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" bored."

Rong Qing Lin was tired.

Very tired.

After struggling in this broken world for so many years.

From an ordinary high school student to becoming the supreme God, Rong Qing Lin endured endless hardships that he previously couldn't even imagine and experienced countless betrayals from his closest companions.

But nobody knew—he did not want such a life. He did not want to be such a man; or god, and now, once again, he was betrayed.

How anticlimactic.

Rong Qing Lin had people who claimed to be life-and-die companions, little brothers who would claim to go through mountains of knives and a sea of fire1Extremely difficult and dangerous situation for him, and women who claimed they wanted to spend their lives with him.

But these people, who previously couldn't wait to throw themselves into his arms, scrambling for his attention, now wanted nothing more than to end him then and there.

"Rong Qing Lin, I advise you to hand over your Godhead peacefully."

“A-Lin, as long as you hand over your Godhead, nothing will happen to you.”

“Come on, Big Brother Rong, give up already. Anyway, it's not like you have a choice, no need to be ashamed.”

They surrounded him, and although they tried to show benevolent and righteous expressions, they couldn't counsel their greed and schadenfreude in on their faces.

People all around him spoke chaotically.

However, Rong Qing Lin remained silent.

His expression carried an unprecedented calmness. 

Not even a twitch.

He glanced at these so-called ‘friends’ and ‘lovers’ one by one......

Slowly a stiff curvature graced his beautiful thin lips.

He had already seen clearly how dark and desperate the world was.

Rong Qing Lin wasn't originally from Yanvorth, but a place called Earth. In his previous world, he was just an ordinary high school student, a complete otaku who was always late to class with a sloppy attitude and lazy expression, since he usually stayed up late watching anime, reading manga, or playing games. Because of this, Xiao Ning, their class president and school flower, would often express her concern for him which would cause frequent bullying and was glared at by both of his male and female classmates for being close to their school flower. 

One day, a magic circle appeared out of nowhere on the floor of their classroom. Realizing something, he tried escaping through the door but for some reason, it could neither be opened nor broken.  

Rong Qing Lin's attempt to escape proved futile as he found himself in the temple of The Goddess of Light in the blink of an eye, in the presence of the Holy Saintess, the Pope, and the leaders of the 8 major races. They called them saviors and heroes asking them to save the continent and defeat the demon God.

Apparently, there are hundreds of thousands of different worlds in the universe, which are roughly composed of the Upper Thousand, the Middle Thousand, and the Lower Thousand. They were from one of the Upper Thousand while Yanvorth was from one of the Lower Thousand. Just by being someone from the Upper Thousand, their potential far surpassed that of the humans of this world, which is why, their Goddess exerted a large amount of her power to summon them and fell asleep to recuperate, unable to return them to their original world. 

Originally the group was quite united and encouraging until they checked their status. All of his classmates had cheat-like jobs and their stats reached hundreds just by being level one. He, however......


Name: Rong Qing Lin                         Lvl: 1

Age: 17 years old                         Gender: Male

Bloodline: Human

Class: ???

Active Skills: [Gluttony(???)]

Passive Skills: [Language comprehension (L)], [Life Essence Absorption (A)]

Strength: 30                        Endurance: 30                        Dexterity: 30                       

Agility: 30                        Intelligence: ???                        Mana: ???                       

Charisma: 95

Because of this, he was tormented even more. He didn't have a class, his only active skill [Gluttony] for some reason couldn't be used and he didn't even have any Mana or Intelligence, and his highest state was Charisma.

Initially, he didn't think much of it. It wasn't his first time receiving strange looks and being so-called pranked.

After 2 months of training, the most he could do was fight an ordinary soldier on equal footing.

One day, before entering the Doungen of Wrath, he was inexplicably approached by Xiao Ning. She obliquely forced a confession on him, saying things like she would protect him with her life, he should not be embarrassed being protected by a girl and whatnot, running away right after.

But who knew....this would be the turning point of his life.

The 50th floor was a trap and they were caged in with a level 10000 humongous Leviathan. While escaping, he was betrayed by one of his classmates, stabbed in the chest, and pushed off a cliff, triggering another trap and falling into the Dark Abyss.

Rong Qing Lin spent 5 years in the Dark Abyss killing and eating monsters, growing his power mastering forbidden martial arts, and escaping from the Dark Abyss. 

He returned.

And took his revenge.

But instead of killing them and dirtying his hands, he just took away their Skills and levels.

As for Xiao Ning, she was already married to the Duke of the Elf kingdom. And although he didn't do anything to her it was not because of any non-existing favorable feelings he had for her, but rather it was because she was pregnant.

Even if his three worldviews were now questionable, he still had a bottom line, which he was unwilling to cross no matter what.

But despite him not doing anything, they came to him calling him the servant of the demon god.

From then on Rong Qing Lin lived like a street rat. Cautiously sneaking around, treading on thin ice, always threatened by hunger and death, which made him indifferent to and distrustful of all.

Even though he later grew stronger and stronger, he had been careful not to reveal his strength and identity and disguised himself with a harmless and gentle mask. With this mask, he was slowly able to gain some brothers and sisters.

And now, it happened again.

Rong Qing Lin had been betrayed again and again.

Previously, every time someone discovered his secret they would plot to chase him down and kill him, wanting to take his bounty and treasures for themselves. In order to avoid those types of people, who sought to possess it, he tried not to tell others about himself.

Later, he stood at the top of the continent and became the supreme God, not having to fear anyone anymore. He did not have to sleep while death would not come naturally to him anymore, but he could no longer trust anyone.

Life became boring.


So Rong Qing Lin decided to do an experiment and the result, as always, was the same.  

But it proved to be quite an interesting source of entertainment. 

Thinking this, the indifferent expression he wore suddenly became gentle, and he slowly spoke, “Do you want my Godhead?” As he spoke, he opened his black shirt to reveal a firm pale muscular chest, littered with countless injuries, both new and old.

The men and women surrounding him did not understand the meaning of his actions, but they were surprised when they discovered that he really was a god. In no time at all, they took their positions in order to achieve an outcome that would benefit themselves.

Rong Qing Lin’s expression became more and more amiable and appeared to be touched by these kind-sounding promises. He spoke slowly, in an affectionate tone, but his words were as cold as ice. “I have long integrated my Godhead into my heart. Now it is a part of my body. If you want it, I am afraid, you will have to dig it out. ”

The moment his words fell, the atmosphere in the crowd suddenly became silent. All façades of friendship and love were torn to shreds, filling the air with unrestrained killing intent. 

Rong Qing Lin did not put up any resistance at all, allowing countless sharp blades to pierce his body. At last a bloody hand stabbed its blade directly into his heart.

Those present no longer hid their own ugly faces, one after another chasing that precious treasure that had belonged to the world’s strongest, all failing to notice the small, half-hearted smile on Rong Qing Lin’s face.

He lay back and recalled his life. Skating on thin ice since birth, he had experienced countless struggles both in his previous world and this world. He, whose memories mixed with blood and tears, all too clearly felt the familiar taste of death.

Rong Qing Lin was never one to fear death. No matter how hard his life was, he had only one belief—survive. Now, however, as he was dying, he thought that perhaps this was more interesting.

The most interesting thing about his Godhead was that it was not just one with his heart physically, but it was also linked to his destiny. What his enemies did not know was that Rong Qing Lin’s body and even his being had become one with his Godhead, even without his heart. If his body came to ruin, the Godhead would be destroyed, and if that happened it would take the whole continent towards complete annihilation.

These foolish people would be completely ruined by their own insatiable greed.

Rong Qing Lin closed his eyes.

At this time he was filled with an unprecedented calm—he even showed the first true smile that he could recall for the longest period of time. At the moment of his death, the curse of his life would finally end.

At the end of the 4th century, Rong Qing Lin's Godhead was destroyed. The mainland was plunged into unprecedented chaos, and humanity almost perished except for a small remnant that survived with difficulty. After many years of recuperation, they were eventually able to enter a new era.

Since then, although the source was unknown, the proverb that has proliferated is that “Greed leads to destruction.”

Therefore, the old legend must not be forgotten.

Otherwise, the wrath of the Supreme God will befall you.