Chapter 6: The Draft(2)
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After 2 hours, our bus made it to the top of the hill. I dropped the rope and desperately panted for air. “Damn, that shit was tough!” One of Noah’s friends, a dark skinned tall slender boy with blonde hair and brown eyes who had carried the brunt of the trucks weight began handing out water.

Noah shook the boy’s hands. “It’s a good thing you came Dom, I don’t know what we would have done without you. Dominic Brown excelled in magic whilst most Ferron soldiers are good with their fists. People who posses excellent magic prowess usually end up at the academy.

“Don’t worry! I didn’t wanna stay in school anyways.” Dominic began to drink the water and offered me one. “You thirsty?” He smiled brightly as he offered me the bottle.

“Why didn’t you want to become a magician instead?” I stood up and questioned Dominic.

 “Too boring. Magicians don’t even make much here anyways.” Dominic looked down the hill at the incoming people. Bodies where scattered across the ground. Many people could not stand up to the challenge.

“I really wonder how there gonna get home” Charlie finally managed to get his first few words out in awhile. He was the most out of shape. I’m surprised that he didn’t pass out.

More time passed and the last few people made it up the slope. Turns out, the big fancy bus didn’t even budge from its spot. The Instructor began to count all the remaining heads. “138, 139, 140, 141!” He pulled out his large megaphone and began to scream again. “OKAY THEN. ONLY 141 OF YOU GUYS ARE LEFT. REST WELL HERE, WE LEAVE FOR THE CAPITAL TOMORROW MORNING.”

Why the capital? I hate that place. I entered the building and found the room which was assigned to my number. Noah counted all the beds and figured out that there was exactly enough for all of us. “I wonder if they already knew how many people where gonna be left.”

“I call top bunk!” Charlie and the other boys began to claim there beds rapidly. I decided to bunk with Noah.

“You know what would make this ten times better?” August Reid began monkey climbing the pole that was attached to his bed. His shaggy red hair and eyes made him easily recognizable.

“What would make this better.” Charlie decided to listen in on what the red head had to say.

“OH, I don’t know… Kinda feels cramped in here with all these guys y’know?” Charlie looked as August with confusion.

“How do you expect Charlie to understand what your tryna say?” Thomas Cryer began to snicker. Out of everyone here, he was probably the person I hated the most.  “Hey Charlie, have you ever had a girlfriend?” Once talk about girls became clearer, many of the other guys began listening in.

“Shouldn’t you guys be focusing more on the draft?” I didn’t want to hear them bully Charlie for the whole night.

“Don’t ruin the mood Ethan” Thomas hopped off his bed and approached Charlie. Thomas was one of the strongest guys here, a medium build with a short buzz cut. His hair was jet black, similar to Noah’s.

“Charlie could get any girl he wanted with these abs!” Ethan grabbed the squirming boy’s belly and pinched it.

“Hey, hey can you stop???” Charlie looked extremely uncomfortable.

“Look at it jiggle!” The boys began to laugh. I didn’t want to be seen as a mood killer, so I laughed too.

“Okay, back to the main topic” August seemed to have everyone’s attention. “Who here wants to peak at sexy girls ??”  No one was going to answer that question truthfully.

“How the fuck are we supposed to do that when there are no girls here?” Dominic seemed to be annoyed by the whole situation.

 “That’s what I’m saying!” August pushed his hair out of the way. “That’s why I wanna become a soldier! Nothings better than a woman in uniform!”

Charlie stared into the ceiling. “Imagine just how nice the girls would look in their mage uniform! Skin-tight leggings and mini skirts all the way!”

 “Why the fuck are you always so horny?” Thomas had finally gotten back to his bed. “I bet outta all of us here, your gonna be the last to lose it.” I couldn’t hold back my laughter, nor could any of the other guys.

“Who gives a damn? Once we invade Bathoria I’ll have all the woman you could ever dream of!” August got up from his bed and approached Thomas.

“What makes you so sure that you’re not gonna get killed by a demon before that?” Thomas matched August’s stare down. It looked as though they where about to fight.

 “Yo can you guys chill out?” I grabbed Thomas’ handed and forced him to stop the fist he was making.

 “Why the fuck do you keep getting in my way punk?” Thomas punched me in the face with his opposite hand. My mind blanked for a second as I fell to the ground. There’s no way that I’m just going to take that.

I got back up and returned a fist to his stomach. Boys began to get out of their beds to stop the fighting. Instead, it turned into an all-out slugfest with Noah and Dominic having to break everything up.

 “WHAT’S GOING ON IN HERE??” one of the bus drivers had entered our room. Thomas, August, and I who started the fight where sent down to the department to explain the situation.

“Do you three even want to become Soldiers?” The instructor groomed his goatee and sharpened his gaze on us.

“Sorry sir, I won’t do it again.” I decided to apologize as quickly as possible. I can’t miss this opportunity to join the military.

“What’s your name kid?” He seemed interested in me for some odd reason.

“Sir, my name is Ethan Warren.” I answered him as best as I could, saluting in the process.

“Ah I see.” His eyes went cold. It looked as though he was trying his best not to throw up while looking at me. “I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

I looked at him in shock but kept my head down. He was definitely talking about my father. Thomas snickered beside me. I tried my best to keep my cool. I’ll take the embarrassment now, but I promise to return it ten-fold!