Chapter 60- Cause MONEY
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“W-why do you even want the manal figure in the first place?” asked Mikhail while trying to ignore the souring pain on his chin.

“Cause MONEYYYYY, you dimwitted blondie. There are quite a few people who died from the Fahrenheit disease. But there are lots who didn’t die. Some just gone insane. They will never be cured without taking care of the high temperature and pain. Oh, just imagining all the shit I can earn from that! Come over here you”

Sergei licked his lips like a lizard and sat on Amanda’s thighs. She looked at him angrily but as Sergei gently caressed her cheek and kissed her on her forehead. She let out a squirm and dodged his lusting glare.

“Hey, you. Stop it” hissed Diego at him.  

He was just sitting right next to them with both legs tied together and his arms behind his back.


Sergei gave him a mean look but Diego continued:

“You know, I hate to say this. But I can’t let you to do that. At least not yet.”

“Oh, what are you going to do?”

Diego bended his knees then jumped up to his feet. Some of the members instinctively got up to their feet, reaching towards their bag or wristboard. But looking at the cautiousness of his own men, Sergei laughed.

“Come on. He got all his limbs tied up. Don’t be such worrywarts. You’re only making our team look uncool. So, little brown man. What you gonna do?”

Diego looked at him blankly then turned around to face Amanda, who stared at him with a bit of hope in her eyes. But it soon turned to despair as Diego bended down and slammed his head at her face by swinging his whole body to the right. She fell to the ground and screamed behind the tape and started mumbling about something. Probably throwing every known curses at him but all they could heard from her was:

“mfhfmfgy@!(‘ ^ ‘)”.

“Okay,  You can rape her now” said Diego and sat down.

Sergei looked at Amanda, to Diego then back to Amanda and gave out a loud laughter.

“Ahh, I think the show you just pulled was more than enough for me. Shin Jian, Kaimen take a good look after them. I’m heading outside for a stroll. I’ll have the girl later. Oh, and take her tape off. It would be better if she weeped and screamed and steamed herself off before that”.

He left the room quickly and slammed the door close. Silence took over the room and the three of them absently looked at one another. When Amanda’s enraged eyes fell upon Diego he dodged it and looked into the corner. Mikhail observed the guards keenly to see if they would allow them a chance to rebel and escape. But chances of that happening seemed slim.

Their hands were tied tight and gloves were put on them to prevent them from typing on their own or anyone else’s wristboard. The captors already opened their menus and checked to see if any of them had a voice command activated spells and blocked Mikhail’s water gentleman spell’s voice activation.

Crushed by the damning facts of reality Mikhail stared blankly at the white ceiling while Amanda began to weep. Those tears were not made up. Her face was swollen red and her body shook with fear.     

“You know. It is still bugging me how you managed to trust these bastards but you couldn’t trust your own comrades” said Mikhail.  

“H-how was I supposed to know t-that something like this c-could-”. 

“Well, being unable to distinguish a friend from a foe is a sign of great stupidity”.

“Shut up. Y-you trusted me too” yelled Amanda with scorn towards him.

“Yeah. I could have stopped you and pressured you to spill everything out. But the past is the past. The river has already flown away. What is the point of crying about it now” said Mikhail gloomily.    

 “It’s e-easy for you to say. You’re n-not the one who’s gonna become a plaything”

“Well, you’re kinda right in that sense. Me being a boy and all. But then again, I admit I would be terrified if Sergei decided to bump me instead. That guy just be crazy enough to do it” said Mikhail and let out a weak chuckle.   

“You think that’s gonna make me feel better?” hissed Amanda angrily at him.

“Pff, I don’t know. What would make you feel better? I’ve had relationships with women before. Yet I still fail to understand them even to this day”.

Amanda looked hopelessly at her surroundings then back to Mikhail.