Chapter 1 [on going]
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The room was not so big but two persons were already too much for it.

"The guy of contracts will be here in a minute, it's really luck we managed to get him to this date."

The woman speaking was talking but reading the reports in front of her, that's why the snobing face of the man in front of her was not perceived and he kept sliding his fingers through air like a crazy person on a spring day in the park.

<<Why are we here?😱>>

We talked about it guide. They wanted to me to sign a new work contract. Ot seems they don't like the olde ways contract anymore.

<<And will you just accept it?😠>>

I thought it wou be fun to come and see how it goes. Well changing the subject,  I'm reviewing some notes about the interchangeable resistance of skills that you said another day. It is correct to say that even if my skills are really low level it will be more effective than normal actions on people without the corresponding resistent skills right?

<<Yes, but...>>

It seems that the report was not so big and to keep looking a man moving his fingers through the air was not interesting at all.

"You should consider yourself luck that we are willing to give you this opportunity even without knowing your skill." 

The irrited tone took the other from his trance and he could look into the skinny face of the brunette woman in front of him, with her green eyes full of disgust looking at him.

Having his attention she continued. 

"We are looking for the best skills out there, but we still has a place for all kind of people. Even if your skill has not a good synergy fit with us we'll be able to make some interesting contract for you.

Holding his cheen with his fingers the man contemplated the words just said for a brief moment. 

"Strange, I thought we already had one Margaret. "

"The old ways are not acceptable anymore,  its for our best interest that we move into the new ways."

"OK, but..."

A knock came from the door and a man I suit came from the door.

"I'm sorry for been late, I have a long list of clients and almost no one with my skills. "

For the first time satisfaction crossed Margaret's face. 

"No problem at all we'll be finishing here really fast. "

The man nodded and with a hand move a screen appeared in front of the man who casually dismissed it. This put the disgust back to Margaret's face.

"Don't you want the job? Do you have money to live by yourself? "

The man raised his hands as a peace making act and spoken with some caring.

"It's not that. I just want to make some questions about the contract,  I believe it's my right."

Annoyed she just nodded with the head.

"I believe the contract has some clauses to sanction me if I don't follow it, can you explain me?"

The contractor was astounded to have a direct question to him and took some time to adjust himself before speaking.

"Yes, you will, from your own willing consent, giving the right to receive orders. Those will be empowered by the contract to be enforced on you."

Took some time in consideration he continues.

"And I believe that I'll have some compensation for this new ... feature, in the contract? "

This time was Margaret to speak.

"Your compensation is to work for us."

"Hum... well tell me out of curiosity, your power is adjusted by words as well? Like verbal contracts?"

"Ahh yes, it is?"

"Interesting, Margaret you sai you wanted to know about my skills right?"

"Yes, to see if you are fit or not."

"OK, so can you guys keep with me a little?"

They all nodded.

"So if I said that the contract would be changed it would count into this verbal contract agreed? "

"Yes" they both replied.

"If I add a clause saying that any kind of exploration would make the sanctions applied to me to be applied to you, it would be valid, agreed? "


"If a I add even that all previous exploration would count this would be OK as well right?"

"Yes, it would..."

Margaret was loosing patience and replied with a very unhappy grunt. 

"I need your cooperation here to show my skills."

It took a while but they both said.


"And a clause to make this valid to everyone but me who agreed would be right?"

"Yes, agreed..."

After replying the man frozen for a moment, but before he could say anything the man said.

"So I agree with those terms."

At the same time a contract appeared in front of them and a message appeared. 

[Contract formed...

Calculating all previous cases os exploration...

Innumerable quantity of cases found enforcing compensation]

The man addressed a confused Margaret. 

"You'll lose all free will against me."

Suddenly her eyes lost any bright and was robotic somehow.

"And you... " he said turning to the panicking contractor, "will be happy that I'll let you work for me and will keep secrecy of everything."

<<😈Now I understand why you came.>>