Chapter 35 – End of a Journey
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Chapter 35 - End of a Journey


Living day-by-day alongside its Ruler, there were many times Jae had enquired about Pride.

‘When I acquire the skill, will your voice appear in my head? If not, who will it be?’

‘I know the rest of the sins are supposed to represent the sin itself, but why are you Pride when you’re not haughty?’

‘Why are you so opposed to the idea of me acquiring Pride?’

Many questions, not just about Pride but all seven of the sins, and each and every time, Aphyllanthes―or Aphy as Jae calls her―would dodge the matter in some way.

‘I wonder. You shall find out when you acquire the skill, no?’

‘True pride requires poise, not vexatious arrogance; those who act unpleasantly haughty are merely feigning power over insecurity.’

‘View it from another perspective. Wouldn’t you find it strange to wish for a sinful soul?’

On a surface level, her answers were complete―she responded in a well-enough manner, spewing lines that usually contained some sort of wisdom that felt like it would have come from an ancient philosopher. But Jae knew that wasn’t it.

By now, the two had spent a very long time with each other. As such, they naturally discovered their only conversation partner’s speaking habits, down to their usage of embolalia and individual mannerisms. It was no surprise, really, as rarely did they exhaust potential topics to discuss what with Jae’s vested interest in magic and the new world as a whole.

As a result of that, whether Aphy had intended on it or not, it wasn’t difficult for Jae to pick up on when she was being a little dishonest with her precise selection of words.

Well, it’s okay.

Nonetheless, Jae never confronted her about it―and not because the “opponent” was a dragon.

She probably has a good reason for it.

Judging solely by the Age section of his Status, Jae could tell that it had been somewhere between three and four years since he entered the Pride Dungeon. And, the last time that section showed an ‘18’ instead of a ‘19’ was quite a while ago, so he presumed it to be the third year’s third or fourth quarter. In fact, because Jae’s first birthday inside the Dungeon was only a few months after he entered, he could very well have already hit the four-year mark by now.

And, in all that time, not a day had gone by without Aphy.

The only one who was present, as well as someone who had only been there to converse, teach, and help him for what has since become a significant portion of his life. Although this journey has all blurred and blended into one unending day, it didn’t matter. What was carved into Jae’s mind would be impossible to erase, and what that was, was trust.

Naturally, an unshakeable bond was formed, at least from Jae’s perspective.


“Oh, that smells good.”

“It does, doesn’t it? I caught us another one of those rarer fish just earlier, but I decided to go with that purple spice I mentioned last time instead of the regular Eyaopi.”

Well, though I called it one, is a sea snake really a fish?

“You used Logonoc. A wise decision.”

“Is that what it’s called? Well, anyway, I did some testing and it should taste a lot better now. All the ingredients are freshly harvested, too.”

Sniff. Mm. I can tell. You are doing a better job every time, Jae.”


Ever since eating has become something to look forward to, I’ve really gotten better at it, huh? Hm. I wonder what Level my Cooking has risen to... Ah, man, if only I could check my Status already... No, no, it’s fine. I shouldn’t hyperfocus on it.

“...Hey, Aphy?”

“What is it? Now that you’ve begun to spread that tantalising scent all throughout the house, you’d better serve with haste.”

“...Right. Yes.”

Nevermind then...

Discarding a tempting but unnecessary thought, Jae sighed, shut his mouth and returned his focus to the food at hand. It didn’t take long for the piping hot meal―stacked across multiple plates―to be transported to the dining table, where a hungry dragon awaited it.

“Bon appétit.”

“You have my gratitude. Then, I shall partake.”

The two dug in, and after a while of eating their fill, another dull conversation soon sparked. “Oh, by the way, I know it hasn’t been that long, but do you think I’ll be able to take on a baby dragon soon?”


Wordlessly, Aphy paused in the middle of eating. Gulping down whatever food was stuck in her throat, she stared at Jae with a blank expression.

“Not a chance.”

Her dead-sounding tone of voice said all that was needed.

“What, really? But I thought I had grown a lot...”

“Well now. Would you be surprised if a human baby squashed an ant if it happened to crawl by?”

“...It’s that bad?”

“For the current version of you, indeed it is so.”


Hearing Aphy’s rather strict comparison, Jae was, perhaps understandably, not pleased. Though it wasn't quite right to use the word ‘sulking’, he suddenly felt in such a mood despite knowing it would not help the cause in any way. He knew the reality was far from it, he did, but when constantly faced with someone like Aphy, who truly embodied the definition of an 'unsurpassable wall', Jae felt like his immense growth these past years was worth nothing.

He had gone from a grimy, goblin-eating derelict boy to a well-groomed and healthy young man who was capable of slaying wyverns with a single spellcast and even communicating mentally through the natural force of mana itself.

He knew his current self was incomparable to the past, but during moments like these, he just couldn’t help but feel as if it was all pointless.


Really, what is it for...

“My. What are you moping for now?” Aphy called. Jae, his head half-drooped, glanced up at her questioningly. He didn’t think his face was one that was so easily seen through, but it was as if Aphy had seen right through him. Still, he didn’t sense any telepathy, so he knew it couldn't be the case.

“I’m not moping?”

So, he persisted with the charade.

Aphy, who appeared to have finished her plates clean, was quite a lazy dragon―if he brushed the matter aside, he thought she might comply and leave it alone. Unexpectedly, however, she pressed softly with a gentle yet firm tone that said she had no choice.

“Jae. You have spent an extended period adapting to an environment not meant for you, and as a result, your perspective has gotten skewed compared to the human norm."

"I am not too well-versed in the human perspective, but it is obvious even to me that you are growing more out of touch than you should.”

“It seems I have spent a little too long by your side.“



“I think it is about time to take a small break, Jae. ”


“What?! No, hold on a minute! Wait...”

Wasn’t it too sudden? Slamming the table as he jumped to his feet, Jae’s heart started racing before he knew it, turning his face red. Out of nowhere, dozens, hundreds of complicated thoughts and feelings emerged and zoomed around his mind and heart like a racetrack, erasing all available room to think straight.

“Of course, I am not saying we will never see each other again; I just want you to spend a little bit of time outside the Dungeon. To regain your touch, and retain a connection to humanity.”


“You may not be a human by the World System’s standards, but that doesn’t mean you have to abandon your humanity further. Crossing that line only makes you no more than a monster―and nothing good ever comes from that.”


“In fact, it is rather favourable timing, as there is something I happen to require you to do while you are out there.”


“Jae, are you listening?”

“...Are you serious?”

“Have I ever not been? Don’t spout nonsense.”


Without even realising it, Jae unconsciously clenched his fists. Following a period of mutual silence, he let out a deep sigh and let the reality settle in.

“...Alright. I’ll... take a break.”

If he thought about it even for a second, he knew she was right, but that only made it harder.

It shouldn't... be like this...

Whenever he recalled what it was that kept him going in the first place, all the way back during the days of surviving in the forest...



Jae physically recoiled. Quickly covering his mouth, moments passed but the feeling only persisted. It wasn’t the result of a bodily malfunction, but an emotional one. Leaning over, he confirmed that the contents of his most recent meal wouldn’t regurgitate before removing his hand.

“Are you alright?”

Aphy’s concerned voice piercing through, he reflexively turned to face her.


But that only exacerbated the issue. Jae stared blankly at the dragon lady’s face―the face of someone he had come to heavily rely on―for almost a minute straight when, all of a sudden, the illusion of a certain person’s face began to appear and overlap.

His breath shook.


Muttering a name under his breath, Jae immediately felt something sharp within his chest. He instinctively felt as if he had something abhorrently wrong, and that it couldn’t be taken back, but his mind was trying its hardest to filter it out; that stabbing guilt.

All this time had passed, and he even delayed it further with a bunch of excuses.

Had it been too long?

Was it too late?


Eventually, he came to a decision.

“I should get going.”

Without the slightest hint of a change in her expression, Aphy asked. “Do you know where you will go?”

“...Wherever I need to. It doesn’t matter.”

She nodded. “I see. Will you always remember what I said?”

“What part?”

“All of it, obviously.”

“Oh... Of course.”

“Good. Then, prepare yourself and depart from my realm post-haste; I have heard that the longer you take, the harder that final step becomes. Also...”

Slowly, Aphy rose from her seat. The two now stood facing each other; despite having grown quite considerably in the past few years, Aphy was still the taller one between the two, so Jae had to tilt his head up ever-so-slightly to look her in the eyes.

“What-- what is it...?”

Jae’s voice still faltered as he looked into those exceedingly sharp, golden eyes, despite having long grown accustomed to them.

Although it might've been something hurtful to a regular companion, to Aphy, that was a good sign.

“Just as I have done for you, take good care of those you meet.”

It didn’t make a whole lot of sense when said so suddenly, and it seemed quite an irrelevant ask in the current situation, but Jae thought it best to keep her words in mind anyway. After all, nothing Aphy said had ever been wrong in the past.

“Yes, I will. Then, just give me a moment to get ready.” Everything Jae would need to take with him already had its place somewhere within the cabin, so it didn’t take more than ten minutes to get it all sorted into a single compact backpack.

More than that, since he would be returning after a short while, there was no real need to take a whole lot with him in the first place.

“I’m done.”

“Good. The rift is just beyond the sole estranged hill by the lake's boundary.”

“Right. Oh, didn’t you say there was something you wanted me to do?” Reminding himself, he asked with surging curiosity.

What could Aphy want me to do in the overworld?

“Specifically, an acquaintance of mine sent a notice of recent distress, but well... You can figure it out on your own, I’m sure. Now, stop wasting time and get going.”

“What? How is that fair at all...”

Despite grumbling, Jae still listened to her instructions and headed for the door―he knew from experience that no amount of stubbornness would be sufficient to garner more information, and thus relented easily. As he opened the cabin's door, he half-turned for a final message.

To be honest, it was all happening so quickly that he didn’t know what to think about any of it, nor what to say, but he couldn’t logically disagree that it was the best way to prevent procrastination, and it wasn’t like he could afford to be here for the rest of eternity anyway.

There are things I have to do. I can always come back here later, but for now, she's right.

He had to go and 'recover his sense of humanity', whatever that meant. Then, he would be able to return to Aphy and clear the Pride Dungeon. After all, he knew there had to be some kind of method that didn’t involve the passing of the Dungeon Boss, and he wouldn't accept any other way even if that wasn't the case.

“Um... Haha, it feels a little awkward. I didn’t think saying goodbye could ever feel so difficult, even though I’m not gonna be gone for long.”


“Uh. Anyway, I... I’ll see you soon, Aphy. Take care of yourself.”

“Yes. I shall see you... later. Remember my words, always.”

Jae merely flashed a smile before crossing the door, which closed quietly behind him. Bathed in a newfound, different kind of silence, Aphy stared for a while at the door, its appearance growing immediately cold.

“...How odd. This is the first time...”

She muttered something before turning her head to look over all the different objects, decorations and furniture that littered the inside of the cabin; they had only used it for a while, and yet it appeared as if it had been used as a home for a dozen times as long. Clearly, untold amounts of effort had gone into making it all.


A unique human who wasn’t really human by definition.


Without a doubt, he would face tremendous obstacles in his future―as if by fate.

You have my apology.

And of those obstacles, the Ruler of Dragons Aphyllanthes hoped that she did not have to become one of them.

Do not loathe me.

Jae left the Pride Dungeon.



'Months’ had passed.

And even until the very end.

“Thank you for entertaining me for a while.”

He never returned.



Jae stood before the rift.


Like a black hole crafted from pure magic energy and the size of a small truck, its vibrant appearance was something truly worth being called mystical. Violet-hued with swirling black streaks orbiting the centre, he thought a more precise term might've been 'vortex', but well, it didn't matter.

"Looks sick as hell, though. It won't hurt me when I enter it, right?"

About to take a step forward, he stopped himself.

It wasn't because of something like the fear of danger, but for some reason, he couldn't seem to relieve the tension in his heart as it continued to beat rapidly.

"Tsk... Come on man, why're you being so anxious... No reason for it..."

Hesitating, closed his eyes and stroked a blanket of white fur wrapped around his left arm―the exquisite pelt of a Cloud Wyvern―to calm his nerves. He brought it to use whenever he needed to sleep out in the open, but the unmatched fluffiness of the fur was also great for something like this 'soft therapy'.


He looked back at the rift. No matter how he examined it, he couldn't figure out how it worked.

"I guess it's just a portal, right?"

If he thought about it that way, then it made the most sense to assume it worked off space magic. Unfortunately, he still had trouble using space magic with all that he had learned so far, but at least he could identify the source of it.

It's good enough. I don't really need something so extreme like space magic anyway. Let's just go and get it over with.

Shoving all procrastination to the wayside, Jae forced his body to move and walked forward. Entering the portal, his eyes reflexively shut due to a flash of intense light.


In the next moments, he felt the horrid sensation of his body twisting and contorting, as well as the feeling of falling through the air. That, combined with the inability to open his eyes, filled his heart with apprehension.



Fortunately, the reality lasted only a fraction of how long it felt like, and Jae quickly came stumbling out the other side, falling to the ground.

"Ugh. Annoying..."

Rising to his feet, he brushed the dirt off his body and scanned the surrounding area. It was the first time he had been outside the Pride Dungeon in about four years, and he had always wondered where he would wind up whenever he left. Such thoughts gave him great expectations of this moment for a long time, but...

"...You've got to be fucking kidding me."

Momentarily forgetting about the non-swearing pact he had made a long time ago, Jae couldn't help but curse.

"Another bloody forest...?"

It was to be expected―after all, he never thought the first place he would arrive at after leaving the Pride Dungeon would be right back to the forest.


Is it different...?

Looking closely at the surrounding trees, he thought it was a different forest than before, but it was hard to tell since he hadn't been there for so long.

"Also, what's wrong with this place? Uegh, the air tastes awful..."

Was it simple air pollution? No, it couldn't be―not in a place without civilisation like this.

"Oh...! It's the mana―the magic energy in the air is poor quality compared to the Dungeon... How do I fix this?"

It might not seem like such a big deal on the surface, but for Jae who had adapted to the air of the Pride Dungeon, it felt equivalent to a marine fish being dropped into a freshwater river. Although he wouldn't die unlike the fish, it was still extremely discomforting.

Hm... I can't just release a bunch of magic energy into the air since that would cause an explosion... But can I do it for just the area around my body?

Testing it out, Jae was pleased to find that it worked―by shrouding himself in a thin, invisible layer of 'purified' magic energy, it was like wearing an astronaut or wetsuit.

"Hoo! Wow, that's much better, okay."

It'll make it a lot easier to be found with mana detection, but that's fine. And what's this...

Turning his head, his gaze landed upon the list of notifications that had appeared in the meantime. Since it had been so long since Aphy forcefully disabled them, it felt almost nostalgic.

You have exited the 『Pride Dungeon』
Dungeon Clear Status: 【0.15%】
Due to leaving the Dungeon before the designated Dungeon Boss has been defeated, 『Pride Dungeon』 will not experience collapse
Due to leaving the Dungeon before the designated Dungeon Boss has been defeated, rewards will not be given
Due to escaping the range of the effect, abnormal condition [Status Block] is removed
Due to escaping the range of the effect, abnormal condition [Pride Block] is removed
Due to escaping the range of the effect, abnormal condition [Level Block] is removed

"'Dungeon Clear Status'... Huh."

Reading through all of it carefully, it was fairly intuitive to understand.

"Is it trying to say I won't be able to clear it unless I kill the Dungeon Boss? What bullshit..."

Jae more or less expected that to be a clear condition, but for it to be stated so straightforwardly was almost disgusting.

...We'll see about that.

Unless there was a second Dungeon Boss or something, there was no way in hell he would do that―even if it meant no clearing the Pride Dungeon at all.

In any case, although he didn't understand what the 'Level Block' thing was about, Jae could easily understand that 'Status Block' was what was preventing him from viewing his Status; likewise, 'Pride Block' probably prevented him from acquiring the Pride skill.

Since she seemed so adamant about it for whatever reason. Anyway, did she limit my Level without me knowing or something?

He couldn't think of a reason as to why, but it must have been the case. As he was about to open his Status and check all that had changed in the past years, all of a sudden, Jae's ears pricked up.

"Hm? Was that...?"

It sounded like... a human scream.


'Take care of those you meet'.

Recalling the words she had said not even that long ago, he contemplated. Is this what you meant by that?

Asking a question only she would be able to answer, Jae exhaled. It wasn't like Aphy could see the future, but it certainly felt that way sometimes.

"...Fine, then."

If that was what she wanted, he would help them.