Chapter 56 Cruel Laws of Nature
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Un'Goro Crater, a place where the hungry Sandfury trolls plan to hunt for food.

The barren desert produces little food, barely enough to sustain the trolls, not even enough clean water.

Among the many troll tribes, the Sandfury trolls are considered the lowest, even lower than the Frost trolls of Northrend.

A huge lizard leisurely eats plants, over three meters long, big enough to swallow an adult whole!

Surprisingly, the lizard is a herbivore, which is quite unusual.

The forest echoes with animal cries, even at the edges, a sense of ominous silence lingers.

The lush green forest sharply contrasts with the barren mountains, creating a striking landscape that evokes wonder and amazement.

Approaching slowly, the Sandfury troll wields a crude spear made of sand thorns, lacking even iron tools, a testament to their poverty!

Despite their poverty, the Sandfury troll's gaze remains fierce, their sandy skin exuding a weather-beaten aura, their long fangs emitting a sense of ferocious rage.


The Sandfury troll leaps forward, forcefully driving the spear into the lizard's head.

With a forceful thrust, aiming to pin the lizard down.

With a swift tail swing, as thick as a car tire, the lizard strikes the Sandfury troll.


The sound of bones breaking echoes, the hunter coughing up blood as the once gentle lizard's eyes turn fierce, instantly reversing the roles of hunter and prey!

The massive lizard charges forward with heavy steps, surprisingly agile despite its bulky frame.

In mere moments, covering fifteen meters in less than two seconds.

In one gulp, the wounded Sandfury troll is devoured by the lizard, its gaping mouth chewing vigorously, blood dripping from its mouth, showcasing nature's ruthless survival of the fittest!

But the drama isn't over yet, as a massive Devilsaur emerges from the jungle.

Its speed catches the lizard off guard, snatching it by the tail and tossing it into the air.

With a bloodied maw filled with sharp teeth, the Devilsaur effortlessly bites the falling three-meter lizard in half and swallows it whole!

The entire hunting process lasts less than ten seconds, swiftly ending the lizard's life. The satiated Devilsaur returns to the jungle, continuing its hunt to satisfy its hunger.

This is Un'Goro Crater, a perilous region filled with tropical rainforests, a dangerous zone where numerous dinosaurs survive.

Even those who attempt to migrate here never return alive, all becoming nothing more than dinosaur dung!

Arthas rides Onyxia through the air, accompanied by Alleria.

Beside them are the four Dragon Aspects, intrigued by the Titan ruins and eager to explore.

Deathwing remains in human​ ​​form, held captive by the Blue Dragonflight, seemingly a victim of Malygos's grudge, unable to escape even in dragon form.

Previously teleported to the edge of Un'Goro Crater, they encountered a dense barrier preventing even the skilled Blue Dragonflight from entering, a protection surrounding the Titan remains.

Without permission from the guardians inside, no one can enter, showcasing the dominance of the Titan Laboratory.

Even if there were traitors among the northern guardians, they dare not pursue.

Thus, they can only progress through flight, bypassing ground obstacles.

Given the dangers of Un'Goro Crater swamps, dinosaurs, attacks, thorns, and carnivorous plants flying is preferred. Who would walk when they can fly?

Who would would teleport when they can fly? Time is money.

Riding on Onyxia's neck, feeling the wind on his face, Arthas exudes the aura of a dragon rider, a true Dragon Knight!

How many can claim to ride on a dragon's neck?

And this is no ordinary dragon but the genuine Black Dragon Princess!

Arthas is unconcerned about the Alliance and orc battle without the Red Dragonflight's support, the orcs stand no chance.

With the Dragonmaw Clan nearly wiped out by the red dragons, the orcs are likely in a state of panic.

"What are you thinking?" Onyxia's voice is muffled, "Does riding a giant dragon's neck make you proud?"

"Of course, it proves my greatness, so don't overthink it. Accept your fate, whether good or bad." Arthas is in high spirits, strategizing to maximize his advantage using the plot.

With the absence of the Red Dragonflight's aid, the orcs will likely hasten their alliance with the forest trolls, leading to an attack on Quel'Thalas.

In the storyline, Alleria's younger brother and parents died in this attack.

He might exploit this fact.

However, Liras is currently in Lordaeron, training human sentinels, so the danger is minimal.

"Hmph!" Onyxia merely snorts women are often temperamental and emotional creatures.

Alleria looked back with a smile, and hugged Arthas generously around the waist. Since she had decided to follow the boy, she didn't have to be too afraid.

Compared to being together secretly, getting married in style is obviously a more suitable choice.

"Titan remains are ahead, we have to slow down." Red Dragon Queen shouted. They rarely visit, or even come to such a place, because the guardians here do not welcome outsiders, even Dragon Aspect Same thing.

"Put me down in front. I can go in alone. You guys wait for me here." Arthas began to get excited. He was observing the terrain of Un'Goro Crater along the way. The land here is very fertile.

Towering trees abound. The trees are so huge that even ten adults cannot surround them. They are almost fifty or sixty meters tall, and the tallest ones have reached a hundred meters.

This is already a very exaggerated existence in nature, and the breath of life here is more intense, causing animals and plants to grow very quickly.

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