Chapter 16: A Maiden’s Violation
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“Huh? That was…?”

Suddenly, Cherry thought he heard someone scream from further down the path they were walking on.

They were on a path that ran through the vast Natal Forest, but they were still some distance from the village they were heading to, and there were no signs of human presence.


Cherry stopped teasing her and called out to her, immediately using his Evil Eye.


Elf (Brown), Female

Age 16


> Mage (Level 10)

> Warrior (Level 1)

*** (**)

Life Force: 100

Attack Power: 1 (Restrained)

Magic Power: 100 (Frozen)

Sexual Experience: None

Lewdness Level: D

Pleasure Value: 500 (Normal)


>Magic Frozen


That was the first thing that popped into his mind.

Next, information on about four brown elf males came through.

However, the information on one of those four immediately disappeared.

The remaining three elf males all carried swords, with Warrior Levels of "5", "2", and "2". Their Combat Power was "600" for one, and "50" and "60" for the other two.

"Erica, I think up ahead, three male Brown Elves are attacking a Brown Elf girl named Yuina. One of the three seems skilled. There was one more, but his information disappeared," Cherry quickly relayed.

Erica took out a bow and arrows from her luggage and tossed the remaining bags into some nearby bushes.

Erica began dashing forward.

So fast.

Cherry hurried to follow her.

But as they ran, the information on the elf girl and the three apparent assailant males also cut out.

Maybe they had moved out of range of Cherry's Evil Eye detection.

Eventually, they came across a man lying on the path, blood gushing from his chest.

"Hang in there," Erica called out to the man as she crouched over his body.

But she soon shook her head at Cherry.

Even Cherry could clearly see the man was dead, with multiple stab wounds in his chest. He must have been killed brutally. This was probably the man whose information had disappeared first from Cherry's Evil Eye.

The dead man was dressed for travel, and a travel bag lay beside him, its contents spilled out onto the path as if rummaged through.

Cherry felt a chill seeing his first real dead body.

This is another world...

Death is always nearby...

He told himself resolutely.

But the next moment, the information on the man and woman from before reappeared in Cherry's mind.

"Erica, they're still nearby... I know where... And..."

Cherry whispered.

He now knew what was happening there too.

The status of the unknown elf girl Yuina, which had previously displayed "Sexual Experience: None", had now changed to "Sexual Experience: Male 1".

"...I'll lead the way. Use your bow to shoot the skilled one first. I don't think you can handle the other two, Erica..." For now, Cherry said just that.


"Damn it, it bit me, bro──. Ow, ow, ow──"

One of the three men, whose faces were entirely covered by masks with only the eyes and mouth cut out, screamed as Yuina bit his hand. She had intended to bite it off completely, but another man grabbed her jaw and forced her mouth open.

He stuffed a piece of cloth torn from Yuina's clothes into her mouth and tied it with a string, effectively gagging her.

Her magical staff had already been broken. Her magic was frozen, leaving only her body as a means of resistance.


Yuina tried to kick the shin of the man who had gagged her with her legs, which were still unbound. Her clothes, already torn to shreds, were more like rags at this point.

If she struggled, her private parts would be exposed, but she didn't care anymore.

Yuina kicked with all her might.


The man clutched his leg and collapsed to the ground.

"You bitch──"

The man whose hand she had bitten earlier slapped Yuina's cheek with all his strength.

With her hands tied behind her back, Yuina had no way to defend herself. The impact sent her sprawling to the ground, her head spinning.

She tried to get up, but her body was numb, and she couldn't move.


Tears welled up in her eyes.

Damn it──.

This was so frustrating──.

To be subjected to this by these men──.

Then, the leader of the three attackers, who had been watching the other two assault Yuina, burst out laughing.

"What are you guys doing, struggling with a little girl with her hands tied? Just tie her legs together and get it over with. And we might get caught here. Remember that abandoned hunter's cabin we saw a little way off the path? Take her there. We'll have our fun after that."

The leader said. The other two men pinned Yuina down, one of them straddling her legs while the other tied her ankles and knees together.


Yuina struggled, but it was hopeless. Bound and unable to move, she could only wriggle on the ground like a caterpillar. She looked at the man who had been with her, hoping for help. But he was lying motionless a short distance away.

Was he bleeding so much that he had died...?

Had he really died?

Was he truly dead...?

"Hey, you go check the girl's companion's belongings. The accusation letter wasn't on this one. He must have it."

At the leader's words, one of the men ran off as if propelled. Yuina now understood who had ordered these men and why they had attacked them.

A surge of frustration filled her.

Their target was the document she and her companion were carrying, evidence of the new village chief's wrongdoing, which they were supposed to present to the Elf Elder. If they lost it, their mission would be in vain.

"Now, let's have some fun with you before you die, little lady. You seem like a feisty one, but have you ever been with a man?"

The leader crouched down next to Yuina, who was lying on the ground. He spread his right hand meaningfully in front of her face.

Yuina could sense magic power gathering in his hand.


She was startled.

The leader's fingers began to vibrate rapidly and minutely with magic, all five of them.

And those fingers gently touched Yuina's exposed breast, where her clothes had been torn.


Yuina let out a muffled scream from behind the cloth stuffed in her mouth. The vibrating fingers pressed against her nipple, sending a strange sensation through her body.

"How's that? Feels good, doesn't it? You seem like a virgin. It would be a shame for you to die without experiencing anything, so we'll make sure you become a woman before sending you to the underworld."

The leader's vibrating fingers slipped through the gaps in her torn clothes, tracing the line of her spine and the curve of her waist.

Being touched by this man was humiliating beyond words, but the strange vibrations of his fingers against her bare skin sent shivers down her spine, draining her of all strength.

"Oh, you like that, huh? Then how about this?"

The man's fingers slid beneath her torn skirt and began to trace her lower abdomen.


Yuina thrashed her body. But the two men held her down firmly.

The vibrating fingers gently explored the area around her groin. Yuina struggled violently against her restraints.

The two men laughed, enjoying her reaction.

Frustration brought tears to her eyes once again.

Just then, the man who had run off returned. "Hey, it's not fair for you guys to have all the fun──" He said as soon as he arrived.

"Don't worry about that. Did you find it?"

The leader finally removed his fingers from Yuina's body. She felt a moment of relief. However, when she saw what the man who had returned was holding, Yuina was aghast.

It was unmistakably the accusation letter.

They had found it...

This sealed Yuina's fate.

Now that they had the letter, these three men would surely kill her. Her companion was already dead. The only reason she was still alive was that they intended to violate her before killing her.

After they had their fill of her, they would undoubtedly kill her too.

She hadn't expected the village chief, Darcan, to resort to such drastic measures. Perhaps it had been foolish of her and her companion to carry such an important letter on their own.

Still, she couldn't recognize these three men, even with their faces hidden. They seemed to be elves, but probably from another village. They must have been hired by Darcan, but he must have hesitated to entrust such a task to his own people.

"Is that it?"

The leader noticed the accusation letter in the man's hand. He took it and quickly checked its contents, then nodded with satisfaction.

"It's definitely it──. Well done.” The leader gave a big nod.

"The inside of the bag had a double lining, and the inner layer was cleverly hidden with magic. I almost missed it."

"I know. As a reward, you get to be the first to have her."

The next moment, the accusation letter in the leader's hand burst into flames.


Right before Yuina's eyes, the document turned to ash.

"Really, bro? I get to go first?" The man let out a strange cry.

"Yeah, as far as I can tell, this girl's a virgin. Make sure you treat her well before you fuck her. Alright, take her away."

The two men lifted Yuina's body. She was completely helpless now.

They carried her struggling body with ease and walked away from the path, eventually arriving at a hunter's cabin in the forest.

They threw her onto the floor of the cabin. She tried to escape. She had to get away somehow...

Yuina rolled her bound body and desperately crawled towards the door leading outside.

"Control her body──"

But the leader laughed and shouted, casting a spell from his staff towards Yuina.

Yuina could feel a powerful magical bind tightening around her entire body.

She was paralyzed.

"There's no way she can resist now. I've bound her with magic, so you can untie her. As promised, you get to go first." The leader said, keeping his staff pointed at Yuina.

The two men pinned her down again. But this time, they untied the ropes. However, she still couldn't move. Even without the ropes, it was as if her entire body was bound by invisible restraints.

And the remaining scraps of her clothes were ripped off one by one. Yuina was completely naked.

"Noooo──. Someone, please help meee──"

Finally, the cloth was removed from her mouth, and Yuina screamed with all her might.

"Scream all you want──. No one's coming to help you here──"

But the three men only laughed mockingly. Then, one of the men stepped forward and lowered his pants. His hideous lower body was right in front of her eyes.

Yuina's entire body stiffened at the sight of his erect penis.

And then, as if she were a puppet, her body moved on its own, assuming a seated position on the floor. Her knees bent, and her legs spread wide apart.

"N-no, nooo──. I don't want this──. Noooo──"

She screamed. She was no longer bound, but her body wouldn't move. But her face could still move.

Yuina shook her head violently and screamed. Her body was pushed down, and the man leaned over her.

"St-stop it──. Stop ittt──"

She screamed.

The man's head was right in front of her eyes.

Yuina slammed her head against his.


The man clutched his head and momentarily pulled away from Yuina.

"Damn it, you've been a feisty one since the beginning──"

The man raised his fist this time.

He was going to hit her──.

Yuina closed her eyes and gritted her teeth.

But then, she heard the leader's laughter.

"You're hopeless... Get out of the way, it's my turn──"


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