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‘Alright, so I've got an hour until I can go back in’ Asher thinks as the VRpod opens. ‘huh? … remember to call Damien then get back to me ugh alright so I got to do that first.’ reach toward the nearby desk he pulls his wheelchair over.  “Do I even still have Damien’s number hump” he mutters hefting himself into his chair.  

Rolling out into the hall begins looking through his contacts. ‘ugh it's not even here ‘ rolling his eyes he calls  Skylar “ hey do you have Damien’s number?” he asks coming to a stop in his kitchen. “ I can see but have you checked with your insurance”  “nope figured I’d check that he’s actually even willing first” “maybe you should do that first.” “true well let me know if you have his number later” he mutters hanging up.

‘hmm I might have their info in my email’ pulling up his email he begins looking through his recent emails. ‘eh a bill from last month?’ he thinks opening an email from the hospital. “we are reaching out to inform you that your insurance did not cover you last appoint. Your outstanding balance is three hundred dollars oh wow so yeah I guess I’ll need to talk to Skylar about getting new insurance first unless I can find someone I could pay out of pocket. At least the hospital is willing to work with me. Hmm how much would I need to pay someone… maybe he knows. Well, I’ll text him and see.’ He thinks glancing at the time. 

“alright just send this and then food” he mutters sitting his phone on the counter. Pulling open the frig. ‘Alright I need to tell  Gavynne about the necklace maybe I can find out more about that silver chest’ grabbing a pack of cold cuts from his frig he quickly throws together a roast beef sandwich 0and grabs a few carrots.

  taking a bit out of his sandwich he pulls up the game forums on his phone. he begins typing “let's see found a silver chest while treasure hunting. I didn’t get a prompt for the key location.” 

‘Alright hopefully they get back to me soon now to pay the hospital.’ he thinks pulling up their number.  “Hello, this is Asher hall I received an email about an outstanding balance. Um, 50550 alright so I either need to come in to pay it or pay online. So all I need to do is click the link in the email and put in ##### as my username and 50550 is my password alright thank you.”

‘well then’ quickly making the payment he cleans his dishes be for making and finishes getting ready before heading back to his VRpod. He checks his forum post as he brings up the nutrient solution tanks.’ alright so I have until next week before I need to add the next pack.’ “Apparently their info for the next update hmm new areas… so wait is it the next update that introduces the stamina and hunger meters or is it just a small bit of info let's see.” he mutters opening some of the older update announcements. ‘huh so they release part of the information every few weeks so theirs still time.; he thinks Hefting himself back into the pod. 

[ character log in ten seconds ]










Initiating now 

‘Wonder if  Avory is still here.’ he thinks coming to his tent. ’Maybe I should check in with Gavynne first’ he thinks, opening his social tab. 'Oh he's offline oh well... Gavynne I've found clues for the quest that we got from that necklace. I'm on my way to Alaric so as to get ingredients that Avory says might help. Let me know when or if you want to meet up. That should do it ...  hmm looks like I didn't add that summoner we helped. Well, I'll just have to add her later ' he thinks sending out the message. 

Shifting into an upright position he opens the front of the tent. “Oh, your awake” calls Avory as Asher ducks out of his tent. “Yeah, are you ready to get going?”Asher asks, putting away his tent.  “Sure we’re not that far from Alaric, not just a bit more, and will be there.  Do you think she made it where she was going?”Avery says, putting his cabin away. “maybe not sure.” shrugging Asher joins Avory on the path. 

“See that big tree over that way?” “yes though it doesn’t seem that far” “well that’s where we’re going. ” Explains Avory as they make their way through the trees. “By the way, what were you going to Alaric for?” Asher asks, glancing at Avory as he ducks under a branch.  “ Well I got a message from Hailey Asking for me to come and take a look at her father,” he says as they reach the road leading into town.

 “Oh I see, did you want me to come with you?”  “Sure, you might learn something from it. We’ll  be meeting them at the town hall.”  Avery says as they pass the tree line.  Following the path, they make their way to the town.

‘looks like I’ll just have to wait to find the cherries then.’ he thinks as he follows Avory through the crowded streets. ‘That must be where the market is.’ “Alright the library is over there and this here is the town hall.  was there anything else you wanted to get here other than the cherries?” asks Avory as he leads Asher to a large brick building. “I was reading about a goddess in Sunmist. Maybe  I can find out more about her here” Shrugs Asher as they make their way inside. 


“Hello, Rick? I am Avory. I was sent a message by Hailey to come and check on Presley.” states Avory spotting Rick's nameplate as he makes his way to a male dwarf at the front desk.  “Okay, let me see if they are free,” Rick says, making his way toward the hall to the right. “Okay thank you,”  says Avory, glancing around the hall.  “Alright well he’s busy but I can see if Hailey is free?” the dwarf states  “sure that works to. “ Shrugs Avory as Rick motions for him to follow him. 


‘oh no, what happened here?’ thinks Asher watching as the room changes from bright sunlight to low candlelight.  “ I need to head home soon” mutters a soft tenner as an older Male elf makes his way to the doorway of the hall.  


Turning toward the sound Asher watches as a Male siren pushes open the hall door. “can I help yo- ow” the elf shouts as he catches a shoulder to his chest dragging him to the floor. Pushing away from the siren he tries to get to his feet. “what did you do to me.” he asks as he struggles on the floor.  “nothing much” huffs a deep baritone as the siren pulls out a length of dark silk placing a needle between his teeth.  

Taking the silk he covers the elf and begins muttering under his breath as he glances around the hall. Pulling the ends of the silk toward each other he pulls out a ribbon turning the silk into a large bag as he ties it off.  Hefting the bag over his shoulder his body begins to shift as the bag shrinks. 

“alright time to get home be for my daughter” he mutters stuffing the bag into his pocket. “Star-” ‘Wait, so who was that elf?’ thinks Asher as the room comes back into focus. “Starbub, this Hailey she’s going to take us to their house,” says Avory waving for Asher to follow him.