After the battle
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After the battle, Rudina sat down next to the evil bitch she killed. “Assume makes an ass out of you and me, bitch.” She then walked over to her service pistol and returned it to its holster.

She then rested a few minutes, as that battle winded her worse than she could have guessed. Garth looked around at all the bodies, woke both Brenner and Helga, and then collected their dead and removed their gear and wrapped them in cloth, their gear was placed into Garth’s Bag of Holding, While Brenner and Helga prepared a Holy fire to burn their bodies in a purifying fire, They also dragged as much flammable material as possible to make it so the fire would spread uncontrollably. At the same time, they rounded up the surviving slaves and led everyone back to the main level. They instructed the freed slaves to unlock every slave in the castle.

Rudina looted the other sword from Morafmorke, might as well keep it as a souvenir. However, she realized she had met the requirements of this sword as well and would be bonded to it in her first period. “What an odd pair of swords.” She said, “One requires a male to give up a penis, and the other requires a woman to be fertile.”

“Elves!” Spat Garth, “I will never understand them. Odds are those blades were meant for someone like you in the first place, once you get to know them, who knows what their true potential could be.”

After a few hours, they found the surviving Slaves, and they even found that most of the young men taken from the village had not yet been processed and were held in one of the towers. Rudina found the remains of Randell and removed its head.

The freed slaves also showed the party to the special passage that led them to the shore, as to avoid the difficulty of having to row a couple of hundred rescued slaves across the shore.

Once across the Shore, Garth did one final thing. I think its safe to do this now. He cast a very strange spell. It seemed simple, he made a slight gesture with his hand, he said a few rapid-fire words. Then he said in simple words. “I wish to Collapse this cavern and make it impassable for all time.”  Then he passed out. And the cavern with the castle and lake and the massive spider web collapsed into itself and became a solid wall.  

They were done, they headed home. Garth didn’t wake up for a few days, and when he did, he looked older than he was when Rudina first met him. He whispered to her, in a faint voice, “Never cast a wish spell unless you mean it. It takes a lot out of you.”