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Welp, here we go again with a brand new fic, and one where I haven’t even finished one of the stories yet (man, the parahumans series is so long.) But, I just couldn’t get this idea out of my head, so I decided to just go for it! So, I apologize in the future when I inevitably get something wrong, I just hope I can write around that. 

But enough of my blabbering! On to the story!

I don’t own Worm, Avatar The Last Airbender or The Legend of Korra, please support all official releases.

Taylor’s POV

“Emma! Sophia! Madison! Let me out of here! This isn’t funny!” I scream from inside my locker, banging on the metal door.

All I got in response was a round of cackling from the three mentioned and what sounded like quite a few others. So, it wasn’t just them that planned this, but a greater effort from those around the school. I believe it as well, especially with the contents of my locker.

Oh god, my locker. Whenever I was bullied, I always thought that the three of them and a few others always had malicious intent. How could I not? Especially when Sophia would shoulder check me down the stairs, Madison would trip me any chance she got, and Emma would emotionally manipulate me with with secrets I would tell her when we were best friends. It was awful, and there wasn’t a shadow of a doubt in my mind that they hated me, but I didn’t think they despised me this much.

The locker was filled with used tampons and pads from whatever Merchant or ABB whores they got them from, along with what I was sure a few STD’s that was on them. But that wasn’t all that was in here.

It was also filled with piss, shit and along with diarrhea and vomit. And to add the cherry on top of this fucked up cake, there were shards of broken glass that was mixed in between everything that was piercing into my skin, letting the contents of all previous mentioned things enter my body.

Before I even approached my locker I could already smell something rancid coming from it. At first, I thought the bitch trio left something like a decomposed rat in here. I wanted to just turn back and run home and just cry myself to sleep, but I persisted. I wanted to show them up and let them see that I wasn’t effected by this.

So imagine my surprise when I saw this instead. That brown stuff (which now I’m one hundred percent sure is liquid shit) that was leaking from my locker should have gave me enough warning, but like a dumbass, I chose to ignore it.

Just as my stomach was emptied of the contents of my stomach, I was shoved in here, having my vomit splash against the back wall of the locker and come back on me, covering myself in my own vomit. After that, the door was shut and it got dark real fast.

Which led me back to here, screaming my voice hoarse and slamming my fist against the locker, but it was useless. I just wasn’t strong enough to break out.

I was at the point of pleading for them to release me, but all I got was laughs that were increasingly getting further away.

I’ve basically accepted that my fellow students wouldn’t let me out, but what about the falculuty? Where were they? Why weren’t they helping me?!

I was starting to panic even more as I continued beating on the locker, my breaths getting more and more labored. There wasn’t enough oxygen. The smell was horrendous and the feeling of everything touching my skin just made me throw up even more till I was dry heaving.

This was it. I was going to die here.

That line of thinking did me no favors for my head, but I just couldn’t break the train of thought. Not here, not in my situation.

I kept pounding on the door as I started getting more lightheaded, the only reason for me not passing out is the shards of glass in my skin and adrenaline coursing through me, though they were quickly falling.

All I could think about was me dying here. About getting god knows what kind of disease and infections if I somehow got out. About the absolute misery I would go through.

But that wasn’t all I could think about, as, despite all that’s happening in the moment, my thoughts were mostly on Dad... and Mom.

Two things happened at that moment. The first was the sound of someone running through one of the doors to the school that just so happened to be close by to my locker, followed by the sound of a familiar voice demanding their surrender.

The second thing though was much more prominent.

Memories. Memories that were and weren’t mine. Memories of me creating hurricane force winds, of me splitting off a chunk of land from a continent and making an island, memories of me riding a wave that stretched hundreds if not thousands of feet into the air and me controlling a doomsdays worth of fire.

Thousands of lives flashed before me in an instant, eyes glowing white. Behind these people was a... great spirit for lack of a better word, yet it seemed appropriate. It- no she, stood there in all her glory, staring down at me.

Power surged within me, and just like that, my vision went black.

Victoria Dallon’s (Glory Girl) POV

To say I was having a bad day was an understatement. It wasn’t terrible, by any stretch, but it still wasn’t a good day.

It first started when I was eating breakfast and Mom berating me on being too rough on one of the E88 grunts. The bastard deserved it, especially when he was going to try and stab that black girl. She calmed down a little after that, but she still wasn’t happy about me breaking both the guy's arms and a leg, so I wasn’t allowed to go to the mall for a week. It wasn’t entirely my fault that when I shoulder checked him that he landed on his other arm and right leg the wrong way!

Annoyed, I flew off with Amy to school, fully intent on enjoying the rest of the day and to have fun with Dean.

I might have had a good day at school if I hadn’t gotten into an argument with him there; away from prying ears of course.

Apparently he suspected me of cheating on him with a few other guys that I hung out with yesterday after beating that E88 grunt, or I at least thought about it.

To say I blew up at him didn’t properly describe the verbal lashing I gave him. I pointed out multiple times of him sneaking not so subtle glances at other girls, and multiple other things as well.

I left school right after that, though not before breaking up with Dean for who knows how many times now. Seriously, for an empath he sure as hell sucks at reading people!

I knew Mom would get mad at me leaving just like that, and it wasn’t for an emergency. I know I was more than likely going to get grounded for real, but I didn’t care at the moment. My mood was already sour when I got to school, and Dean definitely didn’t make it better.

Deciding to patrol to get my mind off things, I ventured off my normal route and headed in the direction of Winslow. Most of the criminals weren’t smart, but even the dumbest of them were starting to wise up to my regular patrol routes and have started avoiding me.

Plus, as far as I knew, Winslow wasn’t patrolled all that often. I think Shadow Stalker patrols around here sometimes? I don’t remember, but I know she’s in school right now anyways, so I’m sure she wouldn’t mind me flying over her route.

Already, I stopped a couple of muggings and a potential break in. I noticed that most of the criminals were pretty young, around my age if not a bit older. Doesn’t this place have a truancy officer? Oh, who am I kidding. This is Winslow’s school district, the worst school in the city if not the state.

Having thoroughly blown off some steam, I was just about to turn back and head to Arcadia to try and salvage the rest of my day when I saw a Hispanic man draw a gun on a white woman.

The girl was obviously terrified, and from the jerks from the guy and the wild look in his eyes, I suspected he was on some sort of drug.

I flew down towards them and let my aura loose to try and end this quickly, but that of course didn’t go well.

Unlike a good majority of other unpowered people who would freeze and surrender right after being hit with my aura, this guy just happened to be in the minority where his fight instincts kicked in; the drugs in his system only furthering that.

He quickly reached forward to seize the woman as some sort of human shield, but I jumped in to stop that.

I succeeded, having pushed the woman behind me and shoved the man to the ground and crushed his gun in my grip, but not before receiving a bullet to the face.

My shield protected me, but it gave out to the bullet and disoriented me for a second, giving the guy a chance to get up and run.

My shield was back up and running not long after as I made sure that the woman wasn’t injured in any kind of way, before rising into the air and taking off.

The guy was faster than expected as by the time I was halfway down the sidewalk, he was already rounding the corner. Cursing to myself, I sped up and rounded the corner to see the guy running towards Winslow of all places. When did I get this close to here?

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I rushed after him all the while demanding his surrender.

He ran straight through a pair of doors. Why weren’t they locked during school hours? I have no idea, but I’m pretty sure that violated a few laws.

Regardless, I still had to stop the guy as he now was a danger to the students and could potentially injure a lot of people.

Just as I grabbed the guy, there was a shrill scream of frustration and desperation. At first, I thought the guy had done something to a student and I was about to knock the guys fucking lights out, consequences be damned.

But that wasn’t the case, as a locker popped open and out came a girl that looked slightly younger than me, but that wasn’t what I was mainly focused on. It was her appearance.




That was all I could think about as I looked at the girl and the state she was in. She looked to be covered in used pads and tampons, vomit and god knows what human excrement, and she was bleeding from all over her body from what looked like glass that was imbedded in her, letting all the stuff that was covering her body go inside her blood. She looked horrendous.

My breath hitched as her head turned my way, her mouth both in a state of anger and agony, but what drew my attention more and what made my heart sink was that her eyes were glowing white.

She triggered. Someone or, more than likely, multiple people caused it.

I know I’ll get in trouble for it, but I threw the guy to the wayside as he slammed against the lockers and indented them, but I accomplished my goal of knocking him out.

I spoke, “Hey! Hey, calm down. I’m Glory Girl and I’m here to help. Just settle down and I’ll take you to my sister to be healed.”

I was projecting my aura to be as calm as possible as I looked at the girl, and it seemed to be working. Lowering myself to seem less like a threat, I continued.

“I’ll get you too her as quick as I can, and I promise we’ll get the people who done this to you.”

At the mention of that, her scowl became more pronounced and a blast of air emitted from her along with blue fire from her nose. Shit, shouldn’t have said that.

Lowering myself even further, I let loose a sense of calm and peace as much as I could.

“Come on, let’s get you out of here. You’re going to be ok. I promise.”

That seemed to have done it as her eyes started flickering between her normal eyes and the white color until the flickering eventually stopped.

She then promptly fell unconscious.

I wanted to rush to her right away, but I still had a criminal I needed to take care of.

Quickly taking out a zip tie, I place it on the man’s hands and finally take a look around.

Teachers were out of their hallways staring at her and the criminal she caught and barely sent a glance at the girl that was unconscious on the floor. That struck a nerve in me. Why didn’t they do anything to help this girl?

“Glory Girl! Thank you for saving us from this criminal.” Down the hall came a woman in her late thirties-early forties who she assumed was the Principal here. She looked like she never smiled a day in her, almost like Director Piggot. But unlike the Director, this woman didn’t strike nearly as much authority.

I wanted to yell at her and ask why the hell a student was stuffed in a locker that would constitute as a biological attack, but I held my tongue. The girl needed to get to Amy now.

“Call the cops and tell them to come get the guy. I’ll take the girl as it sure seems like you don’t care about her.” At that point, the woman glanced down at the downed girl as her eyes widened, but not in the way I thought. They looked more panicked than they did worried or disgusted at something like this happening in her school. I had to consciously suppress myself from blowing up at her; at the staff and students as well for not doing anything.

The woman looked like she was about to speak up, but with a flare of my aura, she shut up.

Taking out my phone, I quickly dialed Amy.

“Hello? Vicky, where the hell are-“

“Winslow High School.” I interrupted her. “I’m heading back to the school with someone in critical condition, so be-“

“I’m at the hospital.” She interrupted me this time. “There was a pretty big car wreck and they needed my help. Just why exactly are you at Winslow of all places? What happened that needs my help?”

“No time to explain, but you’ll see when I get there. Call Mom as well, this girl is gonna need a lawyer.” With that I hung up and approached the injured girl.

I felt bad thinking it, but she smelled absolutely awful, and a quick glance at the locker told me why.

Suppressing a gag, I take a quick picture of it and pick her up.

I didn’t think about all the stuff she was covered in as I floated into the air and took off towards the hospital.

I don’t know who done this, but I swear I’ll find those who did it and knock their fucking heads off.

Amy Dallon’s (Panacea) POV

“Did she explain why she left school?” Carol’s voice came over the phone as I paced back and forth in the hospital waiting room.

“No she didn’t, but she sounded like she was in a hurry and sounded angry. She didn’t explain that either, but I do know that she is bringing someone in need of healing.” I say as I rub my head. First thing she asked was if I healed the people in the wreck, and after I explained that I did and told her that I got a call from Vicky, she immediately jumped on that. No “good job” or anything like that.

“Well, when she arrives, tell her to call me immediately.” Her tone was no nonsense and was angry. Poor Vicky.

“Yeah, I will. She should be here so-“

“Panacea! She needs help!”

Speak of the devil and he shall come. Turning around, my eyes immediately go wide at the state of the girl Vicky held in her arms.

'What the fuck happened?'

I didn’t even respond to the chastising tone of Carol for my language as I quickly ran up to her and immediately got to work.

“What happened?” I was straight to the point as I started going over the girl with my power, my face growing paler for every second I examined her. Shards of glass embedded in her skin and muscles, period blood riddled with disease seeping into the open wounds, along with vomit, shit, piss and all pouring into the wounds. To say she was in bad shape was an understatement.

“I don’t know. A criminal I was chasing ran into Winslow and when I caught him, she came bursting out of the locker covered in what you see now with eyes glowing. I’m pretty sure she triggered from it.”

That made me tense up even more. Triggered? Whoever did this caused her to trigger?

‘That school better have a good fucking lawyer, especially if she was pushed enough to trigger.’

There was a reason first generation Parahumans usually don’t mention their trigger events, and this is why. People usually aren’t happy about explaining the worst day of their lives.

“She’s going to be ok, but she’s going to have to spend a few days here if not to heal then to let her recover mentally. Something tells me she’ll need it.”

At that point, nurses came rounding a corner with a gurney and picked her up. I healed all the injuries she sustained and flushed out all the stuff that entered her body, but it was still mandatory for them to take all the patients I healed; I also needed to give a medical report of all the wounds she had. Ugh, I hate paperwork.

“Hey, wait!” Victoria spoke up and one of the nurses stopped and turned around.

“When she wakes up, give her this. Tell her I’ll be happy to talk at any time.” Vicky held out a slip of paper with her cell phone number, as well as mine. Why did she add mine?

The nurse only nodded as she took the piece of paper and turned back around and hurried back to the other nurses.

“Why did you give her my number as well?”

“Hmm? Oh, it was just a spur of the moment kinda thing, also, she’s going to need to talk to someone about what happened, and who better than us?”

“A Counselor for one, but I don’t mind it. I’m curious as to how the hell she ended up like that.” That was the truth as well, because even the gangs of Brockton Bay weren’t usually this sadistic.

“I don’t know how it happened, but I got a picture of the scene.” Vicky’s voice was hard as both her aura and eyes were radiating a cold rage.

Surpassing a shiver, I leaned over to see just what was making her so angry.

I got my answer as I looked at the picture, and I didn’t blame Vicky for her rage.

Whoever stuck her in that biological cesspit is a psychopath and needs to be taken down. Immediately.

'Like I said, the school better have a damn good lawyer for what I was looking at.'

And that's that folks! How did you enjoy it? Personally, I don't think it was the best, but that's just me. 

As I said up top, I still haven't read all of Worm, not to mention Glowworm or Ward, so please, for the love of everything, correct me when I make a continuity error. It's bound to happen.

I should also let you all know some stuff in advance, so you aren't surprised if it comes up later. First will be relationships. I fully intend on having Taylor be in a Polyamorous with Glory Girl, Panacea, and Tattletale (going have to think of a way for that last one.) These four are my favorite characters by far in the book so far and I just love their dynamic whenever they're together. Kinda wish I hadn't picked Vicky or Amy to be in my top five favorite characters. I won't spoil anything, but for those of you have read Worm, I just got past the first interlude of Volume 15... so, yeah. Those who know, will know what I'm talking about. 

Another thing to speak about is the Avatar side of the story. I'll just come out and say that some mechanics will more than likely be changed, so don't be too surprised if some things don't line up with canon.

Speaking of canon, it's fucked. No better way to say it. I'll try to keep the mechanics of Worm as intact as possible, but due to me not having read it all yet, that is impossible, so expect a lot of fannon. Sorry if you don't like that sort of thing.

I'll explain the rest as it comes up, so I'll leave you off as usual. If you have any suggestions, then shoot them my way. I would prefer if you keep spoilers to a minimum, but I've already spoiled a lot to myself anyway, so it doesn't really matter all too much. If you found any grammar mistakes or you just don't like how a certain word or citizen is phrased, then let me know. If you have any praises or critiques, then please let me know and be as brutally honest as possible. I'll more than likely thank you for it.

But, that's all I got for you, so until next time, and have an amazing day!