°**. And I am a duke’s daughter! Well, almost.
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Mother, father, you know, it is bad to make your daughter to choose between you two, right?

"I swear, Redmond, though I shouldn't. If you make her startled like that again I will ban you from playing with her"

"Margo, I know, you are not cruel. But I don't understand why are you so possessive about her? You are always at home and I may not have a day like this till winter"

"It doesn't mean that I am free, darling! Territory management..."


With this little noise we all have turned our attention to its source. It is a disapproving maid.

"Lady Rafaella's breakfast is ready."

And just like that I was taken away by the cute made. I guess that maid is a boss and this maid is my nurse.

Wow! Just wow! This must be a dinning hall. And it's WOW! I would have never dared to even enter into such room in my previous life. Stone and glass. How do they make stone to shine like a glass? I don't know. My chair is made of wood and has 4 pillows. Isn't it for dinning? What if I dirty it? Aww... And what about my dress?! It's too pretty to eat in it.


"What is it little lady? Are you hungry? Well, don't you worry. Even your parents cant change your schedule. It is breakfast time"

She puts me in the chair and offers a piece of bread. Um... won't you wash my hands first?.. Guess she won't. Other maids beside wall don't object her either.

"Here is your bread. Take it in your hand"

But my hands are dirty. I was crawling on the floor. By the way, have you washed your hands before taking this peace of bread?...

"Come on, Rafaella, take the bread."

Aww! She is too cute. But I can't take food with dirty hands. Its feels totally wrong to eat it! I need a compromise. Quick! Lets take this bread first, then think. Now she is giving me a spoon. OK, I will take that. Aww... Her smile is bright like a morning Sun, isn't it?.. Don't you think I'm saying 'Aww' to much myself? Aww...  Aww! I should just eat. It's a porridge and I have a spoon, so have a nice meal me.

This body is clumsy. I need a lot of concentration just to put the spoon in my mouse. Even more since I don't want to drop anything on this beautiful dress. I don't know how long it took me, but the plate is empty and the bread is whole. Hooray! I want to drink. Should take my cup carefully... with both hands... bring to my mouth...

"Ah, Redmond..."
This is mother's voice and it's coming closer.
"If Sir Gravo had seen you like this, he would has never chosen you as his Vice duke"

I've dropped the cup. This can't be.

*Sob, sob*

"Oh, Rafaella, it's OK"


"Lets change you right away. Come here."


"What have happened?"

"I apologize, my lady. Young lady Rafaella has splashed the water and needs a change."


. . . 


"Rafaella, it's OK, it's just water. I will change you right away. Rise your hands, please."


Don't you dare to say that I am exaggerating myself. I am DUKE's daughter in the otome game. That cannot be good. How can I be the vileness? Me, who couldn't even get rid of a stray cat because he looked so sad. It's hopeless. I'm just going to be used and disposed. No, no, no, no, no, no... please...


"You are all right now, young lady"
I don't think so, but I can't resist your cuteness.

"Knock, knock, Rafaella, it's daddy..."

"Sir Redmond! You cannot intrude in lady's changing room! Get out!"

Is my father a real duke? He was just told of by a maid. Wait, my father is a vice duke. May be that is not enough to become a part of the royal family? Ah, but being engaged with another duke isn't much better, is it? It won't matter with whom I will be paired. He is going to be heroine's love interest, isn't he?

"But Sully, I am her father"

"Exactly! You should be an exemplary gentleman in front of her"

"Ah! Lady Tiana, my apology. But is there a reason to be so strict?"

"Of course, what is acceptable for father will eventually be acceptable for a man."

"A, a, a, A MAN?!"

Ah, my father! My father won't let anyone to hurt me. That is right! 

"I, I understand Lady Tiana. But please, let this time be an exception... Hey Sunny..."

But what if my father won't be around?


Or what if something happens to him?


What if something happens to him because of me?


"I...*sob* I...*sob* I will be in the playing room"

I can't even see my father's back as he running away, because tears have swollen my eyes again. Father I am sorry.

"Aaaa, Aaaa"