Chapter 98- Mysterious attacker
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“I’m surprised none of us are going after them” said Amanda with a grim tone.

“No one’s stopping you, madam” said Thompson briskly.

“I don’t have any ride to catch up with them” grunted Amanda.  

“And neither any of us. That’s why we stayed” said Thompson.  

“Was that guy seriously Mikhail’s father? He just mugged his son after greeting him” mumbled Emma.

“Yeah. Oh man, I’m glad that I don’t have parents like that. Haha” said Thompson.

“Do you guys want a drink?” said Diego while emerging from the house with cans of soda.

“Throw me one, aye” yelled Thompson.  

When Diego threw one at him he swiftly caught it with finesse and started drinking.

“Me too” said Emma with a smile and got herself a drink coming from above the air. When she sat down on the ground and drank thoughts regarding the tragedy of the past came into his head. That there were things she had to do. Her free hand automatically approached her bag but she stopped mid way.

It’s your sister, Emma. THAT BASTARD KILLED HER. You have to do something

What can I do? I’m just useless helpless girl. And besides, maybe Mikhail was right. That killing is bad.    

Stop being so WEAK. It’s cause of your weakness that everyone around you will turn dead. If you don’t have the strength to kill that single bastard how can you even protect anyone.  

She shook her head in order to throw the madness in her head out and gulped the rest of the soda down with one breath.

“Darn it. Hope Gabi is okay. Should have bought something that could keep me up with that girl” said Diego and finished his soda.   

Thompson gave the can back to Diego, stretched his limbs took a deep breath.

“Ahh, boy. Hey, I’m heading to the garden. Gonna do a little warm up in case you guys wanna go after them”.  

With that said Thompson enthusiastically headed to the garden of woods in the garden while Diego and Amanda looked at the endless blue sky aimlessly, waiting for their friends to bring the thief dead or alive. Emma however could not show the concern as she was too puzzled and consumed by the possibilities at hand. How she could chase after the killer. Shaking her head, she went back to the house to contemplate.

After getting to the woods Thompson brought out his sword and started slicing air with his terrific moves and strikes.

“Hah. Finally, the wave has arrived at Thompson Watson’s feet. Yet he shows no fear, no doubt”

“He only showed stupidity” said a hoarse woman’s voice from the trees.


Alert and aware of his surroundings, Thompson observed every dark corner of the trees that circled around him.

The voice, it was somehow familiar.

“Show yourself!”

Upon hearing those words a woman walked towards the edge of the giant branch to reveal herself. Long curly black hair, About thirty or so of age, the woman looked menacingly at her prey. Eyes of disgust and hatred were staring him down. And those eyes, the face, the irritated expression. It all brought back memories into Thompson’s brain like flood.


He formed a smile to greet his old family member. But as he had feared the only person not fooled by his charismatic speech and friendly smile was his own sister.

“Don’t insult me with that derpy face, Tom”

“What are you saying, I’m just glad to see-“

“You shouldn’t be glad. You shouldn’t be glad at all. Since I’m the devil whose gonna take you to HELL” said the woman with a shaky voice.


Before he could realize the situation his sister brought up a enormous cyan sword out of her bag and jumped into the air.
