32- Welcome to the Ironblood family
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As soon as we entered the mansion, we encountered a large hall. Since I didn't know exactly where to go, I looked for someone to ask.

Luckily, Lina was waiting for me in the lobby. As soon as she saw me she ran to me

"Why are you so late? Karl-sama has finished his dessert and is waiting for you. Follow me immediately."

"I'm sorry Lina, I encountered an unexpected situation."

"We don't need to tell me this. Let's go right away."

While Lina was running ahead, my mother and father and I followed Lina and went to the upper floor of the mansion. After passing a few rooms, we stopped in front of a large door.

Lina checked all of our clothes before opening the door and letting us in. I wore the clothes I was supposed to wear and so did my father. We both had suits given to us because we would be working here in the future.

Although it was difficult to convince my mother to change the seductive dress from her youth, we somehow managed and she dressed like an ordinary peasant woman. Of course, the dresses worn by village women didn't look bad at all, especially when the person wearing it was my mother.

Lina closed the double doors at the same time and guided us inside.

It was kind of like a dining room. There was a long dining table and many chairs lined up around the dining table. There were no chairs on the floor facing the door of the room. It's probably not the first time they've seen each other while at the dinner table.

Sitting at the head of the dining table was a handsome and rather rough-looking man with silver hair. To the right of this man was a woman with pink hair and a pale appearance, while to the left of the man was an angry woman with red hair and a slightly older appearance.

Next to the pink haired woman on the right were two girls, one aged 10-12 and the other 5 years old. The older girl had silver hair like her father and pink eyes like her mother. At first glance, I realized that she was Shizune's real sister. The little girl was also Shizune herself and she looked clearly worried.

The woman on the left had a 6-7 year old boy with her. Strangely, the child had orange hair and orange eyes, unlike his mother or father. The moment he made eye contact with me, he looked away in fear.

"You must be the boy my daughter is talking about. I think your name is...."

" my name is Yuto, s.. "

The moment I opened my mouth, the count angrily interrupted me.

"Don't ever interrupt me again, Yuto. You shouldn't interrupt a nobleman until he finishes speaking."

" Yes, sir "

"This is better. Now let's move on to the real issue. HOW DARE YOU KEEP ME WAITING FOR HALF AN HOUR!"

What is that ? I feel like an elephant climbed on top of me. What does this weigh? Gravity magic? But , I don't feel any mana 

When I raised my head with difficulty and looked at the count, I saw that he was looking at me as if he saw something interesting. But for some reason, there seemed to be more contempt than interest in his eyes.

"Dad, stop it!"

"Don't get involved, Shizune. You've already been spoiled enough by hiring someone of your own choosing."

Immediately after the Count rejected Shizune's request, the burden on my increased exponentially. Until just now, I was able to resist the pressure thanks to my physical strength, but this time the pressure almost made me kneel down.

Just as I was about to stop resisting, I remembered that my parents were behind me, and I resisted the pressure as much as I could and turned around.

Fortunately, my pregnant mother didn't seem to be facing that kind of pressure. My mother was looking at my father and me in astonishment, trying to withstand the pressure on us. Lina stopped my mother, who was about to run towards us, and whispered something into her ear, and although my mother had calmed down, she continued to look at us nervously.

[Seeing you resisting his sword intent - THE INVISIBLE SWORD MASTERY OF THE SWORD EMPEROR - showing signs of improvement]

Sword intent? I think I understand what happened. So that's what Shizune was talking about when she said her father was the most powerful person in the family.

When I realized that this was some kind of test, the anger that started to accumulate inside me because I thought I was being humiliated disappeared. After I closed my eyes, I started to feel the sword intent on me better.

Hot ? No . Cold ? No . Sharp? No . Predator? A little . Unmerciful ? No . Merciful? Yes . . .

While Yuto was trying to come up with a solution to resist the sword intent, he unknowingly began to understand the sword intent that was upon him.

[ You begin to understand the sword intent - THE INVISIBLE SWORD MASTERY OF THE SWORD EMPEROR - lvl 5 --> lvl 6 ]

[ You begin to understand the sword intent - THE INVISIBLE SWORD MASTERY OF THE SWORD EMPEROR - lvl 6 --> lvl 7 ]

[ You begin to understand the sword intent - THE INVISIBLE SWORD MASTERY OF THE SWORD EMPEROR - lvl 7 --> lvl 8 ]

Interesting... A swordsmanship dedicated to protecting its master, not killing its enemy.

[ You begin to understand the sword intent - THE INVISIBLE SWORD MASTERY OF THE SWORD EMPEROR - lvl 8 --> lvl 9 ]

[ You begin to understand the sword intent - THE INVISIBLE SWORD MASTERY OF THE SWORD EMPEROR - lvl 9 --> lvl 10 ]

Count Karl stood up from his seat in surprise as he looked at the boy, who was becoming more and more comfortable resisting his own sword intention, even though his father had already fallen to the ground and was out of breath.

" Shizune "

" Yes, dad "

" Well done "