Chapter 11 – Search
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The room stood silent and untouched, save for our tumultuous entrance, which gradually calmed our nerves. We dismissed the men, and Mademoiselle suggested that Victoria might have hidden in a panic, prompted by the commotion at her door, until the servants left. We resumed our search, calling her name repeatedly, hoping for a response that never came.

Our agitation grew as we scoured every corner, checking behind curtains and in closets, yet finding no trace of Victoria. I pleaded with her to end the charade if she was hiding, urging her to alleviate our anxiety. But it was as if she had vanished into thin air, leaving us utterly baffled. Could she have discovered one of the rumored secret passages in the old chateau?

As daylight broke, the mystery remained unsolved. The household, led by my father, frantically searched the chateau and its surroundings, but Victoria was nowhere to be found. Anxiety gripped us all, knowing the distressing news we would have to relay to her mother upon her return. My own distress stemmed from a different source, a mix of confusion and concern for my missing friend.

Hours passed with no sign of Victoria. By midday, I rushed to her room, only to find her standing at her dressing table, an unexpected sight that filled me with relief and disbelief. She motioned me closer, her expression a mix of fear and bewilderment.

Overwhelmed with joy, I embraced her, unable to contain my emotions. I rang the bell urgently, summoning others to witness her return and alleviate my father’s distress. As questions poured out, Victoria recounted a night of inexplicable events, leaving us all puzzled and seeking answers.

My father, after dismissing the servants, sat with Victoria thoughtfully, seeking to unravel the mystery that surrounded her strange disappearance. Her eyes flickered with a hint of secrecy as she recounted the bizarre turn of events from the previous night, leaving us all perplexed and searching for explanations.

“May I venture a conjecture and ask a question?” my father inquired gently.

“Of course, ask away,” Victoria replied. “I’ll tell you everything I know, which unfortunately is very little. But you’re aware of the limits my mother has set.”

“Absolutely,” my father acknowledged. “I won’t breach those boundaries. Now, what’s intriguing about last night is how you were taken from your bed and room without waking, with the windows secured and both doors locked from the inside. Here’s my theory and question.”

Victoria sat with a hint of melancholy, while Madame and I leaned in attentively.

“My question is this: have you ever been known to sleepwalk?” my father asked.

“Not since I was very young,” Victoria answered. “But I used to, as my old nurse often reminds me.”

My father nodded thoughtfully. “Here’s what likely happened. You unconsciously unlocked the door, took the key out, locked it from the outside, and then wandered off to one of the many rooms on this floor or elsewhere in the house. With so many rooms and clutter, it would take ages to search thoroughly. Do you follow?”

“I do, somewhat,” Victoria replied.

“And how do you explain waking up on the dressing room sofa, after we’d already searched it?” I added.

“You probably ended up there after our search, still asleep, and woke up later, just as surprised as we were,” my father explained with a chuckle. “I wish all mysteries were this easily solved and harmless. No drugging, no tampering with locks, no intruders or danger—just a sleepwalking adventure.”

Victoria looked radiant, her beauty accentuated by a graceful weariness that was uniquely hers. My father’s gaze seemed to contrast her with me, prompting him to comment, “I wish my Belle looked as vibrant as you,” with a hint of sadness.

With that, our worries were dispelled, and Victoria rejoined us, unharmed and relieved.