They still have a story to tell
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My brain began to spin as I watched Veronica not really knowing what to do to get out of this situation, perhaps annoyed by my silence, without warning her gaze became more intense, what I believe was a current of magical energy emerging from her being until it rises to her head forming a small golden crown that floats above her, enveloping her in a supernatural aura.

"A fairy." I finally managed to understand a little of the situation as I blurted out those words.

"So it's true that you know something."

I am amazed, almost stunned by the magnitude of what is happening. How is it possible that this girl is a fairy? My suspicions about her nature can wait, even more so when her response all but confirms that she is. I can feel my own perception of the world blurring. Everything you thought you knew about reality is shaken by the evidence that there is much more to this world than you previously thought.


I can't stop laughing, despite the initial fear, I can't help but feel a strange fascination with what is happening.

The Fairly OddParents is a very long series, with 10 seasons to be exact, during that time a lot of events happened and a lot of characters were introduced, I was never personally bothered by that, but as the seasons progress the older characters They were left aside or even disappeared in favor of showing more of the new characters.

I remember an interview with the creator of the series where he said that it was decided not to need these characters anymore because there were no good stories left to tell about them, it is understandable, obviously if you add new characters you are going to focus on giving them a story, a personality , a life or context which they will play in the series, if you focus more on the old characters why bother creating new ones,

I can't help but wonder if it was really all they had, if there really was nothing good left to tell, and now faced with proof, that the characters I thought I knew were more than I thought they were, while I laugh I can't help but think.... no, I think the word I'm looking for is hope, I can't help but have hope about this world, that the people in it still have stories to tell.

Looking at Veronica's expression, which seems very confused, I compose myself and stop laughing but still keep the emotion in my body.

"Sorry, I got a little emotional."

"You are not afraid?" She answers after a small silence.

"Why should I? You can't do anything to me, at least not directly." I say, willing to test everything I think I know about this world in this conversation.

"Oh, but there are many things I can do even if I don't hurt you directly."

"Aren't you worried that the fairies will find out about this? Threatening a child who is barely 8 years old in this way should not be seen very well, taking into account what I have heard about the world of fairies, the secrets are particularly difficult." to hide the people from there"

"You know a lot and not so much at the same time, only the "wishes" have to be recorded without exception, we do not have to record all the magic we use unless it exceeds a certain threshold of amount of magic to be done or if it is some forbidden magic, And if even taking every measure to keep it a secret they find out, well, let's just say no fairy will believe you're just a child."

"No fairy will believe that I'm just a child, huh? And that's the reason you've been stalking me, right?"

"I didn't stalk anyone, I was just a little curious, and don't change the subject, how much do you really know?"

"Not much."

"Well, if you don't want to talk, I'll have to force you." Her wand begins to glow and a supernatural light surrounds me.

"You are under the effects of my magic, from now on you cannot lie."

"Oh really?"

"Not really, that would be mind control and I can't do it but if you try to lie it will hurt a lot."

"Isn't it too violent?"

"I am not in favor of violence, I only treat you this way because you threatened me and you are very suspicious, now respond."

"As I said before not much really, I thought I knew a lot but now I can't be sure."

"Strange, that was definitely the face of someone who knew something, how can you not be sure now?"

"I didn't know you were a fairy until now."

"So what was the secret?"

"I just thought I'd reveal your tendency to stalk and your obsession with Trixie Tang."

"It's true that I like Trixie a lot more than other people, but she doesn't get to the point of obsession."

-I guess something happened that made me end up crazy wanting to be Trixie. -

I try to maintain eye contact, seeking to convey tranquility and confidence through my eyes. "I know it may be tempting to use your powers, but I'd rather not be the target of your magic right now. Can we just talk like two normal people?"

"I do not trust you."

"I'm sorry about that, I guess I was on guard against everyone and I ended up taking it out on you, now I'm better, and above all seeing you in your fairy form meant a lot to me, more than you could imagine."

"I guess since you're not lying, I'll accept your apology. I don't know why I mean so much to you, but you're still too suspicious to leave me alone."

"You say that but don't exalt yourself because I was suspected in the first place."

"You don't look like a child, your heart is too old."

"Is my heart sick?"

"Not your silly literal heart, you can think of the heart as a phenomenon that manifests when the soul and will interact, we fairies can feel that and yours doesn't feel like a child's."

"Because I don't consider myself a child."

"And if you're not, how did you end up like this? Or why do you think I'm obsessed with Trixie?"

"I don't really know, when I opened my eyes I was a child again, as for Trixie, I believe it because I saw it, more or less when I'm 10 years old you'll want to be Trixie, although I don't know exactly why."

"A child again and when you're 10 years old? It can't be time travel. Father Time wouldn't allow it, he's not that senile yet."

"I really don't know much more about how I became a child, now, could I go home?"

"Why would I let go?"

"Because you're curious about me, but right now I can't answer your questions. If you let me go, maybe I can find out who brought me here or why."

"Or I could take you to Father Time."

"You won't, he already knows about my existence and you know it, I'm not sure how he affected my arrival in the timeline but I'm sure that the god of time already knows and if he hasn't done anything yet it's because he hasn't." "Does he care or doesn't consider me something bad, you said it yourself, he's not that senile yet, you would just waste your time."

"And what do you suggest?"

"Can you watch me"

"Watching you? I thought you didn't like it."

"Yes, I don't like it very much but you can see it as a sign of trust, I'll show you who I am, then you can judge for yourself what to do from there."

"I don't dislike the idea but your body is that of a child, how much can you do? I can't even feel any kind of special energy from you."

"It may be the body of a normal child but you'll be surprised what I can do, I'm sure."

"I'll keep an eye on you, Timmy Turner."

I wrote this conversation quite a few times and I think that of all the possible conversations I made this was the best, I think something is missing and I don't know what it is but I feel that if I start looking for it maybe the series won't advance from here