice broke the silence. “Hello, young Fenrir,” the minotaur said. “I have been waiting for one like you.” Cocking my head in confusion, I asked, “How do you know what I am?”


The minotaur replied, “I have waited a long time for a worthy battle. Anyone powerful enough can sense the presence of a True Fenrir.” He then sighed, “Maybe the world will have a worthy guardian again if you can defeat him.”


Smoke filled the cave, disorienting me. I summoned wind to clear it, but the minotaur dashed past me, slicing his ax along my side. Growling, I healed as I cleared the smoke. The minotaur appeared beside me in a flash, swinging his ax towards my head. I rolled out of the way and lunged forward, biting into his forearm. He bellowed in pain and tossed me away.


Circling around him, I imbued myself with lightning, looking for an opening. “Ah, you are the storm wolf, yes? Fitting for one like you. Chaotic,” the minotaur taunted as he charged towards me, shaking the earth with each step. I seized control and turned the ground to sand, surprising him.


Laughing, he acknowledged, “Yes, you will be worthy of the title. None have managed to overpower my control before.” Hardening the ground around me, I prepared to slash open his throat with a paw. “I see now. She gave you a blessing. You are worthy. Aftó ítan éna áxio kynígi,” he spoke in his native tongue.


Knowing the proper response instinctively, I said, “Kai ísoun áxia leía. Na koimitheís stin pétra aiónia.” The minotaurs’ traditions were extremely respectful to all, especially a worthy hunt. I slashed open his throat and the blood splattered everywhere. As his last breath left his body, I carefully broke off one of his horns and put it into my [Spatial Storage] as a reminder of the hunt.


You have killed [Grade C Minotaur Of The Eternal Hunt]. 

Would you like to evolve?


I carefully inspected the stone room I was in. Finding no threats, I returned to the center. Yes. In the darkness, there was only a single light. 


True Primordial Astral Draconic Fenrir: 

With the fluid grace of a wolf and the unyielding strength of a dragon, a True Primordial Astral Draconic Fenrir is a formidable force to be reckoned with. Its speed and agility rival that of the swiftest of predators, while its impenetrable scales and unwavering stamina make it nearly invulnerable in battle.

But it is not just its physical prowess that sets this creature apart. With an innate mastery over the elements, a True Primordial Astral Draconic Fenrir can summon storms, manipulate fire, and control the very forces of nature at will. It is a being of primal power, a creature of unbridled ferocity and untamed beauty.

To face a True Primordial Astral Draconic Fenrir is to face the very essence of chaos and creation, a creature born from the depths of time itself. Only the bravest and most skilled warriors dare to challenge its might, for to do so is to confront a being of unimaginable power.