Chapter 7: Rebellion
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After the Invasion, Jist and the Corpse members decided to move to a forest down north. There, they found an unusual Cave that is slightly leveled above. Formation of land and the purity of soil is perfect for cultivation.

Rebels set up Camps there and built a fence. Jist explored the cave together and placed some torches. Even the Cave structure is Perfect like it is some man made Cave There are 3 rooms each and one on the back end is like an altar. He placed a table and a chair in one of the rooms that will serve as a meeting area. And the other room they placed different maps that will serve as the war room. After that.. Jist went outside and was greeted by Luna outside.

"Hey, are you waiting?" -Jist as he asked Luna

"Yeah, I was waiting for you. Biggs is waiting for you." -Luna

"Why? What happened?" -Jist as he asked curiously

"There's a meeting and a Celebration" -Luna

She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the tent where Biggs was waiting.  Jist saw all the rebels celebrating while drinking. Jist sat down beside Biggs.

"Alright. Since we are complete here. I want to thank you for Sacrificing your lives during the invasion. I know we lost some of our Comrade but they will not die in vain. We will still fight for our cause. The peace we all longed for.  Therefore, I want to name this rebellion the Corpse!" -Biggs as raised his hand

Soldiers screamed and celebrated for the rebellion as Biggs announced the new name. Jist and the others clapped as well.

"We all know who will be the leader right?" -Ellie as sways her eyes to Jist

Soldiers stared at Jist and shouted his name.

"M-me?" -Jist still in confusion

Biggs, Ellie and Luna moved in front of Jist and kneeled.

"Remember that you want our rebellion for your quest right? Use us as you see fit. The Elves rebellion is yours to Command" -Biggs and the elves kneeled before Jist

"And I, Ellie Lacroix and the human rebellion  is yours to Command" -Ellie who kneeled as well

"I will be your body guard!" -Luna as she raises her hand. Soldiers laughed while kneeling

Jist just stared at them cannot believe on what's happening. He just want the rebellion's help for his cause but he did not thought that he will become a leader.

"Uhm. Ehem.. Thank you everyone. Corpse huh? Sounds good to me. I'll add a meaning to that name. Corpse.. For our fallen comrade. They are still with us for our cause.. for peace! I know it's easier to say.. and I won't promise that some of you will not die.. But I assure you! Give your strength and support and I shall lead you to victory!" -Jist as he raise his beer

All Corpse members stood up and raised their beer up high.

"Long live the Corpse!" -Chia as she shouted

"Long live the Corpse!" -Corpse Rebels as they raised their beers


After the meeting.. Jist appointed the officers. Biggs as the 2nd in command, Luna as the High Guard, Ellie as the Corpse Defense System General, Chia as the Captain of all troops. Rebels continue to celebrate and drinking to their heart's content. On the other party Jist, Ellie and Luna went to the top of the cave to have fresh air. Ellie spoke to end the silence within them

"I just remembered something.. Where were you when we were heading back to camp after the retrieval mission?" -Ellie

"Hmm.. is that the one before the camp invasion? Well, I just noticed some soldiers there and I went to look and they said that Jist gave them an order to stay there for a while" -Luna as she explains

"So that's why you ordered them to follow you.. What did you tell them Jist?" -Ellie

"Nothing particular.. I just told them to stay since Mitsu is nowhere in sight. Also told them in case there will be an attack I told them to wear one of the armor that Mitsu's soldier was wearing and flee all the captured soldiers" -Jist as he explained while staring at the sky

"You always think ahead." -Ellie as she gave a small laugh

Jist gave a small laugh. 

"Before I forget I wanted to check something.. Can I have the katana that we retrieved Luna" -Jist

Luna handed over the Katana to Jist. He swiped his hand to see the interface and check the stats of the weapon

|Righteous Katana - A Rank|

|Strength +12|

|Agility +12|

|Unique - Silence|

"Wow!! The stats is good! I want to have an S Rank Sword next!" -Luna

Jist widened his eyes in shock knowing that Luna can see the interface.

"You can see it?" -Jist still in unbelievable state

"Uhm yeah? If you are talking about the Integra, Cross beings and Summoned beings can see the stats of an Item and Weapon and the Dwarves as well. If someone is in your party they can access the integra as well" -Luna as she explains

"So you can see your own stats too like this one?" -Jist as he shows his stats

"Yeah" -Luna as she shows Jist that she can open the integra as well

Ellie is confused on what they are talking about.

It seems that being in a party of a Summoned Being can access the interface as well as Dwarves, and Cross beings. Not to mention that Dwarves is one of the powerhouses and known for the Crafts.

"So do you know how to level up fast?" -Jist

"Yes. Kill some monsters or a race with evil intent." -Luna

"I see. Thank you for the Info." -Jist

They saw Ellie already sleeping and they laughed and continued to stare at the sky til they fell asleep.


Next morning Jist woke up due to commotion outside. Jist quickly put his equipment and ran on where the commotion is.

Jist saw a bunch of humans and other races. Chia ran to him

"Report Sir, the people outside wanted to be a part of our rebellion." -Chia

"Wh-what?!" -Jist as he was shocked

"It's probably of the Soldiers who we fought during the invasion some of them ran to escape maybe that's why it spreads" -Chia gave clue to what's happening

Jist gestured a face palm and ordered Chia to have them line up. Chia went on the front and shouted

"All of you!! I am the Corpse Captain! Fall in line we will do an interview first with our leader! If you can't understand feel free to turn your backs!" -Chia as she ordered with authority

Jist was shocked as he heard Chia and the people fell in line.

The first one to come in is a Human representative.

"Hi, What's your name?" -Jist

"I am Gid tribe elder of Yorpeus. Our tribe was attacked by the Kingdom and they are threatening us if we don't provide labor and money and then we heard about you.. so we decided to help you in your rebellion" -Gid

"Okay. Uhm..  How many people do you have" -Jist

"Yes" -Gid with a straight answer

"Huh?" -Jist confused by the answer

Chia repeated the question for Jist

"How many people do you have Gid?" -Chia with a cold stare.

"About 180.. half farmers and the other can fight. But not as strong as some of your soldier" -Gid

"Can they help cultivate the land or help around the base?" -Chia

"Of course." -Gid

"Passed" -Chia agreed without hesitation. Jist was dumbfounded when Chia decided.

Next one is an Elf. But it is different by looks when you compare the Elves like Biggs. Unlike them and the others. They have a darker skin and black hairs. It looks like Luna has the DNA for both she light skin and black hair.

"Good day, I am Eshkawa Leader of the Dark Elves" -Eshkawa as he introduced himself

"Hmm. You are aware that we have Forest Elves right?" -Chia is quite unsure

"Yes we are aware. But we can put aside our differences. For our cause. For Yggdrasil" -Eshkawa

Forest Elves and Dark Elves has a long history of battle. They have a different perspective to protect Yggdrasil which cause them to seperate

"I know we have so many differences for the sake of Yggdrasil and the history of our ancestors still lies within our bloodline. But I will be happy to talk it out to you" -Biggs as he barged in and interrupted the interview

"Passed!!" -Chia 

*Why do I have to be here?* -Jist whispers to himself

Biggs and Eshkawa shook hands and they went to the Biggs' Camp to talk with Eshkawa personally


Moments passed by Jist left Chia for the interview sessions. Rebels welcomed the newfound members with beer. Jist looked at the Ogres and thinks that it's not something in the video game that has musculine look. They look human with little horns and a cool looking hairs. Chia mentioned to Jist that they only have 10 members and they are specialized in Spying and Scouting. They also have the ability to hide their horn which makes Chia excited. So basically a ninja.

It will be a benefit to the Corpse as they can be used as a guard outside the Camp if there will be any enemy or invasion. Humans, Dark Elves and the Ogres passed the Chia Interview. Chia also asked Luna to train them.

Meanwhile, Jist looks at the map and sees the land of Pyrefall. No kingdom handles it and it is a land with a mixture of barren lands and Forest which makes it perfect in so many ways.

"I might consider this to serve as our main base.."  -Jist as he whispers to himself and looks at the other maps..

Later that evening. Jist went outside to search for Luna as he has many questions regarding this World.

"Hey Luna, I want to discuss something with you." -Jist as he approached Luna

"Hmm?" -Luna hummed

"Who made the dungeons? And why is there a dungeon? What's the purpose of it?"  -Jist

"Hmm.. I don't actually know.. but my Dad told me some stories about it" -Luna

"Can I hear the story?" -Jist

"Yeah, Long ago there is only one System.. all the Races in this world was created by that system. So they lived in Harmony and Peace until the arrival of the Demons.. Races formed an alliance to vanquish all demons but the grand meeting of races did not end well.. they argue on how and what will happen to the territory after and guess what they want the demon's territory.. from there Races was divided, Waged war on each other until different Systems which we all know today arrived. The System of Creation summoned a Human who can bring the world back like the way it is before. it is said to rival the Systems. but that Hero was consumed by power and Darkness.. Sided with the Demons to conquer the neighboring kingdoms.. and so the System of Creation decided to build a dungeon randomly across the Land and sometimes they just keep popping up from nowhere. My Father said that it has monsters and a leader in every Dungeon. They say that the higher the Leader the better the rewards" -Luna explains

"So this explains why.. well I found a ring but it was destroyed it has a stat" -Jist

"So its either from the Dungeon or was crafted by a Dwarf" -Luna

"So Dwarfs has the power to craft some items and equipment huh" -Jist

"Yes.. they are one of the powerhouses of all races but they remain neutral for business " -Luna

"I see. I get it now. So for now what we can do is to infiltrate a dungeon to get equipment. We can send an army there" -Jist

"You can't.. Dungeons disappear when a large group or an army is within the Dungeon area." -Luna

"So we can only bring a few?" -Jist

"Yes. If we can limit it to 10 people that is totally fine" -Luna

Jist thinking about the dungeons and how they work. He's planning to go to the dungeon to experience it.

"Uhm.. I got something for you. I know its out of our topic but I can't find this useful to me. So let me give it you instead" -Luna handed a book to Jist

"What's this?" -Jist checked the book

"It's a skill book. You can buy skills at the merchants and in kingdoms" -Luna

Jist swiped his hand to see the description.

|Skill Book: Cover|

|Description: Summons shield on your designated area|

|Do you wish to learn this skill?|

|Yes - No|

"I can learn it" -Jist

"Try it" -Luna just staring at Jist while smiling

Jist clicked Yes and the book emits a light then vanished after. Jis stood up eager to try the skill

"Cover!" -Jist

A shield was summoned on where he wants it to be

"So basically I can summon it from the long distance. I can even summon it around you." -Jist

"Yes" -Luna.

Jist smiling as he learns something from Luna. He decided to make a plan tonight so He bid farewell to her. He went back to his tent and prepared his integra so he could take notes of the information..