Chapter 46 Dealing with orc
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After reaching one hundred favorability points, individuals can become spouses. Unlocking tasks based on status are required, and upon task completion, individuals can unlock the spouse status. If a female's status does not match, she becomes a concubine and cannot become a spouse. Only concubines and spouses can bear offspring for you.

Concubines are absolutely loyal to you, never betraying or leaving, and can bear children for you. They assist you in any matters in life and work.

Spouses are also absolutely loyal, never betraying or leaving, and can bear children for you. They assist you in any matters in life and work, with each spouse providing a 10% increase in crafting and gathering speed. Spouses generate double Life Essence, with a cooldown time of two hours. With one spouse, the essence base quantity is one, with two spouses, the essence base quantity is two, and so on.

Upon reading this, Arthas's expression changed once again.

Given this situation, wouldn't having one hundred spouses result in obtaining one hundred Life Essences each time?

However, it seems that only well-known and prestigious women can become spouses, not just any passerby on the road.

"What should we do now?" Alleria broke free from the man's embrace, occasional tenderness was fine, but getting lost in emotions was not secure.

Orcs around were still desperately fleeing, trying to evade the wrath of the angry red dragon hunting them down.

Muradin was cooperating with the Hill Dwarf to hunt down orcs. Previously, the Horde had suppressed the dwarves in Ironforge, but now they could finally catch a break.

"Let's defeat the orcs first, then we can regroup with the Alliance forces back in Stromgarde." Arthas knew there was no rush. Let's take it slow he had obtained what he needed for now.

The most crucial thing at the moment was to repel the orcs. If they could do that, Arthas would have time to develop steadily.

As he said, a lord's territory was not the same as a king's domain.

Lords held significant power, akin to small kingdoms. This system had been inherited since the establishment of the human empire, seen as a necessary measure at the time to both ease the king's governance burden and to keep their subordinates loyal.

The idea was noble, but the reality was harsh.

Nobles were nobles because they didn't have to do anything the commoners below paid taxes to them, providing them with a life of luxury.

As for the commoners' well-being?

Not many nobles cared, especially since there were various knights under the lord, managing different regions. This hierarchical structure often led to control chains breaking.

Reclaiming power from the nobles was challenging. Many kingdoms had major lords assisting the king in governance, and talented individuals were selected from the nobility.

Turning them against their own would require significant leverage.

If one continued to sacrifice land and power, it might be better not to overthrow them.

True commoners were rare, with hardly any usable talents among them.

Arthas's goal was to establish his own autocratic kingdom, with capable individuals who would obey him.

He could provide their descendants with sufficient living conditions, resources, education, promotions, etc. These were not valued by the nobles, who monopolized all positions.

However, for the commoners, it was different at least it gave them something to strive for.

Everything had to be selected from the commoners. Those who performed well could receive benefits, but the existence of small kingdoms within a large kingdom was strictly prohibited.

A king must rule everything under his command, the power must operate, and the war machine must run continuously, generating astonishing productivity.

Currently, human kingdom systems were negotiated. If the royal family weakened, the lords would oppress them. It wasn't necessarily a coup, but being suppressed by subordinates was undoubtedly uncomfortable.

In the future, the plague of the Scourge would break out, and the undead would attack.

Killing enemies would allow their bodies to be resurrected as warriors, with the undead using overwhelming numbers in battle tactics, terrifying their opponents.

This war strategy, sustained by warfare without the need for logistics, was extreme. Compared to living armies, the Scourge of the Undead was a nightmare.

Then there was the invasion of the Burning Legion, demons that had destroyed countless worlds. Like the Scourge of the Undead, their demonic corruption caused significant harm to the land.

For a long time, even a decade might not be enough to cleanse the corruption.

Plants forcibly grown in the contaminated land were inedible.

Arthas didn't want to become the Lich King, a Death Knight.

He had to strengthen his own power, improve his abilities, develop his territorial influence, and form alliances with other powerful races.

All this was to ensure he could become an ordinary person who could enjoy a normal life, rather than a Death Knight who couldn't be touched.

Onyxia casually threw out a few fireballs, reducing the enraged orcs charging towards her to ashes. Her long black hair fluttered in the wind, and there was an exotic charm in her staff's movements.

"You are the first human to pique my curiosity."

"Thank you. You need to stay by my side for now, just in case," Arthas added, seemingly explaining.

"Giggle!" Onyxia smiled brightly, the two balls on her chest were shaking constantly, her beautiful eyes had a hint of charm, "No need to explain, my father will not necessarily die here. When he comes to find you, you can stop him Live?"

"Of course I have a solution." Arthas wasn't worried, even if he was worried it was useless.

To him, he and Deathwing have no hatred, they are just using each other.

As for Deathwing's hatred against other dragons, what does it have to do with Arthas?

"Be careful!" Arthas raised his shield to block a flying ax flying towards Alleria, and threw Avenger's Shield casually.

Three consecutive rounds, the surveillance was as fast as a meteor, even the eyes could not catch the trajectory, and it was buried in the throat of the ORC soldier in the next second.

The powerful attack force penetrated them, and the feathers on the tail were constantly trembling, which showed how strong the power was. It was completely impossible to tell that this attack could be carried out by a delicate and beautiful Female Elf like Alleria!